Server Merger...




I have taken time to carefully consider a server merger by looking back on the games I have been a part of during my sojourn from CoH. Contemplating they rise and fall of such titans as AoC and Warhammer I have to go with a solid;


Server mergers are the death knell of an mmo. Whether this would be strictly true is a mute point as the perception of the player base is such that having servers merged means the game is on life support. But there have been posts of far greater eloquence already on the cons of server mergers.

If you feel you're sever is not meeting your expectations than by all means take advantage of the character transfers and join us on Freedom, or conversely if you are tired of the screaming, arm waving and mouth frothing madness leave for quieter pastures.

=. .=



Originally Posted by Gearford View Post
started late 2005 or early 2006, but dont have many memories of it due to my auto accident, anything pre -=DeMeNTeD=- with P149U3 is a wash.

when they merged emerald and markov into gemini (i wasnt even around for the johari/konreid days) it was a pretty big clash of playstyles, west coast (markov) having more of a spammy thing going on since they were the CN (chinese network) home, east coast (emerald) having more of an unreal gameplay culture.

they not too long ago merged gemini with the euros on werner, not too long ago every gen got blown, people with packs of 12+ plasma grenades started appearing, and the game died.
Yeah, you started well after my time; I was in it in spring of 2003 through summer of '04 (COH pretty much stole me away). Started on Johari, which merged with Markov in the latter half of '03. That merger was okay; the community was doing fine honestly, 'til they made some sweeping gameplay changes in mid '04. (Actually, it was the culmination of a bunch of changes that evolved the flavor from the original FPS feel, which threw off the playerbase.)

I loved my PS peeps: I still keep in touch with a bunch of the outfits we used to coalition with for some wickedly major campaigns. IRON (my online crew) had lots of fun with simple "we root here, and we die or we win, maggots" tactics that got us a lot of "favorite enemy" status with the opposing armies. Great time, easily the most fun I've had in an MMO - enough to make me dip my pen in the well for a bunch of short stories/novellas during that terrific first 18 months.

Watching Avatar, I keep thinking about Planetside. If you see the movie, you know why.

There's talk of a "Planetside Next" venture from Sony. No idea on the details, but if they bring back the Mosquito, I'll sub for a year just to fly again.



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
Yeah, you started well after my time; I was in it in spring of 2003 through summer of '04 (COH pretty much stole me away). Started on Johari, which merged with Markov in the latter half of '03. That merger was okay; the community was doing fine honestly, 'til they made some sweeping gameplay changes in mid '04. (Actually, it was the culmination of a bunch of changes that evolved the flavor from the original FPS feel, which threw off the playerbase.)

I loved my PS peeps: I still keep in touch with a bunch of the outfits we used to coalition with for some wickedly major campaigns. IRON (my online crew) had lots of fun with simple "we root here, and we die or we win, maggots" tactics that got us a lot of "favorite enemy" status with the opposing armies. Great time, easily the most fun I've had in an MMO - enough to make me dip my pen in the well for a bunch of short stories/novellas during that terrific first 18 months.

Watching Avatar, I keep thinking about Planetside. If you see the movie, you know why.

There's talk of a "Planetside Next" venture from Sony. No idea on the details, but if they bring back the Mosquito, I'll sub for a year just to fly again.
do you mean the gameplay changes that turned it from an FPS to an RTS? like how it takes 3 full sized unguided rockets and over a magazine or striker homing missles to take out a mosquito, the smallest aircraft in the game. 3 decis for a max too.

those kind of changes are what a lot of vets feel killed the game (and BFRs, of course) because it pigeon holed roles. Only air outside, since there was nothing but CE (land mines) on the ground for a tank to bother with, Maxes were a clearly superior indoor fighter, and infantry were really only useful because Maxes couldnt hold a REK to actually hack the base with. then they made rock-paper-scissors gameplay where mossies which arent realistically killable with infantry weapons steam roll infantry outside, AA maxes steam roll mossies with homing missles or flak cannons of death, and infantry kills the AA max so they respawn and grab an anti infantry max. the reaver got buffed so it can also escape its boundaries by killing an AA max with its rockets faster than it can kill them.

these pigeon holed roles and rock paper scissors game play drove away pops, the solution to being [censored] [censored]ed as an infantry man was, for most people, to hack.

it got REALLY bad when they merged werner with gemini.

I have little hope for PS next, like most SoE games it will be good at the start, they will screw it up, and instead of admitting they were dumb and reversing changes they will opt to do nothing and save on the loss of subs by cutting money spent on things like development, server maintainence, and customer support. exceptions to this rule are everquest and everquest 2



Originally Posted by AhaziRefugee View Post
Trust me, OP ... coming from a recent returning player who is coming straight from SWG, you have NO IDEA how good you have it here.

Besides, if you're not finding a team it's not that there arn't people there. Unfortunately, there was a mass exodos on Freedom not long ago, some due to other more "hip" games or whatever, and some due to character transfers. Funny thing about character transfers, everyone used to talk about Freedom and the farms and the lag, and the ignorance of "noobs" etc. Now every server has picked up most of ours and Freedom is now simply another server in the line-up. Oh, we still have the stuff I mentioned, but now, (As if Obama had taken over City of Heroes instead of the Presidential Office...) we've spread the wealth.

There is good news though, when you find a team, you are less likely to find people who have all 4 travel powers and no actual archetype powers, or as many people who will sit AFK at the entrance of the mission while the group goes to fight. Or the inevitable Blapper who thinks he's a tank, who disperses agro so that the entire team wipes on almost every single group. NOW, we have players who play the game and enjoy it. Even the farmers are less like they used to be after all!

Oh, and just for the record, I agree with Turg;

Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post

Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!



I was witness to the SWG debacle.....granted I never played the game my former room mate did. After he took a break from it and then when back to it thinking that he would still have his characters and "stuff" he was sorely mistaken after he realized that a server merger had taken place and someone else had taken the name of his main toon.

As far as server mergers most folks I will agree with Turg on this Nah....

Besides if you find this game intoleable go play another game!

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



Originally Posted by Capt_Power View Post

Besides, if you're not finding a team it's not that there arn't people there. Unfortunately, there was a mass exodos on Freedom not long ago, some due to other more "hip" games or whatever, and some due to character transfers. Funny thing about character transfers, everyone used to talk about Freedom and the farms and the lag, and the ignorance of "noobs" etc. Now every server has picked up most of ours and Freedom is now simply another server in the line-up. Oh, we still have the stuff I mentioned, but now, (As if Obama had taken over City of Heroes instead of the Presidential Office...) we've spread the wealth.

There is good news though, when you find a team, you are less likely to find people who have all 4 travel powers and no actual archetype powers, or as many people who will sit AFK at the entrance of the mission while the group goes to fight. Or the inevitable Blapper who thinks he's a tank, who disperses agro so that the entire team wipes on almost every single group. NOW, we have players who play the game and enjoy it. Even the farmers are less like they used to be after all!

Oh, and just for the record, I agree with Turg;
yeah, at first I thought pops died, then I found out they just shifted 'round. maybe everyone will transfer back?

rofl rofl Obama.

they still did rabbits every now and then. cept with the router (dont know if you left before this) exploits, it was really hard to kill the guy... while he was inside a tree or mountain.



Originally Posted by Sevenpenny View Post
I was witness to the SWG debacle.....granted I never played the game my former room mate did. After he took a break from it and then when back to it thinking that he would still have his characters and "stuff" he was sorely mistaken after he realized that a server merger had taken place and someone else had taken the name of his main toon.
Um ... that didn't happen. There never was a server merge in SWG. They did an extended period of free transfers, followed by the closure of half the servers, but there was never a merge. The only way he lost his toon's name would be if he deleted it or if he was on a server that closed and attempted to move his character.



Originally Posted by JanewayFan View Post
If you ask me, it's time.

I miss the days when I would wake up and find a group any time of the day, morning or night. And almost none of the maps were empty.

I understand all good things must come to an end, but a server merger would be a great way to slow that process down.

With the new expansion coming and merged servers, CoH could be pretty close to what it used to be.

Let me know your opinions
that wouldn't be needed if all the cry babies on this game wasn't always crying about farmers. they took the ae and the game went into the toilet...good job on ruining it for people that dont want to stand in atlas and look retarded



Originally Posted by stormydiz View Post
that wouldn't be needed if all the cry babies on this game wasn't always crying about farmers. they took the ae and the game went into the toilet...good job on ruining it for people that dont want to stand in atlas and look retarded

What are you saying?



Originally Posted by JanewayFan View Post
If you ask me, it's time.
We're not asking you. You're putting forth an opinion that a lot of people are disagreeing with.

I miss the days when I would wake up and find a group any time of the day, morning or night. And almost none of the maps were empty.
Since you're on an account registered in the last couple months...when would that have been? Or are you not posting from your primary account for a reason?

I understand all good things must come to an end, but a server merger would be a great way to slow that process down.
End? What EXACTLY are you talking about? The game is due for a major expansion in the relatively near future. Merging the servers would accomplish nothing but chasing even more people off. Re-read Memphis Bill's quoted post again for the reason.

With the new expansion coming and merged servers, CoH could be pretty close to what it used to be.
That's just it. People don't WANT CoH to be "what it used to be" (unless they're PVP'ers of course...). They want it to IMPROVE. Cutting down the number of servers would NOT be an improvement.

Thanks for being specific.
You didn't ask for specificity. Just the opinion.

Originally Posted by Leandro
If you think FREEDOM, of all places, is empty, no amount of server merging will ever help you. Last night, freakin' New Years Eve, there were 600 heroes and 300 villains online. I logged in my villain, which is the low-population side, and still had a LRSF running within 15 minutes.

You're just not looking for team in the right places. The maps (aka. zones) are ALWAYS going to feel empty; people play on instances, not in the game world.
This to the infinite power.

Originally Posted by Coldmed
try not being on freedom and say that..
I play on Protector. It's a low-to-middling population server. I CAN say that.

just cause your on the highest poulation server doesnt mean it shouldnt happen or doesnt need to happen.
I play on Freedom as well as lower pop servers. It shouldn't happen. And it doesn't need to happen. PERIOD!

if only 900 people are many of that is dual accounts?..take away a 1/3rd of that then..then on top on that look to the 100 people on guardian or a few wont even get 200 not counting all the dual accounts .
Translation: I can pull numbers from my rectum too.

You have no way of knowing "only" 900 people are on. And if he said 2000 people were on you'd be using that, with an "only" tacked onto the front.

subscriptions are low period
This is you talking from le rectum again. You don't know this. You have ZERO way of knowing this. Sorry.

Quote: should be in beta already and theres been no word from posi in months
Sorry, but the dev team doesn't work to YOUR schedule.

...sorry but i dont take what bill says either.thats like listening to ac..just aint gonna happen
In short, you're holding your hands over your ears and going LALALALALA!

Originally Posted by AhaziRefugee
Trust me, OP ... coming from a recent returning player who is coming straight from SWG, you have NO IDEA how good you have it here.
You have my condolences. And welcome back!

Originally Posted by Slax
I find this odd that this is on Freedom, by far the easiest server to find a team on. I've been on Freedom (except for a few earlier toons that never teamed) since free transfers and have no issue getting on or assembling a decent team.
Someone evidently believes they need to be inundated with blind invites the nanosecond they log on.

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Originally Posted by gibsonmccoy View Post
the last server merge i was an active part of was on dungeons & dragons online before it went free to play. The almighty (and sick and twisted devs (i still love you patience!)) decided (with i believe to be some hilarious glee and laughter) to stick the powergamer server, xoriat, with the roleplay server, thelanis.


Quoting me from the ddo forums:
that first week after the merge was a blast.

Player 1- oh, the dungeon walls are slick with moss and slime, yet we shall ever persevere in the face of untamed evil, only those true of heart and valor will overcome the vils contained within these walls...

Player 2- optionals?
Player 3- sure!
Player 1- surely the foul stench of chaos is afoot here, i must tread carefully...

Quest complete!


Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Gearford View Post
yeah, at first I thought pops died, then I found out they just shifted 'round. maybe everyone will transfer back?
Just to show I'm completely out of touch...

The population of Freedom went down? I know the AE farms died (now starting to come back...uh oh...) but I must not have been paying attention to the population in general.



Originally Posted by JeetKuneDo View Post
Just to show I'm completely out of touch...

The population of Freedom went down? I know the AE farms died (now starting to come back...uh oh...) but I must not have been paying attention to the population in general.
It went down by the number of people you would find standing around doing nothing.

I type /b lft and still get spammed with invites. occasional SG invite spam occur too.

but on the log in screen freedom is only the green bub, so im gonna guess pops did move a little, people say that others transfered to get away from lag, but I think they'll come crawling back.



Originally Posted by Gearford View Post
the log in screen freedom is only the green bub, so im gonna guess pops did move a little, people say that others transfered to get away from lag, but I think they'll come crawling back.
The green dot just symbolizes the network load on that server, not necessarily an actual number of accounts currently online. I rarely see it go yellow anymore ever since they upgraded the server hardware a year or so ago... unless it's a special event weekend or something.

On that same note, it's possible for a server to become FULL before it even goes into the "red" because they set a hard limit on the number of accounts allowed signed onto each server, and that does not necessarily create maximum network load anymore.



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
The green dot just symbolizes the network load on that server, not necessarily an actual number of accounts currently online. I rarely see it go yellow anymore ever since they upgraded the server hardware a year or so ago... unless it's a special event weekend or something.

On that same note, it's possible for a server to become FULL before it even goes into the "red" because they set a hard limit on the number of accounts allowed signed onto each server, and that does not necessarily create maximum network load anymore.
they did a hardware upgrade?

guess im the one out of touch...



Originally Posted by Gearford View Post
they did a hardware upgrade?

guess im the one out of touch...
They've done a number of them over the course of the years. Freedom actually has the most powerful servers which is the reason why you'll occasionally see Virtue with a yellow dot and Freedom with a green even though Freedom still probably has more people on at the moment. The last one I remember was more than a year ago, however, because I remembering it tying in with the reactivation weekend before the reactivation weekend that accompanied AE being introduced.



Originally Posted by JanewayFan View Post
If you ask me, it's time.
'Tis a good thing no one of import asked you then, isn't it?



Originally Posted by JanewayFan View Post
If you ask me, it's time.
Thankfully, no one (that matters in the decision) is asking you.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
Thankfully, no one (that matters in the decision) is asking you.
Hehe, that's what I said... right above you.



Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
Thankfully, no one (that matters in the decision) is asking you.
That's what ThirtyHyphenSeven said right above you.

Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Hehe, that's what I said... right above you.
That's what I said right below you!




Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
That's what I said right below you!
That's what we've all been saying all along!



Originally Posted by JanewayFan View Post
If you ask me, it's time.

I miss the days when I would wake up and find a group any time of the day, morning or night. And almost none of the maps were empty.

I understand all good things must come to an end, but a server merger would be a great way to slow that process down.

With the new expansion coming and merged servers, CoH could be pretty close to what it used to be.

Let me know your opinions
You know, quite a lot of players have left playing on Freedom because they like the player community on other servers better.
I have a full server of characters over there that I rarely play because of the player behavior that I often run into over there.

So "no". We do not want to merge with Freedom. We are happy where we are not playing on Freedom when we don't want to. Thank you.

If I had characters on other servers that I wanted to move to Freedom I could have done so with the free server moves we were given. Other players had the same option, and it sure seems like some of them used them to leave Freedom.

If you like Freedom, please stay there, but don't try to force the rest of us to game with you if don't actively want to game on Freedom.



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
You know, quite a lot of players have left playing on Freedom because they like the player community on other servers better.
I have a full server of characters over there that I rarely play because of the player behavior that I often run into over there.

So "no". We do not want to merge with Freedom. We are happy where we are not playing on Freedom when we don't want to. Thank you.

If I had characters on other servers that I wanted to move to Freedom I could have done so with the free server moves we were given. Other players had the same option, and it sure seems like some of them used them to leave Freedom.

If you like Freedom, please stay there, but don't try to force the rest of us to game with you if don't actively want to game on Freedom.
ya well we are all just dirty power levelers that don't know how to play our toons anyway