What is between issue and going rogue

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Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
Seems to me another fairly simple possibility is giving the players (back) the ability to affect the difficulty in TFs/SFs (being able to increase it -- for purposes of this discussion I'm ignoring any possibility of lowering the difficulty, which obviously doesn't address GG's question about TF challenge levels).

The tech already (at least partially) exists, and was even applicable to TFs/SFs for a short period. Being able to crank a TF/SF up to various "insane" levels (perhaps even higher than the system currently in use for regular content) might be able to compensate somehow for the additional power given by whatever will boost level 50s (such as "universal enhancement slots" or whatever form the mechanic takes).
hate to say it but i think devs were right about taking it away people were exploiting it....
as in lowering tf to -1 and soloing it or raising to +4 and farming for purples

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
hate to say it but i think devs were right about taking it away people were exploiting it....
as in lowering tf to -1 and soloing it or raising to +4 and farming for purples
No, people were dropping diff to -1 and then team-steamrolling it for the same merits as a team completing it on +4. THAT was the exploit, not either of the two you call out. Neither of those is bad.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
No, people were dropping diff to -1 and then team-steamrolling it for the same merits as a team completing it on +4. THAT was the exploit, not either of the two you call out. Neither of those is bad.
Exactly (thanks Agge! ).

And my alternate suggestion doesn't delve into all the nuances and details that would/could go into building the tech for use with the TFs -- I just gave a general idea for a possible approach that could conceivably go a ways toward making something more challenging for stronger level 50 characters.

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Oh, there was also the bug with level-locked AVs (e.g. LRSF) spawning far lower if the diff setting was -1. I forgot about that part!

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Oh, there was also the bug with level-locked AVs (e.g. LRSF) spawning far lower if the diff setting was -1. I forgot about that part!
Yeah, and thus steam-rolling the Master badges.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
Yes, which is why my suggestion covered only RAISING the difficulty level of TFs, not LOWERING it.
But it's all the same system. They *cant* get it to ignore just the -1 setting on a TF at the moment, but they *can* get it to ignore all of the rep settings.

Bringing it back is in the plans, just that pretty much whatever solution they do requires coding time.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
hate to say it but i think devs were right about taking it away people were exploiting it....
as in lowering tf to -1 and soloing it or raising to +4 and farming for purples
You can farm a hell of a lot more purples at -1 than +4. Con level doesn't affect drop chances, and anything at least minion rank at level 47 and up can drop a purple, so 49 enemies are a lot more useful for farming purples than 54.

Trivia: Originally purples were stated as dropping only from minions, but as far as i know it never really worked that way.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
But it's all the same system. They *cant* get it to ignore just the -1 setting on a TF at the moment, but they *can* get it to ignore all of the rep settings.
Yes, and if you re-read my posts, you'll see that I addressed that necessity (I *NEVER* stated that the tech "as-is" is the solution I'm suggesting).

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StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
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Originally Posted by ZachsMind View Post
I gotta admit, having only recently returned after a year hiatus, and not sure if I'm gonna renew or not a month from now, the only real thing that I wanna see is something I don't think they're interested in doing. More post Level 50 content.

Power customization? Awesome! Wanted to see that years ago and it's GREAT they figured out how to do it. Outstanding! However, pulling out the crayons on my old toons doesn't really encourage me to stick around. Kinda too little too late I'm sorry to say.

This Going Rogue thing doesn't interest me at all cuz I don't do CoV. I've tried but I just find the backstory and the environment kinda boring. Paragon City is simply more inviting than Rogue Isles. I'm sure Masterminds must be a blast to play and Dominators look like Controllers on acid. That's all well and good but I'd just like to do something with my fifty that didn't make me feel like I was wasting my time.

The Statesman TF is great. Don't get me wrong. Always fun to run through that again. And the stuff through the Midnighter's Club where you go back in time for some reason and ..I don't really understand it that much but they got Cyclopses! That's always fun to pound on multiple Cyclopses! ..Cyclopsi? What's the plural of that.. oh it doesn't matter.

Then there's the Shadow Shard.. meh.

Then there's the AE content but (and yeah i know its JUST a game and all that but still) wouldn't the idea of having AE keep heroes off the streets combating real criminals? It's awesome that players get to generate their own stories, but these stories are not integral to the events of the game itself, so it's really just more pointless than betting on those monkey things in Pocket D's basement.

I do enjoy making new alts. Spending more time doing that now that I've returned than playing my fifties, but you can only do the Hellions/Skulls thing so many times, and the sewers are a great way to hop to ten kinda quick but only if there's enough people online to do it with ya. And Positron desperately needs a face lift. Really, he does. I mean okay so his face is out of the suit, but the task force itself is still ...dang.

I miss my fifties. It's kinda why I left. I rerolled my fifties and tried playing them again on different servers, but its somehow not the same. It's like reading bronze age stories of the same characters after having experienced them in the golden and silver ages. It's fun but the magic is ..off.

It's not about the destination. It's the journey. There shouldn't even BE a destination. Fifty shouldn't be the end cap. Never shoulda been. I fear if CoX doesn't ever figure that out, well Champions Online isn't going to usurp it, but the first hero-oriented multiplayer game that DOES figure out how to have endless content regardless of a character's past accomplishments and experience? Guess where everyone's gonna fly?

You're ruining my immersion.

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Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
i agree player content has added to more things to do at any level..

( can use it at 1 5 10 15 20 25 etc to 50)


one bad thing ae has is even with great stories ( will not mention names here) you have to wade through a lot of junk to get to the good stuff ( needle in haystack)
( cant even go by stars because some people get friends to 5 star them even thou its a bad story)
not everyone was cut out to be a comic book writer... no matter how many conventions/comic books u have under belt....out of 1000 maybe 100 are good and i think im high on that number
So, you try an AE arc, and if it's terrible, you drop it. I've tried and dropped many AE missions, and I've posted negative reviews and gave them bad ratings. Yes, many are terrible, but I've played many that are awesome. It was worth the effort of wading through the bad ones to get to those that are good. AE has made this game more interesting, and another fantastic way to earn points (tickets) to get things you need or want.



Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
Yes, which is why my suggestion covered only RAISING the difficulty level of TFs, not LOWERING it.
If I recall correctly, the "level locked" badguys were being fudged by the level settings. And not just -1. -1 was causing them to spawn at 49. The settings would override things and spawn with the assumption of 50 being baseline. So -1 would be 49. +1 would be 51. +3 would be 53. And so on.

This means that if you're doing a TF where the final fight spawns as level 54 (STF), -1, +0, +1, +2, and even +3 would all result in the fight being easier. So it wasn't just -1 being an issue. Some TFs would be easier, and some harder. ITF usually spawns the final fight at 51, so running on the average +2 setting would make the final fight HARDER.

There were a lot of contributions to the settings being pulled. It wasn't just one thing.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by ZachsMind View Post
I gotta admit, having only recently returned after a year hiatus, and not sure if I'm gonna renew or not a month from now,...It's not about the destination. It's the journey.
great. welcome back, so u can talk smack.
don't let the journey hit u in yer destination on yer way out.