Quick! Need a Warm-Up
Ooh, a Wassy Agge? *ponder and ponders* ("artstuffs" siglink!)
Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Time Shifter:
Or for something less robot and more hot. Wyndine.
And of course, there's always several Burnt Matchsticks to choose from - newly sig-linked.
Sig link! New and improved!
My namesake has some screens and info here.

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

Hmmm... Caemgen might be a good bit of something different to do to warm-up...
Zenith Fighter X! Linked in order to not stretch the page.
She has a red-bladed Vanguard sword and a red energy shield, if it matters.
Did a couple quick headshots. I'll put them up tomorrow, as I don't feel like messing with my scanner and all at the moment.
Boom! Headshot!
Enjoy the smudgy mess =)
Very cool quick sketches Wassy... I particularly like the expression on the bottom one's face.
**cough, his nose isn't human cough cough**
Okay, I know I'm way late to the party, but ... just in case! :x
"Cupcake cupcake cupcake; Cupcake. Merry_Mint is the best." - Abraham Lincoln
Hey, Caemgen just linked to screens and art. Particularly from the screens, it looked human to me. Didn't get a backstory =P
I'm late to the party, but should you feel inspired, here's another to add to the pool...
StormVyxen. The screenies don't show it very well, but she does have an electrical aura about her.
Huron: "...with Coffee primary / Attitude secondary"
Charnage: "Please. Think of the poor defenseless desks."
"The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace. It failed... In the year of the Praetorian War, it became something greater... our last, best hope for victory."
I need to do some sketches for school projects, but I need to get the drawing juices flowing first... so to speak.
So quickly! Post some good characters for me to do quick sketches of! |
How about this?

Or this?

Or this?

Hey, Caemgen just linked to screens and art. Particularly from the screens, it looked human to me. Didn't get a backstory =P

Just pointing it out for future reference in case you decide to do a detailed piece for him down the road (I'd be surprised if he didn't pounce next time you mentioned you were taking commissions).
P.S. I didn't have access to a backstory when I drew his character either... or a gallery of other art... or refs... or...

Woohoo! Those are great Wassy!! Thanks much, I shall indeed enjoy the smudgy goodness!!
And I knew CR would bring up the nose as soon as I saw them As he's mentioned, the nose thing was overlooked by pretty much everyone until I started making a point of it when hiring artists... CR had an advantage to everyone though due to his freakish knowledge of the costume creator, methinks
There is no specific backstory about it other than the whole he was born looking like a demon thing. *shrug* I actually never thought much about the nose myself... That face option looked most like what I wanted when creating the character and then I mainly got to look at his back until CR did the sketch that I use as my avatar... Never really thought to mention it to artists til I had works in the works (odd phrase that) and once CR started pointing out they were doing it wrong I started mentioning it when I hired new but made the chice not to hit up those who already were working on it to see if it could be adjusted - I didn't want to bother them at the time *shrug*
Anyway, I thought about mentioning it (along with other details) but first I just wanted to get links out quick! Then after you mentioned you were going to do Caem I figured since it was just a warm up sketch (which is still great!) there was no need to get into the nitty gritty of the little details...
So, that's a long, rambly way to go about saying that the nose isn't really your fault and nothing to worry about
As for the arts in my links... I will need to organize my Photobucket folders but every time I think to do it I also remember that moving stuff will ruin links already posted and stuff. *sigh* Maybe I'll just make a second account just for reference shots...
(I'd be surprised if he didn't pounce next time you mentioned you were taking commissions)
And as for that - But of course!! I feel incomplete having an artist just do one or two of my trio... Feels like favoring one child over another... (though I don't have kids and would probably most likely play favorites if I did...)
But once again, thanks Wassy! Even just being warm ups, those looks absolutely awesome!!
Links in the sig. More pictures can be provided as required.
Official Offline Psychopath of PWNZ
"Hey, sneak up, stab someone, and sneak away...or kill them with Iceland at a distance. Either way, no one knows what the hell happened!" -Umbramancer, on Assassin's Boulder
Echo So'kar reference shots ||| Punkicide reference shots
I need to do some sketches for school projects, but I need to get the drawing juices flowing first... so to speak.
So quickly! Post some good characters for me to do quick sketches of!