Is it possible to have multiple Traps powers out at once?




I'm just wondering if you can have out more then one Poison Trap, Triage Beacon, and Acid Mortar at the same time.

I know Force Field Generator you cannot as one is destroyed when you create another.

I know Caltrops you can and the same goes for Trip mine.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:



FFG is the only Traps power that destroys the old one when you summon it. The others can be doubled up depnding on your recharge.



I thought that was the point of traps? O_o

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I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Seeker Drones also replace the old ones, iirc.
True however they almost never last that long. Most people use them just to take the alpha any way.

Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
I thought that was the point of traps? O_o
It is. Traps is a great set on an MM, I dont even have Hasten on mine and I can put down 2 Acid Mortars and 2-3 caltrops. Most spawns don't last that long tho but that's solo on 0 (x8).

On most teams it wont matter because there moving so fast, in fact what I do is go ahead to the next group and drop Poison Trap/Acid Mortar in body guard mode.

Trip mine is great if you set up a lot of them then pull a lot of mobs into them and instakill them all; But most of the time you would have been better off just attacking outright due to the time it takes to set that up right.

Edit: Oops forgot what forum I was in on Cors traps is a bit different because you have nothing to guard you or even to distract the mobs I haven't gotten my DP/Traps up to 50 yet but Seeker drones and Poison trap are VERY important to a Cor as in Acid Mortar don't forget that you are both a Ranged damage dealer AND a Buffer/debuffer as a Cor always De-buff first solo or on a team you'll be far more useful to every one that way. also don't forget that your damage mitigation is in the fear effect of Caltrops and Acid Mortar as well as the hold in Poison Trap. I would defadently put a Lockdown chance for +2 mag hold in Poison Trap.

I would also skip Triage Beacon on a Cor but thats a personal prefance. Also both Time bomb and Trip mine on a Cor because Time bomb SUCKS and unless your soft caped you'll never get Trip Mine off. (Solo on a team you might get it off but teams don't even need that IMO)

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



@Bronze Knight

I agree with your comments on Robot Traps. I wish my MM went that way instead of Force Field.

But as was mentioned I use seekers to take alpha and I just follow them in with Force Field gen going and drop poison trap, Triage beacon, and caltrops in that order and pretty much have no issues. I am not at defense cap yet so sometimes on some higher level mobs I use a purple. But between Sonics and Traps, wow. Defense cap is such a big deal I'm almost wondering if I should respec the rest of my toons to get the defense cap.

As for the rest, yea I wasn't sure if I was just at the timer limits with acid mortar and such or it was despawning when I created another acid mortar. I haven't been in a team yet with a kin to be able to drop several mortars to make sure. But recently I was able to level up a bit and make some changes to my build that just started me seeing several Trap items up.

But thanks for all the input

1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:



Acid Mortar has a timer, ammo limit, and health the loss of any will cause it to despawn. It has 10 shots and lasts 60 seconds so you have to get your recharge down to less than 60 from its base of 90 seconds. Also it will only use one shot per mob so you need to have a lost of mobs to get the most of having 2 out in the first place. I don't think I have ever seen 3 out at once maby If you got hasten and a kin and slotted for recharge but its not worth it. (IMO)

On Triage Beacon a Cor gets very little use out of it for any thing other than EB/AVs. (IMO) If you have it and your play style works with it more power to you.

And yes the similarity between Bots/FF and paint drying are few and far between

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
Acid Mortar has a timer, ammo limit, and health the loss of any will cause it to despawn. It has 10 shots and lasts 60 seconds so you have to get your recharge down to less than 60 from its base of 90 seconds. Also it will only use one shot per mob so you need to have a lost of mobs to get the most of having 2 out in the first place. I don't think I have ever seen 3 out at once maby If you got hasten and a kin and slotted for recharge but its not worth it. (IMO)

On Triage Beacon a Cor gets very little use out of it for any thing other than EB/AVs. (IMO) If you have it and your play style works with it more power to you.

And yes the similarity between Bots/FF and paint drying are few and far between
Acid mortar is not affected by +RECH buffs, and lasts 60 seconds and attacks every 6.1 seconds such that it cannot attack more than 10 times.

It has no ammo limit, that's just a side effect from it's real restrictions.

Theoretically if you could affect it's recharge, it would attack more often.



I've had up to two Mortar's up on my MM Traps, I assume Corr Traps is no different.

Multiple Traps, yes, yes you can, Triage can have two up, but its usually only for a few seconds.

Caltrops, Poison Trap, Acid Mortar, and Trip Mines are examples of being able to have multiples on most occasions.



so in question to the acid mortar doubling up, if you can get two out at once, would it be possible to get double the debuffs? and how much is it actually possible to stack on one target?

Im thinking about trying a traps in pvp, but if you can only get one mortar per mob as was mentioned earlier, one grenade wouldnt really cut it.



Originally Posted by Predatoric View Post
so in question to the acid mortar doubling up, if you can get two out at once, would it be possible to get double the debuffs?
This was the question I had too. I could be wrong but I don't believe it does. I haven't checked the numbers to be sure.

But I do know one thing for sure, traps is bad in pvp, especially now in pvp 2.0. Webnade and acid are the more useful things, and that's about it. It's simply because the debuffs have no mobility to it. Even if you tried to tp foe a player into a ton of trip mines, they get a split second of untouchable status. Meaning more than half of the bombs won't deal damage the second they trigger from the teleport.

Triage is not mobile and limits moving room, so no good.

Caltrops don't slow people with super speed, no matter if you slot it for slows. It simply triggers travel supression as normal attacks do. But I suppose you may once and a while reveal someone in invis if they accidentally move on it. And that's a stretch even if you color it like a gritty floor color.

Webnade is great still.

Acid mortar is immobile and you may get a hit or two in on a player who's nearby, but that's the extent of the range.

Poison trap is decent for the throwing up part. But luring a player into it is another story. The actual debuff is better if they stand in it... which most players will try and get out of it ASAP. And the debuff lasts 10 seconds after, not that long at all. And again, it's immobile and only in a small area. Players will be on the move constantly.

Drones aren't very useful against players, the tiny debuff just isn't enough to do anything meaningful. It does a blind effect... but it also does a damage as well, so it blinds then deals damage to reveal everything again.

The trip mine, well I mentioned this. Coaxing a player into it is harder now then it was before.

Time bomb... I'm pretty sure this has never hit a player since it was first made.

No for corrupters this is a turtling set, and that's more suited for the mastermind.

Former King of PWNZ
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Actually, i have once hit a blaster with time bomb had to cap defence to plant, then teleport at the correct time which is a real pain in the butt to figure out, but its not as hard once you figure it out in pve, in fact in pvp its more effective using it that way than it is trip mine because of the untouchable status you mentioned.

However, its incredibley difficult to do without practice and even then, one miss with tp ruins your day

Thanks for the advice about acid mortar, i also asked on the pvp forum for a reply to that but no one answered lol. Guess its back to good old /ice