Red Side Market Defeats Me :p
I'm so used to redside prices that when I glance at heroside I feel like everything is a bargain
(a few exceptions though, notably the pvp IOs)
I don't think I've ever spent even as much as 2 billion on a hero. Maybe that much on my purpled blaster, who has 3 different damage sets, but I bought most of those purple recipes last Summer and Fall when they seemed to be cheaper. Is it just my imagination, or have purples continued to go up in price despite what everyone predicted with the coming of the new mission settings?
Yes they have, unfortunatly the release of the new mission settings coincided with the fixing of a bug that was causing level 50s to earn about half as much Inf as they should. So while the supply increased it didn't increase enough to counter the increased earning power of level 50s.

On the one hand, if I pull down my Gravitation Anchor bids I'll instantly have some 250 to 275 million infamy back. Maybe more, although most of my bids are on the low side and may not fill for weeks if at all.
On the other hand, other immobilize sets pretty much suck. So I'd rather suck it up and try to get the one that's actually going to make my character better.
But really, I spent some 750 million on things like Obliterations and Kinetic Combats and Luck of the Gamblers. Not even the uniques. I know I spent more than I should... but still.
Anyway, most of my other bids have already filled so barring any further purple sets as money permits, my brute should be in fine shape. ^_^ Which means I'll want to play the character more, which will help me earn more money.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
So I spent all my play time yesterday and today on my top two villains, and I hardly did anything.
I respec'd my level 50 DM/EA brute and, with 1 billion influence, tried to completely redo the character according to my latest planned build. This involved a lot of buying recipes and waiting for salvage bids to go through, and buying salvage from AE, and running a couple of missions in AE to get more tickets (ran the Mercedes Lackey arc, it was okay, and later the "Relativity Be Damned" arc which was a great deal of fun).
I also respec'd my 43 bots/dark MM. She had about 600 million, and I only spent about 200 million fixing her up, although it still took much of the weekend to accomplish.
Anyway, my build for my brute was fatally flawed. I had decided to use power sink and dark consumption both and forgo Fitness/Stamina entirely, which allowed me to pick up some other powers I wanted such as most of my EA powers and my own personal widow pet. I was also trying to build in as much smashing/lethal defense as I could, which still amounted to something less than 30%, and meant I was running six toggles with tough and weave. The flaw would have become evident eventually I think, but was extra obvious when I was exempted down to 26 for the Mercedes arc (I was set to +4 at the time). I was bleeding endurance all over the place, even as I chewed blue inspirations like candy. It wasn't pretty.
I spent some time trying to rework my new build to factor in as much recovery as possible, but then I decided to give up. Even in the best of circumstances, a long fight was going to be a problem. Sooo... I went back to the drawing board, stuffed Stamina back into the build, and after debating with myself for a while gave up on the idea of much defense at all and dropped Weave. It's not such a great power anyway, and I still wanted Power Surge and my widow pet. Had to get rid of Dark Consumption (not really needed with stamina and power sink) and touch of fear (nice power but I rarely used it, and I have midnight grasp to freeze an enemy anyway).
Then I used two vetspecs to disassemble my new build and sell off parts of it, which eventually returned about 250 million back to me (still got some stuff for sale, of course). And I spent a lot more time bidding on recipes and the salvage to craft 'em. Also rolling bronze rolls to raise more money.
I still don't like the redside market, but I finally have my brute to where I'm pretty happy with her. She's still pretty squishy, but that's normal for EA anyway I guess. She has a nice 1-2-3-4 attack of shadow punch, smite, air superiority and siphon life, and can throw in quite a bit of AoE with Soul Drain, Dark Obliteration, Power Sink and Lightning Field.
I ran through the Relativity arc set for 4 people at +2, and I only managed to get myself killed once, which is okay solo against large groups of Arachnos I suppose. I didn't need a single blue inspiration that whole time, so that problem's solved, but I ate a lot of purples and greens.
And two idiots begged me multiple times to PL them. I put one of them on ignore.
That was my weekend. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
I'm so used to redside prices that when I glance at heroside I feel like everything is a bargain
![]() (a few exceptions though, notably the pvp IOs) |
Im not 1 to call for nerfs, but maybe i17 will introduce another AE XP nerf of some sort. If so, villside market should hopfully even out with ppl finding their way around the Rogue Islands again as opposed to being stuck in AE.
"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-
We don't cotton to wild-eyed anarchists around these parts!!!11
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
do away with tickets for salvage and make AE drop a combo of tickets and salvage.
this will lead to more salvage on the market and ensure that all tickets are used on recipes.
actually, just make AE give regular drops.
also, merge the eff'n markets already.
Actually I17 is undoing some of the previous nerfs to AE. In any case AE isn't the problem. The problem is that the redside population is to small (additionally there may be differences in the population composition which enhance the problem). The simplest way to fix it is to merge the markets.
Even though you could just as easily merge markets and use the excuse that the Black Market and Wentworth's were always the same market. Wentworth simply denies any connection it has with the Rogue isles black market.
hell, the devs could create some pretty cool missions based off this premise.
c'mon devs...
do away with tickets for salvage and make AE drop a combo of tickets and salvage.
this will lead to more salvage on the market and ensure that all tickets are used on recipes. actually, just make AE give regular drops. also, merge the eff'n markets already. |
I'd just give missions and AE similar rewards. Give regular missions something similar to ticket rewards (or change the merit system so it is somewhat similar to the ticket system) so that players can outfit their toons with the generic IOs SOs they want and need. AEs reward system is MUCH better then the system we have for regular missions.
Stop nerfing **** Devs and start rewarding players for good behavior.
Actually I17 is undoing some of the previous nerfs to AE. In any case AE isn't the problem. The problem is that the redside population is to small (additionally there may be differences in the population composition which enhance the problem). The simplest way to fix it is to merge the markets.
It doesn't have to be a mass exodus to have a noticeable impact. While it's true that only a small percentage of characters ever seriously get into the "purpling out" stage, I am betting that many of those players will look at prices and availability blueside and make the switch. As those same players are probably among the the more intensive TFers and farmers, they'd also be taking their disproportionate capacity for recipe and salvage production blueside too.
Hopefully I'm wrong, but due to this effect I expect the redside market situation to worsen when GR goes live.
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
I'm not normally one for doom posts, but I think that if a market merge doesn't happen this situation will get worse, not better. With GR, villains will switch sides so they can participate in the blueside market.
It doesn't have to be a mass exodus to have a noticeable impact. While it's true that only a small percentage of characters ever seriously get into the "purpling out" stage, I am betting that many of those players will look at prices and availability blueside and make the switch. As those same players are probably among the the more intensive TFers and farmers, they'd also be taking their disproportionate capacity for recipe and salvage production blueside too. Hopefully I'm wrong, but due to this effect I expect the redside market situation to worsen when GR goes live. |
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
Yes, but merging the markets wouldn't work thematicly!
Even though you could just as easily merge markets and use the excuse that the Black Market and Wentworth's were always the same market. Wentworth simply denies any connection it has with the Rogue isles black market. hell, the devs could create some pretty cool missions based off this premise. c'mon devs... |
Hero buying from Villain:
1. Blue Steel raids the Black Market warehouse and recovers some stolen goods
2. Since the original owners claimed against insurance the insurance companies recieve the stolen goods
3. The insurance companies either sell the goods to make up for the payout they made or donate them to heroes for the PR benefits
4. Black Market lies to the villain and says the items sold paying him from their own profits in order to save face
Villain buying from Hero:
1. A group of small time villains raid the Wentworth warehouse and steal a bunch of items selling them on the Black Market
2. Wentworth's claims the value against their insurance and use that to reimburse the Hero
3. Wentworth's insurance premiums go up
4. Again.
Well, I did roll on a bunch of common salvage and throw it up on the market, only to save myself from paying over 150,000 for a scientific supply or waiting 3 hours for my bid to fill. But yeah, it's clear that people redside are using AE more than blueside. Rare salvage is comparatively cheap, usually around 1 million, often even less, while uncommon salvage is remarkably expensive and in short supply.
But just overall, redside suffers from lack of supply. Conceptually the whole black market thing makes no sense to me anyway. It's not like criminals aren't allowed to buy stuff from regular stores in real life. Usually a black market sells stuff even cheaper, avoiding government taxes or regulations or price fixes, or simply selling stuff that isn't legal to sell or is cheap knockoffs of name brands. But basically, cheaper and more choices, not more expensive and less choices. And the Rogue Isles must be the only country in the world where no government-approved stores exist, period.
In a real world you wouldn't prevent criminals from buying at a legitimate market, you'd worry about heroes tempted to buy stuff cheaper off the black market. A black market would exist to circumvent the official government-sanctioned market (doesn't exist redside). And Wentworth's wouldn't hesitate to open up in whatever market they were allowed into.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
And the Rogue Isles must be the only country in the world where no government-approved stores exist, period.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
Actually I17 is undoing some of the previous nerfs to AE. In any case AE isn't the problem. The problem is that the redside population is to small (additionally there may be differences in the population composition which enhance the problem). The simplest way to fix it is to merge the markets.
"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-
If you say, but the vill side pop has always been lower and I don't remember the market being this crazy b4 ppl stayed in AE all day. Everyone running up 20x lv50s...20x lv50s need salvage/IOs/purps combined with most of the population hanging out in AE and not getting drops from running mishs. Seems to me like thats the real issue.
1. Merits killed the supply of mid level pool C and D recipes. It also caused a slight decrease in most high level ones but a more stable supply of the popular globals and proc120s
2. AE caused a drop in the supply of Purples and common/uncommon salvage. But it stabalized the costs of rare salvage and increased the supply of non-purple recipes (probably for Pool As more than the others though).
3. Double Inf for level 50s caused a lot of inflation overall for the market
4. Allowing players to play at higher difficulty also caused inflation since higher con enemies reward more inf but have the same recipe drop chance (not sure about tickets).
The first time I saw the price of purples redside I cried.
When I put a buy-it-NAO bid in and it took two weeks to fill, I cried again.
Combine markets. Combine markets for great justice.
The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!

WARNING: I bold names.

Yes, but merging the markets wouldn't work thematicly!
Even though you could just as easily merge markets and use the excuse that the Black Market and Wentworth's were always the same market. Wentworth simply denies any connection it has with the Rogue isles black market. hell, the devs could create some pretty cool missions based off this premise. c'mon devs... |
That way you could make an excuse to replace the Black Market trucks redside with WW buildings, as well. Or, move the markets onto the bottom floor of each AE building.
The thing is that Villain side stuff has always been more expensive. There have been four major changes to rewards in the last year all of which have caused major changes in the market. Those changes apply to both sides but are more noticeable on the villain side than hero side due to lower population (I suspect villain side also has a higher percentage of powergamers and farmers which would further shift supply and demand but I can't prove that).
1. Merits killed the supply of mid level pool C and D recipes. It also caused a slight decrease in most high level ones but a more stable supply of the popular globals and proc120s 2. AE caused a drop in the supply of Purples and common/uncommon salvage. But it stabalized the costs of rare salvage and increased the supply of non-purple recipes (probably for Pool As more than the others though). 3. Double Inf for level 50s caused a lot of inflation overall for the market 4. Allowing players to play at higher difficulty also caused inflation since higher con enemies reward more inf but have the same recipe drop chance (not sure about tickets). |
"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-
That way you could make an excuse to replace the Black Market trucks redside with WW buildings, as well. Or, move the markets onto the bottom floor of each AE building.
As far as the merger goes, the philosophy seems to be that the two markets are now being regarded as two separate 'types' of game. One is a marketplace in bounty, one is one in starvation. By classifying them as 'intentionally different,' - not in a way that begs askance of how they were made that way, but that now is the result of their deviation - the developers now have themselves a fantastic escape clause to never merge.
Myself, I intend to do the natural thing and move blueside with many of my redsiders - at least the ones who are planning on making particular IO builds.
Got it and understand all of that. Just seems that cause and effect points more towards the equation of "most ppl running AE and having more toons to outfit + less drops/salvage from mishs overall b/c of #s running AE =s super inflation of redside market" combined with the items that you pointed out as contributing factors as well. Seems to me that AE is the real problem as opposed to a non issue.
This is really noticeable in the tier 3 salvage market. Prior to the AE most common and uncommon salvage here was very cheap while rare salvage was all over the map from very low (such diamonds and rikti alloy) to very high (hamidon goo was very expensive IIRC). During the boss farm AE craze the price of common and uncommon salvage skyrocketed but the price of rare salvage stabilized at about 1 million each regardless of type. With I16 the changes meant that fewer people are playing AE stuff but it's still pretty popular. The price of common and uncommon salvage has dropped but not quite to it's pre-AE levels (especially for some of the magical uncommons). Rare salvage has risen in price but the stock levels and the difference in price is much less extreme. Previously it varied between something like 100K and 10million depending on the item but now it pretty much all goes for between 1million and 2.5million as a buy it now price.
So yes AE has caused some inflation, particularly in Purples, but it has also caused a decrease in the prices of other items and so overall I don't think it's the primary cause of the current state of the economy.
I don't say it's a non-issue but I don't think it's the main problem, in fact I think it helped the supply of most items. Tickets can be used for any items that can be gotten through normal drops except for purples. The difference is that the player gets to focus the supply on what they actually want rather than taking a bit of everything. Based ont he supply I would say that most people are either spending their tickets on rare salvage or making random recipe rolls (probably mostly bronze but maybe some silver and gold). The net result is that we do get a decrease in the supply of common and uncommon salvage but rare salvage and non-purple recipes are actually supplied in larger quantities but AE play than non-AE play.
This is really noticeable in the tier 3 salvage market. Prior to the AE most common and uncommon salvage here was very cheap while rare salvage was all over the map from very low (such diamonds and rikti alloy) to very high (hamidon goo was very expensive IIRC). During the boss farm AE craze the price of common and uncommon salvage skyrocketed but the price of rare salvage stabilized at about 1 million each regardless of type. With I16 the changes meant that fewer people are playing AE stuff but it's still pretty popular. The price of common and uncommon salvage has dropped but not quite to it's pre-AE levels (especially for some of the magical uncommons). Rare salvage has risen in price but the stock levels and the difference in price is much less extreme. Previously it varied between something like 100K and 10million depending on the item but now it pretty much all goes for between 1million and 2.5million as a buy it now price. So yes AE has caused some inflation, particularly in Purples, but it has also caused a decrease in the prices of other items and so overall I don't think it's the primary cause of the current state of the economy. |
I was just going off of one of your original statements, which I disargreed with, "...In any case AE isn't the problem..." Ive always felt that AE was the main reason the market prices, specifically purples, went apesh!t.
Good points, but I'm mainly talking about IOs that either you cant find on the market or rares running 600mill for 1 as opposed to 600mill+ for a set as it was b4 AE. Buying salvage for 4mill a pop b4 never bothered me as much as trying to afford purple sets now.
"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-
For several days I've had bids on two Siphon Insight accuracy/endurance/recharges in the 35-44 range for my 43 (now 44) MM. I suppose these are pool C's and midlevel range so yeah, I know that they're going to be hard to get, especially redside. But tonight a level 38 crafted popped up...
...and I was the first one to ever buy one.
That kind of illustrates for me how woefully inadequate the redside market is. I know they're a "newer" recipe, but still...

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
(Admittedly, mostly because I don't spend enough time working it for influence. Anyway.)
I've grown pretty used to outfitting blue-side characters however I want. Admittedly, I've only "purpled out" one blaster, but I have multiple scrappers and tankers with sofcapped builds of various sorts... probably 15 or 20 toons built out how I want them to be, give or take a couple of the harder-to-get IOs. And I tend to buy a certain amount of that at the "buy it NAO" price if I can (if it's not too expensive), just so it doesn't take so long to outfit my character. But I also outfit characters with IO sets in the 27-33 range for exempting purposes, and that often requires bidding and waiting a week. Still, I know those bids will fill.
Meanwhile, I have a level 50 brute. Last Summer or Fall I had over 2 billion infamy on my brute, and set about "purpling out" the character. Only I ran out of influence very quickly due to the high cost of purples redside. I set about earning more infamy and eventually I had a 5-piece set of Hectacomb and a 5-piece set of Armageddon for my troubles.
I've been in a holding pattern since, waiting until I had the infamy so that I could respec into a better build and fully IO out the character properly. This morning, with over 1 billion infamy in hand, I tried to do that... and including bids I have in for 5 pieces of Gravitational Anchor (isn't that supposed to be one of the cheap purple sets?), I'm back down to 8 million infamy.
The build I'm working from has me placing a 5 piece set of Apocalypse in Gloom and a 5 piece set of Ragnarok in Dark Obliteration... which admittedly is overkill and will probably never happen. Even so, I've spent more than 3 billion on this one character and my build still isn't quite complete.
I don't think I've ever spent even as much as 2 billion on a hero. Maybe that much on my purpled blaster, who has 3 different damage sets, but I bought most of those purple recipes last Summer and Fall when they seemed to be cheaper. Is it just my imagination, or have purples continued to go up in price despite what everyone predicted with the coming of the new mission settings?
Anyway, no big insights here, just kinda sticker shock from price of nice sets redside. I'm mostly reluctant to put bids in for stuff at lower levels too if it isn't already for sale, a lot of stuff takes 1-3 months for one recipe to pop up for sale at that level.
Time to earn more infamy I guess.
my lil RWZ Challenge vid