Can it be done?




It seems to me that nearly every AT has some sort of power set combination that can solo AVs, but is it possible for a WS to get the job done? With no consideration of price or time needed, can someone find a build that gets through the AoE advantages and ST defects of the WS to solo and AV? I am not looking to do it myself, at least anytime soon, I'm just curious as to whether or not it can be done.



Originally Posted by Pyro_Master_NA View Post
It seems to me that nearly every AT has some sort of power set combination that can solo AVs, but is it possible for a WS to get the job done? With no consideration of price or time needed, can someone find a build that gets through the AoE advantages and ST defects of the WS to solo and AV? I am not looking to do it myself, at least anytime soon, I'm just curious as to whether or not it can be done.
For a thread that discussed this exact topic, try this link. I don't think a WS could do it when the AV is at full "strength," but I did try taking down BM solo as an Elite Boss when the team size was scaled to 8-players, and successfully pulled it off. If the AV was scaled to "Elite Boss" status, maybe.... But, "AV status," I'm not so sure it could be done.. The fight would last much longer than whatever inspirations you had in your tray...

"The One"

Here's a link to a post in the Scrapper forums a while back asking if a Kheld was viable to solo an AV... Also worth the read.

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I think with Khelds that, they are alright at various jobs of the other ATs up until a point. I don't know enough about Kheldians but would say that whoever manages it has out done the achievements of the AV soloers on other ATs in my mind. I am skeptical but it sounds like a good project anyway as working towards it means a good build.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



I will most certainly be up for building something that will attempt it, but not at the sacrifice of my current human-only and tri-form builds I put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into putting together...

According to the Devs at Comic-Con, implementing more builds in the future is an "easy" addition, should the playerbase ever request it... If we have the option for 3rd and 4th builds on a single character, then that is when I'll start putting together a build specifically for trying to solo AVs.

Until then, I will only be able to speculate on it.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



My PB can kill Nosferatu as an AV but he has to have a Shivan along to counter the regen rate.



Originally Posted by Odyne2005 View Post
My PB can kill Nosferatu as an AV but he has to have a Shivan along to counter the regen rate.
First off, let me start by saying Nosferatu is hard to kill even as an EB on most casually(not made for the purpose of av soloing) played toons, so he probly shouldn't be the test dummy. But congrats on beating him though! And for this purpose, I would say Shivans are out.



Originally Posted by Pyro_Master_NA View Post
...for this purpose, I would say Shivans are out.
That's how I feel about anything that should be considered solo gameplay. If you're using a pet-summoning class, that's within the allowed boundaries, but to obtain pets external to your build and use them to defeat anything, isn't essentially solo, in my opinion.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
That's how I feel about anything that should be considered solo gameplay. If you're using a pet-summoning class, that's within the allowed boundaries, but to obtain pets external to your build and use them to defeat anything, isn't essentially solo, in my opinion.
QFT, although let me say that soloing an AV is, to me, one of the most mind-numbingly boring things I've ever tried to do with my PB. I tried to solo Nosferatu as an EB a couple weeks ago, and while he couldn't overcome my resistances, I couldn't overcome his. I finally got bored and lumbered off.

If, for some crazy reason I'm bored enough to try soloing an EB, I've got no problem gobbling a tray full of reds before going in. The fight will last way longer than the inspirations' effects, but the burst of boosted damage they provide will help get that massive lump of hit points down far enough that maybe, just maybe, I can overcome their massive regen rate. It worked for Nemesis the other day (as an EB, don't forget).

But archvillains? Hell no. I don't care enough to spend that kind of time trying to solo something.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



I simply treat EB/AV enemies as "group-content" and move on, at least when I'm on my Kheldians. On my Ice/Rad or Ill/Rad, or other Control/Debuff toons, that's another story

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
I simply treat EB/AV enemies as "group-content" and move on, at least when I'm on my Kheldians. On my Ice/Rad or Ill/Rad, or other Control/Debuff toons, that's another story

The only EB I have been unable to solo (without temp powers) was Ghost Widow.
I do not concider EB's "Group content" but then again I am the idiot who builds for damage and not needing a team to do most content on a setting of 4 or 5, but as we all know this is both wrong and unfun. :P

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
I do not concider EB's "Group content"
To each his/her own, naturally. I'd rather spend my time playing with others rather than by myself, especially in an MMO.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
but then again I am the idiot who builds for damage and not needing a team to do most content on a setting of 4 or 5
Well, if that makes you feel like an idiot, maybe you should start playing the game with others.

EDIT :: On a serious note. If you set it to yourself as a goal to spend your time planning a build and getting the INF to actually craft and slot it, then get the missions for those specific EB's just so you can beat them singlehandedly, and that makes you feel awesome, wonderful. That works for you. It doesn't work for me because that's not what I'm interested in.

This is also the reason why some people do not like your approach as they simply have goals that differ from yours. There's no need to be snarky, or argumentative as all these goals are valid, and there's definitely no need nor calling to prefer one set of goals over another.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
To each his/her own, naturally. I'd rather spend my time playing with others rather than by myself, especially in an MMO.

Well, if that makes you feel like an idiot, maybe you should start playing the game with others.

EDIT :: On a serious note. If you set it to yourself as a goal to spend your time planning a build and getting the INF to actually craft and slot it, then get the missions for those specific EB's just so you can beat them singlehandedly, and that makes you feel awesome, wonderful. That works for you. It doesn't work for me because that's not what I'm interested in.

This is also the reason why some people do not like your approach as they simply have goals that differ from yours. There's no need to be snarky, or argumentative as all these goals are valid, and there's definitely no need nor calling to prefer one set of goals over another.
And yet it "works for you" on other more "Serious" characters such as your Rads?

I normaly DO actually play with others, but nothing annoys me more than either not being able to effectively solo or being the pity spot on teams, so I have built to avoid these situations and moreso to be able to effectively replace a tanker or a blaster (or both at once) and be able to do it well enough to where they do not actually miss having a real blaster or tanker around.

Nothing annoys me more than joining a team with another Kheld and watch them slink back into the shadows/hide behind the more effective AT's because they built it to be their "fun" toon. I always keep my mouth shut but nearly in each case somebody on the team asks "why is this other Kheld not doing what you are/why are they dying all the time/why arent they putting out the same kinda numbers?" in tells. And again I keep my mouth shut and just say "different kinda build" when the truth is they are allowing the team to carry them because they chose to build how they wanted and it wasn't geared to be as effective as they could be. Nothing wrong with that at all.

It's a personal glitch I have that makes it annoying to me the same way pure emps and petless masterminds annoy me.

And I'm still amazed that some of you think I don't realize people do not like my approach and that if you just tell me that one more time I'll mend my ways and do it "your" way.

I know it, I just do not care. Like me or hate me makes me no less right or wrong in my facts, and if anyone listens or not makes just as little difference to me and also makes me no more or less correct in my statements.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
If you set it to yourself as a goal to spend your time planning a build and getting the INF to actually craft and slot it, then get the missions for those specific EB's just so you can beat them singlehandedly, and that makes you feel awesome, wonderful. That works for you. It doesn't work for me because that's not what I'm interested in.
That's what this game's all about. In fact, that's what *most* games made that are this in-depth are all about--allowing a large playerbase to decide for themselves what they like to do, without strictly enforcing some Nazi-like "everyone must be the same" gaming society. I think you've pretty much got the concept.

Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
there's definitely no need nor calling to prefer one set of goals over another.

That's what it all boils down to for us all, really... One person may think that providing the most damage possible is what makes them think they're "the uberness," while another person may want to challenge themselves to see how long they survive or how effective they can continue to be by not picking a "mandatory" power (i.e. Stamina or Dwarf Form).... And, yet, still others may feel the most "uber" when they can smack down someone verbally in-game (or on the forums), regardless of how well they play the game.

It's human nature. Everyone's different. No one's fingerprint/personality/like & dislikes/tastes/food preference/etc. is EVER going to be exactly the same. Therefore, as you say, "To each his own."

And some people just can't seem to handle that, because, let's face it....

...that's just how they are. Which, in the end, just reinforces the truth of the aforementioned statement.

"The One"

I find these continuous cries from the guys who say "The Khelds never say things exactly like we would in the rest of the forums with mathematical equations and formulas and measurements and, and, and...." almost akin to having a mathematics class burst into a philosophy class while they're in session to just yell "YOU GUYS ARE WRONG! YOU'RE ALL WRONG!" when, in fact, you really need both kinds to make the "world go 'round."

Think about it... It's humorous. Really.

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I tire of people being told "I don't like it or agree with it but to each their own" and somehow confusing it with "I hate it and It's wrong wrong wrong and everyone must agree with me because I am a (insert evil historical organization here)".

But even more so I am tired of people who like in a mathmatics class discussing if numericly 2 is greater than 1 suddenly spout out 1 is greater because it is more fun and prettier and easier to work with and then derail the discussion with a philisophical arguement on subjective reality simply because they like 1 better and do not want anyone discussing anything that could actually point out that in reality 2 is always numericly greater than 1 no matter what circumstances you apply to it, but then again some people honestly believe what they have to say is so very important that it needs to be said no matter how out of place that particular bit of philisophical opinion is pertaining to the discussion at hand.

But what do I know i'm just a nazi...

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
And yet it "works for you" on other more "Serious" characters such as your Rads?
First of all, excuse you for even suggesting that I consider any of my characters, serious. This after all, is a game, and as is the rule with any activity, one must always weigh the effort relative to the gain. For you, it is important to be able to solo EB's with your Kheldians, for me, it is not. In fact, for me, it's not even important to solo EB's/AV's/GM's on my */Rad trollers, and that I have done so is the exception rather than the rule. It's easier and requires much less effort to solo, well, just about anything, with an Ill/Rad, so at one time or another, I've been bored enough to actually attempt this EB/AV/GM hunting and was successful.

I somehow missed the memo that specified that every character we make in our MMO of choice must be capable of accomplishing exactly the same goals as any of our other characters.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
I normaly DO actually play with others, but nothing annoys me more than either not being able to effectively solo or being the pity spot on teams...
Whenever I get upset or annoyed about solo'ing anything in MMO's, I remind myself that all I need to do is one of two things: 1) Spend time to research how to effectively solo the scenario; or 2) Invite a friend to team with me. I'm thrilled that option 1 works for you, as much as you should be happy that option 2 works for me.

As for being the pity-spot — as you so eloquently put it — I've never really had the displeasure to be in that position. Most teams I join/create when I'm on my Kheldian are either impressed with my performance, or simple too busy to notice any specific player do their thing. I have had tells sent to me actually about people feeling sort of useless on teams and asking me to sort-of tone down and not rush the team just because I have Stygian Circle, or because my PB seems to use much less Endurance than anybody else despite blasting like crazy.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post I have built to avoid these situations and more-so to be able to effectively replace a tanker or a blaster (or both at once) and be able to do it well enough to where they do not actually miss having a real blaster or tanker around.
Oddly, that's what my Kheldians are built to do as well. They also stun things, sometimes fear them and you know, help the team a bit with healing/teleporting/rezzing if need be. It's wonderful that the Kheldian AT allows you to build a versatile character like this, isn't it?

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Nothing annoys me more than joining a team with another Kheld and watch them slink back into the shadows/hide behind the more effective AT's because they built it to be their "fun" toon.
Honestly, I don't know what Server you're playing on because I've never seen any Kheldian behave like that on either Liberty or Infinity. Perhaps you've been playing for much longer than I have and so you've seen this kind of behavior and I guess I'm the lucky one to have been spared witnessing these fiascos.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
I always keep my mouth shut but nearly in each case somebody on the team asks "why is this other Kheld not doing what you are/why are they dying all the time/why arent they putting out the same kinda numbers?" in tells. And again I keep my mouth shut and just say "different kinda build" when the truth is they are allowing the team to carry them because they chose to build how they wanted and it wasn't geared to be as effective as they could be. Nothing wrong with that at all.
Wow... you're absolutely right. That other Kheldian should be taken out back and shot in the head! Oh wait... you know what? It's just a game... and seriously, you shouldn't spend too much energy looking at other people's performance, enjoy your own and feel unique.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
It's a personal glitch I have that makes it annoying to me the same way pure emps and petless masterminds annoy me.
You know... this is supposed to be a Role Playing Game. I've never ever heard about any role playing games where every character played the Schwarzenegger role. The whole idea of having some variety in MMO's means people get to make their own character and sometimes people want to play a "weak" damsel in distress that can heal because her cat-ears glow with moon-dust sprinkled on them by her fairy godmother, and other times they'd play a saber-wielding pirate brute who goes through purple conning enemies without breaking a sweat.

If anything, I think MMO's need even more ways to allow people to express and utilize non-combat actions/skills in meaningful ways so that MMO's can become more than a grind-fest of damage-numbers.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
And I'm still amazed that some of you think I don't realize people do not like my approach and that if you just tell me that one more time I'll mend my ways and do it "your" way.
I don't want you to do anything "my way", or "another way". I just want you to realize, if you haven't yet, that your point of view is as valid as anyone else's because that's just what it is. A point of view. I'll continue to debate these issues with you until the end of time (or subscription) and have fun doing so.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
I know it, I just do not care. Like me or hate me makes me no less right or wrong in my facts, and if anyone listens or not makes just as little difference to me and also makes me no more or less correct in my statements.
You've got that right! No part of this discussion makes you — or me — wrong, right or anything. We just have a difference of opinions and different approaches to a hobby we enjoy. I can say "Why so serious", while you say "Why so casual", but neither question leads to better understanding if the person asking it isn't willing to consider there may be some validity to the other way.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Regarding the OP, I have tried several builds in an attempt to make this happen with my WS. As any AV soloist knows to overcome an AV you need: 1. Survivability. This can be accomplished with the Kheldian AT. My Warshade can stand toe-to-toe with most AVs and survive. The few exceptions being... the STF version of Lord Recluse and of course... Ghost Widow. There are probably more that could whittle me down given enough time, but I haven't made it a point to try and solo every AV in the game with my WS. I'm sure a well spec'd peacebringer would have an even easier time surviving given the self-contained heals. 2. Durability. This can also be accomplished with the Kheldian AT, especially with some of the end procs that are available with IO sets. Plus my warshade has perma-eclipse which provides a never ending supply of... well, end. The last thing you need to overcome an AV is the ability to outdamage an AV's massive health and regeneration. This is usually accomplished by huge dps (i believe the magic number is ~126 dps) or through -regen debuffs or a combination of the two. This last part is usually what stops most AT's from soloing an AV. I have tried several combinations of human and/or nova forms for damage with high defense (from IO sets) to dwarf forms with mega recharge bonuses and damage buffs (also from IO sets). The closest, I've got, is with a dwarf form with high recharge bonuses and several damage procs in his two melee attacks and PBAoE attack. With this toon, I can get the dps over 126, but I can't maintain it. If I had an endless supply of "dead bodies" for dark extraction, I could probably pull it off. But that's not feasible. However, I have found that by using a temp pet (my favorite being the vanguard heavy, because they last as long as you do), I can easily overcome the dps problem, as would most other AT's. But as someone has already mentioned earlier in this thread, using a temp pet is really not "solo'ing" an AV, with which I happen to agree. I personally would love to see someone come up with the right combination of IO sets in a kheld build that would put out the dps needed and provide the survivability/durability needed, but I have my doubts.



To whoever had this comment:

I find it ironic you take the forum so seriously you feel you have to go through the trouble of starting a quotewar against Obsidian_Force2, only to basically tell him he shouldn't take the game so seriously.
I don't take games seriously, but I do take seriously what people do and say. It's a character-flaw of mine that has already caused me enough trouble and pain, but is unlikely to change.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Well, I'm considering giving this 'soloing AVs' thing a try, so I'm counting on you guys to tell me I don't have a chance... haha

Firstly, I've never attempted it - on any toon. However, my Human PB has successfully soloed the EB versions of Nemesis, Ghost Widow, and Nosferatu and many of the Praeteroian EBs. Most of these were done before I recently started 'Purpling Out' my PB.

Well, now she is purpled out, I have a lot of recharge (about 140% with Hasten, which is auto and has less than 20 sec. downtime) and Purple Procs for the extra damage needed. I've not calculated my DPS, but I feel like I might could put a dent in an AV. No, what would likely prevent me from succeeding is my Damage Resistance and my Endurance.

Right now, my Resistance sits at around 35% for Smash/Lethal to around 50% for Energy/Neg. Energy, with everything else somewhere in between ('cept Psi, that's around 11%, forget soloing a Psi-dishing AV). I don't have an real Defense to speak of. I depend on my Resistance and fast-recharging Heals for protection and that works very well against pretty much all normal content, but got a feeling it's not sufficient for soloing an AV. I believe to have a shot I'd have to stay in Light Form as much as possible and hope I can ride out the moments it's down. Lots of Oranges and Purples, maybe...?

Then there's my Endurance. I normally run all 3 Shields, Combat Jumping, and Assault all the time, plus have Hasten on Auto (thus it's up most of the time), so I can burn thru *alot* of endurance. To counter it, I have a Numina +Recovery, Performance Shifter Proc, and IO bonuses, so for most situations Endurance is manageble, even though I use it like a Hummer. But on Long Fights, it can start to dip low. I have Light Form and Conserve Energy for those moments, but not sure of the gaps between their downtimes. Maybe alternating between them will work. I also recently got a Miracle +Recovery, but haven't had a chance to see how much of a difference it makes. Additionally, I could probably turn off some of the shields, depending on the AV...

So, how to go about it? First, got to pick the right AV. An Uber Psi or Mezzing AV is right out, as is probably one of the Tanker Type AVs (my DPS is good for a Kheld, but not sure if it's that good). Any suggestions (or how about suggesting "Give this idea up, fool!")

Another opinion: LX stated that for these goofy scenarious, using a Shivan or other Non-AT based Pet is not really soloing. Well, what about having other players on your team but they don't help you fight the AV? They'd just stand around cheering you on...and of course provide some nifty Cosmic Balance buffs. I'm pretty much certain I could solo some AV with that haha. It *is* a part of our ATs package (we're not going outside the AT, like with a Shivan), but it does require teammates... Thoughts? Is it soloing an AV if you have teammates but they don't help with the actual fight?



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Well, I'm considering giving this 'soloing AVs' thing a try, so I'm counting on you guys to tell me I don't have a chance... haha

Firstly, I've never attempted it - on any toon. However, my Human PB has successfully soloed the EB versions of Nemesis, Ghost Widow, and Nosferatu and many of the Praeteroian EBs. Most of these were done before I recently started 'Purpling Out' my PB.

Well, now she is purpled out, I have a lot of recharge (about 140% with Hasten, which is auto and has less than 20 sec. downtime) and Purple Procs for the extra damage needed. I've not calculated my DPS, but I feel like I might could put a dent in an AV. No, what would likely prevent me from succeeding is my Damage Resistance and my Endurance.

Right now, my Resistance sits at around 35% for Smash/Lethal to around 50% for Energy/Neg. Energy, with everything else somewhere in between ('cept Psi, that's around 11%, forget soloing a Psi-dishing AV). I don't have an real Defense to speak of. I depend on my Resistance and fast-recharging Heals for protection and that works very well against pretty much all normal content, but got a feeling it's not sufficient for soloing an AV. I believe to have a shot I'd have to stay in Light Form as much as possible and hope I can ride out the moments it's down. Lots of Oranges and Purples, maybe...?

Then there's my Endurance. I normally run all 3 Shields, Combat Jumping, and Assault all the time, plus have Hasten on Auto (thus it's up most of the time), so I can burn thru *alot* of endurance. To counter it, I have a Numina +Recovery, Performance Shifter Proc, and IO bonuses, so for most situations Endurance is manageble, even though I use it like a Hummer. But on Long Fights, it can start to dip low. I have Light Form and Conserve Energy for those moments, but not sure of the gaps between their downtimes. Maybe alternating between them will work. I also recently got a Miracle +Recovery, but haven't had a chance to see how much of a difference it makes. Additionally, I could probably turn off some of the shields, depending on the AV...

So, how to go about it? First, got to pick the right AV. An Uber Psi or Mezzing AV is right out, as is probably one of the Tanker Type AVs (my DPS is good for a Kheld, but not sure if it's that good). Any suggestions (or how about suggesting "Give this idea up, fool!")

Another opinion: LX stated that for these goofy scenarious, using a Shivan or other Non-AT based Pet is not really soloing. Well, what about having other players on your team but they don't help you fight the AV? They'd just stand around cheering you on...and of course provide some nifty Cosmic Balance buffs. I'm pretty much certain I could solo some AV with that haha. It *is* a part of our ATs package (we're not going outside the AT, like with a Shivan), but it does require teammates... Thoughts? Is it soloing an AV if you have teammates but they don't help with the actual fight?
That last part about using cosmi balance sounds debatable. I'd say if they didn't attack or buff at all outside of cosmic, then it should be fine, but I'll let the others decide on that.



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
So, how to go about it? First, got to pick the right AV. An Uber Psi or Mezzing AV is right out, as is probably one of the Tanker Type AVs (my DPS is good for a Kheld, but not sure if it's that good). Any suggestions (or how about suggesting "Give this idea up, fool!")
A great place to start "practicing" to solo an AV is with one of the pylons in the Rikti War Zone. They do great damage and have a comparable regeneration rate to AVs.



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Well, I'm considering giving this 'soloing AVs' thing a try, so I'm counting on you guys to tell me I don't have a chance... haha

Firstly, I've never attempted it - on any toon. However, my Human PB has successfully soloed the EB versions of Nemesis, Ghost Widow, and Nosferatu and many of the Praeteroian EBs. Most of these were done before I recently started 'Purpling Out' my PB.

Well, now she is purpled out, I have a lot of recharge (about 140% with Hasten, which is auto and has less than 20 sec. downtime) and Purple Procs for the extra damage needed. I've not calculated my DPS, but I feel like I might could put a dent in an AV. No, what would likely prevent me from succeeding is my Damage Resistance and my Endurance.

Right now, my Resistance sits at around 35% for Smash/Lethal to around 50% for Energy/Neg. Energy, with everything else somewhere in between ('cept Psi, that's around 11%, forget soloing a Psi-dishing AV). I don't have an real Defense to speak of. I depend on my Resistance and fast-recharging Heals for protection and that works very well against pretty much all normal content, but got a feeling it's not sufficient for soloing an AV. I believe to have a shot I'd have to stay in Light Form as much as possible and hope I can ride out the moments it's down. Lots of Oranges and Purples, maybe...?

Then there's my Endurance. I normally run all 3 Shields, Combat Jumping, and Assault all the time, plus have Hasten on Auto (thus it's up most of the time), so I can burn thru *alot* of endurance. To counter it, I have a Numina +Recovery, Performance Shifter Proc, and IO bonuses, so for most situations Endurance is manageble, even though I use it like a Hummer. But on Long Fights, it can start to dip low. I have Light Form and Conserve Energy for those moments, but not sure of the gaps between their downtimes. Maybe alternating between them will work. I also recently got a Miracle +Recovery, but haven't had a chance to see how much of a difference it makes. Additionally, I could probably turn off some of the shields, depending on the AV...

So, how to go about it? First, got to pick the right AV. An Uber Psi or Mezzing AV is right out, as is probably one of the Tanker Type AVs (my DPS is good for a Kheld, but not sure if it's that good). Any suggestions (or how about suggesting "Give this idea up, fool!")

Another opinion: LX stated that for these goofy scenarious, using a Shivan or other Non-AT based Pet is not really soloing. Well, what about having other players on your team but they don't help you fight the AV? They'd just stand around cheering you on...and of course provide some nifty Cosmic Balance buffs. I'm pretty much certain I could solo some AV with that haha. It *is* a part of our ATs package (we're not going outside the AT, like with a Shivan), but it does require teammates... Thoughts? Is it soloing an AV if you have teammates but they don't help with the actual fight?
First, while not actively doing anything, the mere presence of teammates is an outside buff to you, I'd say you can't take advantage of your inherent, sorry.

More importantly: I'd strongly suggest you pick up as many accolades as you can. In particular the +max hp, +max end, and Geas of the Kind Ones especially (+recharge, +recovery). Sure, it's on a 25min timer, but you can fire it even when you have zero endurance and it will overcome most -recovery penalties (say, from Light Form crashing, or the Dawn Strike drain).

There's no really good AV for Khelds, so let's say Infernal as a middle of the road one to test with. Pick something that does almost exclusively smash/lethal damage (unless I am forgetting the one that does energy?) and drop your other shields to pick up Tough to get your resists to that as high as possible...or pack a lot of Lucks.... Old school AV soloing involved a lot of binge inspiration munching, I suspect a Kheld would need to do the same.



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
To whoever had this comment:I don't take games seriously, but I do take seriously what people do and say. It's a character-flaw of mine that has already caused me enough trouble and pain, but is unlikely to change.
So, for all your smiley emotes the things you find important are worth being serious over but the things I find important should be taken in stride with a smiley?



let me drink in the irony. (which i realize your not blind to but after your statement about understanding the views of others this is just a double dose of the good stuff)

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Cyg_X1_Denizen View Post
A great place to start "practicing" to solo an AV is with one of the pylons in the Rikti War Zone. They do great damage and have a comparable regeneration rate to AVs.
Well, thought this was a good idea and gave it a try...

I can generally survive, but have to use oranges and purps when not in light form. I believe I could last long enough if I could just do a bit more DPS. I could make the Pylon's green bar start to go down, and then it'd seem like a burst of regen would kick in and I never could make progress.

Originally Posted by Guardian
First, while not actively doing anything, the mere presence of teammates is an outside buff to you, I'd say you can't take advantage of your inherent, sorry.

More importantly: I'd strongly suggest you pick up as many accolades as you can. In particular the +max hp, +max end, and Geas of the Kind Ones especially (+recharge, +recovery). Sure, it's on a 25min timer, but you can fire it even when you have zero endurance and it will overcome most -recovery penalties (say, from Light Form crashing, or the Dawn Strike drain).

There's no really good AV for Khelds, so let's say Infernal as a middle of the road one to test with. Pick something that does almost exclusively smash/lethal damage (unless I am forgetting the one that does energy?) and drop your other shields to pick up Tough to get your resists to that as high as possible...or pack a lot of Lucks.... Old school AV soloing involved a lot of binge inspiration munching, I suspect a Kheld would need to do the same. .
Again, pretty sure I'd succeed with some cosmic balance buffage, but I tend to agree with you - it isn't truly soloing. I've got the accolades already. Oh well... To make myself feel better after not taking the pylon, I later joined a team of 4 and tanked the AVs Requiem and Arkahn *and* was also primary damage dealer

Khelds, as we all know, can do well solo, but others do it better. On teams, however, we are gods...



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Another opinion: LX stated that for these goofy scenarious, using a Shivan or other Non-AT based Pet is not really soloing. Well, what about having other players on your team but they don't help you fight the AV? They'd just stand around cheering you on...and of course provide some nifty Cosmic Balance buffs. I'm pretty much certain I could solo some AV with that haha. It *is* a part of our ATs package (we're not going outside the AT, like with a Shivan), but it does require teammates... Thoughts? Is it soloing an AV if you have teammates but they don't help with the actual fight?
I suppose if you can ensure none of your teammates actually got hurt during the process, and none of them actively used any powers what-so-ever on either the AV or your Kheldian, that could be considered valid since other AT's, except Defenders AFAIK, use their inherent power when they solo.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
So, for all your smiley emotes the things you find important are worth being serious over but the things I find important should be taken in stride with a smiley?



let me drink in the irony. (which i realize your not blind to but after your statement about understanding the views of others this is just a double dose of the good stuff)

Before you raise that glass of irony to your lips though, understand that what I do take seriously is that You have your goals for your Kheldians and I also take seriously your right to enjoy accomplishing them on your Kheldian. What I dismiss though is your attitude that implies that anyone who's not playing like you is somehow lesser to you and their opinions and the goals, if any, they set for their Kheldians are to be dismissed. True, their Kheldians are probably much less effective than your own. Their playstyle may be lousy, but it's their Kheldian they're playing, not yours. Not everyone cares about being effective like you do.

It'd be one thing if you had your daily column in which you're jokingly complaining about lousy players and their rotten Kheldians, but you're way beyond that, and way into the whole religious zealot preacher thing.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post

It'd be one thing if you had your daily column in which you're jokingly complaining about lousy players and their rotten Kheldians, but you're way beyond that, and way into the whole religious zealot preacher thing.

Wow, and people think I'm prone to hyperbole and exageration to make my points.

You do realize I have said over and over again that although I feel I am correct in my views I also maintain everyone is entitled to build and play how they like right?

Nevermind, that statement wont mesh well with your notions on my thinking and beliefs and can therefore be totaly discarded out of hand. As always.

Now back to drinking in the irony...

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.