Obsidius to run a half marathon Feb 7th




Some CoHers on Twitter have known about this for a month or two, but I thought I'd give some background anyhow, so here goes:

When I left the military in 2001, I could run 3 miles in about 21 minutes, do 16-17 pull-ups, and about 80 crunches in 2 minutes. Well, that was almost 10 years ago.

Since then, I let myself go, after being burnt out on PT runs, physical fitness tests, and the whole lot. I eventually got a desk job in corporate America. I continued playing video games (a hobby since I was a child), eventually moving into MMOs and, ultimately, CoH. I became sedentary, and in the interceding years, went from a svelte 155 lbs to a slightly larger 175 lbs. By no means am I the largest man on the planet (I'm the second oldest of my four siblings, but am the second lightest) , but the small spare forming around my waistline made me realize that I was becoming another overweight American.

I've been thinking about shaping up for years, with on-and-off-again workout regimens. Last year, my wife (@Rella) ran the Surf City Half Marathon (http://www.runsurfcity.com/), and despite having not the best of training due to illness, still finished it with time to spare. So this year I decided to run it instead.

Since registering mid-November, I've taken up a running regimen of running distances 3 times a week. Currently I'm up to 7 miles in 75 minutes, a mile more than I ever ran in the military. In-between days have now been filled with gym time to work out my noodly upper body (up to 3 pull-ups ) and flabby core (still strong there, but trying to deflate that spare). Once my roommate moves out and I no longer have to carpool with him to work, I'll probably start riding my bike to work again too (3 miles each way), but that won't be until month's end anyhow.

The event is on Feb. 7th in Huntington Beach, CA, in the morning, on the PCH (they close down the PCH for it and the full marathon). The half marathon itself will be 13.1 miles, or approx. 21K. I'm doing well right now but want to run up to at least 10 miles before event day. So I have about 3-6 miles to work in between now and then.

And if I can manage it, I might try to pull off a ninja sprint at the finish line... and then start heaving afterwards.

So yes... as if working, going to school part-time, returning to my artwork, playing video games and CoH, and posting on the forums didn't occupy enough of my time, I've been working out for 1-2 hours during the week nights. And I'll probably be starting a family within the next month or two too

So yes, if you haven't been seeing me online as much, I have some reasons

I might just have to make a Team Obsidius shirt now...



Hey you could run with Azrhiaz in Cali for this cool hat

"Oh NO! I'm so sorry baba! you and your wife will be sorely missed...s#@!, i did it again, didn't I?" - mintmiki
Animal Farm ID:71800
When Alts Collide: 134432



Iiiiiiiiinteresting... and not terribly far either...

Heck, the way I'm training lately I might be able to do that



Originally Posted by Baba_Kanoosh View Post
Hey you could run with Azrhiaz in Cali for this cool hat
The beard on the guy in the fire leaping picture alone was worth checking that link. I gotta grow me one of those.

The Players' Guide to the Cities



Good luck with this. My goal fitness wise this year is the easier 10K.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



I am shooting lower in the alphabet...10G

"Oh NO! I'm so sorry baba! you and your wife will be sorely missed...s#@!, i did it again, didn't I?" - mintmiki
Animal Farm ID:71800
When Alts Collide: 134432



Good fer you, Ob. Betting you might become an inspiration for more of us.

Wishing you the best. Keep us posted, please!



You are more than welcome to run the Warrior Dash with me in April. We are all signed up for the noon heat. I am horrible at running so currently, my goal is to run 3 miles without walking any of it. Ugh.

I'll be rootin' for ya!

Arc 185502: Who Killed Snow Globe? a mini mystery Put together the clues to solve the case!

Arc 22832: And Hell Hath No Fury (extreme)
Will you be the key to the Knives of Artemis' survival? or the instrument of their destruction?



BAH! half a marathon. I am an all or nothing kinda guy so run the whole marathon or nothing. When you get to the finish line immediately go back to the start line and do it again! Myself, I will be working on the nothing side of this particular equation.

All kidding aside, more power to you. I spent the last 15 months working out of town on a power plant in southern Illinois. Only place to go eat in the little town next door was a Casey's gas station or a mom and pop general store that made some pretty good fried chicken, meatloaf, country fried steak, fried catfish, always with a side of mash potatoes, green beans or corn. I BALLOOOOOOOONED while working down there.

I am so thankful I play on the pantless server because, quite frankly, playing in pants would be very uncomfortable right now.

So now that I have a couple months off for the winter I have to find the motivation to shed some of those lunches. No marathons or 5k's for me. I would have to start walking first. I wouldn't make it around the block jogging in the 20 degree Chicago weather.

So good luck Obsidius. Now I suppose I should get off my fat butt and go do something.

The Revenants and Vengeance Imperium-Triumph, Champion & now flavoring Justice!

Tanker Tuesdays & Brutal Thursdays. If you like fun, look'em up!

Shhh! Rangle is plotting.



Go, Obs, go!

Personally, I don't run. I don't jog. I don't even move particularly quickly. I do walk long distances though. Sort of like body techtonics - very slow, very determined motion.

And to all of you who are looking down and not seeing you feet for the spare tire - yeah, I am with you. However, I have managed to begin deflating the spare. Soon I hope to be stuck with a motorcycle spare tire, then a bike tire - then I might be able to see my toes! Wheeee! Well, OK, I will never ACTUALLY see my toes for two large reasons attached higher up than the spare tire, but it is the THOUGHT that counts, right? Heeeheeeeheeee!



Originally Posted by PapaSlade View Post
All kidding aside, more power to you. I spent the last 15 months working out of town on a power plant in southern Illinois. Only place to go eat in the little town next door was a Casey's gas station or a mom and pop general store that made some pretty good fried chicken, meatloaf, country fried steak, fried catfish, always with a side of mash potatoes, green beans or corn. I BALLOOOOOOOONED while working down there.
Being originally from Illinois, I know exactly what you're talking about. During my recent holiday vacation, I also realized this is why I wouldn't want to move back there. The culinary delights and "comfort food" are fabulous, especially in winter, but I fear how many pounds I'd put on. I felt bloated just after a week - granted, Christmas is a big eating period, but still.

Speaking of which, which town, out of curiosity?

For me, it all began with walking with my wife. But when I started training for the half marathon in earnest, I took on jogging. First I started with a lap around the block, which is 0.9 miles. Then two laps. And three laps the next week. And so on and so forth.

I moved on to a treadmill simply because my wife and I decided to get gym memberships for each other for Christmas, and treadmills are lower impact on the joints as opposed to jogging or running on concrete (asphalt's not as bad, but I'm not running in the middle of the street, TYVM ). Plus it's easier to set a steady pace and keep track of distance and time.

Still, all else failing, just start walking around the block and move up from there. Granted, it's harder in winter, especially back east and in the midwest, but walking's a start.



That's great to hear! I've been off active duty for 3 years, and definitely walked the same path of comfort lol.

I hit a breaking point this weekend though, while at Drill Duty, and made the decision to go back to my roots as well. Fried chicken, coke, pizza, beer, and lots of chips filled my grocery cart this morning....jk...lots of whole foods and fruit and veggies. :P

Good luck with the training and your goal!

Don't I know you???



Sounds hawt obs, I will stick to the weight room though :P

One of the highest bench's in the community, and still slower then a rock in super glue



I just don’t see why you don’t just fly over the course. I mean, you’re a gargoyle right? Laser beam eye your competition and call it a day!

But seriously, good luck in the marathon. I participate in two triathlons a year, one solo and another with a team. As silly as it sounds, they are a lot of fun training for and the idea of having a goal to work towards is motivating. I hope you live up to your expectations. My digital self will be there cheering you on. Just don’t tell anyone my identity or I will have to keewwwlll you.


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