OK, I'll Ask - Who's Submitting?
Well nuts, I thought we could only submit one arc at all. Of course I find this out after midnight of the last day...
I submitted my TOO MANY BUNNYGIRLS! arc because it's the most refined of the three, being the oldest and most-commented-upon. My second probably could have gone in too, but it would have been in for the same category, non-canon story. My third one's still in the "getting comments and making changes based on them" stage.
I have no idea if I can win or not as I know there are a lot of talented folk out there (and I'm only averaging a four-star rating on all three, no five-stars), but I'm guessing the devs are using this contest as a way to look for some new Dev Choice candidates, so I wanted to get my foot in the door (or my mouth) for that!
I submitted Teen Phalanx Forever! for heroic story arc. It's the most comic booky of my story arcs, so I thought this was the appropriate category. My screen shots ended up being a little murky and I'm not sure the pictures are pretty enough to draw someone into trying it, but I'm going to hope for the best.
I wanted to submit A Warrior's Journey - The Flower Knight Task Force for non-canon story arc, but after reading the rules carefully, I don't think it is actually non-canon according to the official rules, since it uses both canonical CoH characters and alternate dimensional versions of canonical CoH characters. So I ended up submitting it for canon story arc, which might or might not make sense, since it's a very Elseworlds sort of story. The whole canon/non-canon classification kinda boggles me; I seem to write story arcs that straddle the line. We'll see what the judges think, I guess.
I submitted the Paparazzi from Celebrity Kidnapping for custom enemy group. This is maybe a long shot since the Paparazzi only have 4 custom models in it, but I get a lot of positive feedback about how funny they are, so I thought I'd give it a try. Due to the tight disk space budget, I usually make custom enemy groups with just a few figures each in them (enough to give the enemy group a little variety with a common theme), then try to sprinkle them in among "normal" mobs.
Since I already had gathered all the files for it anyway, I went ahead and threw Celebrity Kidnapping into the ring for villainous story arc, too. It was that or Papers & Paychecks; my other villainous arc, Axis & Allies, I really like but is something of a guilty pleasure that I don't think is as good as my other stuff. There's more of a story in Papers & Paychecks, but ultimately I felt that Celebrity Kidnapping was better polished and more tightly edited, so I went with that.
Based on the sample taken here so far, it sounds like there's a lot of competition for the "heroic" and "canon" categories, and relatively less for "villainous" and almost none for "non-canon". If only I had a "non-canon" arc to submit! But by the official definition, I don't see myself writing "non-canon" arcs, because I really like my stories to have some connection to the actual CoH world.
@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"
Based on the sample taken here so far, it sounds like there's a lot of competition for the "heroic" and "canon" categories, and relatively less for "villainous" and almost none for "non-canon". If only I had a "non-canon" arc to submit! But by the official definition, I don't see myself writing "non-canon" arcs, because I really like my stories to have some connection to the actual CoH world.
I wanted to submit A Warrior's Journey - The Flower Knight Task Force for non-canon story arc, but after reading the rules carefully, I don't think it is actually non-canon according to the official rules, since it uses both canonical CoH characters and alternate dimensional versions of canonical CoH characters. So I ended up submitting it for canon story arc, which might or might not make sense, since it's a very Elseworlds sort of story. The whole canon/non-canon classification kinda boggles me; I seem to write story arcs that straddle the line. We'll see what the judges think, I guess.
I'd say the Flower Knight TF does actually qualify pretty well for in-canon, because it does feature a canon character as your primary contact and even though none of the stuff you do is based off any in-canon world, it doesn't CONFLICT with canon either. It's all perfectly plausible given the whole portal corp setup.
Captain Skylark Shadowfancy and the Tomorrownauts of Today. Arc ID: 337333 - Signal:Noise, where is everybody? Arc ID: 341194
@The Cheshire Cat - Isn't it enough to know I ruined a pony making a gift for you?
12 second horror stories - a writing experiment.
I submitted one anyway since they never really defined exactly where the line is drawn between in-canon and original. I also figured that I'll have better chances with 5 different arcs submitted than submitting the same one for every category that it qualifies for.
"A Warrior's Friend" is an arc that uses Infernal, Battle Maiden, Vaklyrie, Kawago (mentioned in the original Battle Maiden arc; but I don't believe you ever see him), and War Earth - but since War Earth is very sparsely known, I had to fill in a LOT of detail.
The entire fluff for it seems to consist of A) It's a war-ravaged planet with medieval-esque people B) Technology exists still in the form of "High Tech Medieval Weapons" (Canon-Fodder recently confirmed that Valkyrie's spear is a War Earth relic; and of course Battle Maiden's halberd is.), C) Kawago is a village chieftain who had his home nearly bombed by Battle Maiden and saved by people from our world and D) The "martial philosophy" of Battle Maiden, as espoused by the bios for the various Champion mobs.
Essentially I don't know if it'll qualify as "In-Canon"; but I figured that was the best category for it, and they do mention somewhere that "canon related" can involve expanding existing canon. Still, even if it qualifies I *strongly* suspect Going Rogue will invalidate it; as if we spend any time on War Earth I imagine the devs probably have a different vision of it than I do.
I'll also agree that Flower Knight TF is well qualified for in-canon; for the same reason The_Cheshire_Cat gave. Admittedly it's toward the edge... but so's A Warrior's Friend, so... <,< if either of us are over the line, both of us probably are.
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
Only one entry here: The War on Superadine (Arc ID 151088) - Best In-Canon Arc, based upon the "Just Said No to Superadine" and "Scholar" plaques.
I reviewed my arcs, checked my list of desired changes to make, double checked the list of admitted submissions here and measured mine against the ones I know... and decided I just sit everything out.
Good luck everyone.
I finally broke down and submitted the Satyrs from "Ecloga Prima: Excursio in lingua Latina" (309162) for best villain group. I've been more or less avoiding the creative side of MA since i16 went live, and this was the only group I had enough good screen shots for.
I will probably be disqualified since I added the same mob over and over again with different powers and costume variations but the same names, and they don't show up as separate critter files, so there's no way I could attach them all properly.
<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison
I submitted D Minor for "in-canon", because it has Banished Pantheon in Dark Astoria, and mentions Mot, and that is the total extent of the canon that exists in game for that zone, so I could do basically anything and still have it be "in-canon".
Essentially I don't know if it'll qualify as "In-Canon"; but I figured that was the best category for it, and they do mention somewhere that "canon related" can involve expanding existing canon. Still, even if it qualifies I *strongly* suspect Going Rogue will invalidate it; as if we spend any time on War Earth I imagine the devs probably have a different vision of it than I do.
I submitted Tales of Croatoa for best in-canon arc, although I extended canon quite a bit.
I was thinking about submitting Pirate's Quest for best custom group, but decided against it. I had 5 more custom mobs in that group that just wont fit due to space constraints.... kind of depressing.
131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )
With all the good arcs that have been submitted, at least something from here had better win or at least make runner up.
The SOLUS Foundation - a Liberty and Pinnacle SG
"The Consequences of War" - Arcs # 227331 and 241496
I made up something just for the event...
It is never truly gone, as long as there is someone left to remember.
And there'd better be a slew of new Dev's Choices with familiar names attached to 'em, as well.
Darkonne: Pinnacle's (unofficially) mighty Dark Miasma/Radiation Blast enthusiast!
Be sure to check out this mighty Arc:
#161865 - Aeon's Nemesis
Then you can fly/run around the map and line up shots on stationary/patrolling mobs, or even mobs fighting each other. It also keeps your char out of the shots; which (at least to me) feels a bit more professional. >.< That said it's just what I've done and I don't know 100% for sure if this is actually a good idea or not.
And I went ahead and submitted Future Skulls for Best Hero also. Worst they can do is say only one category. (Which won't upset any of us that have been asking that since they announced the contest. )
Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy