For profit! For Science! For yourself!
Ah! The Primal Villains have found their way into this war. Get out! You are exactly the type of clawing, snarling scum that we pull the common citizen away from, even if it is sometimes kicking and screaming.
If you decide to stay, you will not be killed, however. Aside from the Resistence, that is not our way. You will be given the opportunity to volunteer for Cole's elite forces overseas. Your commitment will be lifelong and enduring, your sacrifice noted.
None shall hear from you again, for you will be off to nobler things.
Of course, if you were to decide to serve here Loyally, you would still have the opportunity for contact with your family and friends...
Of course, if you were to decide to serve here Loyally, you would still have the opportunity for contact with your family and friends...
Don't listen to him, he's just in love with Cole.
[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]
Pah I will hear from neither of you.
Your threats are empty loyalist, we villains are legion, you may have your precious police force and your little seers but none shall be able to stop the wave of terror which shall consume Praetoria once the portal opens, we shall bring with us all which you call scum and filth... the assured I will not help you. If your little band of wimps has something I need, I shall take it from you by force...
Know this both of you, anarchy and villainy is coming to your dimension...some may change and decide that being a 'hero' is best for them but most of us...we wont be helping anyone but ourselves...
(as an aside I am hoping they do offer a second 'villainous' path which doesn't support Emperor Cole but is more of a Rogue Isles style of villainy for those of us who want to stay a villain but don't want to be helping Cole.)
(Orion expressly stated that they were for this purpose when they were made.

(Also note that thanks to Orion that an Anarchists 'Bows to No-one' signature is on the way, it'll feature one of the Crime Syndicate as it's character to keep in with the GR character usage theme).
The Loyalist and Resistance sigs were made to spread infectiously. Whether you are a true and strong Loyalist or a pathetically misguided Resistance member who dreams of one day starving to death in a capitalist society, you are welcome to use the sigs.
(Orion expressly stated that they were for this purpose when they were made. ![]() |

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------

They don't even have a signature how do we know they are a real group?
We'll be having a signature soon enough you pantless hero you...
Having seen your topic...surely we are both after the same thing, can we not form an alliance?
Forming an Aliance? I had such great hopes for you Dr Mechano. But forming Alliances is where it all starts. Where loyalists and resistance factions are born. Forming Aliances is the beginning of you losing true freedom.
I Bow to no Man, unless the man happens to be a damsel and bowing to them is a thing every gentleman ought to do. My Destiny is my own to carve.
Here's the sig Mechano asked for:
[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]
Yay for anarchy
I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.
Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.
So sad to be ending ):
(( Stick with the conformity of the others? Not very anarchic is it? ))
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
After having listened to all the sides, I finally decided which is the only one I can support. All the others are nuts.
__________________ Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!
Clearly, experimentation is the answer. Preferably ending with explosions.
Deviant behaviour logged by the Seers.
Moving in for termination.
For the Emperor...
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Your creative energies will be directed in a more positive direction for the benefit of all society.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
I'm not really an Anarchist. I mean, I was one before I joined Arachnos, what with being a card-carrying member of the Freakshow and all. But now, I just want to get my hands on the best tech possible so I can keep upgrading my mostly-metallic form until I reach a state of cybernetic perfection. And I'll be damned if those Praetorian Clockwork aren't things of beauty! The sleek lines, the precision curves and angles, the aesthetic pleasantness mixed with sturdy, rugged construction ... man, if I still had skin on my arms, I'd be getting goosebumps!
So yeah, I'm finding a way to Praetoria. And while I'm there, I'll do whatever it takes to get a hold of all the best robotics, wetware, and integrated weapons and armor systems they have to offer. It doesn't matter what faction or factions I'll have to join, or what sort of nasty tasks I'll have to do. There's nothing that my four back-mounted laser cannons, personal Arachnobot deployment, and I can't accomplish!
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
We now have a signature! Thanks Orion *hugs in a manly fashion* However we also have a second signature thanks to Cbeet! We winning on the signature wars front!
That's the spirit Goliath! Take what you need from who you must, ignore the petty squabbles of the Resistance and the loyalists, only the self matters!
/walks in snacking on the calf of some Hellion's girlfriend
Dr. Mechano, I approve of the cut of your jib. Anarchy and good eats it is then.
Be well, people of CoH.

There is a point to this topic more than just providing people who don't want to fit in with the Resistance or the Loyalist.
Traditional villains aren't going to want to bow to Cole, they are free wheelers, mercenaries or just plain crazy. Now Mercs aren't going to have a problem working for Cole, he will obviously pay the best out of the two sides but there are those who villainy isn't about just getting paid, it's getting paid on your own terms, making profit doing what YOU want to do, robbing banks, kidnapping people and generally being villainous.
I wish the devs would implement a second villainous option that isn't serving Cole but actually doing the dirty work for the Crime Syndicate. After all they would see the benefits in getting some super powered villains on the payroll. If written well (and not like most CoV contacts who call you a common thug to your face even if you've bested Recluse) then it could work out.
"Listen, I hear ya want to make some cash but don't want to be on the 'offical' Cole payroll, then we got the opportunites for one with your talents. Now if ya the type with scruples I suggest you walk away now, what we're doing ain't gonna be pretty BUT it is going to make you both sides got stuff we be prepared for a lot of hate but're probably use to that..."
I pledge myself to this camp. Now if only I could figure out how to set the picture in my sig...
EDIT: Ah-HA! I got it.
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Since none of your tags show below the belt line you never know who is really pantless.
Well nice to see the movement is slowly growing, slower than both Loyalist and Resistance...though faster than the Pantless faction.
As I said in my last, there is a serious thought behind this and isn't just making up factions for the silliness of it.
Cole's kind of evil is very...well..organised, where would the opportunites be for the villain that just loves to do whatever the hell they like. They're not going to take orders from Cole and they're certainly not going to help the Resistance, which is why I suggested the third faction, the Crime Syndicate, be more of the traditional 'out for yourself' villainous option.
For example a story arc could require that the Crime Syndicate need someone busted out of a holding cell in a Praetorian Police station but the place is too heavily guarded at the moment. So you go and plant a homing device in a rebel base which alerts the Praetoria PD to the location while your contact sends an anoymous tip to the PPD about the Resistance numbers being a lot larger than they actually are.
So they dispatch enough officers from the station for you to be able to bust in, cause a ruckass and get the target out for your well earned pay day. Of course both sides are going to suspect the Syndicate so you have to go about laying evidence that each side has a traitor in their ranks, then sit back and watch the fireworks for the finale.
You get handsomely paid and you get to see both Loyalists and Resistance duke it out for giggles.
Don't listen to those fools in the Loyalist camp, their blind faith in what this so called 'Emperor' Cole says that Utopia must be achieved through any means, it's just another form of control, like any goverment and any form of control, whether it be enforced by the rules of society or by an iron fisted regime, is wrong.
But do not listen to the fools in the Resistance either, doing what is 'right' gains you nothing, the praise of the people cannot pay your rent, feed your family or get that really nice death ray that just hit the open market...
Pah! They are both idiots, no choose your own path, one that is neither heroic nor a blind follower this Tyrant...
No, profit is to be had out of Praetoria and not for 'the good of the people' but for ourselves. Go to Praetoria to carve your own destiny. Smash down those monuments, bring down those glittering palaces and make yourself your own empire, true villainy does not abide by rules and laws but neither does it help the weak...
If the resistance was strong enough, Cole would not be in the position he is in now, they are weak, take what you need of them and leave them to 'fight the good fight'.
As a mad scientist I cannot stand the thought of helping either side, I will not submit to Cole and I will not submit to the will of the resistance. True villains, stand up and fight for your freedom and take whatever you feel is yours.
Down with Cole!
Down with the Resistance!
Down with this sort of thing!
Long Live anarchy and freedom!
(this message bought to you by Dr Mechano, a member of the Mad Scientist Union).