Calling All Badge Hunters!




Originally Posted by TyrantMikey View Post

So, I could probably use a lot of help in beefing up my knowledge of which taskforces are good matches for badge acquisition. Some of that, I'm sure, can be gleaned from ParagonWiki (a prime research tool).
Moonfire, Synapse and Manticore have already been mentioned, but there's also

Sister Psyche: Tank Buster
Eden Trial and Numina: Protectorate
Silver Mantis: Infiltrator, Tracer, Finder, Slayer
Katie Hannon: the Cabal badge (can't remember what it's called)

Some story arcs are also good for certain badges, especially if you run them with a team:

Jim Tremblor and Penelope Yin: Finder, and Yin's arc gives the Rescuer badge at the end.
Levantera and Serpent Drummer: Zookeeper
Completing the Croatoa arcs will virtually guarantee Cap Buster, Bane of Danaan, and the Fir Bolg badge.

All accomplishment badge missions, with the exception of Efficiency Expert, are available through Ouroboros. You can do them that way if you don't want to be locked into a story arc, and you get merits for doing them through flashback.

Defeating giant monsters also gives two merits, you might want to mention this when forming a team for them, since it gives some incentive to help for people who don't care about badges.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Badge as you go. Have fun. Prepare your lils. Respect PvP zones.

- If you're running the arcs and task forces as they're made available by level and picking up exploration/historical plaques when your new character first encounters a different zone, it's a breeze to pick up badges without thinking about it. Then, all those "Defeat X" badges not obtained by the time your character is level 50 are easier to finish off with AOE's.

- Have fun with the Defeat X badges: go in teams with friends and run in-character (500 DE Emanitors make for a great field study, collecting samples of local flora). Same with mini-events such as Fire Alarms in Steel Canyon. 100 fires never feels grindy when you're knocking about with light-hearted conversation in broadcast about selling cheap property at that location.

- So, there's one ultra anal thing I do. Each of my new characters (lils.. little ones) is e-mailed a checklist of badges which apply to the accolades that award powers or boost numbers. So I will pay extra attention when a specific level or contact/story arc is coming up. Part of my "badge as you go" motto.

- I've seen too many people lose their **** over badges in PvP zones. Have your head about you in advance. 1. Use /hide. I have friends who will switch sides and bee-line to a zone if they conduct a /sea and see strange names mucking about. 2. Do not announce yourself in broadcast. Saying things like "I'm just here to badge." paints a bright neon bullseye on your bootie. 3. Take a team of 8. Generally 6 badgers who conduct their business quickly and 2 friendly PvP escorts who can keep hostiles at bay is sufficient. 4. Go in at odd hours. Generally, if you respect the fact that it's a PvP zone.. that people are there for things other than badges, you'll do fine.



Originally Posted by TeChameleon View Post
Another option for finding the 'hiding' mobs is find a friend with a damage aura/rapidfire pbaoe. They're actually not that hard to spot- the Coralax make splashes when they spawn, and the Igneous are... well, white blobs on the brown dirt.
Except the white Igneous aren't the ones for the badge. You need the bosses - red magma dudes. They can be found by looking for fiery patches of ground and you need a way to draw them out (damage aura, location targeted AoE, right level range, etc).

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by NeverDark View Post
Try to situate a television or radio near your PC when working on some of the more tedious defeat badges. Grinding away Marcone bosses in Port Oakes isn't anywhere near as painful if you've got something else to keep your mind on.
If you can handle it, go to St. Martial (The Flop). Up near the NW end where the Marcone mobs bump up against the DE, there are plenty of Marcone (boss) to be found.



Look, I'm sorry that this is my only contribution to the thread, but I've been looking at that thread title for a full day now, and for the life of me I cannot stop thinking about Calling All Spider Riders every time I see it. I finally gave up on trying to fight, so enjoy the link.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Look, I'm sorry that this is my only contribution to the thread, but I've been looking at that thread title for a full day now, and for the life of me I cannot stop thinking about Calling All Spider Riders every time I see it. I finally gave up on trying to fight, so enjoy the link.

That certainly explains your signature.



Originally Posted by St_Angelius View Post
Low lvl "hidden" mobs on high lvl characters - If you have out leveled certain mobs like magma lord and corolax that only pop out when aggroed, get a team with a toon in their level to run ahead of you and just pick them off when they come out.
This is priceless.

HerDarkMajesty: Curses! There are no Corallax spawns for my badge.

HisEvilNoobness: Damn. That sucks.

HerDarkMajesty: [Eyes him shewdly] You there. You are new here, are you not?

HisEvilNoobness: I am. What does your majesty require?

HerDarkMajesty: My majesty requires you to run into that crowd ahead and flush out the spawns I also require.

HisEvilNoobness: Excellent! I shall dispatch them forthwith.

HerDarkMajesty: [Smirking] Doubtful. You'll stand there, doing nothing. You're just the bait, dimwit. Once I have dispatched them, you will move on to the next crowd.

HisEvilNoobness: [Sighs heavily] Yes, your majesty. It shall be as you command. >Snikt!<

HerDarkMajesty: Try not to bleed all over the place. I have a pressing engagement tonight with that idiot Aeon, and I didn't have time to get my clothes drycleaned.

HisEvilNoobness: Yes, your majesty.

HerDarkMajesty: Well, don't just stand there! MOVE!



Definitely make friends and have a regular badging group. Even find some people that have a lot of badges already, they can help you earn easy ones (assuming they're friendly!) - many times they don't mind earning the same badge twice, it was fun the first time (in most cases ).

And I completely agree with Angel, don't loose your **** in PvP zones. Accept the fact that you WILL get killed by someone. Accept the fact that on occasion, that someone will be a jack***. If you get frustrated, log off and try again later or find a badge that's not in a PvP zone to work at.



Originally Posted by St_Angelius View Post
Safeguard badges - Ignoring the group in the lobby and taking out the vault group before they breach the vault prevents the timer from starting, giving you all the time in the world to get that exploration badge and sides badges. (not sure if there as a similar thing for mayhems)

Low lvl "hidden" mobs on high lvl characters - If you have out leveled certain mobs like magma lord and corolax that only pop out when aggroed, get a team with a toon in their level to run ahead of you and just pick them off when they come out.
Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Except the white Igneous aren't the ones for the badge. You need the bosses - red magma dudes. They can be found by looking for fiery patches of ground and you need a way to draw them out (damage aura, location targeted AoE, right level range, etc).
Originally Posted by TeChameleon View Post
Another option for finding the 'hiding' mobs is find a friend with a damage aura/rapidfire pbaoe. They're actually not that hard to spot- the Coralax make splashes when they spawn, and the Igneous are... well, white blobs on the brown dirt.
Let's complete the list of things that work to pop buried mobs, since we keep missing some:

1) someone within aggro range (lowbie character)
2) damage aura
3) drop power (location targeted AoE)
4) taunt aura
5) any debuff or mezz aura
6) combat pets
7) veteran buff pets

anything I missed?

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
Off the top of my head, for blueside:

Synapse - Gears
Citadel - Council (wolves and vampires)
Manticore - Paragon Protectors

Doesen't Moonfire have maps populated entirely by wolves and vamps, respectively?

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Here are some tips that I haven’t seen so far.

1. If you don’t mind waiting to get history, exploration, defeat badges then do them after you have a fast travel power or higher level. If your badger doesn’t have room for a travel power in there build then make use of a second solo badge build. My stone tank badger has a second build with super speed, super jump, flight, and extra attacks like hurl to badge faster.

2. Keep a list of TF’s and badges that you need and just watch the badge, TF channels so you can see what you need at a moment’s notice.

3. If you need a defeat badge then wait till the holiday events and work on trick or treat or gifts at the same time as the defeats in whatever zone they spawn in.

4. On the market sales badges, just buy a bunch of low level Salvage in groups of 10 for a low price and then just flood the market with them for 1 apiece. Fill all your market slots and check back later.

5. Volunteer to be your SG’s crafter, let anyone know if they bring you the salvage and set recipe that you will craft for free. Also you can just stock up the base with low end recipes for you SG.

Freedom Server - Main = Lil Bug & way too many alts to list



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Let's complete the list of things that work to pop buried mobs, since we keep missing some:

1) someone within aggro range (lowbie character)
2) damage aura
3) drop power (location targeted AoE)
4) taunt aura
5) any debuff or mezz aura
6) combat pets
7) veteran buff pets

anything I missed?
8) someone within aggro range (YOU)

When I was hunting Coralax, I used Ouroboros to exemp my badger to level 9.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



If you're the lowbie or someone else, it's the same thing.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Let's complete the list of things that work to pop buried mobs, since we keep missing some:

1) someone within aggro range (lowbie character)
2) damage aura
3) drop power (location targeted AoE)
4) taunt aura
5) any debuff or mezz aura
6) combat pets
7) veteran buff pets

anything I missed?
I used my Force Bubble to pop 'em outta the ground.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Repel is an oddball, but I'd probably consider that a mezz. I did in fact think of it when I was listing, I just went back and forth on it's own listing or not.

Technically speaking I should take all the PBAoEs and list them in one item I suppose.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
8) someone within aggro range (YOU)

When I was hunting Coralax, I used Ouroboros to exemp my badger to level 9.
Hmmmmmm, how did you manage that? The lowest i could seem to get ouro arcs to spawn me at was 14 (or was it 15? Hmmm).

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Then it's time for them to get off the cross, use the wood to build a bridge, and get over it.
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...



You should be able to do it by flashbacking Wincott's arc. I believe that one caps out at 10.

If you're a Kheld, you could probably get as low as 5. And if you want to get really ludicrous, run the Oroboros initiation, then when you get to the Outbreak mission, you can run around Paragon as a level 1.



Here's something I like to call:

250 KPH (Kills Per Hour)

Getting the Fusion Generator might seem like a really difficult task but for Heroes it's actually pretty easy. All you need is a willing volunteer who (preferably) has Linda Summers unlocked as a contact and for both of you to be able to get into Warburg. Ideally they should be level 40+ and fill their inspiration tray with Awakens. Now both of you go into Warburg.

Head for the beach unteamed and you'll soon be enemies to each other. Make sure any and all defense/resistence powers are off and proceed to beat down your volunteer and then let him use a wakey. Now quickly beat them down again, let them rez and repeat until their tray is empty. What you'll find is that each kill, while too soon to allow you to gain rep, will still count towards the kill counter. Your volunteer can use the in-zone hospital and then zone back to Kings and buy more awakens from Linda who is now only a few hundred yards from the Warburg zone helicopter.

From personal experience, dual-boxing with a firekin and mind/ff troller, I was able to kill myself 40 times in ten minutes gaining the Fusion Generator badge within an hour.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.