Wanting to play a healer




Originally Posted by MythsnWraiths View Post
Whats really funny is that I remember when the "pure healer" concept was popular and Lady was the rogue for standing out and saying she had only three heals as an empath and none where six slotted... years ago.
Pfft, the real rogues were us brave souls who were playing Dark Miasma.



I'm not old enough to know the "old days."

*pokes his 18 month Vet badge, waiting for it to roll over to 21*

50s: Bla- Arch/Mental Cont- Mind/FF, Earth/Cold, Ill/Therm, Earth/Rad Dominator- Plant/Psi, Elec/Earth Corr- Fire/Storm, Arch/Sonic, Rad/Kin, Beam/Sonic, Psi/Time Stalker- Elec/SR Def- Storm/Dark, Emp/Psi, Dark/Elec, FF/Arch, TA/Ice, TA/Elec, Kin/AR, Cold/DP, Traps/Psi Scrap- Fire/Shield Tanker- Dark/Mace, Ice/Kin Brute- Claws/WP, SS/Energy, BS/Elec



Originally Posted by MrQuizzles View Post
Pfft, the real rogues were us brave souls who were playing Dark Miasma.
Too true. Before issue 4ish I didn't even know what Tar Patch was.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
That's when I turn on Personal Force Field and shame the tank or scrapper into showing some balls by jumping into the next spawn solo. I need to train my teammates on occasion.
Silly PFF. If I'm playing my Defender, a Good Luck and charge in with Choking Cloud while laying waste with Ice Storm. If I'm playing my Scrapper, I'm too busy dragging two mobs with me with AAO and Shield Charging into a third.



After reading the posts, my outlook on emp Defenders is in a new light. Ty all. I am influenced to role a emp Defender and keep the toon having the knowledge I have now. Playing a defender to buff the team at the same time supporting the team with heals and the secondary power shines a new light allowing me to see the defenders not just as healers but a major role on a team. Gawd I love learning new things about this game...

"Now I know...and knowing is half the battle!"



Orehre, you should read the two posts stickied at the top of the Defender's forum, In the Beginning written by the brillaint Jock Tampson, and The Defender's Manifesto, written by the much less brilliant... me.



Can't we just emphasize the fact that, in this game, damage mitigation through buffs and debuffs trump heals and leave it at that? Those threads are basically the benign manifestations of years of forum drama that one need not become embroiled in.

I also don't think I'm not allowed to like Fruit Salad because it's something TMS said. We agreed to never agree.



Originally Posted by StormyDarkness View Post
I'm not old enough to know the "old days."

*pokes his 18 month Vet badge, waiting for it to roll over to 21*
Neither am I, and I just got my 30 Month badge...



Originally Posted by MrQuizzles View Post
Can't we just emphasize the fact that, in this game, damage mitigation through buffs and debuffs trump heals and leave it at that? Those threads are basically the benign manifestations of years of forum drama that one need not become embroiled in.

I also don't think I'm not allowed to like Fruit Salad because it's something TMS said. We agreed to never agree.
Speaking of which, whatever happened to HoboFruitSalad?



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post

/Cold primarily long duration ally buffs.
sorry, but umm...no?

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by Orehrepus View Post
Wow, great feedback and I was totaly in the dark about Emp. Defenders. I was just used to playing clerics/healers in different games and sterotyped Emp defenders the same and I am sorely mistaken.
My Empaths hardly have to heal when teaming (unless I'm teamed with people who have no idea what they are doing of course). I keep the buffs up as constantly as possible, making the best use of them I can. Combat buffing with your RA's instead of buffing before a fight allows those buffs to be used to their full capacity, instead of throwing them off before a fight, wasting some of the buff time when people are already at full health and full end.

After levelling 3 Empaths to 50 I am still not tired of them because I make far more use of them than you would if you played them only as a "Healer". I currently have 2 or 3 more (drawing a blank) Empaths in play, each with different secondaries, I'm very interested to see how the different secondaries play out.

That all being said, I highly recommend trying a Dark Defender. The heal they have is amazing, and they are just a lot of fun to play. If you ever see me mention my "Tankfender" or how I take alpha on my defender, I am almost always referring to my Dark/Dark Defender.

�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray