How do you define a "new author"?
I think I recall you saying you've had a total of 40 plays across all of your arcs - maybe by today's standards (post AE changes that chased a lot of farmers away) that was your "break".

How does one even define "break" these days? How many plays are average, how many are above average and so on? I haven't gotten any plays going on three weeks now.
I think I recall you saying you've had a total of 40 plays across all of your arcs - maybe by today's standards (post AE changes that chased a lot of farmers away) that was your "break". ![]() |
And even if the farmers have left for greener pastures (not entirely true - I'm still farming in the AE, for fun and profit) they were unlikely to play my arcs anyway so I don't think that matters as much as other things.
For example: rumours about bad or no rewards in the MA; rumours about being banned if you by some accident happen to find an arc with good (i.e. normal) rewards in the MA (I've heard this one, I couldn't believe it either); old abandoned farms and tests and other debris still cluttering up the MA search engine; an unfair ratings system which hides well established 4-star arcs with hundreds of plays behind recently published 5-star arcs with 1 or 2 plays. Etc.
I think that the best we can hope for to correct some of these problems is a spring cleaning of the MA database, and (less likely) a new ratings system. If I thought it would help I would pester Dr. Aeon for something to be done about it but I don't think he's got that kind of clout. I'd be happy to be proven wrong.
Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522
Hundreds of plays was a good metric back when AE first came out, but now you kind of have to aim lower - short of being DC'd it's difficult to break the double digits at all, if you even get more than 10-20.
Case in point: Astoria in D Minor was published about a week or so after AE hit live, so EVERYONE was playing stuff and D Minor was able to get a couple hundred plays in the first couple months. The Beating Heart of Astoria followed it while AE was still pretty popular, and has a little over a hundred plays now.
My latest three arcs combined, however, don't even break 50 plays (Well, I really mean rates - but you can't actually see how many plays you have so that's all I have to go by), and the most recent of them is almost two months old. This is even after Astoria in D Minor got made Dev's Choice and thus you would expect a bit of spill over from people playing that one wanting to try my other arcs. I won't say the AE is dead, because I do still get a couple of tells every day or two from people running my arcs so people are still out there playing the AE, but it's not nearly as popular as it was when it was new.
Also as far as I can tell, managing the AE is Dr. Aeon's job entirely, so I'm pretty sure he does have the clout to actually do something like that - IF he thought it was a good idea. My guess is he wouldn't actually be willing to go through and clean up the database because A: You know people would complain about it and B: It would take a AWFUL lot of work.
A new ratings system could work, but it would probably take a while to implement, and just coming up with a better system itself is tricky (Sure it's easy to come up with ALTERNATIVE systems, but the key part is you have to make the argument that it's a BETTER system).
To respond to the actual topic, maybe the solution to all the argument is to make two categories instead of one - one for "New" author, and one for "Unknown" author. The former would only apply to authors whose first arc was posted in the last X months or something along those lines, and the latter would maybe have a limit on total number of plays on all of their arcs combined, or some other metric you could measure it by (And obviously anything previously honoured in some sense like DC, HoF, players choice, etc. would be disqualified).
To further clarify, the key reason why you might want to do both categories rather than just the latter (Since the intention seems like it was more the latter than the former) is that winning the categories implies different things - best "New" author makes you go "Hey, this is someone I should watch", while best "Unknown" author makes you go "Man he's got a bunch of great arcs I never played!"
Captain Skylark Shadowfancy and the Tomorrownauts of Today. Arc ID: 337333 - Signal:Noise, where is everybody? Arc ID: 341194
@The Cheshire Cat - Isn't it enough to know I ruined a pony making a gift for you?
12 second horror stories - a writing experiment.
I don't really know if I like the idea of "Best New Author" for a few reasons. First off we are honestly all new authors. Not a one of us has even a year experience. Secondly, as shown here, the term is so open to interpretation that no matter what parameters you end up setting there will be loopholes and people include/excluded that should not be. Maybe it is just too soon for "Best New Author".
Other idea's that might work:
Best Sequel
Best Use of a Cannon Character
Best Big Bad
Best Twist Ending
Another thing, and I have no idea if this is possible, how about arcs that win the PC awards get a PC Award symbol in MA that lasts for a month and gives them a place on page 1? Maybe give the annual ones the year and have a new set every year? If not a page bump, how about a search filter or tab for them?
Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste
or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story
One arc has 94 plays and has been up since day one. Another arc has about 45 plays. A third has 20-25.
I'd be curious to know how well the arcs that only recently got the Dev's kiss on the brow have fared, I may have to go look that up when I get a chance.
As for working the PC arcs into the search tabs - I love the idea, but they were based on such a small number of player's choices that I dunno how the devs would receive the notion of that extra work. Can't hurt to try though.

Simply being in the Best Twist category kind of ruins the twist, don't you think?
Also, considering how much drama was started over the "official" contest, can you imagine the kind of **** storm that would start if the player's choice winners got put in as a special search option?
Simply being in the Best Twist category kind of ruins the twist, don't you think?
Also, considering how much drama was started over the "official" contest, can you imagine the kind of **** storm that would start if the player's choice winners got put in as a special search option? |
Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste
or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story
It just seems to me that including arcs that win a forum contest in a similar category as dev's choice and hall of fame arcs is a surefire way of starting ridiculous amounts of drama.
Other idea's that might work:
Best Sequel Best Use of a Cannon Character Best Big Bad |
Another thing, and I have no idea if this is possible, how about arcs that win the PC awards get a PC Award symbol in MA that lasts for a month and gives them a place on page 1? Maybe give the annual ones the year and have a new set every year? If not a page bump, how about a search filter or tab for them?
Nominees list:
Nominees list:
I won't say the AE is dead, because I do still get a couple of tells every day or two from people running my arcs so people are still out there playing the AE, but it's not nearly as popular as it was when it was new. |
It takes a lot of time and effort to construct a well-designed, well-written arc. The creator in this case does it for no other reward than that of seeing their arc played. If that doesn't happen, then even the most stubborn of us will begin to regard the time put into doing it as time wasted.
And I am not crying DOOOM or declaring the death of the game. The system will stay in place and it will continue to limp along as it is doing now. The same arcs that are now being played because they are the arcs that people see have good reviews and a lot of plays will continue to be played by the same, gradually diminishing pool of players and reviewers.
But unless the devs decide to fix the real problem - the inferiority of AE when compared to the rest of the game as far as rewards go, the situation will never improve no matter how many contests Dr. Aeon runs or how many events we decide to create in this forum.
It's unfortunate, but as someone who has had a total of 7 plays over two arcs in 3 months, (both of them 5 stars atm), I can tell you that spending 30-40 hours on something that is going to be experienced by 1.75 people a month is not a good use of my limited leisure time.
It's sad because I still believe this is one of the best MMO tools ever conceived. It's just unfortunate that they decided to cripple it because of the same abuse that occurs in their own content at a slightly less rapid pace.
But unless the devs decide to fix the real problem - the inferiority of AE when compared to the rest of the game as far as rewards go, the situation will never improve no matter how many contests Dr. Aeon runs or how many events we decide to create in this forum.
If the devs found a way to reward MA players in a way which wasn't too good but perhaps just different from the normal rewards, we might see an influx of more players. I'm thinking about stuff like what we get from the Mayhem and Safeguard missions - everyone's done them a hundred times but we still play them because they give us temporary powers we can't get anywhere else.
Maybe if we could buy special enhancements or recipes only available in the MA store we might see more players basking in that green glow. Or maybe we need something else to make people actually play and rate arcs instead of just farming for more tickets. I don't know.
Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522
But there is no such inferiority. A well made arc is just as rewarding as a normal arc (minus Merits and end of mission xp, of course, which are somewhat compensated for by Tickets and ease of play - no travel time, etc). It's just sad that people compare the normal rewards rate with the rate they could get using the exploits found in the early MA and decide that now MA arcs are worthless. And then they spread rumors to that effect which makes new players avoid the MA too. It's ridiculous. |
- Fight things that are about as hard as what you fight outside MA for no experience.
- Fight things that are harder than what you fight outside MA for less experience.
- Fight things that are much, much harder and will one-shot 90% of the ATs in the game right now for the same experience you get outside of MA.
That is pretty much the reality of custom mobs. As an MA author, you are now constantly walking a fine line between what powers you can conceivably take away in order to allow the player to live long enough to read your story or just accept the fact that in order to do so, you will have to nerf your customs down to giving no reward.
What makes more sense? To fight easier opposition for more experience? Or to wade through things that, through no fault of the writer, will turn you into street pizza and then, to add insult to injury, get almost nothing when you manage to win?
In this case, I don't blame the vast majority of casual players for going elsewhere.
But one final thing, if they have any intention of repairing this, they need to do it NOW... while there is some residual audience leftover from earlier in the year. Because if they debate about it and have meetings and drag the process out for a couple of months before committing to some incremental solution, they might as well not do anything at all.
There will be nothing left to salvage and MA will be Perez Park.
This forum has been extremely slow, so I thought I'd bring some discussion into it, as well as something to help me out for next month's Player's Choice Awards - suggested by PoliceWoman and inspired by the new year, it will be dedicated to new and/or lesser known authors (and arcs). So I ask you, what defines a "new author"? Less than 50 plays? Less than 100 plays? Only 1 published arc? Only arcs published within the last 3 months? Someone who doesn't post to this forum?
I think trying to determine any definition of what a "new" author might be is fraught with peril and doomed to failure. An alternative might be to have an entire different competition for new authors (who define themselves as such) with lesser rewards and kudos. If established authors enter these novice awards, sure they might win, but wouldn't their time be better spent entering the full awards. This is all of course in relation to the MA Player Awards and wouldn't help much outside that scope.
On the topic of Risk vs Reward in MA, Exp seems to be the be all and end all for most recent players I've tried to run through my arcs. On two attempts last week the team collapsed as players wanted to do something with more Exp. So, it does seem likely that if rewards were standardised with those outside MA then more players would play AE missions. I'm still in this for the story-telling (which I'm learning fast I've got lots of room for improvement in) and the creative aspect. Lots of players just want the phat loot.
K5K - The Killbot 5000
A Spanner In The Works Part One, ArcID: 336662, A Spanner In The Works Part Two, ArcID: 336665, Enter Japes, ArcID: 96001
In The Darkness Creeping, ArcID: 347709, When Dimensions Collide, ArcID: 412416.
That is pretty much the reality of custom mobs. As an MA author, you are now constantly walking a fine line between what powers you can conceivably take away in order to allow the player to live long enough to read your story or just accept the fact that in order to do so, you will have to nerf your customs down to giving no reward. |
A 25% or less reduction in experience for only custom enemies frankly isn't that big of a drop, especially considering the lack of travel time. Frankly, I'm fine with people avoiding AE because of a small disparity between standard and MA rewards. It means that they aren't flooding the search with farm arcs that get abandoned as soon as their exploit du jour gets taken out in a patch, never to be touched again.
Besides, I've seen more than a few friends on my server finally check out MA for the first time recently. Just because people are leaving, doesn't mean that people will never check it out and find that they enjoy it. Will it ever get to pre-I16 levels? No. But considering how many of the active users of MA were farmers, and the relative newness and therefore "shininess" of the feature, that's to be expected.
But unless the devs decide to fix the real problem - the inferiority of AE when compared to the rest of the game as far as rewards go, the situation will never improve no matter how many contests Dr. Aeon runs or how many events we decide to create in this forum.
The find team member window is sorely lacking. The auction house is way more complicated, unintuitive, and limited than it needs to be. Trying to find something in AE that may intrigue you is hit or miss.
When I search for Lost in the AE interface, chances are I am not looking for arcs about my lost brother, the lost cause, or the lost pendant. Its nice that we can say our arcs are sci-fi, but no one can search for arcs that are labeled sci-fi. If 40 people play my arc and 32 rate it as challenging, I'd like people to be able to find my arc by searching for challenging.
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
I'm still waiting for my "break".
Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522