Idea's for Issue 17




Ice Armor Brutes...
Ill Dominator
E.M. Scraps
Maybe bring a few others over and stuff.

New Pets for MM's such as a Animal

Lots of new costume options with higher detail on costume. Like forearms and thighs and stuff like that. More weapons to pick also. And who ever did magic pack have that person make the new costumes.

Maybe bring in a few new powersets.

A new Co-op zone. And open Hazard zones to Vills. And make them Co-op. Shadow Shard for sure.

Fix alot of the bugs.

Some new power pools with new Travel powers. Please new travel powers.

More Base items. And at least Base Raids. Even if the is no CoP.

More reason to play a 50. Like alot more to do at 50.

New IO's.

That is about what i would like to see in I17. If you can do that you will be good to roll

[@Brewha] [Lv50-Necro/Dark][Lv50-Spines/SR][Lv50-Thug/Dark][Lv50-Martial arts/Shield] [Lv50-Sonic/Storm][Lv50-Rad/Rad][Lv50-War Mace/Granite][Lv50-Ice/Pain][Lv50-Fire/Psi] [Lv50-SS/Fire][Lv50-Granite/Energy][Lv50-Fort.][Lv50-Earth/Elec][Lv50-AR/Thermal] [Lv50-Energy/Will][Lv50-Energy/Kin][Lv50-Ninja Blade/Dark][Lv50-Crab][Lv50-Fire/Energy] [Lv50-Empathy/Energy][Lv50-Cold/Archery]



I'm feeling particularly nice, so I'll pick this apart piece by piece.

Originally Posted by brewha View Post
Ice Armor Brutes...
Yes, because when you rely on enemies attacking you to build fury, you DEFINITELY want to slow their attack rate. There's a reason this didn't make it past CoV Beta.

Originally Posted by brewha View Post
Ill Dominator
How many powers does Illusion Control have that's actually affected by Domination? 3; 4 if you count Spectral Wounds, which we don't.

Originally Posted by brewha View Post
E.M. Scraps
Assuming this is Energy Melee, rather than Electric Melee? Sure. Why not?

Originally Posted by brewha View Post
New Pets for MM's such as a Animal
How many animals are already in the game? The answer is NONE. Why is this? Because we don't have the skeleton bases to build animals and 4-legged creatures on.

Originally Posted by brewha View Post
Lots of new costume options with higher detail on costume. Like forearms and thighs and stuff like that. More weapons to pick also. And who ever did magic pack have that person make the new costumes.
That's all SexyJay/JLove. He's the lead costume designer. If you give specifics, I'd LOVE to hear them, considering they would be quite helpful.

Originally Posted by brewha View Post
Maybe bring in a few new powersets.
Are you always this detailed with your sugg... Oh, wait, yes you are.

Originally Posted by brewha View Post
A new Co-op zone. And open Hazard zones to Vills. And make them Co-op. Shadow Shard for sure.
New Co-Op? Sure. Putting that Co-Op in a place where NO ONE plays? No.

Originally Posted by brewha View Post
Fix alot of the bugs.
Some new power pools with new Travel powers. Please new travel powers.
More Base items. And at least Base Raids. Even if the is no CoP.
More reason to play a 50. Like alot more to do at 50.
New IO's.
This doesn't need to be picked apart, because it's all so very vague and unneeded that it makes me wonder how you're still allowed to post on these boards.

And finally, the devs have ALREADY PLANNED OUT the next several issues. Do you think they go issue-by-issue, pulling things out of their rear ends? I would hope not.



Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
I'm feeling particularly nice, so I'll pick this apart piece by piece.

Yes, because when you rely on enemies attacking you to build fury, you DEFINITELY want to slow their attack rate. There's a reason this didn't make it past CoV Beta.

How many powers does Illusion Control have that's actually affected by Domination? 3; 4 if you count Spectral Wounds, which we don't.

Assuming this is Energy Melee, rather than Electric Melee? Sure. Why not?

How many animals are already in the game? The answer is NONE. Why is this? Because we don't have the skeleton bases to build animals and 4-legged creatures on.

That's all SexyJay/JLove. He's the lead costume designer. If you give specifics, I'd LOVE to hear them, considering they would be quite helpful.

Are you always this detailed with your sugg... Oh, wait, yes you are.

New Co-Op? Sure. Putting that Co-Op in a place where NO ONE plays? No.

This doesn't need to be picked apart, because it's all so very vague and unneeded that it makes me wonder how you're still allowed to post on these boards.

And finally, the devs have ALREADY PLANNED OUT the next several issues. Do you think they go issue-by-issue, pulling things out of their rear ends? I would hope not.
Lets see i beleave this is Suggestions and Ideas. Not feedback so unless you got something to add to help the game i think i should report your post. Because you are not being a help.

[@Brewha] [Lv50-Necro/Dark][Lv50-Spines/SR][Lv50-Thug/Dark][Lv50-Martial arts/Shield] [Lv50-Sonic/Storm][Lv50-Rad/Rad][Lv50-War Mace/Granite][Lv50-Ice/Pain][Lv50-Fire/Psi] [Lv50-SS/Fire][Lv50-Granite/Energy][Lv50-Fort.][Lv50-Earth/Elec][Lv50-AR/Thermal] [Lv50-Energy/Will][Lv50-Energy/Kin][Lv50-Ninja Blade/Dark][Lv50-Crab][Lv50-Fire/Energy] [Lv50-Empathy/Energy][Lv50-Cold/Archery]



The point of the forum is to get feedback on your ideas. If you don't want feedback on them, PM them to a dev instead of exposing them to others for criticism.

Dawncaller - The Circle of Dawn
Too many blasted alts to list, but all on Virtue.



Originally Posted by brewha View Post
Lets see i beleave this is Suggestions and Ideas. Not feedback so unless you got something to add to help the game i think i should report your post. Because you are not being a help.
Way to fail at realizing what a suggestions/ideas public forum is for. You voice your suggestion, and have the other posters look at it to see if there are any problems with it. Just because a poster doesn't look at a suggestion and go "OMG THAT'S THE GREATEST SUGGESTION EVAR!!! I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABIES!!!" does not make their post reportable.

Not to mention that the lack of actual details makes whether this OP is even actually a suggestion debatable.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



Reporting him for this remark. " Are you always this detailed with your sugg... Oh, wait, yes you are." i am getting sick of this kind of stuff. And going to start reporting for this kind of stuff b/c i am sick of it. No more going off. Going to do same thing that happens to me when i return fire. No more return fire. I will start reporting now.

[@Brewha] [Lv50-Necro/Dark][Lv50-Spines/SR][Lv50-Thug/Dark][Lv50-Martial arts/Shield] [Lv50-Sonic/Storm][Lv50-Rad/Rad][Lv50-War Mace/Granite][Lv50-Ice/Pain][Lv50-Fire/Psi] [Lv50-SS/Fire][Lv50-Granite/Energy][Lv50-Fort.][Lv50-Earth/Elec][Lv50-AR/Thermal] [Lv50-Energy/Will][Lv50-Energy/Kin][Lv50-Ninja Blade/Dark][Lv50-Crab][Lv50-Fire/Energy] [Lv50-Empathy/Energy][Lv50-Cold/Archery]



Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
Way to fail at realizing what a suggestions/ideas public forum is for. You voice your suggestion, and have the other posters look at it to see if there are any problems with it. Just because a poster doesn't look at a suggestion and go "OMG THAT'S THE GREATEST SUGGESTION EVAR!!! I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABIES!!!" does not make their post reportable.

Not to mention that the lack of actual details makes whether this OP is even actually a suggestion debatable.
Hey you might be right. But sick of remarks like that one. So i am done dealing with it.

[@Brewha] [Lv50-Necro/Dark][Lv50-Spines/SR][Lv50-Thug/Dark][Lv50-Martial arts/Shield] [Lv50-Sonic/Storm][Lv50-Rad/Rad][Lv50-War Mace/Granite][Lv50-Ice/Pain][Lv50-Fire/Psi] [Lv50-SS/Fire][Lv50-Granite/Energy][Lv50-Fort.][Lv50-Earth/Elec][Lv50-AR/Thermal] [Lv50-Energy/Will][Lv50-Energy/Kin][Lv50-Ninja Blade/Dark][Lv50-Crab][Lv50-Fire/Energy] [Lv50-Empathy/Energy][Lv50-Cold/Archery]



Originally Posted by brewha View Post
Reporting him for this remark. " Are you always this detailed with your sugg... Oh, wait, yes you are." i am getting sick of this kind of stuff. And going to start reporting for this kind of stuff b/c i am sick of it. No more going off. Going to do same thing that happens to me when i return fire. No more return fire. I will start reporting now.

Okay, I know you're new here, and weren't around for the original incident, but the very reason that Suggestions and Ideas is in For Fun now, instead of Development, is a story of two posters. Let's call one of them.... lkamen. And the other..... NWNGirl.

NWNGirl had a habit of posting suggestions and stating how simple they would be based on the fact that she had coded a few things in Neverwinter Nights, because all game code is, apparently the same. lkamen would infuriate her (and many others who posted outlandish suggestions that had a snowball's chance in hell of making it in the game, like permanent quadruple XP) by posting simply "no". Exacerbating the problem, NWNGirl would click the "report" button on any post that disagreed with her suggestions, no matter how politely, tersely or impolitely they were worded. Eventually, it all came to a head with bannings of the worst offenders in these, including those who would over-report, by reporting non-rule-breaking threads simply because they had a different opinion on the suggestion. The Community Reps and Devs decided that the S&I forum needed to be somewhere "less serious" than the development section, and so moved it to For Fun, in the hopes that people would not take themselves as seriously, and not see every Suggestion posted as holy mana provided from on high, but rather give them the feedback they need to become good suggestions. Or even explain why a suggestion just isn't good.

And because I feel like giving your suggestion some advice:

Originally Posted by brewha View Post
Ice Armor Brutes...
Tested in CoV Beta, were almost completely incapable of generating fury. It *may* be capable of working now with the changes to fury between CoV Launch and now, but I wouldn't hold your breath too much.
Ill Dominator
Illusion is a *very* poor fit for Dominators due to the way they work. Since you need to be firing off attacks to charge up domination, and pets don't benefit from it, Illusion only has 3 powers that benefit from Domination (Spectral Wounds hasn't benefited from Domination since I15, when the damage buff was removed from Domination)
E.M. Scraps
I think this one is the most likely out of your specific requests for proliferations.
Maybe bring a few others over and stuff.
Castle hasn't said whether his team has any proliferations in mind for I17/GR (BABs already posted, a few weeks back, that I17 will be the GR "synchro patch", much like what I6 was for CoV)

New Pets for MM's such as a Animal
There's a reason you don't see animals in game currently. The creation of a quadrupedal skeleton in game design is far different, and oft harder, than creating a bipedal skeleton. Hence why all MM pets so far are bipedal, they can use the same base skeleton practically everything in this game already uses. Also, since I17 is GR-synchro patch, GR is bringing Demon Summoning MMs.

Lots of new costume options with higher detail on costume. Like forearms and thighs and stuff like that. More weapons to pick also. And who ever did magic pack have that person make the new costumes.
That was SexyJay/JLove and his talented crew of costume designers. As for the "new costume options", we've been getting new ones with most issues (I16 actually was the first issue not to come with new free costumes in a while, which took me a bit by surprise.

Maybe bring in a few new powersets.
Do you have any specific, or even general ideas? For example, Radiation melee/armor gets tossed around every so often, as does Psionic Melee and various oversized weapon sets for melee (Halberds, Polearms, Staves). I17 will have two powersets from GR, Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning, but we don't know if those are going to require the expansion or not yet.

A new Co-op zone. And open Hazard zones to Vills. And make them Co-op. Shadow Shard for sure.
Old suggestion that's often bandied about. But *why* would Boomtown be a co-op zone? RWZ is co-op because you're in a war zone where the enemy is an enemy that nearly decimated the Earth's population (using the proper definition, to kill/remove 1/10th), hero and villain alike. Cimerora is co-op because you're traveling back in time to prevent Romulus Agustus from destroying the timeline that resulted in you existing in the first place, something most villains are fond enough of to team up even with the goodie-two-shoes.

Fix alot of the bugs.
Also often stated, but the problem is that bugs are not easily fixed. They have the right name, since they can be as tenacious as a cockroach (which is theorized to be able to survive a nuclear war). There are bugs that have been in the game for almost its whole lifespan because they're that hard to track down, either because they're buried in code so arcane and undocumented it consumed 2 interns and a poor secretary that glanced at it as she was making coffee, leaving them all gibbering naught but insanity, and naming various abominations as Cthulhu, or because the bug only occurs intermittently and is thus nigh impossible to isolate (see: chat buffer bug, and what it took to find it in the first place).

Some new power pools with new Travel powers. Please new travel powers.
As I mentioned with the "new powers" listing, do you have any specific suggestions? Web slinging, tunneling, electric-wire gliding?

And are any of those ideas not already covered by powers already in the game? Tunneling is how many stone tankers RP their teleports, web slinging is more-or-less a "reverse SJ", etc.

More Base items. And at least Base Raids. Even if the is no CoP.
Castle and Sunstorm have already said that Base Raids are going to stay disabled until PvP is somewhere closer to where they want it. Will this be next issue? I have no idea. Only the second intern from the code-examination disaster mentioned above has occasionally mentioned the PvP goal, amidst other potentially prophetic things said amongst his incoherent babbling.

More reason to play a 50. Like alot more to do at 50.
Listed in the marketing spiel for GR, actually, so some of it may spill into I17, instead of staying in the expansion alone.

New IO's.
I like this, but again, any more specific suggestions? Would you like a purple set for defense or resistance? More Targeted AoE sets? (Please please PLEASE more TAoE sets. There's only 4, including the purple. There are more Snipe sets than that.) Melee sets that don't have such crappy bonuses as the existing ones?

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



To be fair, Dark Armor has the potential to remove incoming attacks on a scale much more intense than Ice Armor ever could, and Brutes not only get that set, but seem to do fine with it, so I'm highly dubious Ice Armor would be unplayable.

It has a single power that slows the recharge of its foes by 32%, and no other powers whatsoever that would affect fury generation while fighting (except of course Hibernate, but you're not attacking either, so it's a moot point), while Dark Armor has a stealth, a fear and a disorient, all of which potentially eliminate the incoming fury completely, rather than just reduce it like Ice does.



Originally Posted by Witch_Engine View Post
To be fair, Dark Armor has the potential to remove incoming attacks on a scale much more intense than Ice Armor ever could, and Brutes not only get that set, but seem to do fine with it, so I'm highly dubious Ice Armor would be unplayable.

It has a single power that slows the recharge of its foes by 32%, and no other powers whatsoever that would affect fury generation while fighting (except of course Hibernate, but you're not attacking either, so it's a moot point), while Dark Armor has a stealth, a fear and a disorient, all of which potentially eliminate the incoming fury completely, rather than just reduce it like Ice does.
Have you SEEN a Dark/Dark Brute? It makes me wonder how it crawled out of Beta, quite honestly. I've tried playing one, myself, but found it nigh impossible because of a combination of 'Whiff' and 'WHY AM I NOT KILLING ANYTHING WHEN I PUNCH IT?!'



Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
How many powers does Illusion Control have that's actually affected by Domination? 3; 4 if you count Spectral Wounds, which we don't.
How many power does Earth Control have that are actually affected by Domination? 5, if you count 2 immobs and a sleep. 2 which are actually useful (the stun and the hold).

Plus looking at it from the other PoV Illusion is also the worst for Controllers in terms of using Containment and it doesn't really hurt them too much. Illusion on a Domi would be fine. You could also adjust their Spectral Terror summon to do a one-off AOE Fear Effect if they're in Domination (the actual summoning power, not the pet), it'd be the same amount of work as porting any other Controller -> Domi power to do so really. Actually thinking about it Flash would almost be worthwhile to pick up for a Domi at low levels just because of the Domination Boost. Normally it's rubbish.

Far as I know the only reason Devs are anti-Illusion for Domis is the fact it'd be rather Mastermind like with all those pets and decoys, not for Domination reasons.



Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
Have you SEEN a Dark/Dark Brute? It makes me wonder how it crawled out of Beta, quite honestly. I've tried playing one, myself, but found it nigh impossible because of a combination of 'Whiff' and 'WHY AM I NOT KILLING ANYTHING WHEN I PUNCH IT?!'
I think it may just be a case of differing playstyles. I've found no real issues with it aside from endurance - it's just a different mindset. Similar to a Stone brute, you take a more tankerish role than a scrapperish one - yes you deal less damage, but you have more survivability instead (via your controls in Dark's case). Obviously, it can't match the insanity that is Granite form, but it's hardly fragile.



I'm honestly hoping for a new base editor and more base options / decorations so I don't have to stack millions of desks to make walls anymore...

*We need elevators etc for multi floor bases.
*thick and thin walls.
*thick and thin floor/ceiling pieces.
*A real and quick way to move things vertically without stacking millions of desks.
*All of the ingame items such as computer screens, arcane decorations, etc.
*More base themes such as caves and tunnels (ever wanted a council style base?)
*More base beacons for all of those zones we currently don't have teleporters to.
*Passwords for base storage containers.
*Larger Base storage containers.
*Neutral npcs (not attackable, just something that you can add. Maybe a doctor for your med bay as an example)

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by Carnifax View Post
How many power does Earth Control have that are actually affected by Domination? 5, if you count 2 immobs and a sleep. 2 which are actually useful (the stun and the hold).
5 is plenty good to make a set worthy of Domination; not to mention that it wasn't originally a Dominator Powerset. It was either Earth Control, or Illusion Control having to be ported over... Guess which seemed the better pick? Voila

Originally Posted by Carnifax View Post
Plus looking at it from the other PoV Illusion is also the worst for Controllers in terms of using Containment and it doesn't really hurt them too much. Illusion on a Domi would be fine. You could also adjust their Spectral Terror summon to do a one-off AOE Fear Effect if they're in Domination (the actual summoning power, not the pet), it'd be the same amount of work as porting any other Controller -> Domi power to do so really. Actually thinking about it Flash would almost be worthwhile to pick up for a Domi at low levels just because of the Domination Boost. Normally it's rubbish.
[Standard Code Rant].

And just thematically; you're not 'Dominating' anyone in the sense of holding them in place with your powers, you're just summoning things (I suppose you could say you're Dominating your pets, but let's keep this PG.) A Controller controls their pets (to the extent of summoning them and watching with a dumb grin.)

Originally Posted by Witch_Engine View Post
I think it may just be a case of differing playstyles. I've found no real issues with it aside from endurance - it's just a different mindset. Similar to a Stone brute, you take a more tankerish role than a scrapperish one - yes you deal less damage, but you have more survivability instead (via your controls in Dark's case). Obviously, it can't match the insanity that is Granite form, but it's hardly fragile.
My attempt at humor, I suppose. But the fact is that Dark IS considerably more difficult to play than other sets with a Brute, in most cases.
Then again, the Brute seems like an odd Archetype... You want to NOT kill things, so they can continue to punch you more, so you can kill them faster?



Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
5 is plenty good to make a set worthy of Domination; not to mention that it wasn't originally a Dominator Powerset. It was either Earth Control, or Illusion Control having to be ported over... Guess which seemed the better pick? Voila
I agree with you, Earth was the better choice between the two, but I disagree with your reasoning as to why, it's more to do with Theme (as per your point below) than your original point about Illusion not working well with Domination, which, even allowing for the standard code rant *could* be dealt with.

And just thematically; you're not 'Dominating' anyone in the sense of holding them in place with your powers, you're just summoning things (I suppose you could say you're Dominating your pets, but let's keep this PG.) A Controller controls their pets (to the extent of summoning them and watching with a dumb grin.)
That's just reiterating the final point of my first post really. It's more to do with the fact that Illusion would step on the toes of Masterminds more than the fact it wouldn't work well with Domination (especially given the amount of changes Domination has gone through since release).

Controllers control their enemies. They certainly don't control their pets (see Fire Imps for examples)

Really I'm not disagreeing with your point about Illusion not being a good fit for Domis, just your reasoning on why it's so.

We're more likely to see Dark Control & Elec Control I reckon. Both have a lot of suitable powers ingame already to build the sets from.



Originally Posted by Carnifax View Post
I agree with you, Earth was the better choice between the two, but I disagree with your reasoning as to why, it's more to do with Theme (as per your point below) than your original point about Illusion not working well with Domination, which, even allowing for the standard code rant *could* be dealt with.

That's just reiterating the final point of my first post really. It's more to do with the fact that Illusion would step on the toes of Masterminds more than the fact it wouldn't work well with Domination (especially given the amount of changes Domination has gone through since release).

Controllers control their enemies. They certainly don't control their pets (see Fire Imps for examples)

Really I'm not disagreeing with your point about Illusion not being a good fit for Domis, just your reasoning on why it's so.

We're more likely to see Dark Control & Elec Control I reckon. Both have a lot of suitable powers ingame already to build the sets from.
Ah, my apologies. In my sleep-deprived mindset, I was under the impression that you were saying more along the lines of "You're wrong, and this is why you're a dick." Paraphrased, of course.



Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
Ah, my apologies. In my sleep-deprived mindset, I was under the impression that you were saying more along the lines of "You're wrong, and this is why you're a dick." Paraphrased, of course.
I was sorta saying "The main premise of why Domis don't get Illusion is wrong" more so.

If I alluded you're a dick I apologise. I'm sure you're lovely.

I just like arguing mostly. I don't believe in attacking people (much), more arguing with what they've posted (and sometimes being convinced that they've got a good point after all).



Originally Posted by Carnifax View Post
I was sorta saying "The main premise of why Domis don't get Illusion is wrong" more so.

If I alluded you're a dick I apologise. I'm sure you're lovely.

I just like arguing mostly. I don't believe in attacking people (much), more arguing with what they've posted (and sometimes being convinced that they've got a good point after all).
It's all good, friend. The main point of the matter is that we need NEW Control-based sets, and not proliferated sets.



Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
It's all good, friend. The main point of the matter is that we need NEW Control-based sets, and not proliferated sets.
If we do get Electrical Control I'm really hoping for a Chain Induction style control which leaps from one enemy to another as a pseudo-AOE Mez.



Originally Posted by Carnifax View Post
If we do get Electrical Control I'm really hoping for a Chain Induction style control which leaps from one enemy to another as a pseudo-AOE Mez.
I was thinking between Electric Control, Radiation Control, and maybe Darkness Control... The latter two already have powers used by Defenders, however, and in such a manner that they already cross into the category of Controller-type powersets.




Also, there is a thread going on in the Brute forums about Ice/Ice Brutes. Basically, with the reworks of how Fury works, and the fixes to Ice Melee that came about after CoV, Ice/Ice Brutes are definitely viable now for proliferation.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post

Also, there is a thread going on in the Brute forums about Ice/Ice Brutes. Basically, with the reworks of how Fury works, and the fixes to Ice Melee that came about after CoV, Ice/Ice Brutes are definitely viable now for proliferation.
Sounds fair enough. Thanks for clearing that much up.

Ice/Ice Brutes? Suuuure. Let me edit my post as soon as I give a hoot.



Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
(BABs already posted, a few weeks back, that I17 will be the GR "synchro patch", much like what I6 was for CoV)
Where was this? I don't remember seeing it, and ParagonWiki didn't pick up on it.

Mind, I wouldn't be surprised if it was.



While, I can agree with several of the postings about the lack of clarity on the suggestions, I definetely have an issue with the flaming and lack of civility.

Before we go judging so readily, for all we know the poster is a 9 year old and has a rather naive view of the world.

Also we should encourage people to post ideas, not the opposite. Sure the majority of the posted suggestions will be bad, but there will be good ones among them.

It is possible to work with a poor idea and evolve it into something really cool, despite that by the time the community is done with the concept, it may look nothing like the original post.

So lets try to be nice to each other, and avoid trying to just mouth off, it is a sign of a greater mind to encourage and norture than just flame.





Brewha is not 9 years old. On the old forums, he had links to pictures of himself (or somebody else posted them). He's a 20-something male, who should know how to at least basically flesh out an idea.

Some of us sometimes know exactly who we're talking to. It doesn't mean we should abjectly flame them, but when someone who has been on here for as long as they have, and when they've been told to flesh out ideas and think them through as many times as brewha has, I expect them to learn from those experiences. When they don't, civility will only go so far.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus