Can it be done?




AlienOne posted a link to my thread in the scrapper forums on the first page of this thread from a while back when I was actively working on this. You can read more there on the exact build and attack chain I was using. I was using Maruader and Bobcat primarily for attempts. Princess has the right idea, the information is very similar to what I posted previously.

This forum cracks me up though. Whenever we brought this up in the past the thread was quickly highjacked into "I love my khelds for the fun and endless good times, why should I solo an AV?" (insert multiple smilies here) "Now let's get back to discussing the best void hunter costumes!". Don't get me wrong, not criticizing anyone, I love my Khelds too. Which is exactly why I want to push the limits of them in every way I can. Most days you guys could care less about numbers which is exactly why I posted in the scrapper forums originally.

There is a general tone on the Kheld forum that seems to suggest min/maxer's are not welcome here. I'm not taking sides with anyone, but as a lurker I definitely feel that unless I post about "the bestest things about Khelds" my post with either get 300 views with no replies/help, or simply be highjacked by people.



I just read that thread and it seems interesting, how much damage did you take against Bobcat? Were you ever in any real danger against her or was it just a case of hoping you could kill her before you ran out of pet and Eclipse fodder?

Looking at my build I am starting to think that Black Dwarf might be the best form, I already have an attack chain with just the two main attacks that causes about 100dps, plus the self heal (Though at the cost of dps when I need it) and since Bobcat is s/l damage I only need 1 minion for Eclipse fodder, allowing me to use pretty much all of them for healing/pets and keep going longer.

I had hoped to be on last night to check out Bobcats stats but I dont think I will get on until tomorrow night now, but at somepoint I will try and work out how possible killing her would be and how many minions etc would be needed using the various forms.

Ideally I don't want to have to change my build much for this, but can use the test server if necessary.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by Acoustics View Post
There is a general tone on the Kheld forum that seems to suggest min/maxer's are not welcome here. I'm not taking sides with anyone, but as a lurker I definitely feel that unless I post about "the bestest things about Khelds" my post with either get 300 views with no replies/help, or simply be highjacked by people.
I think you misread the "general attitude." In fact, I think every "min/max" Kheld on this forum misreads the "general attitude." What people like myself (who happens to also be a min/maxer, only in human-form) don't care for is the attitude that "everyone should be a min/maxer or you suck."

My attitude about the whole thing is:

1. If you are a min/maxer, that's awesome. Post details about it. Post numbers. Post accomplishments. More power to 'ya.

But, don't insist that "you" should become the "standard" to which all others should "bow down."

2. If you play you Kheld for fun, you are JUST as welcome as the min/maxers. You shouldn't be ridiculed because you didn't pick a specific power or form, because you don't personally care for it. That's your choice. Post your build. Post your *own* numbers. Post your accomplishments. More power to 'ya.

But don't insist that "you" should become the "standard" to which all others should "bow down."

3. If you're a lurker, continue to lurk. ALL kinds are welcome here. Get the general idea here?

I believe this section of the forums is actually MORE open to MORE types of people than ANY of the other sections are (when referring to the ATs), because we don't INSIST that you know numbers, builds, Mid's Hero Designer inside and out, have at least a 60 month vet badge, at least 1.5 billion in infl, or 40,000 hours spent on your toon before you can post. (obvious exagguration to prove a point)

Most of us enjoy both kinds of posts. I enjoy reading both a post on min/maxing and a *general* "wow, look what I did with my Kheld!" post. I have never put either sort of poster down for those reasons alone.

I'll restate once more that what I DO have a problem with is when the person gives the general impression that there should be "one be-all, end-all Kheld build." Because the truth is, there simply isn't.

The AV-solo-er build you might be able to come up with, while being able to solo an AV, might not be the best build for *many* other situations. So, while I congratulate you if you're able to solo an AV (MAJOR accomplishment!), I won't go out on a limb and say "this should be the build that ALL Khelds should make."

That's just simply.....for lack of a better word....stupid.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I do not believe anyone dissagrees with that and to the best of my knowledge nobody has ever said "everyone should build/play like THIS".

What they ARE doing is saying "This combination of powers/styles will on average for (most) players will generate better results."

And the responce we usually get from some folks on the boards is "Thats not true in every case so what your saying is wrong."

Were not saying anyone should min/max their build only that if min/maxxing is your goal there simply are some things that will produce better results than others, they will produce better results both on paper and in the "field" as well, thats all.

The build possibilities of somebody trying to get maxximum effectiveness are much, much more limited than what you will commonly read on these particular forums.

We do NOT want everyone required to build one way and one way only, what we do want is for people looking for the best efficiency to be able to come to the forums and EASILY find the information their looking for without a half dozen posters making unrelated arguements to muddy the waters with disscussions about how not everyone builds for efficency, or damage, or that it's all about the fun and maxxing a build isn't needed.

This sort of information in no way tells anyone they HAVE to build like this or else. The people who are not interested in the information can ignore it totaly or partially to their preferance, but the type of derailment I see in these forums leave people who do want to min/max a build confused and missled by the sheer number of posts that simply are not contributing to help find the best way to min/max their build.

Maybe it's partly that posters asking questions are not specific enough in what they want from the start but when somebody asks "How do I do this?" I read it as asking for the most efficient way, not the most fun way, or the best way without using powers x, y and z unless they specify so.

And even if they do specify not using some powers I will still most likely briefly point out what their losing by skipping them (unless they seem to already know what they will be missing or seem particularly knowledgeable of the game) just so they are totaly aware of what they will be missing, not to push them into building my way but just so they can make a totaly informed decision.

If they wanna build a different way than suggested it does not bother me in the least because their making a fully informed decision, but to not mention what they will (in my opinion) be missing out on I think is doing a disservice to the person asking for advice.

Edit: I will say AlienOne is correct about there being no "One" build for every situation, but there IS one build that will best cover the most situations possible (I do not think it has not been found yet as nobody has run enough scenerios) but the fact some people might not like some of the specifics of this build (such as power X or slotting choice Z) in no way makes it not the most effective choice, it does however make it less effective to that specific person because they hate it and will probably avoid using it to best effect because of personal dislike.

It's only not as effective to them by choice not because it won't actually produce better results. And this is fine too, so long as it's recognized as such.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Sorry to derail things... but in all the issues since Issue #3 until now (Issue #15), has there been a successful Kheldian AV soloist? You know, someone who documented their Kheldian successfully soloing most (if not all) the AV's in the game?

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Not to my knowledge. I would think that someone who was able to do this (and successfully document it, instead of just pointing out by numbers on paper that it's *possible*) would have been psyched to share that accomplishment/screenshot/video with the rest of the City of Heroes Community.

Or it could be that my "search fu" isn't strong enough to find anything posted like that.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I haven't seen anyone post in the Kheldian boards about soloing an AV with their Kheld. Honestly, I don't think it was even possible before i13, and I would be pleasantly surprised if it was possible now. We are simply better at AoE damage than ST damage, that doesn't translate well into AV fights.



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
The Nova attack chain would be:

Dark Nova Bolt > Dark Nova Blast

For 341.6 damage over 3 seconds, or 113.8 dps.
Looks rather high to me. Did you have Dark Sustenance on?

I made a build that is simplistic in survivability with some AVs and doing enough damage to meet the regen that is specified here, if the regen is the same then I think I have potentially managed to stale mate. This build I might add won't run out of endurance as it just passes break even. So close and yet so far, oh well.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Looks rather high to me. Did you have Dark Sustenance on?

I made a build that is simplistic in survivability with some AVs and doing enough damage to meet the regen that is specified here, if the regen is the same then I think I have potentially managed to stale mate. This build I might add won't run out of endurance as it just passes break even. So close and yet so far, oh well.
That wasn't taking the numbers from a complete build, it was just a quick build where I edited hasten to give 175% recharge instead of 70% and slotted the attacks I was interested in as best I could for damage and recharge. (I think they were 3 damage IO's, 2 damage procs and 1 recharge IO each, with the plan of having enough global accuracy to compensate)

So that DPS is with pretty much 'perfect' slotting and would require the rest of the build to be 'filler' so you could slot those powers without regard to set bonus' etc.

My actual build just breaks the 100dps mark in Nova I think.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
That wasn't taking the numbers from a complete build, it was just a quick build where I edited hasten to give 175% recharge instead of 70% and slotted the attacks I was interested in as best I could for damage and recharge. (I think they were 3 damage IO's, 2 damage procs and 1 recharge IO each, with the plan of having enough global accuracy to compensate)

So that DPS is with pretty much 'perfect' slotting and would require the rest of the build to be 'filler' so you could slot those powers without regard to set bonus' etc.

My actual build just breaks the 100dps mark in Nova I think.
If you have to keep coming out of Nova form to use haste then some DPS is going to be lost. At best looking at getting the attack rate up I had 95,5 DPS in Nova form, no haste, dark sustenance off. Each attack can only happen once the other attack finishes. If Dark Nova Bolt is 1.5 secs and Dark Nova Blast is 1.5s your best recharge is 1.5 secs but then you have to add Arcanatime. I had it buzzsawed plus I had damage buffs but still only 95.5dps maxxed.

I'll look to find out what select few it may do over the weekend but I am still as skeptical as I was when the thread started. Insps + temps or mates standing by watching, supplying sustenance then fine, otherwise..well I haven't spent as much time on khelds as some people.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



The way I was planning is that if you make the build with perma-Sunless Mire then every 30s you will be dropping to human for that buff to increase your DPS (Though I didn't calculate this into the DPS), every third Sunless Mire you will also Eclipse, and every 4th you will also hit Hasten.

It has just occured to me though that having pets around will increase the rate at which you kill the minions, so everytime I have a thought I then have to reconsider it!

I think over the weekend I might just see how I cope against Bobcat on the test server, mapped for 6 to 8 there should be plenty of fodder and I can just drag her from spawn to spawn if the minions keep getting killed.

I need a slight respec first, but they are free on test anyway.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



What I am thinking is to have a build on test which I can fill with copies of enhancements from transfered toons from live (multiple copies) to fill it, then check out which AVs come with low enough regen and are potentially survivable and go at it for a painstakingly long time. I've put in procs just now but my accuracy isn't going to be so good now. I foresee a stalemate tbh where I can only tackle the regen realistically after a certain point.

Edit: Oh and if you do warshade then I will do peacebringer.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.