All-Blaster Posi.
Put ARRISA on the reserve list. I hope I'd be able to attend. mind/psi. (or is it psi mind?)
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
Railgun is in.
I want to run another All-blaster Posi. With the new SSK system, it should be even more fun. We'll run this on Wednesday starting at 7:30 EST.

Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes :
i would join but i wanna go to RtR this week... so ill pass this time around
I would so put BB in this, but...I'm hosting the RtR and don't think we will be done in time....

Blazing Blue 50 fire/fire Blast, BlueStarr 50 PB, BlueSt 50 stone/ss Tank, Purple Pummaler 50 bs/regen Scrap, Green Puritan 50 emp/nrg Def, Raging Red 50 ice/cold Cor,WhiteLightning 50 ill/storm Cont, GrayMatter 44 WS,Green Marauder 24 nrg/stone Brute,Dark Blue Blaze 26 fire/fire Cor,etc
Well, I could move the start time earlier, to say 6:45 or as close as possible, if it helps.
"Don't you know dead is spelled m-e-n-t-a-l in CoH? - SapphireShot
then i wont be home from work yet X_X
How about Thursday? I know TNF happens, but how many people interested in this blaster TF planned to go to Pocket D that night?

.... Grey's Anatomy season starts.
>_> *headdesk* I can't even believe I'm saying that but I watched 4 weeks, 8 episodes leading up to this over the last month lol.
Think we can do a 'short' posi? I've been hearing it works WAY better with super, so... I'd still be in, I think we'd be done by then.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
thursdays i normally take requests on my radio show so i need to stay focused on that, so im out
I shall move the date to this friday then, for sake of convenience. We will start at 7 PM. This way, people who wish to participate can do so.
"Don't you know dead is spelled m-e-n-t-a-l in CoH? - SapphireShot
In that case, I'd like to sign up Operative McGavin, AR/Dev blaster.
The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.
Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?
A: You crash into another one.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
I'm going home Friday, and I only have CoX on my computer here on campus. I won't be able to make it.

You can sign me up for the TF. I will bring Sister Amazement my psi/psi blaster
'If Champions Online is what "CoH was supposed to be", I'm glad that I have what I have rather than "what it was supposed to be".' - The Alt oholic
"I solo'd Hamidon...but I also totally cheated." - Back Alley Brawler
"It is still early. Someone is going to get stabbed tonight I can feel it." - Ishmael (said in Jello Shooters chat)
Cool I'll write that in on my calendar so I don't forget. Hopefully it'll have cooled down by friday - omg it's been near 100 today outside, and my computer corner is usually 5-10 degrees hotter than outside...
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
I'd be up for the Thursday one, but unfortunately, my Fridays are taken. I'll hop on the next one hopefully.

Blazing Blue 50 fire/fire Blast, BlueStarr 50 PB, BlueSt 50 stone/ss Tank, Purple Pummaler 50 bs/regen Scrap, Green Puritan 50 emp/nrg Def, Raging Red 50 ice/cold Cor,WhiteLightning 50 ill/storm Cont, GrayMatter 44 WS,Green Marauder 24 nrg/stone Brute,Dark Blue Blaze 26 fire/fire Cor,etc
This was all kinds of awesome! I'm so glad they changed how things work, from newfiance to the supersk rules. I dinged, I do wish theyd allow exemped people to actually get the ding animation. Ah well!
And, hitting Kraken in the swamp afterwards was fun!
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
Was going to ask how this went. I was almost set to volunteer for it, then....the GF called...

Blazing Blue 50 fire/fire Blast, BlueStarr 50 PB, BlueSt 50 stone/ss Tank, Purple Pummaler 50 bs/regen Scrap, Green Puritan 50 emp/nrg Def, Raging Red 50 ice/cold Cor,WhiteLightning 50 ill/storm Cont, GrayMatter 44 WS,Green Marauder 24 nrg/stone Brute,Dark Blue Blaze 26 fire/fire Cor,etc
I want to run another All-blaster Posi. With the new SSK system, it should be even more fun. We'll run this on Wednesday starting at 7:30 EST. Sign up here if interested.
1. Mentalshock
3.Operative McGavin
4. Sister Amazement
5. Mina Shift
"Don't you know dead is spelled m-e-n-t-a-l in CoH? - SapphireShot