new costume help
2 cents: Looks like a typical demon. Maybe try adding some detail (that works, not just to have.) Try a different color scheme, or add some "impact" color. The pants/style doesn't do much for me; maybe a different pattern?
<- Doesn't care about costume contests for various reasons. Also doesn't do a lot of costume creations. Once I get something I like that fits the character, I pretty much stick with it. Most characters don't even have more than 2 costumes anyway
I've already forgotten about most of you

2 cents: Looks like a typical demon. Maybe try adding some detail (that works, not just to have.) Try a different color scheme, or add some "impact" color. The pants/style doesn't do much for me; maybe a different pattern?
<- Doesn't care about costume contests for various reasons. Also doesn't do a lot of costume creations. Once I get something I like that fits the character, I pretty much stick with it. Most characters don't even have more than 2 costumes anyway ![]() |

well this is me with blue and black....grr colours...
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Offhand, I would say that you just have too much going on. The whole costume is a little too busy, and gives too much for the eyes to focus on. Do I want to look at the eyes? The face? The wings? The chestpiece? The belt? Etc. It isn't really a cohesive unit. Knock out a couple of the more opulent parts, and maybe add a third color (I'm a nut for tri-color costumes).
You could always send me the costume file and let me work some magic too. I'm always willing to fiddle around with things.
okay befor i go for a whole remake of the costume i will try for colours.
blue black and white-ish
Personally I like it but that's just me. Not sure on what could improve it.
Here's an idea( I have a hero with an old Celtic look , Black boots, brown pants, bare chested. and a belt with a red gem just for that small bit of contrast as I think it breaks things up nicely you know that little "tiny" difference.
I would volunteer to help but i would take hours of your time, just to get it right...(then probably steal the idea myself). So i put myself in as a last resort!
Main Server:Victory
***"When you surround an enemy, leave an outlet free [...] to make him believe there is a road to safety, and thus prevent his fighting with the courage of despair." Sun Tzu ***
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Offhand, I would say that you just have too much going on. The whole costume is a little too busy, and gives too much for the eyes to focus on. Do I want to look at the eyes? The face? The wings? The chestpiece? The belt? Etc. It isn't really a cohesive unit. Knock out a couple of the more opulent parts, and maybe add a third color (I'm a nut for tri-color costumes). You could always send me the costume file and let me work some magic too. I'm always willing to fiddle around with things. |
okay after some bribing, begging and pain stacking research i found some real life females that said they liked this colour skeem
i have the same thing in blue black and white
Yeah, I don't think there was anything particularly wrong with your original costume. I do have a tendency to think like Viv with costumes: for the majority of the costume parts, I have two colors. Then for certain pieces that I want to really pop, I make them a different color. On Crey Hunter 1.0, for instance, he has a mostly red and black martial arts outfit, but it's set off by changes in his skin color (he's an android), etc. For his trench coat/Matrix look, he's got a solid red trench coat that contrasts well with black pants, and a white business shirt. I'd have to toss them your way to see what I mean.
Dual color schemes can work pretty well, too, though. Sunset Samurai uses a lot of the samurai costume parts that look fantastic in red and gold. Kind of depends on what you're going for.
This new change looks pretty good, but it might be even better if just that skull face had the gray/white coloring, maybe the belt, too. When I add a third color, I take awhile turning it on to different parts of the costume to see what works best.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
How'd you add a third colour? It only gives two colour options on character creation!
Viv didn't mean you could put a third color in a costume piece, she just meant that a general way that costumes are created is to make the majority of the costume two colors with a third color used for accenting. Simply bi-colored is boring, and adding too many colors makes the costume too busy... both of which are okay, if that's what you're going for.
And Tal, don't feel bad for not winning costume contests. The main reason you're not winning is that you're not dressed up like a schoolgirl/catgirl/both with tons of cleavage showing.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
To give an idea of tricoloring, here's some of my costumes.
(This is something like 5 colors)
I suggest anyone who likes to make costumes, or just wants a challenge check out the Color Palette Costume Contest. Good fun!
This is the costume I just made for the current palette:
Wow - someone Neg Rep'd me for saying I liked Vivace's toon. How sad is that!?
Wow - someone Neg Rep'd me for saying I liked Vivace's toon. How sad is that!?

At any rate, just turn off rep or ignore it. You kind of have to hunt for the comments now, anyway.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
Wow - someone Neg Rep'd me for saying I liked Vivace's toon. How sad is that!?
I lost over 100 rep points from a single negative comment. It's a very poorly designed system.

Also, Viv is hawt, so your commenter is obviously lacking in taste.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
okay after loosing every single CC i have ever been a part of i am asking for your help. Anything you can suggest that will help with the look?