Halloween is almost upon us...




Thought I'd refresh my suggestion now that the time is close at hand for the Halloween event to be upon us.

Well several suggestions actually.

Couple of new costumes, namely the Rularuu Overseer, Rularuu Brute and Rularuu Whisp as costumes.

Now the Halloween salvage has one function, to gain an extra costume slot, I propose an additional function, after you've traded in for the extra costume slot.

Once you've traded in your second set of salvage a reward screen pops up, similar to those with the Vet reward sands of mu or Ghostslaying axe perma-temp choices.

On that reward screen is a list of all the temp costume powers you've had through trick or treating, you get to select one of those costumes as a perma-temp costume for that character.

This is balanced between the Con temps because while the con temps are awarded on a per account basis, meaning all characters will have access to that one costume, the halloween trade-in perma-temps will only be for that character and that character alone, if you wanted the same costume on a different character, you'd have to trade in two sets of halloween salvage again.

I would kill for a perma-temp Rularuu Overseer costume for one of my characters.

So devs, any idea if this can be possibly be made to work, come on, it would be awesome...



I will personally pay whichever developer makes atleast number 2 happen the sum of ten whole english pounds...

...what it's all I can spare right now...and no, I'm not sending you a gift basket, you know how much that would cost to airmail to American?!



I'd really love horror-themed weapons. A Katana looking something like Soul Calibur, or Broadsword looking like something Lovecraftian.

I can dream, can't I?



While I don't think getting a permanent costume with Halloween salvage is particularly likely, I think it would be interesting to see if it would be possible for players to be able to turn in a full suite of the salvage to her in order to gain a random costume power that has a toggle timer rather than a real time timer attached to it.



I'm okay with #2 if and only if turning in that second (and third and so on) set of salvage doesn't trigger a zombie invasion. I have had it up to here with the friggin' zombie invasions.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
I'm okay with #2 if and only if turning in that second (and third and so on) set of salvage doesn't trigger a zombie invasion. I have had it up to here with the friggin' zombie invasions.
But Cap, they loooooove you!

With all their zombie-brawling hearts. :3



I wouldn't mind another funky "event" invention set. That winter slow resist thingy was farmed madly by yours truly I tell ya and it's awesome. No more fear or hatred towards council snipers. Also, it would be a fairly simple thing to add, since I doubt they'll add some real stuff while they're working on GR.

...and I don't mind. I'm pretty tired of tired old events being beefed up with "new" stuff like the Pocket D playground. Please god, no friggn new race down the ski slope, pretty please. (Mind you I've got 2 accounts with kins prepared to help out as usual). Time's better spent on real stuff.

...but... I'd like to add that I really miss those community events. The Sirens invasion, RSP tournaments, even the horrible RP dance parties in the old pre-PD monkey fight club.



I really wouldn't be surprised if the devs didn't do anything this Halloween that they didn't do last year; Unseelie Court, Jack/Eochai, Trick-or-Treating.

They just seem so very eager to get the next Issue and Going Rogue out so very quickly that they're not bothering with seasonal content like holiday events.

But that's just my theory.



Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
I really wouldn't be surprised if the devs didn't do anything this Halloween that they didn't do last year; Unseelie Court, Jack/Eochai, Trick-or-Treating.

They just seem so very eager to get the next Issue and Going Rogue out so very quickly that they're not bothering with seasonal content like holiday events.

But that's just my theory.
We are getting something new for Halloween this year. Behold:

Originally Posted by TheOcho
You folks are correct. There will be a new Halloween event this year, and we're expecting to test the new event next week on the Training Room.

Stay tuned for more info, I'll get it to you guys as soon as we've confirmed the details internal



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Thought I'd refresh my suggestion now that the time is close at hand for the Halloween event to be upon us.

Well several suggestions actually.

Couple of new costumes, namely the Rularuu Overseer, Rularuu Brute and Rularuu Whisp as costumes.

Now the Halloween salvage has one function, to gain an extra costume slot, I propose an additional function, after you've traded in for the extra costume slot.

Once you've traded in your second set of salvage a reward screen pops up, similar to those with the Vet reward sands of mu or Ghostslaying axe perma-temp choices.

On that reward screen is a list of all the temp costume powers you've had through trick or treating, you get to select one of those costumes as a perma-temp costume for that character.

This is balanced between the Con temps because while the con temps are awarded on a per account basis, meaning all characters will have access to that one costume, the halloween trade-in perma-temps will only be for that character and that character alone, if you wanted the same costume on a different character, you'd have to trade in two sets of halloween salvage again.

I would kill for a perma-temp Rularuu Overseer costume for one of my characters.

So devs, any idea if this can be possibly be made to work, come on, it would be awesome...
1; possibly, depending on how they set up the costume powers.

2; I don't see this happening this year, not a month away from the event with testing beginning soon. BUT to further the suggestion; why not simply make the Witches have this reward table by default? People turn in the salvage and get the choice of an extra slot or one cossie power.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
1)Couple of new costumes, namely the Rularuu Overseer, Rularuu Brute and Rularuu Whisp as costumes.
I'm 99% sure this is impossible, since none of those use player-available skeletons.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Thought I'd refresh my suggestion now that the time is close at hand for the Halloween event to be upon us.

Well several suggestions actually.

Couple of new costumes, namely the Rularuu Overseer, Rularuu Brute and Rularuu Whisp as costumes.

Now the Halloween salvage has one function, to gain an extra costume slot, I propose an additional function, after you've traded in for the extra costume slot.

Once you've traded in your second set of salvage a reward screen pops up, similar to those with the Vet reward sands of mu or Ghostslaying axe perma-temp choices.

On that reward screen is a list of all the temp costume powers you've had through trick or treating, you get to select one of those costumes as a perma-temp costume for that character.

This is balanced between the Con temps because while the con temps are awarded on a per account basis, meaning all characters will have access to that one costume, the halloween trade-in perma-temps will only be for that character and that character alone, if you wanted the same costume on a different character, you'd have to trade in two sets of halloween salvage again.

I would kill for a perma-temp Rularuu Overseer costume for one of my characters.

So devs, any idea if this can be possibly be made to work, come on, it would be awesome...
I love the idea for #2. I always enjoyed ToTing, but hated that my costumes would start timing out before I could get them all

�Let there be truth, happiness, and waffles�
-Vagabond, Dark Lord & Avatar of Gnarr
The Justiciars



Signed, Stamped and Sealed. Especially the 2nd option.

(Insert 2 pages of Wanna have here please)

Did I say, ooh shiny gimmy yet?



Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
I'm 99% sure this is impossible, since none of those use player-available skeletons.
The costume temps swap your entire model out, just like Kheldian forms and Granite armor. I'm fairly certain the Brutes and Whisps are theoretically possible (just messy due to some of their unique properties), but the Overseers are right out due to lacking a full animation library.

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Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Have you seen the Rularuu weapons? Because they've seen you.
The Rularuu weapons were a triumph of weapon customization, and the devs were wonderful to add all of them into the game.

However, that doesn't change the fact that I'd like some real HORROR-themed weapons... A bloody, rusted mallet; a jagged, rusted-over, bronze axed, a broadsword that's been cracked, or something that looks like it could split in two and have large teeth.

But maybe I'm just crazy, imagining these things.



Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
I'm 99% sure this is impossible, since none of those use player-available skeletons.
I would agree with you here. Still, I would be terribly interested in seeing my BS/Regen scrapper as an Overseer. I can just imagine the sword swinging around from the centre of an overgrown eyeball.

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