What is between issue and going rogue

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Just out of curiosity is there anything coming out ( an issue and update) between issue 16 and going rogue?
was wondering yesterday while doing a task force and just thought to ask..i know valentine event will be in febuary ( after 4 years of the same event) but anything else a booster or something?

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



We don't know.

Odds are, though, if an issue does come out between now and GR, it won't be an issue with sweeping changes/additions.



It depends on what you mean re: "sweeping additions/changes." We've heard plenty of little things (IE, less than 10% mobs now show on maps, along with glowies) as well as a big thing or two (ultra mode) that might be ready early.

Since this would involve a whole "extra" beta and follow-up patch round, I think I'd prefer that they just keep it all to GR, rather than put anything out earlier.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



im thinking maybe booster pack , new valentine event ( probabley a raid like winter event (yuck) )and new issue in september....but was wondering if any one knew for sure

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
It depends on what you mean re: "sweeping additions/changes." We've heard plenty of little things (IE, less than 10% mobs now show on maps, along with glowies) as well as a big thing or two (ultra mode) that might be ready early.

Since this would involve a whole "extra" beta and follow-up patch round, I think I'd prefer that they just keep it all to GR, rather than put anything out earlier.
I mean, I don't think they're going to add animated NPCs to walk around SG/VG bases, reinstate the Cathedral of Pain trial, or radically alter PvE/PvP.

They might add power customization to HEATs and VEATs or to power pools. They might add some more costume sets. *shrug*

We don't know.



I gotta admit, having only recently returned after a year hiatus, and not sure if I'm gonna renew or not a month from now, the only real thing that I wanna see is something I don't think they're interested in doing. More post Level 50 content.

Power customization? Awesome! Wanted to see that years ago and it's GREAT they figured out how to do it. Outstanding! However, pulling out the crayons on my old toons doesn't really encourage me to stick around. Kinda too little too late I'm sorry to say.

This Going Rogue thing doesn't interest me at all cuz I don't do CoV. I've tried but I just find the backstory and the environment kinda boring. Paragon City is simply more inviting than Rogue Isles. I'm sure Masterminds must be a blast to play and Dominators look like Controllers on acid. That's all well and good but I'd just like to do something with my fifty that didn't make me feel like I was wasting my time.

The Statesman TF is great. Don't get me wrong. Always fun to run through that again. And the stuff through the Midnighter's Club where you go back in time for some reason and ..I don't really understand it that much but they got Cyclopses! That's always fun to pound on multiple Cyclopses! ..Cyclopsi? What's the plural of that.. oh it doesn't matter.

Then there's the Shadow Shard.. meh.

Then there's the AE content but (and yeah i know its JUST a game and all that but still) wouldn't the idea of having AE keep heroes off the streets combating real criminals? It's awesome that players get to generate their own stories, but these stories are not integral to the events of the game itself, so it's really just more pointless than betting on those monkey things in Pocket D's basement.

I do enjoy making new alts. Spending more time doing that now that I've returned than playing my fifties, but you can only do the Hellions/Skulls thing so many times, and the sewers are a great way to hop to ten kinda quick but only if there's enough people online to do it with ya. And Positron desperately needs a face lift. Really, he does. I mean okay so his face is out of the suit, but the task force itself is still ...dang.

I miss my fifties. It's kinda why I left. I rerolled my fifties and tried playing them again on different servers, but its somehow not the same. It's like reading bronze age stories of the same characters after having experienced them in the golden and silver ages. It's fun but the magic is ..off.

It's not about the destination. It's the journey. There shouldn't even BE a destination. Fifty shouldn't be the end cap. Never shoulda been. I fear if CoX doesn't ever figure that out, well Champions Online isn't going to usurp it, but the first hero-oriented multiplayer game that DOES figure out how to have endless content regardless of a character's past accomplishments and experience? Guess where everyone's gonna fly?



Originally Posted by ZachsMind View Post
This Going Rogue thing doesn't interest me at all cuz I don't do CoV. I've tried but I just find the backstory and the environment kinda boring. Paragon City is simply more inviting than Rogue Isles. I'm sure Masterminds must be a blast to play and Dominators look like Controllers on acid. That's all well and good but I'd just like to do something with my fifty that didn't make me feel like I was wasting my time.
Then what about STARTING a Dom, MM or other villain AT you think might be interesting in Praetoria and then bringing it to Paragon at level 20? That's what GR will offer you the opportunity to do.

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StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here



Originally Posted by ZachsMind View Post
Fifty shouldn't be the end cap.
I'm interested to hear your suggestions. Also, could you clarify as to how content that you personally are not interested in equates to not being actual content at all?

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
I'm interested to hear your suggestions.
*blinks hard*

uh ..I just gave 'em!

*points up*

Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Also, could you clarify as to how content that you personally are not interested in equates to not being actual content at all?
I read thru what I just posted before and I think you're putting words in my mouth. That ain't what I said. Going Rogue IS content. It just doesn't interest me. And is it post 50 content? Doesn't sound like it but I'd be happy to be proven wrong.

Can my bubble troller stroll into the Rogue Isles and tell Recluse he's gonna buy her a drink right now or else? (she'd do that too if you'd let her - Elaine bums drinks from bad guys all the time.. usually ex gang leaders but still)



Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
Then what about STARTING a Dom, MM or other villain AT you think might be interesting in Praetoria and then bringing it to Paragon at level 20? That's what GR will offer you the opportunity to do.
That might be fun. Depends on whether or not Praetoria needs a bath. Walking around Rogue Isles makes me feel kinda Felix Ungery. Weird. I don't get that in King's Row or Skyway event though they're also pretty dirty gross, but Rogue Isles makes me itchy.



Originally Posted by ZachsMind View Post
This Going Rogue thing doesn't interest me at all cuz I don't do CoV. I've tried but I just find the backstory and the environment kinda boring. Paragon City is simply more inviting than Rogue Isles. I'm sure Masterminds must be a blast to play and Dominators look like Controllers on acid. That's all well and good but I'd just like to do something with my fifty that didn't make me feel like I was wasting my time.
In GR, you'll be able to start any non-epic AT in the new Praetorian zones, and the 1 through 20 content there will let you choose to be a Hero or Villain by 20 - so you can make a neutral MM, and then head off to Paragon City

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by ZachsMind View Post
That might be fun. Depends on whether or not Praetoria needs a bath. Walking around Rogue Isles makes me feel kinda Felix Ungery. Weird. I don't get that in King's Row or Skyway event though they're also pretty dirty gross, but Rogue Isles makes me itchy.
Praetoria is very clean - just like a utopia should be

EDIT: Have you seen the GR footage from Hero Con yet?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by ZachsMind View Post
That might be fun. Depends on whether or not Praetoria needs a bath. Walking around Rogue Isles makes me feel kinda Felix Ungery. Weird. I don't get that in King's Row or Skyway event though they're also pretty dirty gross, but Rogue Isles makes me itchy.
Praetoria doesn't look a thing like the Rogue Isles. In fact, in the footage we saw at Hero Con, it's much shinier even than such Paragon City areas as PI and Steel Canyon.

Like GG suggests, I think you should go look at some GR footage from Hero Con before making any snap decisions.

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server)
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StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here



its mirror image of paragon and rogue isles ( im imagining) and from doing praetorians (sp?) arc i think we seen it looks like city of heros

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Originally Posted by ZachsMind View Post
*blinks hard*

uh ..I just gave 'em!

*points up*

Actually, you didn't, really, beyond a rather nebulous "more post 50 content".

Perhaps there's also a suggestion to make more early level content (for making more alts, since you can only do the "Skulls/Hellions thing" so many times.)

You also talk about "missing your 50s", but I'm not clear why you are missing them? Did you delete them? You remade them on another server - well, good news, you can move them to that new server without remaking them until the end of January 2010.

Generally I can feel that you are bored in City of Heroes, and diecnchanted with the look of the Rogue Isles, but I don't really see anything concrete that you want in your lengthy post.

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Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
its mirror image of paragon and rogue isles ( im imagining) and from doing praetorians (sp?) arc i think we seen it looks like city of heros
If you go look at the recorded footage from the Hero Con presentation, you'll see we have NOT yet seen it in-game -- everything in the GR Praetoria is brand-spanking-new and looks AMAZING.

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server)
http://legionofvalor.guildportal.com / http://fallenlegion.guildportal.com

StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here



Originally Posted by ZachsMind View Post
Fifty shouldn't be the end cap. Never shoulda been. I fear if CoX doesn't ever figure that out, well Champions Online isn't going to usurp it, but the first hero-oriented multiplayer game that DOES figure out how to have endless content regardless of a character's past accomplishments and experience? Guess where everyone's gonna fly?
You're mixing apples and oranges here. The level cap has NOTHING to do with the 'endless content' you want. You can access all the content in the game at level 50 (well, except the tutorials). And no game can ever have 'endless content' unless the players are creating it... oh, wait, we have that.

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i agree player content has added to more things to do at any level..

( can use it at 1 5 10 15 20 25 etc to 50)


one bad thing ae has is even with great stories ( will not mention names here) you have to wade through a lot of junk to get to the good stuff ( needle in haystack)
( cant even go by stars because some people get friends to 5 star them even thou its a bad story)
not everyone was cut out to be a comic book writer... no matter how many conventions/comic books u have under belt....out of 1000 maybe 100 are good and i think im high on that number

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



I found an AE about playboy bunnies with Hugh Hefner as the big bad. I five starred it cuz it made me laugh. May not be everyone's cup of tea though.

I just got done doing the Lady Grey Task Force with my bubble troller again. Hadn't done that in a year so it was a lotta fun but when we got to Infernia I was like oh great. I remembered she was the talkative one. Already that's getting old. The Hero1 story though? That's awesome. That's some great work there. Fine writing. Well executed. Always challenging.

I dunno. I still enjoy City of Heroes and yet it's kinda like getting to the end of MYST, y'know? You've done everything and the guy says you're welcome to wander around all the worlds now to your heart's content and take in the sights but what's the point? You already been there. Go back through it for the sake of posterity? Only, at the end of MYST you couldn't still beat up on Rikti aliens.

...oh, and no i haven't seen the GR Con video yet. Doesn't appear to be on CoH website. I'll check youtube.



Originally Posted by ZachsMind View Post
I gotta admit, having only recently returned after a year hiatus, and not sure if I'm gonna renew or not a month from now, the only real thing that I wanna see is something I don't think they're interested in doing. More post Level 50 content.
So... you've already gone through all of the content that has been added in the last year within a month's time? Really???



Originally Posted by ZachsMind View Post
It's not about the destination. It's the journey. There shouldn't even BE a destination. Fifty shouldn't be the end cap. Never shoulda been. I fear if CoX doesn't ever figure that out, well Champions Online isn't going to usurp it, but the first hero-oriented multiplayer game that DOES figure out how to have endless content regardless of a character's past accomplishments and experience? Guess where everyone's gonna fly?
WoW has about a hundred times the resources we have, and they have a level cap. Anyone smart enough to figure out how to produce endless content in an MMO that none of the players can race through will probably be far too busy curing cancer to be making content for MMOs.

(Which is not to say there aren't alternatives to level caps: its just that they either ultimately implement level caps just in a superficially different way, create the illusion of being capless while effectively capping progress, or simply do away with numerical levels altogether and create a hundred little caps rather than one big singular one. Regardless, completely limitless content is currently outside the realm of possibility for the technology).

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