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  1. To me being rich is having an abundance of possessions which does not mean just money but also merits, tickets, purple, rare enhancements, rare salvage on multiple toons on multiple servers. My opinion is at least 6 billion in infl across all toons, and 2500 merits, 9999 tickets, 50 rare enhancements, 50 rare salvage, 30 purples on red and blue side. To me that is the start of being rich.
  2. Market fees are just a cost of doing business. Just view them as a challenge you must overcome.
  3. Please take the time to learn how to solve your own problem rather than taking the time to request that someone else solve it for you. If you got a money problem learn how to fix it rather than requesting someone else to fix your problem. There are peeps that are making mad money in this game, and they have posted there techniques in the forms. Please educate yourself and apply what you learn and you will have more money than you know what to do with. It will take time, but so does everything worth doing.
  4. Great report thx four your insights!
  5. Congratulations! More proof that it is possible to make huge amounts of money in this game once you learn how to make your 1st billion all the next ones are so much easier. I wish it was this easy in real life. I much rather read posts like this then read posts about peeps whining about crap like the prices are too high and I am too lazy to do take the time to learn what is necessary to make money.
  6. The Hero an Villain markets are not the same. If the markets are merged then all the zones and all the missions should be merged and heroes must be allowed to trade with villains. There would be no separation between a hero and villain it would be City of Anything Goes which does not make sense. Not that it matters, but I vote no to market merger unless you merge everything!
  7. Congratz!! I just joined the club recently myself. I was aided my a another toons inf transfer gone wrong on the bm. Some poor toon bought my common salvage for over 600 mil that I had listed for hardly nothing. Too bad for them but great for me!
  8. I will be present with a lvl 50 brute stone invul or whatever is needed