Can it be done?




Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Wow, and people think I'm prone to hyperbole and exageration to make my points.

You do realize I have said over and over again that although I feel I am correct in my views I also maintain everyone is entitled to build and play how they like right?

Nevermind, that statement wont mesh well with your notions on my thinking and beliefs and can therefore be totaly discarded out of hand. As always.

Now back to drinking in the irony...
I think I'll join you for that fine cup of Irony, because quite frankly, from your posts I haven't seen that you're very much in support of people's being entitled to their own builds/playstyles... oh well.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
I think I'll join you for that fine cup of Irony, because quite frankly, from your posts I haven't seen that you're very much in support of people's being entitled to their own builds/playstyles... oh well.
Dammit, I hate the fact that when someone quotes him, I still have to see what he writes... What you say is truth though, LX, because the quote you quoted is proof of what you're saying right there:

You do realize I have said over and over again that although I feel I am correct in my views...
This is the same elitist/above-everyone-else attitude as saying "Yeah, go ahead and play however you want, but you're wrong. Sure, cool whatever, man--but I maintain that I'm the best."

"Although I feel I am correct in everything I'm saying... You're entitled to be as wrong as you want."


Now, please try not to quote him anymore. I can't stand elitism.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I honestly thought him having me on ignore would remove the need for arguements but sadly all it has done is allow him to continue to take shots at me in thread after thread without having to take return fire. Dandy.

Lets review.

Because I believe some powers perform better than others and that some builds outperform others I am a nazi who thinks everyone has to build as I command. Even though...

I prefer everyone builds what they want but would prefer that everyone know that some combinations of powers will give them an advantage over builds lacking these, which makes me something like a religious zealot. Because...

I think everyone should know this sort of information so they make informed decisions on what they truely want out of their build. Which makes me elitist?

Please, I'm elitist because I believe my views are correct?
Do any of you think your views are incorrect? If you did you would find other views right?
By this definition is anyone not elitist?
Would I still be elitist if I believed just as strongly but had the same opinions as "The One"?

Please... I'm not supportive enough of ideas I believe to be wrong? Yes , because everyone supports things they do not agree with. Build however you like it makes no difference to me." isn't enough because i'm not saying "wow thats great, I love how you six slotted brawl, thats a really clever Idea."

Replying to a poster asking how they should build their Kheldian because their having a hard time with it with "Whatever you come up with will be grand because it's all about the fun and concept builds *smiley**wink**smiley*" or "This is the challenge build I'm using because Khelds have gotten too easy for my superior play skillz lol lovin it lol" is not being supportive it's being a tool. They came to the forums because they need build/figures/information help support not hugs and stories about the awesome thing you did last week and made a video of.

And conversly my bluntly pointing out what I honestly believe to be flaws in the build I'm seeing is not me being an unhelpfull zealot, nazi, elitist *******.

Ok, I'll cop to leaning a bit to the zealot because I am pretty sure I am right, but unlike another poster (who says nothing I can ever say will change his thinking he is correct) If somebody can show me how I am wrong in a way I can grasp I'm more than willing to change my thinking as I did when I asked Darkstar to help me improve my build. She showed me things I hadn't thought of personaly and it led to a semi-large change in my build/playstyle (which has turned out remarkably well).

Nazi? Really? Your really going to use THAT word?

Elitist? Yes thats a great word for anyone who would like to see information distributed to everyone for the benifit of everyone.

I'm not the one hung up on my own awesome button, I do not need to post pics of my set bonuses and video myself to prove my coolness to others.

I do not need to set somebody on ignore so that I can continue to take shots at them in thread after thread.

I do not need to make freakout posts where I tell people to "go **** themselves because they obviously need it".

I do not need to list a link in my sig called "Best Post EVER" that leads directly to some attempted insult I made at another person who wasn't even involved in that thread.

I do not need to start up three different threads about the "tests" i'm doing to let all my fans know i'm still ok.

I could go on, but I just remembered I'm the meanie and AlienOne is the nice kind selfless saint of the Kheldian forums....


If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Wow!!! Nicely said OF. this is not the place to go after someone because thier views are slightly different. All I know about my WS i learned from OF. He showed me all kinds of tricks and tips, but all along made sure that i could slot or play my shade however i felt. With my shade i have tanked Romie numerous times on the ITF, along with several other AV/EB's. I also fit very well on any team. I team with OF all the time and he is a very good team player. He can hold his own on a team just as good, if not better than most tanks and blasters. Please try and stay on topic and not go after someone because thier views and playstyle differ.

In the terms of Kheldians, I believe anything is possible and can be done. If one just does thier research. Also, each persons definition of fun is different, so keep that in mind.

Everyone have a great day and remember KHELDIANS ROCK!!!

Demonic Raven ~ Level 50 Dark/Dark Corruptor
Inara Violet ~ Level 50 Tri-Form Warshade



Originally Posted by Guardien View Post
There's no really good AV for Khelds, so let's say Infernal as a middle of the road one to test with. Pick something that does almost exclusively smash/lethal damage (unless I am forgetting the one that does energy?)
Sounds like (if I recall my AVs right) Siege or Nightstar, then. Potentially Black Scorpion. At least for the first ones that come to mind.



Thanks Squidster!

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by demonic_raven View Post
not go after someone because thier views and playstyle differ.

Also, each persons definition of fun is different, so keep that in mind.

If you'll do your research on all OF's posts, you'll see that is exactly what OF did on these boards, and exactly what led to me currently having him on ignore. But, I'm sure he has a huge "fanbase" as he accuses me of having.

That said, I'm glad that you have a good time teaming with him, and I wish you both well in your quest to be better than everyone else.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Hey Alien One, where did Demonic Raven ever say that she was better than anyone or even implied that she was? She was trying to refocus the thread to something a little more productive. In your view then, because she is a friend of Obsidian Force she must be the same Nazi Zealot Elitist that is forcing an agenda down everyone's throat?

Keep your personal attacks to yourself. Do you need to reread the forum behavior guidlines again or should we just get a mod to close the thread?

Armitage DM/INV/Dark Scrapper Lvl 50
Felonie Energy/Energy/GW Brute Lvl 50

Global ID:Armitage

"But does one ever truly have a choice? One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate, and thus defy the tyrannous stars."



Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
Hey Alien One, where did Demonic Raven ever say that she was better than anyone or even implied that she was? She was trying to refocus the thread to something a little more productive. In your view then, because she is a friend of Obsidian Force she must be the same Nazi Zealot Elitist that is forcing an agenda down everyone's throat?Keep your personal attacks to yourself. Do you need to reread the forum behavior guidlines again or should we just get a mod to close the thread?
Yes, I should send a note to The Ocho right now to review all posts by both of us all the way back to when it started to see who's argumentative posts originally started all this hocus BS.

If you can read some sort of Nazi comment about Demonic Raven in that post, I would please advise you to send that message to The Ocho right now.

If you can read some sort of "zealot" comment (I don't believe I've ever used that word--I think that may be something Obsidian came up with) about Demonic Raven in that previous post, you go ahead and send it to The Ocho right now.

If you can read that I used the word "Elitist" when referring to Demonic Raven in that last post, then you need to send that post immediately to The Ocho.

If you can read in the post where I said "Nazi-like" that I referred to Obsidian_Force2 specifically rather than to a behavior pattern, you need to hurry up and send that post to The Ocho right away.

Please don't delay.

Otherwise, you can keep your ill-sighted accusations to yourself.

Have a great day.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



This is what you said in your post "That said, I'm glad that you have a good time teaming with him, and I wish you both well in your quest to be better than everyone else."

Am I miss quoting here?

You have basically accused her of being better then everyone else. Again I ask where does she imply or even say that she is better then everyone else? I can only fathom that because she is a friend of Obsidian's and that you have made the assumption that she is in a "quest to be better then everyone else" then she must be, in your mind, the same as Obsidian. Which you have accused of being several of the aformentioned words.

Armitage DM/INV/Dark Scrapper Lvl 50
Felonie Energy/Energy/GW Brute Lvl 50

Global ID:Armitage

"But does one ever truly have a choice? One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate, and thus defy the tyrannous stars."



Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
Again I ask where does she imply or even say that she is better then everyone else? I can only fathom that because she is a friend of Obsidian's and that you have made the assumption that she is in a "quest to be better then everyone else" then she must be, in your mind, the same as Obsidian. Which you have accused of being several of the aformentioned words.
This is exactly the sort of claim that Obsidian_Force2 gets all upset about when I do it:

Originally Posted by demonic_raven View Post
With my shade i have tanked Romie numerous times on the ITF, along with several other AV/EB's. I also fit very well on any team.
Yet, it's ok when people that like him make these sort of claims?

Hypocracy for the win.

Where's that "cup of irony" when you need it?

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
This is exactly the sort of claim that Obsidian_Force2 gets all upset about when I do it:

Yet, it's ok when people that like him make these sort of claims?

Hypocracy for the win.

Where's that "cup of irony" when you need it?

"The One"
If I am understanding your correctly, then it is because she claims to have tanked Romie that she is better then everyone else?

If this is incorrect then again I ask where does she imply or even say that she is better then everyone else?

If I am correct then the board is full of hypocracy.

Armitage DM/INV/Dark Scrapper Lvl 50
Felonie Energy/Energy/GW Brute Lvl 50

Global ID:Armitage

"But does one ever truly have a choice? One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate, and thus defy the tyrannous stars."



The comment was an attempt to bring the thread back on topic. I appologize to Pyro for where the thread has led. It was an attempt to show that yes a Kheld can solo an EB/AV under the right circumstances. In OF's opinion a triform would make this easier. I'll be the first to admit that I am in no way "better than everyone else".

Demonic Raven ~ Level 50 Dark/Dark Corruptor
Inara Violet ~ Level 50 Tri-Form Warshade



You are EXACTLY correct.

This entire board is full of hypocracy. Wow, someone else gets it.

One can't come on these boards and tell a story about how they teamed up with some friends and kicked butt, or post a video of a Kheldian TEST in a new upcoming issue or talk about their own build they've come to enjoy without getting attacked for it, and yet those same people who do the attacking make the same sort of claims, without any sort of proof.

But, they're "right," and I'm "wrong."


Because they said so.

Again I say, hypocracy for the win.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by demonic_raven View Post
The comment was an attempt to bring the thread back on topic. I appologize to Pyro for where the thread has led. It was an attempt to show that yes a Kheld can solo an EB/AV under the right circumstances. In OF's opinion a triform would make this easier. I'll be the first to admit that I am in no way "better than everyone else".
I believe the original question was referring to an AV, not an EB. Everyone's replies to the OP referred to an AV.

Your example was referring to when you were teamed up, and not only teamed up, but teamed up with someone else who claims to be able to solo EBs (if not AVs). So, sure, that'd make things a heck of a lot easier to fight an AV. Anyone can taunt an AV and handle the situation using the right "circumstances" or teammates.

The question was (if you're truly trying to get the thread back on topic), "can a Kheld solo an AV?"

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
You are EXACTLY correct.

This entire board is full of hypocracy. Wow, someone else gets it.

One can't come on these boards and tell a story about how they teamed up with some friends and kicked butt, or post a video of a Kheldian TEST in a new upcoming issue or talk about their own build they've come to enjoy without getting attacked for it, and yet those same people who do the attacking make the same sort of claims, without any sort of proof.

But, they're "right," and I'm "wrong."


Because they said so.

Again I say, hypocracy for the win.

"The One"
I get that you have a vendette against Obsidian. I was just trying to understand your point of reference. So basically you are doing the same thing that is being done to you. I am sorry to hear that. I also apologize for thread jacking.

Armitage DM/INV/Dark Scrapper Lvl 50
Felonie Energy/Energy/GW Brute Lvl 50

Global ID:Armitage

"But does one ever truly have a choice? One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate, and thus defy the tyrannous stars."



Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
I get that you have a vendette against Obsidian. I was just trying to understand your point of reference. So basically you are doing the same thing that is being done to you. I am sorry to hear that. I also apologize for thread jacking.
Roger that. No harm done.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I have looked at a few very basic numbers (I was going to refine them, but there isn't much point when you see the conclusion) and decided that Warshades in particular realistically cannot solo an AV. At least not without temps or insps, which I am counting here.

The situation I thought would be best was for a human only Warshade (Using a perma-hasten build full or procs - I ignored accuracy and end when slotting the powers for this), against a non-mezzing AV, surrounded in melee by a load of minions to use as Eclipse fodder.

The survivability wouldn't be a problem with Eclipse perma and the ability to use the self heal in the attack chain, and to 1 shot a minion for a 50% heal whenever it was really needed. The endurance wouldn't be a problem due to eclipse refreshing every 90s too.

The damage was the problem. Particularly because using Sunless Mire is at odds with keeping the minions alive for Eclipse fodder, and using anything longer lasting than minions would probably lead to your downfall.

I think you need about 95dps to beat the regen of an AV. But the best attack chain I found was:

Gravity Well > Shadow Blast > Gravimetric Snare > Essence Drain

For 686.5 damage over 7.34 seconds or 93.5 dps, which isn't enough.

You can potentially add in Sunless Mire once or twice, plus you will have some pet support from Dark Extraction, but although that would give you enough DPS to damage the AV, you would be cutting your Eclipse fodder down too fast to finish the AV off, and at some point would have to stop kiling minions for pets, and the AV would regen again.

Then I thought maybe Nova would be able to manage it, and since all the survivability stuff is the same as a human only that still isn't much of an issue, except that you may have to kill the minions for healing more often than a human would.

The Nova attack chain would be:

Dark Nova Bolt > Dark Nova Blast

For 341.6 damage over 3 seconds, or 113.8 dps.

That is enough to beat the regen of an AV, but not by much.

Again you would have the option of killing minions for pets, and the option to stay at range and take less damage, but I think the damage is so low that you would end up having to take out the minions for healing faster than you would kill the AV.

I could go on to work out the average damage you would sustain from the AV and thus how many minions you would need to kill for healing but I don't think it is worthwhile really. Even with 85% resists you will be taking a lot of punishment.

However then I had an epiphony, and while it is cheating the Nictus at the end of the ITF don't aggro if you attack them from far enough away, so there are at least 3 AV's a Warshade can (Slowly, very very slowly) solo!

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



That's actually how the all-Kheld iTFs finished successfully... Everyone used the "blaster" mentality and blasted the essences from a distance without aggroing the AV.

Interesting points there... I didn't figure that a Kheld could solo an AV, but I never saw any concrete evidence to prove otherwise... Thanks for the info!

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Actually those figures have made me quite sad so I am making it my mission to find out the best AV to try this against and I am going to run the full maths using my build, the theory says that with enough minions about it is possible, so I want to know how many is needed.

I have asked on the scrapper section for advice on which target to pick.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Sounds like (if I recall my AVs right) Siege or Nightstar, then. Potentially Black Scorpion. At least for the first ones that come to mind.
Seige has those nasty radiation robot friends (-res). I always get Nightstar and Blackswan mixed up, one of them has significant negative energy resistance (maybe both?). I haven't fought Black Scorpion in a while, so I dunno about him...but, is there a mission that reliably has him in it outside of the STF?



Originally Posted by Guardien View Post
Seige has those nasty radiation robot friends (-res). I always get Nightstar and Blackswan mixed up, one of them has significant negative energy resistance (maybe both?). I haven't fought Black Scorpion in a while, so I dunno about him...but, is there a mission that reliably has him in it outside of the STF?
I wouldn't know where to find Black Scorpion, but I fought those radiation robots last night on the test server (8 man spawns) and they never debuffed my resistances. Though thinking about it that may be because a maxed out Eclipse starts me off at ~200%.

I haven't used the AE but I would expect that to be the best place to fight AV's, especially because you can use minions that wouldn't die to Sunless Mire (dark/regen scrappers?).

Nightstar has the massive s/l resistances, so I would think Black Swan is the negative resisting one, she is definately always with those bloody shadows!

Edit: Bobcat was the one recommended to me, dont know her stats though.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
I have looked at a few very basic numbers (I was going to refine them, but there isn't much point when you see the conclusion) and decided that Warshades in particular realistically cannot solo an AV. At least not without temps or insps, which I am counting here.

The situation I thought would be best was for a human only Warshade (Using a perma-hasten build full or procs - I ignored accuracy and end when slotting the powers for this), against a non-mezzing AV, surrounded in melee by a load of minions to use as Eclipse fodder.

The survivability wouldn't be a problem with Eclipse perma and the ability to use the self heal in the attack chain, and to 1 shot a minion for a 50% heal whenever it was really needed. The endurance wouldn't be a problem due to eclipse refreshing every 90s too.

The damage was the problem. Particularly because using Sunless Mire is at odds with keeping the minions alive for Eclipse fodder, and using anything longer lasting than minions would probably lead to your downfall.

I think you need about 95dps to beat the regen of an AV. But the best attack chain I found was:

Gravity Well > Shadow Blast > Gravimetric Snare > Essence Drain

For 686.5 damage over 7.34 seconds or 93.5 dps, which isn't enough.

You can potentially add in Sunless Mire once or twice, plus you will have some pet support from Dark Extraction, but although that would give you enough DPS to damage the AV, you would be cutting your Eclipse fodder down too fast to finish the AV off, and at some point would have to stop kiling minions for pets, and the AV would regen again.

Then I thought maybe Nova would be able to manage it, and since all the survivability stuff is the same as a human only that still isn't much of an issue, except that you may have to kill the minions for healing more often than a human would.

The Nova attack chain would be:

Dark Nova Bolt > Dark Nova Blast

For 341.6 damage over 3 seconds, or 113.8 dps.

That is enough to beat the regen of an AV, but not by much.

Again you would have the option of killing minions for pets, and the option to stay at range and take less damage, but I think the damage is so low that you would end up having to take out the minions for healing faster than you would kill the AV.

I could go on to work out the average damage you would sustain from the AV and thus how many minions you would need to kill for healing but I don't think it is worthwhile really. Even with 85% resists you will be taking a lot of punishment.

However then I had an epiphony, and while it is cheating the Nictus at the end of the ITF don't aggro if you attack them from far enough away, so there are at least 3 AV's a Warshade can (Slowly, very very slowly) solo!
AHHHHHHG! Math? Facts and figures without anecdote?
It burns, it burns...

Kidding. Very nice and informative post.

As a side thought, on the Human only attempt, would Assualt from leadership help with the damage output? Or would the extra endurance used be problematic for maintaining the attack chains?

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Granted when I solo, i tend to leave the settings down and not pad the team. (a Little bit of a chicken). With all the discussion i decided to give a try at soloing an eb/av with my triform.
I was able to take down Siege set at a lvl 50 EB. Using binds and quick shift changes, one should be able to take him as an AV as well. Granted like i said, I did not pad the mission and i was only on heoric. I dont tend to use HeroStats so i cant give you exact numbers such as my dps, but in human form i regen at 16.9hp/s and rec at 3.47 end/sec. So i am sure that with the right set bouses, its definately possible. I can see a human form succeeding as well esepecially with multiple pets out. If you do die, you can self rez while the pets take the agro and go right back to the fight.

Demonic Raven ~ Level 50 Dark/Dark Corruptor
Inara Violet ~ Level 50 Tri-Form Warshade



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
I wouldn't know where to find Black Scorpion, but I fought those radiation robots last night on the test server (8 man spawns) and they never debuffed my resistances. Though thinking about it that may be because a maxed out Eclipse starts me off at ~200%.
I'm pretty sure those Robots defense Defense, not Resistance. I've certainly seen a Shield Tank get creamed by them where my Lobster wasn't really troubled by them.

I haven't used the AE but I would expect that to be the best place to fight AV's, especially because you can use minions that wouldn't die to Sunless Mire (dark/regen scrappers?).

Nightstar has the massive s/l resistances, so I would think Black Swan is the negative resisting one, she is definately always with those bloody shadows!

Edit: Bobcat was the one recommended to me, dont know her stats though.
Arbiter Sands was one name I picked from the list on your other post. Mostly because he resummons bots which you can use to fuel Eclipse and Sunless Mire. No corpses but could be handy. He may mez though

You could also cheat and make a Thugs or other MM AV in the Architect of course