Kadabra Kill risks it all again for Sigil!




Last week's occurrences were only the premise of more sinister happenings in Paragon City and the Rogue Isles.

The artifact that Kadabra Kill managed to get to the safety of the Midnighter Club thanks to Heroes and Villains of Victory and Triumph was only part of a mystical contraption that Kadabra Kill intends to use in order to bargain for the soul of his wife Sigil.

The crazed Death Mage known as the Disciple of Lilitu is however still tracking his every move and is certainly going to try and get hold of the second artifact before it reaches the Midnighter Club in Founders' Falls or Cap au Diable.

Kadabra Kill is expected to attempt this journey at around 4pm Pacific (7pm Eastern) on Friday, 2/19/10 and he will need a little help!

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I had no idea about last week's activity though

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



wait, im i reading this correct, Kadabra Kill will be running around in Cap/FF and its our job to protect him?



Wait... what?

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



It's some kinda weird event that's been going on across the various servers. Looks like it's our turn.



Instead of PvE, or PvP this is PvR (Player versus Redname) content. It was Rikti themed last month, then Carnie themed a couple weeks ago. Looks like it's Circle of Thorns flavored now.

Basically, it's a one zone Invasion-style raid where the faction throws everything they have at one zone.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
Instead of PvE, or PvP this is PvR (Player versus Redname) content. It was Rikti themed last month, then Carnie themed a couple weeks ago. Looks like it's Circle of Thorns flavored now.
If it's like last time, it's a "Circle of Thorns necromancer" who summons up enhanced zombie invasions. Lots of Nightmares. If you need the zombie invasion badges, this is a good way to get them.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



The bad thing is that I want to be one of the hunters.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Dang it....would love to be apart of this....but will be at the fiance's!

Blazing Blue 50 fire/fire Blast, BlueStarr 50 PB, BlueSt 50 stone/ss Tank, Purple Pummaler 50 bs/regen Scrap, Green Puritan 50 emp/nrg Def, Raging Red 50 ice/cold Cor,WhiteLightning 50 ill/storm Cont, GrayMatter 44 WS,Green Marauder 24 nrg/stone Brute,Dark Blue Blaze 26 fire/fire Cor,etc



Originally Posted by Vega View Post
The bad thing is that I want to be one of the hunters.

Yeah, he's a smarmy little guy ::mutters:: I'd hunt him on a HERO




I will be driving thru OKC at this time. :'(



Blargh. I love that these events are going on, and I'd love to be able to attend at least one, but they are very unfriendly timewise to those who work and live on the West Coast.

Those who can make it, have fun. Those who can't because they'll be at work/in transit/whatever, you have my sympathies.

Huron: "...with Coffee primary / Attitude secondary"
Charnage: "Please. Think of the poor defenseless desks."

"The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace. It failed... In the year of the Praetorian War, it became something greater... our last, best hope for victory."



Originally Posted by StormVyxen View Post
Blargh. I love that these events are going on, and I'd love to be able to attend at least one, but they are very unfriendly timewise to those who work and live on the West Coast.

Those who can make it, have fun. Those who can't because they'll be at work/in transit/whatever, you have my sympathies.

It looks like they've been staggering the times of the events across different servers, because there was one on another server that was on at 3pm PST. They may start staggering them more skewed towards West Coasters, but if it's a Dev playing the mob doing the running, I don't think I'd want to stay past 5pm for work if I didn't have to. If they put it at 7PST, then it'd be 10EST, and then you'd get people saying that they're unfriendly towards people on the East Coast. Since the free transfers are going on, if one is on another server at a more convenient time, you could always transfer there, do the event then come back!

It puts it at about 8pm my time (AST), so it's nice to see something start early enough that people on the East Coast don't have to stay up too late for.

Thanks Devs, if I remember (and I will try to!) I'll be in FF!

(Edit Was looking through the history and it looks like one of the events was at 5ish PST a few weeks ago on another server)



Thanks for an interesting event. I must say that 30 some L54 CoTs vs. about 10-12 villains is a bit of an overkill.

If somebody you're arguing with goes off the deep end, don't follow.



Was a lot of fun! Blueside I think we had at least 4-5 full teams, maybe more... we did have no shortage of lag too.

Awesome time, and great event! Thanks!



Trip Report: It started off with whoever was playing Kadabra spawning at a ferry in Cap, begging for help. We had to have him clarify which ferry, since we were waiting at the Midnighter Club/University/Market area. At the outset, there was 6-8 villains, mostly 50s, who promply got routed by the spawned level 54 CoT mage and Nightmare EB teams. After a few hospital trips and Arachnos Drone pulls, Kadabra (level 20) starts autofollowing someone and the procession starts North. More CoT Archmagi spawn in the middle of the lake, and we have to stop and fight rather than try and get Kadabra to the Club.

By this point there were a few more players in the zone, so deaths were less frequent. Eventually we get to the Club/University courtyard and more ambushes spawn, and boy howdy nothing spells fun like dozens of level 54 CoT bosses throwing mezzes and debuffs around. At some point a Blaster spawns, the much hyped "Disciple of Lilitu." (with the period in the name, of course), and is promptly obliterated. I didn't catch the level the blaster was, but between the super speed and stealth it was using I didn't see much of anything. I was returning from hospital trip #5 when the event ended, so I don't know if we won, we lost, or the CoT mages moved 15 feet closer to the drones.

If this sounds a bit negative, I'm sorry, but I was hoping for something better. I appreciate the effort, though, don't get me wrong, but with no new official content since September and lackluster Winter and Spring events I'm starting to get depressed. A plain Rikti event would have been more fun, or maybe even throwing Lusca in the water west of the ferry for us to deal with. Whoever was controlling Kadabra did little more than soak damage, use chat macros, and ask for healers on a low population server. Bonus points to Niviene for dropping a spawn of CoT mages on us after the event ended, real classy.



Actually was able to show up! Was fun all in all I must say. Hated that we couldn't kill our Disciple since he was a scrapper.

Blazing Blue 50 fire/fire Blast, BlueStarr 50 PB, BlueSt 50 stone/ss Tank, Purple Pummaler 50 bs/regen Scrap, Green Puritan 50 emp/nrg Def, Raging Red 50 ice/cold Cor,WhiteLightning 50 ill/storm Cont, GrayMatter 44 WS,Green Marauder 24 nrg/stone Brute,Dark Blue Blaze 26 fire/fire Cor,etc



Originally Posted by Blazing_Blue View Post
Actually was able to show up! Was fun all in all I must say. Hated that we couldn't kill our Disciple since he was a scrapper.
and he had a red target around him , i wanted to obliterate him and devour his soul!