Is this mean or nice?




Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
The easiest way would be to simply blow it on the market.
Bid a few million for a bunch of tier-one inspires or some lowbie DO's.
Maybe some teen-level Pet Damage or Snipe recipes.

I'm sure the lucky recipients will appreciate the gift, although anyone reading the last 5 will whine "OMG I can't afford ANYTHING! The Market is evil from the marketeers and farmers and Positron and....<stupid rant>!"
But, being anonymous, you won't get pestered by beggar tells either.
No No you make a one winner one bill CC contest i bet you almost half of the people on your sever will come.

[edit] Im into the screen shoot/ art forums if you cant tell



Originally Posted by tuter_king View Post
No No you make a one winner one bill CC contest i bet you almost half of the people on your sever will come.
Heh. I guess I'm just one of the other half, then. I love a good costume/bio on a character, but I've gotten cynical about Costume Contests. I realize that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that tastes differ between individuals, so it isn't bitterness over not winning.
It's just that I dislike some of the nonsense and drama that goes on during some CC's. From fake contests that are announced, to power-spamming during contests to L50's entering who really don't need the money.
I'd rather just donate anonymously and avoid the hassle.

More power to ya if you can get CC's to work though.



Well for me

Double = vill
CC = hero

thats what i do to money i dont need



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
What am I missing here?
I always end up broke as spit on my characters...
Recipes I get never seem worth anything. Is making ALL of them really worth it? Is salvage profitable?
I know my Main (See forum handle) is doing ok, slotting him slowly but steadily and all, and my Tanker isnt doing too bad...
But my high point was 20 million. Never ever got a purple drop, rarely got a rare that was worth anything, cant even dream of these 100,200 etc millions that people talk about...

And aren't the markets EU-US linked? So server shouldnt matter, irrc
Are you selling your Common IO recipes drops to a regular store (ie not the Market)?

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Originally Posted by firespray View Post
I have no money problems on any of my toons anymore, and have done a ~2 billion build, and several 500+ million builds. All in all I have over 5 billion worth of stuff on all my characters. I've never managed to join the billionaire's club though. I can't seem to hold on to my money long enough. It's generally spent long before I get close to that amount of liquid cash. I often try to give away inf, either to lowbies, or through quick, random costume contests and I've run into the same thing the OP mentioned. Some people think you're trying to one-up them if you give them money.
Haha, and I'm quite the opposite. I make sure my toons have fairly good builds, but I don't go out of my way to buy Purples or LotG: Recharges ect.

Id estimate I spend roughly 100-200 mil on a normal toon build, leaving me with lots of cash in the bank. I seldom play em past the mid 40s, and I NEVER play my 50s (except for my farmers), so decking em out with purples just seems silly for my style.

I'm also a penny pincher. I generally won't pay a lot of premium on stuff. If a rare salvage is selling for 1mil, and I cant get it for 1.2mil, I'll just wait..

Anyways, in regard to the OP. I usually just say something like "wow nice, thats cool".



Originally Posted by Random Neg reper
please PLEASE learn to spell!
Y wold I wont too doe tht?



Got spare money? Hold a contest! Thats my motto!

Why please one when you can get multiple people happy from the enjoyement of a fun competition!

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Nothing wrong with giving away some cash. I do that for new players occasionally but more often I give away enhancements. I like loading up on the talismans you can buy from Yin and giving them to people who can barely use them or are one level away from being able to use them. It's great being able to slot an SO at that level and you can't actually play through the Faultline missions until you are high enough that you've basically outleveled the beginning talismans.

I'll also do things like buy purchasable costume parts and the salvage required then give them to lowbies who could in my opinion use them. Like rocket boots for an Adam Strange or Buck Rogers type. Insect wings for a bug character. I'll also buy the temp powers to give low levels another aid to their attack chain.

And during the holiday season I fill all my empty slots with randomly generated characters just to get the holiday spirit. Then come summer time I give away presents to people whose vet badges say they weren't around during the last holiday. I've watched people jump with joy just because they got a few inf from a present they opened. One person who got a jingle jet was broadcasting all over about how great it was.

So in my opinion charity is not wrong. And now I think I'll go play for a while because I believe I might actually still have one of those gift giving characters around and I really should use them up before year end.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
I love a good costume/bio on a character, but I've gotten cynical about Costume Contests. I realize that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that tastes differ between individuals, so it isn't bitterness over not winning.
I like to arrive when a costume contest is already in progress. I do my own judging, come up behind the ones I like, and drop the money on them. No one else involved needs to know, and they are always grateful.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
I like to arrive when a costume contest is already in progress. I do my own judging, come up behind the ones I like, and drop the money on them. No one else involved needs to know, and they are always grateful.

I do this too, whenever I run across one.

It's fun when I'm on one of my marketeers and can afford to lay a multiple of the 'real' contest reward on them.


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by tuter_king View Post
I some times in my sg or other times just random people i here them saying "WOW I HAVE 3MILL! I most be rich." So do you all think it's mean or nice to say "Want me to double that?" and then really do double it? I have had people get mad at me saying they don't need charity but on the other hand a lot are very very happy about it...
Is this mean, or is it nice? Only you know for sure, because at the end of the day, only you know your motivation for giving the INF. If you give with the intent of being nice and helpful, or if you give with the intent of showing off and establishing your INF-earning prowess, only you know... so that's a question only you can really answer.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
I like to arrive when a costume contest is already in progress. I do my own judging, come up behind the ones I like, and drop the money on them. No one else involved needs to know, and they are always grateful.

Oh i do the same thing some times. I once one CC than gave all the money i got from that CC to someone else in a CC that happened right after the one i was in, was not allowed to join again

Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
Is this mean, or is it nice? Only you know for sure, because at the end of the day, only you know your motivation for giving the INF. If you give with the intent of being nice and helpful, or if you give with the intent of showing off and establishing your INF-earning prowess, only you know... so that's a question only you can really answer.
Well i guess its not mean and all those people who don't like that are evil



Originally Posted by tuter_king View Post
Well i guess its not mean and all those people who don't like that are evil
I'm glad your motivation is pure and you wish only to be helpful, but if someone does not like what you're doing, that doesn't necessarily make them evil.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
I'm glad your motivation is pure and you wish only to be helpful, but if someone does not like what you're doing, that doesn't necessarily make them evil.
That's what they want you to think



It's a nice gesture, in my opinion. When I first started, a level 10 (!) with the 9-month vet badge (!!) gave me 50,000 inf (!!!) I was ecstatic, not knowing what I was going to do with all that money. Then I spent it all over the next few levels keeping my enhancements green (I figured they would be ineffective otherwise)

So I "pay it forward". I give away influence every so often

A few responses have caught me off guard

- one, a new player in Atlas refused my trade invite of something like 20 million, responding "No thanks. I want to do it all on my own"

- Another, seemingly new player accepted my trade invite of 10 million-ish. Then immediately sent me a tell saying "please accept this" and a trade invite. Figuring they'd graciously give me a level 3 TO or an inspiration, I accepted. I then saw them triple what I gave them and they sent a tell saying "Thanks. Second account :)"

- And finally, (and the only time since AE), I gave a new player something like 100 mil, and their response was, "That's all?" I thought they meant the ease of which they just got 100 mil, and I said "Yep. As easy as that. I'd like to think you'll do the same for a new player down the road". And he responded "No, I mean.. can't I have more?"

Thank you, Champion.