~MoBSF - Tuesday, November 3~

Aoide Muse



A Mr E-Man Production

Featuring Mr E-Villain

Mission: Master of the Barracuda Strike Force – Thus Spoke the Reichsman
Contact: Barracuda
Location: Grandville

Date & Time: Tuesday, November 3 @ 10:00PM Eastern/7:00PM Pacific - Special Night & Time

Level Range: 45-50

Combatants: 5th Column, Freedom Phalanx, Longbow, Paragon Police Department

Arch-Villain(s)/Hero(es): Ms Liberty, Numina, Schadenfreude, Invincible Reichsman, Black Scorpion, Scirocco, Captain Mako, Ghost Widow, Reichsman

Current Team Roster:

1: Mr E-Villain: SS/Inv Brute
2: Cryptid: Widow
3: Gabriel Keats: Fire/Rad Corruptor
4: Supreme Soviet: Bots/Traps Mastermind
5: Infinity Agony: Mind/Thorn Dominator
6: Wild Kard: Bots/Poison Mastermind
7: Gen Gintoki: DB/WP Brute
8: Cuberscourge: Sonic/Pain Corruptor
9: Stonefyre: Fire/Stone Brute - Team #2 Leader
10: Goodwill: Stone/Inv Brute
11: Robin Rogue: Dark/Kin Corruptor
12: Muse of Destruction: Crab
13: BlaKk Dogg Terror: Fortunata
14: Childe: ???/??? ???
15: Evil Drogoh: ???/Rad Corruptor
16: Johnny B Rage: SS/WP Brute


Strike Force Stats & Info:
  • This Strike Force requires a 4-person team to start & I will set it to No Temp Powers (which includes Veteran Reward Powers) & 0 Defeats
  • 9 missions (4 talks)
  • Badge(s): Arbiter & Master of the Reichman Strike Force
  • Merit Reward: 20
  • Please note, this SF ends after the final Recluse Talk (not after the Reichsman mission)
Mr E-Man’s MoRSF Mission Notes:
  • Stick together, listen to instructions & do not be afraid to offer your opinion on strategy!
  • Everything else is a “work in progress”
Join in the fun & try to become the Master! Sign-up here or send a global to @Mr E-Man

Paragon Wiki: Thus Spoke the Reichsman Strike Force

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



I'll be there with my Widow, Cryptid.



Penning this down at TEN O'CLOCK, not 10:30pm like you usually do. I swear, you people do this to me on purpose.

Checking toons, likely to be Supreme Soviet, but I'll confirm shortly.

EDIT: Okay, confirming.

Supreme Soviet: Bots/Traps Mastermind



Sign me up on Infinity Agony (Mind/Thorn Dom).



lvl 50 DB/WP Brute. this is my badge collector toon.



Put me in the game coach:

Cyberscourge - lv50 sonic/pain corr

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



I will sign up for first alt since it looks like the rest is full. I will be bringing my fire/stone brute stonefyre (i know im really creative :P)

I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow isn't looking good, either.



I will be present with a lvl 50 brute stone invul or whatever is needed



I'm in for whatever we've got rolling this week.. I guess Robin will be the choice for this one.



I updated this to a two team roster - which means we will need someone to lead the second team...

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man
11: Robin Rogue: Dark/Dark Corruptor
i R teH Dark/KiN.. even though I advertise myself as Dark/DarkKin with the new color scheme. lol

Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
I updated this to a two team roster - which means we will need someone to lead the second team...
I would totally do it, but I've done the TF all of about 2 times ever.. so I'm not qualifying myself as a leader of a Master Run. lol



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
i R teH Dark/KiN.. even though I advertise myself as Dark/DarkKin with the new color scheme. lol

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Count me in with Muse of Destruction, E.

@Aoide Muse

Arc IDs: #3571 Digital Love, #182068 The Rikti Roll, #334016 The Null Earth Saga: A Reflected Web



Sign me up E! TBA

BlaKk Dogg Terror Fort

Prometheus: ... so what I told you was true, from a certain point of view.
Me: From a certain point of view?
Prometheus: You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on your point of view.
Me: You're right about that. Power Blast is very pretty from a certain point of view. But that point of view is not head-on. <Kaboom> - Arcanaville.



If you still need someone to lead for the second team i will give it a shot. Only done this tf a couple times but what the heck its worth a shot

I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow isn't looking good, either.



Just a reminder, this is tonight...

It also starts 30 minutes earlier than my normal start times!

We have enough for two teams, but we still have a couple of slots open if anyone would like to join!

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



I can bring my bad luck charm, evil drogoh.



I would like to bring my brute Johnny B Rage (SS/Wp)



ok were we setting up at...in GV 1 or 2?

Prometheus: ... so what I told you was true, from a certain point of view.
Me: From a certain point of view?
Prometheus: You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on your point of view.
Me: You're right about that. Power Blast is very pretty from a certain point of view. But that point of view is not head-on. <Kaboom> - Arcanaville.



Originally Posted by ghoost View Post
ok were we setting up at...in gv 1 or 2?
We are in the first one.



I crashed - I hope you are waiting for me to get back in...

Edit - bypassing the updater did not work 2x - verifying image now...

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Did you guys finish...if so Congratz!

Prometheus: ... so what I told you was true, from a certain point of view.
Me: From a certain point of view?
Prometheus: You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on your point of view.
Me: You're right about that. Power Blast is very pretty from a certain point of view. But that point of view is not head-on. <Kaboom> - Arcanaville.