Are we that hated?

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Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
If that were the intent, I'm not sure this is working as intended. Being asked for help with inf transfers is still a regular phenomenon.
It's not meant to facilitate people moving inf between their own characters. I mean, sure, you can use it for that, but you lose 10% of the wealth - if you can get a friend to help you, it works out a lot better.

Rather, it's meant in the general sense to move inf from the more wealthy to the less wealthy. Broadly speaking, that means from high-level to low-level characters. High level characters don't have a lot of attractive ways to generate, say, Luck Charms, but low-level ones get them just for playing (assuming they fight certain foe categories). So the lowbies end up with something the highbies want, and for which the highbies can pay a premium compared to what the lowbies can ever earn fighting mobs.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by FourSpeed View Post
My take? You can compete in PvP with an SO build. You can compete in
PvP with a non-level 50 toon. I have yet to get an L50 toon for PvP and
yet, I feel the builds I play in PvP are competitive (I do Frankenslot my
toons). I have personally seen builds with no bonuses achieve PvP victories, so successful PvP with SO's is clearly possible.

Here's the wrinkle though - there are limitations.

For instance, SO's are the baseline for PvE - all the standard content is
playable that way. However, can you solo a Rikti Pylon or solo an AV
on an SO build? I sure as heck can't.

In the same regard, my PvP toons are competitive in the sense of kill ratio
and rep, and thus, in my mind, successful. However, I don't own any
PvP toons that I think would win against everybody. I further think that
would still be true even with Purples (which none of my PvP toons can
currently even use).

So, the question I'd ask in return is: How do *you* define "competitive"?


PS> This is seems distinctly off the OP topic, so this might be better
served in a different thread.
I really disagree with you. And its almost just as likely that I won't be able to explain my stance in a way that you will agree with me, but I will give it a whirl.

For over 2 years, all I did in this game was PvP. I thought of wierd lineups, I powerleveled PvP toons, I IO'd out PvP toons. It's the one thing I do in this game and it's the one thing I know a lot about. I'm Far from the best, but you can definately tell by watching me play that I know what I am doing.

I'm going to give a first hand example of why you can't PvP competitively with SOs. I was in RV the other night before I respecced my empath. My empath on live had SOs only - since I PvP'd on test server, IOs didn't matter to me on live. There was a competitive team on villain side and I was trying to form a team hero side to even the score. My night went like this

1. Levitate knocks you up - can't do anything for atleast 2 seconds
2. Dominate holds you for 2 seconds - again, still can't do anything for an additional 2 seconds
3. Respawn in the hospital. you're already dead

Now, I may joke that I am bad at PvP, and I am compared to some of the top tier participants, but I know how to survive a Spike if its possible. It is NOT possible with SOs to stop this type of a spike. It is not possible without even a small amount of IOs - you need a lot of IOs to counter this spike.

Flash forward to last night. My empath has respecced and I had to gut a base I used to use to copy IOs to test for build testing to get the IOs I needed (wow my grammar sucks - that sentence blows, anyways) Now, in an arena match, here is how it went

1. Levitate doesn't move you
2. Domainte holds you for 2 seconds -
3. Phase goes off and I live

The difference that IOs give you is 2 seconds in this scenario. and THAT is why they are required.
Now, this is my experience, and I have been around the block. If I can't stop a KB spike with SOs, then how should a new person to PvP or a casual PvPer do it?

So, is the problem with the availability of IOs, or the necessity that PvP requires of them? is it both? is it neither? All I know is the status quo currently isn't working. Im almost forced to resort to purchasing Inf from Gagoras because I can't spend weeks grinding out money like UberGuy suggests to get the necessary IOs needed to compete.

I completely understand where the market guys don't want things handed everyone on a silver platter because were 'lazy' or 'casual,' I don't want to have a complete Pimped out IO'd build - I know the work required to get it. I just want to be able to compete and have the IOs that are required to compete not cost 500million total. I want to be able to play the part of the game that I like without being forced into a mini game that I do. not. want. I'm sure people can understand how I feel just by thinking about how mad they would be if they were forced to PvP just to be able to do an end game task force.



Originally Posted by EmpireForgotten View Post
I really disagree with you. And its almost just as likely that I won't be able to explain my stance in a way that you will agree with me, but I will give it a whirl.

For over 2 years, all I did in this game was PvP. I thought of wierd lineups, I powerleveled PvP toons, I IO'd out PvP toons. It's the one thing I do in this game and it's the one thing I know a lot about. I'm Far from the best, but you can definately tell by watching me play that I know what I am doing.

I'm going to give a first hand example of why you can't PvP competitively with SOs. I was in RV the other night before I respecced my empath. My empath on live had SOs only - since I PvP'd on test server, IOs didn't matter to me on live. There was a competitive team on villain side and I was trying to form a team hero side to even the score. My night went like this

1. Levitate knocks you up - can't do anything for atleast 2 seconds
2. Dominate holds you for 2 seconds - again, still can't do anything for an additional 2 seconds
3. Respawn in the hospital. you're already dead

Now, I may joke that I am bad at PvP, and I am compared to some of the top tier participants, but I know how to survive a Spike if its possible. It is NOT possible with SOs to stop this type of a spike. It is not possible without even a small amount of IOs - you need a lot of IOs to counter this spike.

Flash forward to last night. My empath has respecced and I had to gut a base I used to use to copy IOs to test for build testing to get the IOs I needed (wow my grammar sucks - that sentence blows, anyways) Now, in an arena match, here is how it went

1. Levitate doesn't move you
2. Domainte holds you for 2 seconds -
3. Phase goes off and I live

The difference that IOs give you is 2 seconds in this scenario. and THAT is why they are required.
Now, this is my experience, and I have been around the block. If I can't stop a KB spike with SOs, then how should a new person to PvP or a casual PvPer do it?

So, is the problem with the availability of IOs, or the necessity that PvP requires of them? is it both? is it neither? All I know is the status quo currently isn't working. Im almost forced to resort to purchasing Inf from Gagoras because I can't spend weeks grinding out money like UberGuy suggests to get the necessary IOs needed to compete.

I completely understand where the market guys don't want things handed everyone on a silver platter because were 'lazy' or 'casual,' I don't want to have a complete Pimped out IO'd build - I know the work required to get it. I just want to be able to compete and have the IOs that are required to compete not cost 500million total. I want to be able to play the part of the game that I like without being forced into a mini game that I do. not. want. I'm sure people can understand how I feel just by thinking about how mad they would be if they were forced to PvP just to be able to do an end game task force.
i will throw the same argument that others have, you can compete in PvP with so's. infact, freedom is the only server i can think of where kb is used as much as possible so the only io's you really need are kb ones. i can also tell you that you can pick up kb io's anywhere from 500k-5mil. or you can get them free by running some AE, getting some tickets and rolling lv 10-14 bronze rolls. i drop at least 1 karma and 1 steadfast every time i roll. you need 41-43 points of kb to stop the effect from effecting you.

guess what else? if you sell your drops at the market it funds your builds.

guess what else? if you have 2 types of players, PvE and PvP, going for the same io's, purples and PvP io's, you are going to pay out the nose for them. supply vs demand.



Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
No argument here. But there will always be people who aren't going to do it. They're going to assume that sets that cap at level 20 are meant for them to own, and learn to their astonishment that they cannot hope to achieve this without a twinker or a stroke of extraordinary luck. And therefore the market and its participants are going to face a predictable, somewhat constant, level of frustration and anger. This may flare up from time to time as a result of conditions.
The standing question though is what the correct response to this fact should be.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Rather, it's meant in the general sense to move inf from the more wealthy to the less wealthy. Broadly speaking, that means from high-level to low-level characters. High level characters don't have a lot of attractive ways to generate, say, Luck Charms, but low-level ones get them just for playing (assuming they fight certain foe categories). So the lowbies end up with something the highbies want, and for which the highbies can pay a premium compared to what the lowbies can ever earn fighting mobs.
If that was the intent, AE broke that too. The high level characters that run AE make Luck Charms the same way they make any other piece of common salvage they might need and not have on hand.

On the other hand, before the advent of AE I saw the price of Luck Charms at the AH, and concluded: if I ever get one, I'm keeping it. If I get more than one I'm saving it. And the base was expanded to include 12 salvage racks. Since AE, the hoard is more about convenience than necessity.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



It's really simple. There's 2 types of buyers.

1) People who buy now for whatever the current list price is.
2) People who bid lower then the current list price and wait a few minutes/hours/days... depending on what the drop rate is of what they're bidding on.

The people who fall into catagory 2 are not the ones paying 100K inf for a common salvage and then complaining about it.

The people in Catagory 1 are mostly likely buying from a flipper. I am a flipper. When I set my price so that I'm the lowest price of anything listed. That means I just lowered the price of what I'm selling for the next buyer. Someone else may come along after me and list for even lower, so that they now get the next sale instead of me. It's a guessing game, so generally we have to anticipate a price that will cut out our competition... which means, Eventually we're actually drop our prices so low that other people are not willing to take such little profit and they flip something else instead. The end result of everything I'm discussing is a LOWER price. Not a Higher price. That's not some economic theory model ... that's what actually happens, as explained by the a person who's doing it.

Take flippers out of the equation and prices go up for the catagory 1 people, not down. Sorry folks, but flippers are good for the "casual" player whether they understand it or not. That 100K common salvage purchase? THAT is what happens when the flippers run out of supply and someone thinking they're gonna make a fast buck lists something really high. THAT is what you'd pay without flippers.

And they guy who thought he'd make a fast buck? He sold 1, maybe 2 for what is really peanuts in this game and wasted a market slot with overpriced salvage for the next 2-3 weeks or until he decides to unlist at the inflated price and dumps his stockpile for what's probably a net loss.

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
i will throw the same argument that others have, you can compete in PvP with so's. infact, freedom is the only server i can think of where kb is used as much as possible so the only io's you really need are kb ones. i can also tell you that you can pick up kb io's anywhere from 500k-5mil. or you can get them free by running some AE, getting some tickets and rolling lv 10-14 bronze rolls. i drop at least 1 karma and 1 steadfast every time i roll. you need 41-43 points of kb to stop the effect from effecting you.

guess what else? if you sell your drops at the market it funds your builds.

guess what else? if you have 2 types of players, PvE and PvP, going for the same io's, purples and PvP io's, you are going to pay out the nose for them. supply vs demand.
I would counter that you cannot, infact, PvP with SOs. I have given several reasons why. KB is one of them, most definitely not all.

If you have evidence that shows that I am wrong, please show it. Keep in mind that you said compete, not participate. Yes, you can participate with SOs. your participation will be hitting the respawn button over and over again and not having a chance at getting any drops or rep or having a good time.

If you can explain to me how you can compete in PvP with only SOs, I would be glad to admit I am wrong (believe me, there isn't any snark to that comment, I really really want to admit I am wrong)

And for the record, you can't get to 41+ KB points without Zephyrs, which are a little higher than 5 million at the moment (more like 40-100)

Edit - the starcraft 2 beta is out now, so I official concede all debates. Very good points everyone and I hope our discussions were as rewarding for you as they were for me



Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
If that was the intent, AE broke that too. The high level characters that run AE make Luck Charms the same way they make any other piece of common salvage they might need and not have on hand.
Except it didn't break it at all. They still regularly sell for 50k or so. Your aversion to spending that kind of money on them isn't universal, because for a lot of people who play at level 50, 50k isn't very much money.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by EmpireForgotten View Post
I would counter that you cannot, infact, PvP with SOs. I have given several reasons why. KB is one of them, most definitely not all.

If you have evidence that shows that I am wrong, please show it. Keep in mind that you said compete, not participate. Yes, you can participate with SOs. your participation will be hitting the respawn button over and over again and not having a chance at getting any drops or rep or having a good time.

If you can explain to me how you can compete in PvP with only SOs, I would be glad to admit I am wrong (believe me, there isn't any snark to that comment, I really really want to admit I am wrong)

And for the record, you can't get to 41+ KB points without Zephyrs, which are a little higher than 5 million at the moment (more like 40-100)
i have gotten it with only 1 zephyr, that i dropped durring a roll with tickets. i also figured that with the nerfs to the AE, they would be driven up in price and bought up somewhere around 50 of them so i don't have to worry about those. but enough about that. you can compete, yes compete, in PvP with so's. it is harder and you will die, but that is part of PvP. and as i understand it, it helps to put some PvP io's on the market. but yes, PvP'ing with so's is do-able. not recommended, but do-able.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
i have gotten it with only 1 zephyr, that i dropped durring a roll with tickets. i also figured that with the nerfs to the AE, they would be driven up in price and bought up somewhere around 50 of them so i don't have to worry about those. but enough about that. you can compete, yes compete, in PvP with so's. it is harder and you will die, but that is part of PvP. and as i understand it, it helps to put some PvP io's on the market. but yes, PvP'ing with so's is do-able. not recommended, but do-able.
Again, I ask - How is it do-able?



Originally Posted by EmpireForgotten View Post
Again, I ask - How is it do-able?
how about stop thread jacking? this is the last time i am answering your question as it does not pertain to the topic of this thread.

if you get on a competent team, you will last longer then being alone. just because you percieve that you can not PvP with so's does not mean that someone else has the same issue as you. i had a friend try this not to long ago. after getting set up with io's he said the difference was there but on a competent team he didn't worry about not having io's. i watched this with my own eyes. and this was on freedom.

now, back to the original issue...



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
how about stop thread jacking? this is the last time i am answering your question as it does not pertain to the topic of this thread.

if you get on a competent team, you will last longer then being alone. just because you percieve that you can not PvP with so's does not mean that someone else has the same issue as you. i had a friend try this not to long ago. after getting set up with io's he said the difference was there but on a competent team he didn't worry about not having io's. i watched this with my own eyes. and this was on freedom.

now, back to the original issue...
Like I said earlier up, I doubt I would be able to persuade anybody of my views because their experience would differ. I could continue, but why bother, you think Im wrong and I think you're wrong - in the end, doesn't matter.

I look forward to the day when changes are made, that is all



Originally Posted by SkeetSkeet View Post
Whether they are over valued or not, that doesn't address the supply constraints for those items. Making them purchasable with merits/tickets provides supply without providing a "free lunch" in any sense.
At what cost? For the average player, merits or tickets would be much better spent with random rolling. I can see adding a tiny percentage of random rolling producing a Purple, but disagree that making them purchasable with Merits is a good idea.



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
Yes., You are hated because us honest players post salvage low so that people that NEED them can buy them, yet you greedy marketeers just flip them when you don't NEED the salvage. In conclusion, we hate you.
Man. And here I thought you didn't have an ounce of humor in you.

THAT was funny as hell!

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Originally Posted by Frogfather View Post
BUt what about the casual level 7 Warshade that wants all his purples? Can we all just think of the warshades? What are they gonna do?
I could tell you, but I'd get banned from the forums...

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Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
You know this is the market forum, right?
how about stop assuming you know what he is talking about. he was complaining that he could not PvP with so's. that does not belong in a market thread. i suggest you go back and re read everything that was posted by him to do with that respect. it may have started out a 2 part whine, but turned into a PvP forum question.



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
Fine, as long as we make a new, more desirable category of IO that drops very rarely and is not itself purchasable with merits and/or tickets. This new category of IO will then take the place of Purples as the rare, desirable, random reinforcement that the Devs seem to want in the game, and Purples will be demoted to merely another IO set.

Because it's clear the Devs do want something in the game that's rare that can't be acquired by merits.

It seems to me like an enormous pain in the butt to make them demote Purples and create an entirely new category that works the exact same way, but you can ask them to do it if you want. The key thing is that some kind of top-end desirable items remain not purchasable with merits and/or tickets, as the devs intended.

Yes, the market is supposed to be starved for supply of ultra-rare items. That's what ultra-rare means.
Except for this:

Originally Posted by castle
Inflation is rampant. Things going for more than the market cap is obviously a problem, considering the market cap is supposed to be the individual wealth cap. Obviously, something is quite horribly broken there.
which supports my assertion that supply is broken for these items. Making them purchasable with merits fixes that problem and setting a merit price at an appropriately high level (whatever that is) balances them in terms of how easily obtained they are compared to less rare items.

Ultra-rare obviously isn't intended to mean off-market sales at 2x the inf cap or more. Just like common/uncommon/rare is reflected in market prices for items that are already purhcasable with merits, the same can be true for ultra-rare.



Originally Posted by EmpireForgotten View Post
Where is the line drawn as me being FORCED to play a mini game I don't like and don't have time for to do something I enjoy?
The one "forcing" you to do it is...wait for it...wait for Nobody else.

Again, you were never promised anything in this game would be cheap or easy to obtain.

Another thing, how long did you take to acquire your "necessary" enhancers?

How much of what you paid can be attributed to the "Gotsta buy is NAO!" tax?

(See all the posts on World PvP in the S&I to see where I am going with this)
You're choosing to participate in an activity that pushes the notion that you have to be heavily augmented with IOs to be "competitive". If you wish to participate in it, you're making the choice to move into a very rarefied style of play and, knowing the market conditions, needing to accumulate either large quantities of inf, or be lucky enough to pick up PVP IOs.

Saying "I don't want to" is essentially you telling people that you want to not have to do the same exact things they have to do to come to the same end.

Putting price caps on to make things "cheaper" will simply result in stuff being generally unavailable (as stuff either just sells immediately at the price cap, or people hoard them and sell them off market via trade).

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Originally Posted by SkeetSkeet View Post
Except for this:

which supports my assertion that supply is broken for these items. Making them purchasable with merits fixes that problem and setting a merit price at an appropriately high level (whatever that is) balances them in terms of how easily obtained they are compared to less rare items.

Ultra-rare obviously isn't intended to mean off-market sales at 2x the inf cap or more. Just like common/uncommon/rare is reflected in market prices for items that are already purhcasable with merits, the same can be true for ultra-rare.
and we all know how castle handled PvP...please do not let him get involved in the market.

and one of the devs stated, i believe, that they did not want purples purchasable this way. ever. they are meant to be ultra rare which means hard to come by which means a time sink for people so they play the game longer. makes perfect buisness sense. what he is refering to is PvP io's, the drop rates on those do need to be looked at as the population that is trying to feed the market with them is sooooooooo small.



Originally Posted by SkeetSkeet View Post
which supports my assertion that supply is broken for these items.
It could also suggest that there's simply too much influence in the system to properly balance influence-priced transactions. Inflation is always the result of too much money chasing too few items, not just a one-sided lack of supply, and influence is all too easy to earn in the game at the present time.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by EmpireForgotten View Post
The difference that IOs give you is 2 seconds in this scenario. and THAT is why they are required.
No. They are NOT. Simply because the tactics you choose to utilize leave you wanting for this form of mitigation doesn't mean they are REQUIRED.

I'm really sorry that you're having a hard time acquiring stuff you want for specific purposes, but it still doesn't mean the stuff is required. Highly desirable? Sure! Game-changing? Sure! Required? Not on any day of the week, and twice-no on Sundays.

If you want to continue with GearQuest so you can compete against someone else with a 30-billion Inf build, you're inflicting it upon yourself.

Does it mean you couldn't work with a bunch of friends and go after PVP at the SO/Common IO level while avoiding the IO set fiends?

So, is the problem with the availability of IOs
There's no "problem with availability". There's a market of 100K+ people in the game. PVPers are 1/2% to 1% of this population (or less). Yet this doesn't mean the IOs are less enticing to the other 99+% of the players. And for the most part they're purposefully scarce. Especially since everything but purples and certain holiday-specific recipes are purchasable by Merits now.

And, while you're in PVP thumping an opponent, there are players out there just like you who're earning inf in PVE at a rate that dwarfs yours.

Why exactly do you deserve to get one of these desirable IOs more than someone else? Because of some mistaken notion that you NEED them more?

All I know is the status quo currently isn't working.
Correction, it's not working FOR YOU because of choices you make in how you play.

Im almost forced to resort to purchasing Inf from [REMOVE THE SITE NAME PLEASE!] because I can't spend weeks grinding out money like UberGuy suggests to get the necessary IOs needed to compete.
Then you don't want the stuff or *ahem* NEED it that badly. Again, at no point were you ever ENTITLED to get the stuff easily or cheaply.

If you want it, work for it. LIKE EVERYONE ELSE.

I just want to be able to compete and have the IOs that are required to compete not cost 500million total.
It's called patience. Do without for a bit while and spend a little time multiplying your wealth. Saying "I don't want to do that" is simply asking for stuff to be given to you. And that's never going to happen.

I want to be able to play the part of the game that I like without being forced into a mini game that I do. not. want.
I hate to be blunt about this...well, no I don't especially since it's necessary.


The way you are choosing to participate in the game pretty much mandates that you do some long-term planning and inf building and stop expecting stuff to simply be available and cheap the second you finish PL'ing to 50.

I'm sure people can understand how I feel just by thinking about how mad they would be if they were forced to PvP just to be able to do an end game task force.
I DO understand how you feel. I merely don't sympathize, because an alternative that'd make you happy would bork the game. BADLY.

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Originally Posted by Shred_Monkey View Post
Take flippers out of the equation and prices go up for the catagory 1 people, not down.
Flippers don't raise the price, bidders do.
What flippers raise is the price FLOOR.

Essentially, in a VERY small number of transactions in an unflipped commodity, some buyers will get away with a lower price. The majority of them though will wind up paying more.

Steady pressure at a price floor will smooth out the wild swings from occasional low to much longer periods of high pricing.

Part of the reason salvage has gotten so much more volatile is due to the changes in base storage. Buyers don't necessarily have a massive reserve of stored items to fall back on anymore. These massive stores removed some of the pressure to buy at any cost from the market and helped keep prices lower. Now that that's no longer an option, that market pressure is driving up prices.

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Originally Posted by EmpireForgotten View Post
I would counter that you cannot, infact, PvP with SOs.

Maybe you cannot PVP against other people with multi-billion builds. But you can still PVP.

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