Understanding Ultra Mode
Ultra mode will make things look nicer while activated. Things like real reflections on glass and water and shadows cast by almost every object as well as a few other things.
If you could tell us your specs (Operating system, Graphics card, Processor, RAM, motherboard) we can help you out a bit more in depth.
Easily done, sirrah!
My operating system is as follows:
Gigabyte GA-P55-UDR3 Motherboard
i5-750 CPU
Nvidia 9600GT 1GB video card.
Windows XP 32-bit edition
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse
Easily done, sirrah!
My operating system is as follows: Gigabyte GA-P55-UDR3 Motherboard i5-750 CPU 2Gig DDR3 RAM Nvidia 9600GT 1GB video card. Windows XP 32-bit edition S. |
Ok i can see your problem right here. No screen.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Positron made a post which can help point to what video card can do what. Though you don't need to despair if you're just under the line for what he says is the minimum card, since that's for enabling ALL the features on minimum settings. You still may be able to use SOME of them, even with a weaker card. (Or maybe not). So, that post is a good place to start if you're thinking of updating your video card.
Other than that, we don't really know much about the technical requirements (other than what your computer has to be to run the game awesomely, today). If you're unsure about whether you want to upgrade or not, you can always just wait until i17 goes into beta, and check it out then.
Something else worth mentioning. Radeon cards are indeed problematic with CoH... at the present. However, the Ultra Mode demo they did at HeroCon was running on a Radeon card. So, it's a good bet that they've taken care of some of those problems. So even if someone's card isn't quite up to speed for Ultra Mode, if they have a Radeon card they still might see some benefit from the update.
Something else worth mentioning. Radeon cards are indeed problematic with CoH... at the present. However, the Ultra Mode demo they did at HeroCon was running on a Radeon card. So, it's a good bet that they've taken care of some of those problems. So even if someone's card isn't quite up to speed for Ultra Mode, if they have a Radeon card they still might see some benefit from the update.
Nvidia 9600GT 1GB video card. |
Other than that, we don't really know much about the technical requirements (other than what your computer has to be to run the game awesomely, today). If you're unsure about whether you want to upgrade or not, you can always just wait until i17 goes into beta, and check it out then. |
Now, this has been done to death in the massive thread about Going Rogue Graphics cards.
Okay, Done to Death is translated as I keep repeating myself because people keep asking the same question over and over and over and over and over and over.
The short version is this: RadeonHD 57xx and 58xx video cards support DirectX 11 / OpenGL 3.2. They do this at a price point of around $150 on upwards.
The Nvidia GTX 2xx cards, the GTX 260, GTX 275, GTX 280, GTX 285, and the dual chip GTX 295 all have been end-of-lifed. No more chips are being made. The starting point for these cards, if you can find them, is around $200.
More importantly, these cards do not support DirectX 11 or OpenGL 3.2, and they cost more for the same performance than the old RadeonHD 4x00 cards that do not support DX11 or OpenGL 3.2.
Nvidia only has two upcoming cards for the High-End Market.. the GTX 480 and GTX 470, the new Fermi Cards: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=210728
Nvidia's desired price point for these cards is around $700 for the GTX 480, and $500 for the GTX 470. However, the GTX 480 doesn't exactly outrun the existing RadeonHD 5870 in existing games, and the GTX 470 is better pitted against the RadeonHD 5850.
For reference, the 5870 costs around $400.
The 5850 starts around $300.
Again, the topic has already been done to death. Nvidia had to intentionally lose money on every GTX 200 series video card sold because the cards physically cost more to make than an equivalent performance RadeonHD 4000 series card.
Nvidia is going to have to intentionally lose money again for each Fermi card sold. So it's going to be a while a before we'll see any, if we ever actually see any, mid-range cards based on Fermi that compete in the $150-$300 price-bracket.
So, for the forseeable future, there's only one graphics card choice right now, and that is the RadeonHD 5x00 series.
My local computer store has already informed me they will have the mid and high ranged Fermi cards starting the day they go live. So I am seriously considering trading in my 295 for the mid Fermi card...
I get that your all about ATI, but really the Nvidia cards I have been using are great. I say that because my husband has the 5870 in his computer right next to mine, and my computer is superior to his...
I suspect anyone who buys a high end video card solely for the purpose of running ultra-mode is going to experience a great deal of buyer's remorse in the long run. If you have other games that require that sort of thing, then go for it, but do you really want to pay $400 just so there will be reflections and the water will be prettier?
I suspect anyone who buys a high end video card solely for the purpose of running ultra-mode is going to experience a great deal of buyer's remorse in the long run. If you have other games that require that sort of thing, then go for it, but do you really want to pay $400 just so there will be reflections and the water will be prettier?
If you invest into a good card now, it will only be able to play everything awesome now and in the neer future.
Why not?
If you invest into a good card now, it will only be able to play everything awesome now and in the neer future. |
Hey, I'm as geeky crazy about this game as the next person and if what they have described ultra mode to be was something that significantly changed my CoH gameplay experience, I'd probably make the investment in a heartbeat. But what they've described is that the gameplay experience essentially won't change at all. There will be some additional effects and the overall appearance will sharpen to some extent.
If that is worth $4-500 to people and they have the extra cash to do it, then by all means, go for it. But if it's a choice between those incremental types of changes and spending that money on something else, then I think most people would probably end up wanting to go with whatever that other thing is, all things being equal.
Basically, this game and WoW are the only games I really play on my computer. And I don't even actually play WoW anymore, so this game is the only game I play on the computer at the current time. If it was a choice between devoting $400 to get a video card only to run ultra mode and getting a Xbox 360 and ME2 so that I could play ME2, I'd probably go for the X-Box, even though I really don't like the instability of the console and would probably get very few other games for it.
However if you already have a high end system with a great video card, then ultra mode is certainly a nice add-on to the already existing game.
My local computer store has already informed me they will have the mid and high ranged Fermi cards starting the day they go live. So I am seriously considering trading in my 295 for the mid Fermi card...
I get that your all about ATI, but really the Nvidia cards I have been using are great. I say that because my husband has the 5870 in his computer right next to mine, and my computer is superior to his... |
IMO Nvidia cards are excellent, but I think ATI is a much better value currently. You can get similar performance(sometimes better, sometimes worse) than Nvidia's stuff for a much better price.
Edit: SuperOz, how is that i5-750? I seriously considered buying that last Saturday but ended up going in a different direction. I would still like to get my hands on one at some point.
The i5-750's are outstanding. Even on just the 2gig of RAM, I have to do a LOT to max out the system. The other game I play, LotRo, has much more detailed graphics than CoH currently and the system takes it in its stride. I have to play for something like six hours or more before I get any sort of slowdown or errors.
I couldn't recommend them enough. There are newer generation chips, but the i5-750 is a powerful quad-core chip and makes my old AMD chip look amateurish.
je saist, you make some interesting points about Raedon and I'm definitely looking at prices. The store I most reliably look to however makes some interesting pricing choices.
Currently, I could get a Nvidia 260 for 213 dollars AU, but a Raedon 5770 would only cost me 179. The next steps down, the 250 and 5750 are 125 and 148 respectively. Now, most recommendations are to aim for that level, but I'm considering going to the 250/5750 levels firstly for price's sake (but that may change in the next two months) and secondly because I wouldn't mind knowing the gradients of detail that cards from the 9800GT range up would give you. I think that's a detail point that really hasn't been touched on. Currently the discussion seems to be 'all or nothing', and that surely can't be the case.
I think also that the upgrade on my end is justified for LotRo for one (it'll take more of the load off the quad-core and give me better performance) and that I also do video editing and Photoshop, both very memory intensive activities, and a good video card will process video better, plus give me inlet/outlet options.
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse
Interestingly, I think I can manage to snag a GeForce 275. My father said he'd procured a bunch from somewhere, and I was advised these were the most cost-effective nVidia cards I could get.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Remember when upgrading anything, to make sure both your motherboard and power supply can take it.
That's not an issue. I've taken to using USB-powered devices like DVD burners, to cut down on the power needs. From what I can figure, even having the highest tier cards shouldn't stress my system unduly.
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse
Will we still have squarish round things (i.e., ship sterns)? Will trees and shrubs still be planes of psuedo-leaves crisscrossing each other? Will store windows remained blurred? Will my cellphone for the emote still be a cellphone of the 90s? Well, emote updates may be a different thing. I won't mention graphic updates for bases. (oops)
Will we still have squarish round things (i.e., ship sterns)?
Will trees and shrubs still be planes of psuedo-leaves crisscrossing each other? |
Will store windows remained blurred? |
Will my...
AMD Phenom II x4 810 Quad-core Processor
ATI 5750 1 Gig
Windows 7
beable to run all of Ultra Mode at the highest settings, without lag?
Right now, I can run CoH & CoH Test at the same time, highest setting with no lag. I'm hoping Ultra Mode will allow the same!
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Will my...
AMD Phenom II x4 810 Quad-core Processor 8GB DDR2 ATI 5750 1 Gig Windows 7 beable to run all of Ultra Mode at the highest settings, without lag? ![]() Right now, I can run CoH & CoH Test at the same time, highest setting with no lag. I'm hoping Ultra Mode will allow the same! |

Isn't it delightful to rub your awesome gameputer in the faces of those with less than awesome computers?
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I keep hearing 58xx Series for ATI cards for max settings, but mines 57xx series.
Which, when I bought my computer (just recently) the 5750 was the best one they had...I didn't see any 58xx Series, or I likely would have gotten that instead.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Honest question.
Does a Quad core have any real advantage over a Dual core currently.
Obviously eventually more and more thing will support multiple cores, but currently don't most only support two at max?
I appreciate the rundown, je_saist, that actually answered a lot of questions for me!
To add a small bit of advice, for those of you who've had someone else build your rigs (I bought my current computer through IBuyPower), give them a call and ask if your current specs can handle the upgraded card. They had my specs on file and confirmed that a) my chassis could hold the card, b) my motherboard could hold the card, and c) my power supply was sufficient.
I'll be picking up the Radeon 5850 most likely (thank you, Universe, for generous players), not just for UltraMode, but because I'm sure my graphics on ANY game will look a hell of a lot better.
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Honest question.
Does a Quad core have any real advantage over a Dual core currently. Obviously eventually more and more thing will support multiple cores, but currently don't most only support two at max? |
However, it does allow CoH and other programs to run simultaneously without taking a hit on CoH performance.
I've done some asking in the Technical and Devs' corner forums, but I have to admit to still being somewhat in the dark over Ultra Mode and just what does what depending on the setting (presumably there will be varying degrees of quality sliders like in regular graphics mode) and the video card.
- Reflections
- Real time, environmental reflections on all shiny surfaces including glass, metal, water.
- This includes shiny elements on a character costume, such as a goggles and armor.
- Reflections warp to the shape of the reflective surface. Glass windows will have imperfections which give realistic image distortions.
- Shadows
- Real time dynamic shadows that change with the time of day.
- Real time realistic shadows of everything in the environment, including all toons and critter that show a true projection of their shapes.
- Ambient Occlusion: Shadows are not one shade value -- they dynamically get lighter and fuzzier near light sources and they get darker in deeper corners and holes. Objects in the shadows get darker and harder to see.
- Water
- Angle-sensitive reflection and transparency: When viewed from on oblique angle, water surfaces are reflective; when viewed from above, the reflectivity diminishes and one can see into the water (at least at shallow depths).
- Shadows: Distorted shadows are cast onto the surface of the water and onto the floor of a water basin (at least at shallow depths).
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I'm in the process of building my first gaming rig right now and am definitely going with the 5870
along with this CPU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16819103727
Zombie Man,
I appreciate the bullet points, but what I was curious about were the degrees of detail you'd get in various graphics cards, say for example a Nvidia 250GX to a 260, and a Raedon 5750 to a Raedon 5770. I think that'd help a lot of buyers sort out their budgets for this and more importantly what bang for their buck they'd be getting.
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse
Hi all.
I've done some asking in the Technical and Devs' corner forums, but I have to admit to still being somewhat in the dark over Ultra Mode and just what does what depending on the setting (presumably there will be varying degrees of quality sliders like in regular graphics mode) and the video card.
And I know nothing bar nothing about Raedon video cards beyond that people have said they've been problematic with CoH before. I am rather hoping for a Dummies' Guide to Ultra Mode that someone will write up to help me (and other people a bit confused) find their way to a new video card and if so, which one.
Can anyone shed light in a way that doesn't require me to have a degree to understand?
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse