Here we go again...

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
OK. Simply put, its a bad idea mechanically. Toggle on a shield, what happens when you try to 'click' to buff someone. Currently any toggle gets toggled off.

It requires extra coding to allow self targeting (which in itself is a hugely bad idea as then every single existing ally targeted click power has to be readjusted to define the effect on self) as well as the creation of this hybrid click/toggle class.

Its a badly thought out convoluted way around the 'issue', and it doesn't address the main complaint I see about Force Fielders, which is the lack of a way of boosting their damage output.

Heck you could simply add something like
•DMG(All Types) +15% for 10s [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]

(fromat borrowed from defiance)
to Force bolt and scale it to be a slightly stronger damage power (say the same damage as a tier 1 blast) and you have provided a way for the FF'ers to boost their damage significantly within the existing game mechanics.

Whilst doing this add the same sort of self damage buff to heal aura for empathy and thats the other big issue with 'buff sets' soloability dealt with.
Ya, I was seeing it as an either/or prospect. You either defend yourself (toggle) or others (click). If you need to rebubble the team, you have to detoggle yourself. I figured that would allow better solo play while leaving team contribution intact.

Perhaps it WOULD be easier to make it a click with a fairly short duration. That seemed a lot of clicking though, so I thought making it a more traditional defense would be easier and more balanced.



Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
I find these threads highly amusing. I have a FF/nrg myself, and I always have to wonder just how Ultimo must have built his defender to have such problems. I softcapped mine to ranged once I hit 50, but I played the heck out of it with just the defence that dispersion bubble and maneuvers gave me for a long time before I ever hit the magic 45%.

I have to wonder, because I find so much of my experience flatly contradicting Ultimo's. As a FF/nrg I have three damaging AoEs. Between all of that I can *easily* kill the spawn surrounding a boss before he unphases - esepcially since opening with repulsion bomb puts everyone including the boss on their butts right off the bat. I've juggled scads of bosses on their rears in a corner with force bolt until they died, and it's a very rare case that I find a boss that tactic won't work on. Even before I soft capped my ranged defence, I could solo just fine - not nearly as fast or on as high a difficulty setting as a blaster or scrapper, of course, but without any real difficulty. Insps dropped more than fast enough to top up my health or end occasionally, and a pair of purples would cap my defense for plenty long enough to defuse any out-of-control situations (which were uncommon solo - detention field and force bolt are wonderful precision tools. It's on teams where things more easily get chaotic).

I've done it over and over again - repulsion bomb -> jump in close -> explosive blast -> energy torrent and pick off the weakened foes as they stand back up, force bolting as needed. If there's a boss, cage him after the AoEs go off and force bolt the heck out of him once the cage drops. End result, one dead spawn and I've taken perhaps 2 or 3 ranged hits, tops. This isn't theorycrafting - I've done this many times. It works. I don't run out of endurance before I clear the spawn, and they don't do very much damage to me either. Now, I'm not exactly fighting 8 man spawns of +3s here, but this is plenty sufficient to solo on a reasonable difficulty setting.
As I say, it's not that I can't solo, it's that it's disproportionately hard on the Defender.

As an example, I have no qualms about attacking a +4 Chief Soldier with the Scrapper, but I'd never dare with the Defender. The Scrapper has the health the defense and the offense to make the stand. The Defender has none of these. With Dispersion Bubble and Manuevers running, he'd have only 20% or so Defense, which is woeful when fighting a boss, especially when you have no resistance and low health to absorb the hits you will take. I've seen Force Bolts bounce off Chief Soldiers, and they stubbornly refuse to stun. That means the bubbles are my defense. Now, I can hover, which is wise since they do GOBS of damage in melee, but one shot from a Chief Soldier will seriously injure the Defender. The Scrapper can usually soak it up.

The whole idea is to level the playing field somewhat.

As for the endurance issues, I can't imagine using my powers as you suggest. I have Stamina triple slotted and two end reductions in all my attacks and wuold use 90% of my endurance if I attacked as you suggest (well maybe not quite that, but pretty close). Endurance balancing is a whole different thread, though.



Originally Posted by Garent View Post

Ultimo, if you post your build I can give advice on it.
I appreciate the offer, but that's not what this thread is for, and I'm trying to stay on topic.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
As I say, it's not that I can't solo, it's that it's disproportionately hard on the Defender.

As an example, I have no qualms about attacking a +4 Chief Soldier with the Scrapper, but I'd never dare with the Defender. The Scrapper has the health the defense and the offense to make the stand. The Defender has none of these. With Dispersion Bubble and Manuevers running, he'd have only 20% or so Defense, which is woeful when fighting a boss, especially when you have no resistance and low health to absorb the hits you will take. I've seen Force Bolts bounce off Chief Soldiers, and they stubbornly refuse to stun. That means the bubbles are my defense. Now, I can hover, which is wise since they do GOBS of damage in melee, but one shot from a Chief Soldier will seriously injure the Defender. The Scrapper can usually soak it up.

The whole idea is to level the playing field somewhat.

As for the endurance issues, I can't imagine using my powers as you suggest. I have Stamina triple slotted and two end reductions in all my attacks and wuold use 90% of my endurance if I attacked as you suggest (well maybe not quite that, but pretty close). Endurance balancing is a whole different thread, though.
Your defender is not your scrapper.



Originally Posted by TRTerror View Post
Your defender is not your scrapper.
No, but he faces the same challenges. There should be more parity. I'm not suggesting the Defender should have the SAME ability as the Scrapper, just that it should be better than it is.



I just think a +4 chief soldier was a poor example.



Originally Posted by TRTerror View Post
I just think a +4 chief soldier was a poor example.
Probably, but I wanted the point to be clear, that this is a fairly extreme threat that one can handle and the other can't.



Originally Posted by TRTerror View Post
Your defender is not your scrapper.
Sadly, this simple fact continues to elude the OP's grasp...



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
Probably, but I wanted the point to be clear, that this is a fairly extreme threat that one can handle and the other can't.
Actually a FF defender can likely handle a +4 Rikti Chief Soldier in a far safer manner than anything but a defence based scrapper.

Force Bolt will keep him at range for you to whittle down. A single hit from the sword will wipe out the scrapper unless he is nearly at full health.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
I think it's a great argument -- much better than "give buffers a pet!"

Buffers and debuffs each have a major but not definitive area of weakness, and one is weak where the other is strong. I never specified soloing AVs, just fighting them, and frankly the argument that neither debuffing nor buffing defenders can solo an AV seems to me to invalidate the OP's argument that there's an imbalance between the two, more than it refutes my point. If neither can do it, that's balance. The buffer is less able to solo, and the debuffer is somewhat less useful on teams, and dramatically less useful on teams fighting AVs.
All right if you want to look at it that way. I can tell you that my Rad/Sonic has solo'd a couple AV's (I haven't tried it with my storm dark but I doubt he could pull it off) none of my buffing defender's can. . They just don't have enough damage out put to overcome AV regen rates. I can just about guarantee you that proposing Defenders soloing AVs as a performance guideline will give Castle a hearty chuckle.

I doubt that you woud disagree that the buffer loses the ability to use some of their most potent powers while solo. The debuffer has access to all of them all the time.

That leaves performance while teamed. While teamed a buffing defender gets to use all their powers. Buffs are unresisted so the players that receive them get full value. Most mobs have little to no resistance to debuffs. The mobs that do have resistances are not all that common.

Next go to a comparison of buffs vs debuffs. Mechanically Defense and Acc Debuffs are the same thing so comparing Defense Buff powers with Defense Debuff powers should be a good baseline for power set balance.

Deflection Shield has a base defense value of 15% (Ice Shield has the same defense values but provides different resistances). Defense enhancements are schedule B so the ED cap is going to be around 23.8% and other than providing 40% unenhanceable resitance to toxic that's all it does.

Darkest night has a base acc debuff value 18.8%. Acc debuff enhancements are schedule B so you are going to get an Acc debuff value of 29.7% AND Darkest night reduces the target's damage output (all damage types) by 37.5% which is identical to having an additional resistance of 37.5% to all damage types.

Rad Infection has a base acc debuff of 31.3% so a final value of -49.5% AND it also gives a defense debuff value of 31.3% (this is schedule A) with a final value of 51.9%.

Hurricane has a base Acc debuff value of 37.5% and a final value of 59.4% AND it reduces mob range by 60% meaning that those blasters in the back are out of range for the targets you are debuffing.

Mobs with resistance are not common. Mobs with massive resistance are exceedingly rare. Debuffs are quite a bit more potent than buffs. The few mobs that do have resistances "might" reduce the debuff values to the level of buffs.

I don't know about you but I still believe that the debuffer has it better in 99.9% of the situations and especially solo when the buffer loses the abilty to use those ally only buffs. I don't think I can go along with the view point that they are in balance.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
My original post was intended to open a discussion of ideas. We started off that way, but we're starting to diverge into the usual "you don't know what youre talking about" rant. You can't tell me the things I've seen first hand didn't happen.

MANY bosses are immune to Force Bolt. Now, I'll admit, I've never slotted it for knockback; I was under the impression that only increased the knockcback distance. IF it will increase the power of the knockback so it will work on more powerful foes, that's different. Either way, it remains a limited defense. It remains a single target, endurance intensive "defense."
This is really not the case. Knockback is a status effect that functions differently than other status effects in the game. Slotting for increased Knockback increases the MAGNITUDE of the KB. Duration (ie: the time it takes a mob to get back up) remains constant.

Knockback is also Schedule D which means that one SO gives an enhancement value of 60% as compared to Schedule A's 33%. The ED soft cap is going to be around 168% so force bolt's mag 18 will be up to mag 50ish. (With Cat's example of focus's base .67 ED softcapping this for KB would only yeild mag 1.8)

That means that a mob has to have a bit over mag 49 KB protection to avoid being KB'd. KB distance is a function of how much mag the protection was exceeded by. The higher the difference the farther the mob flies. This is modified by any KB resistance the mob has. 100% KB resistance would reduce the above calculated distance by 50%. 200% KB resistance would reduce the distance by 66% etc.

KB resistance values can be quite high. Tanker invulnerability has a resistance value of -10,000%. The key though is exceeding the KB protection. Resistance just reduces the distance they fly.

My L35 Defender is regularly getting hit right through his PFF when in the Rikti Warzone. Orange conn Rikti Mesmerists are getting a 26% chance to hit me, even with the PFF and Manuevers running. That said, I really don't have a problem with PFF, as I already said. It just strikes me as a higher tier power, as it is with Masterminds.
IIRC (I could be wrong) one of the Rikti mentalist powers has no positional component. This means that defense isn't any good against it. Like I said I'm not sure I remember correctly. Fleeting Whisper would be able to tell you for certain though.

I agree, Detention field can be a useful power, but as I've described it usually isn't. That you can disable the boss for a few seconds is of little help if you are unable to withstand his cronies or can't defeat them fast enough. You can find a corner circumstance for any power.
I would have to say your description is off. Excluding situations where the power does work to great advantage is disingenious. It's a classic example of giving a false choice. A perfect example would be when a polling company calls and asks you if you believe that we should have a tax increase of 10% or 17%. They only wish to receive one answer or the other even if you believe that there should be no tax increase what so ever or if you should believe that there should be a tax decrease. They frame the question in a way that skews the results in the direction they want it to go.

I'm delighted to hear alternative ideas, and if someone thinks I've made a bad suggestion, I'm delighted to hear it. The problem is that so many posters just take the route Schim is taking and attacking ME rather than my ideas. My original post was to make a suggestion, the hybrid click/toggle thing. That's not trolling, it's a new idea.

I do solo primarily. The thing is that my Defender has to overcome the same challenges as my Scrapper, and often can't. This is a discrepancy I'm hoping to see mitigated.
Your scrapper also can't heal the rest of your team, or cast a powerful debuff, or a powerful buff, nor can it keep your entire team at the damage cap like a kinetics can. Does that make this a discrepancy that should be mitigated? Does this mean that scrappers are broken and need fixed so that they can do these things? Certainly not.

Expecting a defender to do things a scrapper can is akin to using a hammer to make repairs to a ceramic mug. The results will be unfortunate since you aren't using the tools for the purpose they were designed for.

I'll address Schismatrix in more detail, and that will hopefully put an end to that.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
IIRC (I could be wrong) one of the Rikti mentalist powers has no positional component. This means that defense isn't any good against it. Like I said I'm not sure I remember correctly. Fleeting Whisper would be able to tell you for certain though.
Except PFF buffs Base defense so it shouldn't matter.



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
I doubt that you woud disagree that the buffer loses the ability to use some of their most potent powers while solo. The debuffer has access to all of them all the time.

That leaves performance while teamed. While teamed a buffing defender gets to use all their powers.
Well, I don't suppose I can persuade anyone that anchor-killing PUG teammates count as "denying a debuffer access to some of his powers while teamed?" :P

I do sometimes feel teams move so fast that debuffs are essentially neutralized. The usual solution, turn up the mob levels, does somewhat degrade the effectiveness of the debuffs. But that's not a very strong argument.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
Buffers and debuffs each have a major but not definitive area of weakness, and one is weak where the other is strong....
...The buffer is less able to solo, and the debuffer is somewhat less useful on teams, and dramatically less useful on teams fighting AVs.
A couple of months ago I tried to analyze numerically a statement made regarding this phenomena. I believed (at the time) that I could produce numbers that showed that the effect of debuffs becoming weaker as you took on higher level villains was not as devastaing as some would like me to believe and that it was simply an argument against improving the "buffing" powersets.

(since it would take alot of text to re-display my math and convoluted logic to arrive at a conclusion) to make a long story short... Buffers benefit from a steady level of protection.
Their Buffs do not diminish based on mob level, incoming damage does rise due to mob acc and base dmg, but the benefit to team-members does not go down. Debuffers, on the other hand also see the amount of dmg and acc of the mobs increase IN ADDITION to their debuff becoming less potent. In my Analysis I used Empathy and Radiation as my comparison.

The end result is that Radiation supplies much more survival at the +0 to +2 Range than Empathy. And IF the Rad defender is able to overlap his defenses better than 33% (The value I used to simulate real-game situations (no one can hit every mob with RI+EF+LR every spawn)), The Rad defender blows empathy away. But here is where it ends, as you approach +4 and +5, the Empathy defender is actually providing MORE protection to a team than a Rad defender, and that same RAD defender may actually be providing the most protection to his team by using his AoE Heal, since his toggles and LR are reduced to pitiful amounts.

So I also echo the statement that Debuffers suffer in a different way than buffers.
They trade greater ability to solo for lesser ability to fight purples.

The question I have however about balance would be : Is that a Fair trade?
In my eyes, it is not. I think that solo-ability of buffers can be improved along with the team contributions of de-buffers without upsetting the balance of the game.

How to do it is the real trick though




Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
I appreciate the offer, but that's not what this thread is for, and I'm trying to stay on topic.
Suit yourself, but it's a serious proposal that I think will solve your problem a lot more effectively and quickly than trying to bring about defender change. If you PM me or start a new thread I'd help out.



Working backwards...

Bringing up links to previous threads so you can say I'm wrong isn't addressing the subject of THIS thread. As I say, if you have anything to contribute to this thread, I'm delighted to hear it. If you don't think my idea is a good one, say so. All I ask is you explain your objection.

I just won't accept the objection being "you were wrong in previous threads," particularly when even THAT is debatable.


Buffers benefit from a steady level of protection, it's just very low. As I say, Dispersion bubble is the only real defense FF has for the Defender. The knocking effects are very marginal as defenses. Debuffers get the benefit of their debuffs every time that use them, though the benefit may vary by target, to some degree (which is also true of the Dispersion Bubble). I'll note that facing +4 and +5 foes reduces both the buffs and the debuffs to marginal levels. Last night, while fighting a +5 Paragon Protector, with the Dispersion Bubble, Weave and Manuevers on, he had a 95% chance to hit me. The comaparison breaks down somewhat at extremes. In my experience, my FFer can't take on a purple AT ALL. No defense, no offense and low health is a death sentence.

I've rarely slotted for knockback, so this is informative! Thanks!

I'm not trying to be disingenouous. I'm saying that the number of times the Detention power is useful is very small, and as such it's of limited use and therefore limited value. Either way, even if I did use it regularly, it's only going to remove one foe from the fight, and not for terribly long. If you're facing four foes, and you have to rest or PFF after defeating ONE of them, the one you held is going to be free before you can defeat the spawn. This is why I suggested a toggle instead of a click, to give it more utility.

The Scrapper doesn't need to heal the team, that's not his job. Both the Scrapper and the Defender do well on teams, but only the Defender is hindered solo. As I said, I'm not suggesting the Defender be made the same as the Scrapper, just that the discrepancy is too large.

While teamed a buffing defender gets to use all their powers.
Note that only the buffer can't use all his powers solo (with a handful of exceptions). This is kind of beside the point, however.

A FFer is SAFER? How do you figure that? Granted, my Scrapper is largely Defense based, but the Defender has half the Defense, half the damage and far less health, as well as lower regeneration and resistance. Granted, the Defender might be able to benefit from staying out of melee range, but one or two shots hitting him is all it takes to be defeated. Lacking any credible defense, resistance or regeneration, this is a very likely event.

However, even though this is an extreme example, the fact remains that this exact situation HAS happened to me. The Scrapper defeated the Chief Soldier (with difficulty), and the Defender was defeated before he did even a tenth of the Soldier's health.

As I've said repeatedly, I don't expect the Defender to be the same as the Scrapper. I expect them to be more comparable than they are.



To be honest, I did have a different idea, but I thought it too disruptive to the set. However, perhaps it might be more palatable, so here it is.

Rearrange the set and modify some powers while adding one new one. The set would be this:

Dispersion Shield - Toggle: generates 15% Defense and 15% Resistance for the Defender. Uses normal endurance for a defensive toggle.

Force Bolt - Click: No change, though an increase in damage to match something like Power Bolts would be nice.

Deflection Shield/Insulation Shield - Click: No changes.

Detention Field - Toggle: No change to the effect, but the endurance cost would increase the longer the toggle remains active.

Dispersion Bubble - Toggle: No changes.

Repulsion Bomb - Click: No change, but an increase in damage to Power Blast levels would be nice.

Personal Force Field - Toggle: No change.

Repulsion Bubble - Toggle: Combine the effects of the Repulsion Field and the Force bubble. That is, it will repel foes, but instead of just pushing them back, it knocks them back too.

As an alternative, I thought of making PFF the Tier 9 as a click, but taking away the self only effect, and adding a crash (as with most other tier 9 defenses).

Does this look better than the hybrid shields idea?

Oh, and I'd normalize endurance use so it's relative to the effect (ie less damage means less endurance use), and increase health to Blaster levels.



I don't know why anybody bothers to respond. Time and again the OP gets told better building strategies and better combat tactics and he refuses to heed any advice.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
A FFer is SAFER? How do you figure that? Granted, my Scrapper is largely Defense based, but the Defender has half the Defense, half the damage and far less health, as well as lower regeneration and resistance. Granted, the Defender might be able to benefit from staying out of melee range, but one or two shots hitting him is all it takes to be defeated. Lacking any credible defense, resistance or regeneration, this is a very likely event.

However, even though this is an extreme example, the fact remains that this exact situation HAS happened to me. The Scrapper defeated the Chief Soldier (with difficulty), and the Defender was defeated before he did even a tenth of the Soldier's health.
Check the damage on a Rikti Sword, versus the blast from the end, and compare how faster attacks cycle in melee and range.

The scrapper HAS to be in melee range (minus claws or spines obviously and even then they would have to kite to stay purely ranged).

A resist based or regen scrapper simply cannot survive long enough to defeat a +4 Rikti Soldier without mitigation from their secondary. (or use of a tier 9). If it is fair that many scrappers have to use secondary mitigation, surely it is acceptable that a defender does?

The defender has 16% ish defence just from the big bubble (can easily get more from pool powers and IOs).

An /SR scrapper has 30 ish (assuming both the toggle and passive each 3 slotted), so they are getting hit approximately half as frequently other things being equal, but each hit that lands with the sword does more, and the attacks are cycling much faster.

Personally, I take hover on most of my defenders, simply to stay OUT of melee of the heavy hitters like this. In addition to the basic range is a defence, attackers can get 'stuck' into wanting to close and if you keep knocking them away you will have little or no incoming fire.

Play a FF defender like a scrapper wannabe and you will not do well. Play to its strengths and with heavy use of knockback, you are much much safer in this situation.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
Detention Field - Toggle: No change to the effect, but the endurance cost would increase the longer the toggle remains active.
Can't be done under the current engine.
A toggle pulses, lets say every second (it does vary)and applies an effect that lasts 1.25 seconds.

A 'phase' toggle applies then 1 second later sees the target is 'unaffected' and shuts off.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Reptlbrain View Post
I don't know why anybody bothers to respond. Time and again the OP gets told better building strategies and better combat tactics and he refuses to heed any advice.
It's obviously easier to change the game mechanics than alter concept, build or tactics..



Buffers benefit from a steady level of protection, it's just very low. As I say, Dispersion bubble is the only real defense FF has for the Defender. The knocking effects are very marginal as defenses. Debuffers get the benefit of their debuffs every time that use them, though the benefit may vary by target, to some degree (which is also true of the Dispersion Bubble). I'll note that facing +4 and +5 foes reduces both the buffs and the debuffs to marginal levels. Last night, while fighting a +5 Paragon Protector, with the Dispersion Bubble, Weave and Manuevers on, he had a 95% chance to hit me. The comaparison breaks down somewhat at extremes. In my experience, my FFer can't take on a purple AT ALL. No defense, no offense and low health is a death sentence.
Ultimo, Its funny you should bring up Paragon Protectors as an example.
When I was doing my solo quest, I was actually dreading the missions with them.
But once I actually faced them, I discovered they were easier than expected.

If you recall, I mentioned that you have to utilize BOTH primary and secondary in your survival. My Blaster (Energy/Dev/Power) handled PP like so, KB+KB+ more KB means they stay on their butt the whole time I am focus-firing all three ST blasts and Power Push to keep em on their butt. He can usually drop them before they can even stand up long enough to MoG. You have to time it right is all. And IF they managed to stand up long enough to MoG, I would just PFF+Aid Self until their MoG wears off, drop PFF and go to town again.

With Biospark its even easier, Drain their power and guess what ... no MoG, no attacks, nothing. Just stand there and look silly while I fry you with Lightning bolts.

I realize that you are probably very familiar with your powers, so dont take this as condescending, since I actually believe FF could stand some improvement, but your Secondary plays just as big a part in survival as your primary and strategy is the third part of it all.

Scrappers have it easy, punch buttons till villain is down, switch targets, repeat.
Defenders have to plan each battle out in advance, And its much more difficult for FF, Sonic and Emp to reach the levels where they feel Heroic.

P.S. I would add other Primaries like Kinetics, Cold, TA, but I have no experience with them so I cannot reliably say they need improvement. And Kinetics has incredible DPS abilities which is one of the 4 cornerstones of survival, so that is not a powerset I would lump together with FF, Sonic and Empathy




People always underestimate the power of knockback. I just don't get it. It's awesome stuff, ESPECIALLY solo.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
The knocking effects are very marginal as defenses.
Except that, as has been explained over and over again, with great patience, knockback is a great defense that works very well for a lot of people. It seems clear you are not interested in learning better ways to play, ways that obviously exist because lots of us use them. I don't understand why you insist on acting like the problem is the powerset. Lots of people have spent (wasted?) time trying to point out that you are doing it wrong, but I guess you don't want to listen. So be it. Keep on being bad at forcefields and blaming the powerset. No skin off my nose.



Panzerwaffen: Ha!

Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post

The Paragon Protector wiped out a whole team of 8. We could barely hit him, and when we did, he ignored the knockback effects. He clobbered me in one shot with PFF on, in one attempt.
Wait, now it's a whole team of eight, not a solo encounter? And he's breaking the game code by one-shotting you? No wonder you want the mechanics changed.

Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
scrapping with Air Superiority and Boxing (as needed), controlling foes with Repulsion Bomb soft control and protecting people with bubbles.
Here's a tip: defender melee modifiers are even worse than their ranged modifiers. I really can't imagine a situation where it'd be more useful for my FF/ to box a critter than do anything else. Apply another shield, delete some ceramic armors, tab out and check the boards...

Here's another tip: play a game where you can enable the cheat codes; your character will feel super all the time and never have any constraints on them.