PvPEC: The League




The PvPEC is pleased to announce the beginning of a fun and exciting PvP league that will be taking place on the Freedom Server.

The League is designed with the player in mind. By creating a system where each team is composed of two squads, one drafted squad and one selected squad, we have joined the competitive nature of the PvP Ladder with the easy going format of the PvP League into one style of play that everyone can enjoy.

  • Division 8 teams, which are selected by captains before the draft, will run in the traditional 8v8 format only against other Division 8 teams. This provides a medium for those wishing to participate in the fast and highly competitive nature of arena 8v8 matches.
  • Division 6 teams, which are composed of drafted players, will play in 6v6 format and only play other Division 6 teams. With this system, Division 6 will fight other squads in a no stress scenario that welcomes any and all players, no matter their powersets or PvP experience.
  • Both squads compose a single team so everyone is contributing no matter what division they belong to. Rounds will be scored for wins/ties/losses and the team with the highest cumulative score at the end of the season will be deemed the winner!

We are always working to get some sweet prizes for you guys for showing your support of the PvPEC and it's not gonna stop here. The League will have more prizes than any event we have held before! The details will be announced later so stay tuned!

Don't let those free server transfers go to waste, transfer a character over to Freedom and come join in the fun! Everyone is strongly encouraged to participate!

The League Sign Up Thread

The League Rules



Sign up if you have ANY interest in PvP.



Sounds like something that could be fun. However i'd probably be more inclined to roll a new toon on freedom than transfer.

"while some people would say fish, cow, ambush!"-Ice9



Originally Posted by Elric View Post
Sounds like something that could be fun. However i'd probably be more inclined to roll a new toon on freedom than transfer.
I would transfer. The PvP scene over there is much more active, and I don't know that you'd have time to roll one, unless you have the resources to get one arena-ready in under a month.

My home server is actually Protector. I played on Protector starting back in i2. Trust me, the transfer is worth while - and so is this event. The season will last for over two months. Whether you are a hardcore PvPer, or just someone who wants to have some fun, this event will cater to you.

For those interested: Sign up here! http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=206797



Well i signed up and we'll see where it goes from there. I may have be removed from the list depending on how swamped i get with school and work. Though again it does seem like it could be fun and I'm interested on where this goes from here on.

"while some people would say fish, cow, ambush!"-Ice9



Get more to sign up! Free transfers are done in a few days! KGO!



Originally Posted by perilX View Post
The PvPEC is pleased to announce the beginning of a fun and exciting PvP league that will be taking place on the Freedom Server.
*checks the forum* hmm still Protector.

whale phale.




Don't let those free server transfers go to waste , transfer a character over to Freedom and come join in the fun! Everyone is strongly encouraged to participate!
Try reading the whole thing.




Originally Posted by FrozenDeath View Post
Try reading the whole thing.
I did read the whole thing. And advertising a Freedom event on protector boards and tryign to get people to xfer is still phale whale.

why don't YOU transfer here and help revitalize PvP ?

(i am cranky today) =P




Originally Posted by Kult666 View Post
I did read the whole thing. And advertising a Freedom event on protector boards and tryign to get people to xfer is still phale whale.

why don't YOU transfer here and help revitalize PvP ?

(i am cranky today) =P

It's a game-wide event that takes place on freedom, because freedom is the new accepted 'PvP Server'. It's also much more accessible than the test server.

Posts about this league have been put up in every server thread - the signups are pretty diverse server wise too



Originally Posted by Silit View Post
It's a game-wide event that takes place on freedom, because freedom is the new accepted 'PvP Server'. It's also much more accessible than the test server.
Then it should have been advertised in a GLOBAL forum section like "Player Events".

I agree with Kult - cross-posting is lame.

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Seriously, you don't have anything better to do than ***** about a post you could easily ignore? They are going to reach more people by posting directly on the server forums than some place like player events. This is a player based initiative to help people get access to decent pvp. I think that merits some tolerance of the HORRIBLE indiscretion of cross posting.




Originally Posted by FrozenDeath View Post
Seriously, you don't have anything better to do than ***** about a post you could easily ignore? They are going to reach more people by posting directly on the server forums than some place like player events. This is a player based initiative to help people get access to decent pvp. I think that merits some tolerance of the HORRIBLE indiscretion of cross posting.
Ah, forgot, rules and whatnot only apply when they do not conflict with your wants and/or wishes. At least you are consistent, anything you don't like is either stupid, racist, or both.



Yet, no one complained about the cross-posting regarding the phishing email. Rules are rules... and would apply to that as well.



Originally Posted by bamaWolfie View Post
Yet, no one complained about the cross-posting regarding the phishing email.
Not true, M I Abrahms pointed out the OP was cross-posting, and through I'd posted before he did, I edited my own comment concurring with M I's point. The info was helpful, but the means by which it was delivered could have been better. That might well be the reason the thread was deleted recently.



Ah, well, I stand corrected. I didn't see that. My apologies.



Originally Posted by Archiviste View Post
Then it should have been advertised in a GLOBAL forum section like "Player Events".

I agree with Kult - cross-posting is lame.
Don't worry. It's ok. I think Protector is an imaginary server anyway. So this isn't actually a cross-post.



Ah, forgot, rules and whatnot only apply when they do not conflict with your wants and/or wishes. At least you are consistent, anything you don't like is either stupid, racist, or both.
Hey, as long as you're in here, when your done with your knee-jerk spite why don't you wish the organizers good luck?

I did a quick check of the other server threads. Protector is the only one where you have people calling the event lame and complaining about cross-posting. I thought people here wanted Protector to be perceived as friendly.




Well, I do understand that corss posting is a no no for the most part but, I'm sure there are others like myself that do not pay attention to the general game play forums or some of the other global ones and just stick to their server forum and a few others.

"while some people would say fish, cow, ambush!"-Ice9



I'm on FrozenDeath's side on this one, folks. If you didn't care about PvP, why make a hassle about it here? It's just an advertisement.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
I'm on FrozenDeath's side on this one, folks. If you didn't care about PvP, why make a hassle about it here? It's just an advertisement.



This is how we revitalize PvP on Protector?

By.... making it happen on another server?

I'm pretty sure that the logical long-term effect is getting even more people to transfer to Freedom. I agree that recruiting for a server event (which is what this is, regardless of who is organizing) on other servers is gauche. This is, willingly or not, a headhunting/recruiting project for Freedom.

The Training Room would still have been the ideal place for this. The transfer system to that server is permanently free, and allows everyone to use a copy of their character instead of their original so respecs / builds are simpler to work on.

That said. "good luck PvPEC organizers"

Players Guide to the Cities



The league was traditionally held on the training server. It has moved to Freedom because of the numerous times times the devs have disrupted pvp events in order to pull the training server down for testing. Past leagues have run successful seasons only to have the finals disrupted by maintenance or test periods for new content. The devs have made it clear that the DO NOT want the test server to be used for something like this.

I'm pretty sure that the logical long-term effect is getting even more people to transfer to Freedom. I agree that recruiting for a server event (which is what this is, regardless of who is organizing) on other servers is gauche. This is, willingly or not, a headhunting/recruiting project for Freedom.
So people on Freedom are concerned that they don't have enough players, so they set up a pvp event (because pvp is really popular with the general population) in order to lure people away from Protector......right.

This isn't a call to abandon the server. It's just an opportunity to use the free server transfers to get involved in organized pvp. Many of the long-time Protector players have characters and sgs on other servers anyway. I don't remember people getting whale phale on Wolfen when he set up his First Responders sg and invited people to join. Pvp on Freedom, role play on Virtue, run tfs on Protector--whatever, what's the big deal?




Yup. If Slan and I see eye to eye on something then chances are it's probably right.

The league will certainly not make Protector any more or less active as a server. This post is just here so that people who may be interested in organized PvP and would like to learn more and/or participate in larger matches know that they have an opportunity to get involved and do so.



Originally Posted by Stalemate View Post

I'm pretty sure that the logical long-term effect is getting even more people to transfer to Freedom. I agree that recruiting for a server event (which is what this is, regardless of who is organizing) on other servers is gauche. This is, willingly or not, a headhunting/recruiting project for Freedom.
No offense but this is a silly comment. Thats like saying that the free server transfers are being used to destroy low population servers and convert the game into one or two servers. While some people may be unsure how this will revitalize PvP on servers with a small PvP population you need to think about it this way. If they get more people to try it over there in a league it might inspire more people to try setting it up on their home server and get others interested. Its like what, a two month event. Also if you look at the sign up they ask if people are willing to make new characters for the event, so you there's a possibility that you wouldn't have to transfer. In all honesty aside from school and work, if i can't make a new toon for the event i probably wont participate because i personally don't have any interest in moving my toons for a 2 month event.

"while some people would say fish, cow, ambush!"-Ice9