PvPEC: The League




Originally Posted by Silit View Post
Yup. If Slan and I see eye to eye on something then chances are it's probably right.
Seriously? You actually said that?

Words fail to express the magnitude of that statement.



You know what?

Whatever floats your boat guys.

Forget I said anything, and enjoy yourselves.

Players Guide to the Cities



Originally Posted by FrozenDeath View Post
Seriously, you don't have anything better to do than ***** about a post you could easily ignore? They are going to reach more people by posting directly on the server forums than some place like player events. This is a player based initiative to help people get access to decent pvp. I think that merits some tolerance of the HORRIBLE indiscretion of cross posting.

I have to ask, there is no way not to have known that posting this way would rub people the wrong way, why do it anyway ? Just how is taking a hostile and defensive tone supposed to help your event ?



I don't have anything to do with the event, just a general interest in pvp.

You're asking me about my post. Not Kult's description of the event as "whale phale" or her subsequent comments that I should revitalize pvp here--because I told her to read the entire advertisement. Archiviste's comment about the "lame crossposting", as well not to mention Ice9's hysterics. If you only see an issue with my response, I'd say you're pretty biased.

I don't know you. I don't mean to offend you by that, but really the only place that I have an issue with rubbing people the wrong way is on Protector. And I find the people so offended seldom look to their own behavior.




This bellyaching about cross-posting amuses me, because I'm pretty sure if the poster(s) hadn't obtained explicit permission to do so from a moderator, the threads in question would've been deleted by now.

Here's the deal:

Organized PvP on every server except Freedom is dead. Does it suck? Yep. Are the players to blame? Nope. Given free server transfers, and the fact that Freedom had established itself as the live PvP server well before the I13 fiasco, the options are to either get what's left of this game's PvP population to spread itself out in an effort to fill all the servers, or get what's left of this game's PvP population to consolidate in one area so there's more activity for everyone, at every level of competition, at any time of the day/week. Given those two options, I think every reasonable person can see which is preferable for the current situation. Test would be a nice place to run this, yes, but with Going Rogue looming on the horizon and so much unknown about how it's going to be tested, trying to use the test server for this event (and then having it interrupted partway through by a beta or whatever, as has happened many times to organized test PvP) isn't the best idea at this time. Transfers to and from Freedom are free until the end of February. If you have characters sitting around on any server that you want to PvP with, move them there. If you think you can have an arena-ready character leveled and IOd in a month, go ahead and see what you can do.

Regardless, the invitation is there. If you think the league being on Freedom is a slight on Protector, it's not - it's just the reality of the state of PvP in this game. If you're interested in PvP and want to broaden your horizons, so to speak, bring something over or level something.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



To clarify, the intentions of this thread were to inform those interested in organized arena PvP, an outlet to do so with the means being made available via free server transfers. We will continue to host events on every server, every month and this was not a ploy to get everyone on Freedom. We simply aim to inform that there is hope for those wishing to enter organized PvP.

Those who may be interested, Signups close this Friday night!