A thought I had about Mender Silos...

Arctic Man



Played the Beat the truth out of Dr. Aeon arc from Efficiency Expert Pither last night. One thing I noticed which seemed out of place, and as far as I noticed unexplained, was the inclusion of Jaegar bots, marked as Nemesis minions in Dr. Aeon's lab. This seems relevant to this discussion.

Paragonwiki link here.


K5K - The Killbot 5000
A Spanner In The Works Part One, ArcID: 336662, A Spanner In The Works Part Two, ArcID: 336665, Enter Japes, ArcID: 96001
In The Darkness Creeping, ArcID: 347709, When Dimensions Collide, ArcID: 412416.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Calvin Scott.P is the leader of the Resistance. BellaDonna (Ghost Widow) is a member.
The following post might contain spoilers (if it turns out to on the money, which is unlikely)

Ah cool. I wasn't around when the first version of the Sister Psyche TF was in place (Calvin Scott's TF). Anyone here who was and who did it?

So I guess Calvin is trying to separate Aurora from Mother Mayhem. That's if he was ever Aurora's husband in the first place. And I know this is 'another dimension and all but in this dimension, Ghost Widow was a member of Arachnos. She was also a Night Widow. And a thug. I wonder why she's joined them in Praetoria. I hope that's filled in a bit more, rather than just having her as a contact with a couple of paragraphs of explanation and nothing more.

Oh and is Calvin the one who looks like he's wearing rickety, blue armour and goggles?



Originally Posted by Arctic_Princess View Post
And I know this is 'another dimension and all but in this dimension, Ghost Widow was a member of Arachnos. She was also a Night Widow. And a thug. I wonder why she's joined them in Praetoria.
And in Praetoria, the Carnival of Shadows are called the Carnival of Light, and they're heroes instead of villains. The clockwork were created by Positron and Synapse's counterparts, instead of by the Clockwork King. Lord Recluse's counterpart is dead. All of the counterparts to the Freedom Phalanx are evil. Nemesis never became a megalomaniac.

Just because something is true in our dimension, doesn't mean it's true in Upsilon Beta 9-6. Hell, Belladona Vetrano never even died in Praetoria, unlike Ghost Widow who died in 1989.

Also, I wouldn't call a Night Widow a thug. The Night Widows are Arachnos' corps of assassins.




Originally Posted by Arctic_Princess View Post
Oh and is Calvin the one who looks like he's wearing rickety, blue armour and goggles?
No, Calvin is the one standing next to the tiger.

Calvin, Hobbes and the Duplicator

The hair is a dead giveaway, too.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Originally Posted by PoptartsNinja View Post
... Also, I don't recall having ever seen Nemesis and Dr. Aeon in the same room together with Mender Silos; but you'd think the three top time-travel scientists would have gotten together at least once to go over each other's notes at a Time Travel symposium somewhere...
Nemesis doesn't do a lot of time travel. If he did, he'd go back and warn his past self that his latest plot is going to fail. Or maybe he did go back, and his past self figured that was part of the plot...

Originally Posted by Canine View Post
Of course, there are always the other Nemesis' out there to worry about too, Nemesis Rex, for example. We know that Rex and our Nemesis don't get along, and there's no reason there couldn't be an alternative dimension Nemesis working quietly in the background/underground of Praetoria.
Our Nemesis is going around systematically eradicating the other Nemesisises. Unless that's just what he wants us to think.

Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
No, no, no people. Think!

Mender Silos is YOU in from the far future.

He (you) has (have) travelled back in time to stop "The Coming Storm".

You are "The Coming Storm" and you've been leaving messages across
time to prevent you from working with Mender Silos (you) to prevent
"The Coming Storm" (you) . . .
Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
so when did I turn into a white dude with spiky hair?
There's those plastic surgeons in Icon that can do it for you like, now.

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Humans always beat robots
That's only because the robots are feeling out our weaknesses and lulling us into a false sense of security.

I for one welcome our new robotic overlords.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Nemesis doesn't do a lot of time travel. If he did, he'd go back and warn his past self that his latest plot is going to fail. Or maybe he did go back, and his past self figured that was part of the plot...
Ehehe, you picked the obvious joke in my argument to pick apart?

Nemesis wouldn't go back in time and warn himself that he's going to fail constantly for 60 years for a couple of reasons:

1) Could you imagine what a crushing morale-killer that would be? It would be akin to "Doctor Doom" assuming that he'll conquer a major nation, traveling forward in time 40 years to borrow money from himself, and finding out he was an abysmal failure who is the subject of mockery in numerous Disney movies because he was never seen as a real threat. Faced with something like that, you'd be pretty likely to just write the whole 'conquer the world' thing off and become a simple Prussian toymaker.

2) Nemesis is the ultimate selfish narcissist. Changing his own past would change who he is now, and Nemesis only cares about himself. He's not going to do anything to jeopardize his 'current' self for the sake of his past or future selves.

3) If anything, if he met his past or future selves openly, he'd be likely to either try to kill them (like he's doing to all his parallel-universe selves), or change his name and pretend that he's not the same person until they become him. There's only room for one Lord Nemesis, after all... but that doesn't mean there isn't room for a Lord Nemesis, a Doctor Aeon, a Doctor Echo, a Doctor Egon, and a Mender Silos...



But if the future Nemesis hid his identity to prevent there being more than one Nemesis, and The future Nemesis was following Nemesis' plan all along since he was Nemesis, didn't his being there interfere with the aforementioned Nemesis or his plans? Or was that his plan all along?

If we are to assume that Nemesis could travel through time (which he does with regularity along with simple dimension hopping) Couldn't it be concluded that Nemesis is indeed dead even in our time? Dying a simple toymaker in the past, having launched his whole attack and campaign against the world years ago from a small village in total obscurity. His failure already complete or the world would now be his, achieving victory years ago.

Waging a war forward in time is easy though, it prevents the inevitable paradox that could ensue from tampering in the past. Victories could be wiped away, you could change the course of your development in unforeseen ways, you could inadvertently create a champion that could undo your already constructed plans or challenge you directly. Einstein hypothesized that time travel is not achievable by us, as nothing can travel at the speed of light or greater. Ignoring the fact that the same thing was said about the speed of sound, particles have been identified that do indeed travel faster than this theoretical limit. This proves that not only is the speed of light barrier only implied, it opens the door to theoretical time travel as well. That being said, if Nemesis was capable of tapping these energies, he could move his pizza through the temporal steam and ridicule the fiery tentacles radiating from melting bunnies. This can muff a dinosaur to pickle another win in slit...Manager....bumpkin....tree...philosophical. ..



It is never truly gone, as long as there is someone left to remember.



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
There is no Praetorian Nemesis. He died a simple toy maker and nothing more.
So the Devs finally realized that we're damn sick of Nemesis and didn't make Going Rogue yet another one of his plots?



Originally Posted by PoptartsNinja View Post
1) Could you imagine what a crushing morale-killer that would be? It would be akin to "Doctor Doom" assuming that he'll conquer a major nation, traveling forward in time 40 years to borrow money from himself, and finding out he was an abysmal failure who is the subject of mockery in numerous Disney movies because he was never seen as a real threat.
If being defeated by Squirrel Girl did not make Doctor Doom toss in the towel, nothing will.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
If being defeated by Squirrel Girl.
Squirrel Girl is nothing to sneeze at. She took down Thanos, after all.