Balancing SoC vs MC?




Here's the deal. We all know that Seeds of Confusion is slightly overpowered, especially in conjunction with Plant's other AoEs and compared to the only power like it anywhere else, Mass Confusion.

One might think that a nerf for SoC would be in order. Something drastic to make it barely a shadow of it's big cousin: Double the recharge, and halve the duration, range and # of targets (though widen the cone to compensate). And then lower its Accuracy, too (which, along with recharge, is the main balance-obliterating portion of SoC's numbers) Maybe even take this a step further and remove/reduce the damage component from Roots. This would definitely make people pause before saying that the set completely obliterates Mind Control (at least, when based on two similar powers)

But is this the only way? Certainly, people who love Plant love it for what it is, and wouldn't be too keen on the nerf bat coming down hard (or at all, even if they did admit it was OP... that's why they like it!). Also, how far down do you bring the numbers before you cross the apparently fine line between "overpowered" and "gimp"? Perhaps a Buff to Mind is the better answer.

For one, reduce the recharge and increase the accuracy on Total Dom and MC. That would balance out one of the main problems with Mind when compared to every other set, and give it a steady stream of containment*. MC in particular should affect an even larger # of targets (say 25) with an increased chance for Overpower criticals. That way, it would claim its place as a Tier 9 power when compared to Seeds.

*: If Plant gets a power that's better in almost every way than a T9 power, then Mind gets to have it's own distinct AoE advantage by having less down time on its hard controls. Fair's fair, especially considering Mind lacks steady containment that's present in almost every other Controller set, as well as the -constant- extra damage and agro mitigation from a pet.

I don't think anyone would argue against the fact that a tier 9 power should be better than a tier 5. The question is, how do we best accomplish this?

Or maybe do nothing. Let "Mind" continue to be undervalued (and underplayed), which only helps them shine more when you do find one. After all, the LAST thing I wanna see is Mind/Kin PL farmers clogging up PI and AE lobbies.

What do you guys think?

(Because we haven't had enough mind vs plant discussions this week =P)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



It's understandable that people get ticked off with this conversation, because to be sensible, it has to cut far into an analysis of several sets-- Mind and Plant to begin with, and probably all the sets in general, since relative performance certainly matters, given that game play constitutes a competitive environment for the controller primaries. Yet that conversation is usually too tedious for the majority of people who really just wish things would be "fixed." That said...

When you describe a hypothetical nerf to SoC, I think you go way overboard. That sounds more like a straw man than a serious proposal for bringing SoC into line.

Personally I'm a fan of Mind, Plant, Grav, Fire, and Ice, in varying degrees and for different reasons, but especially Plant and Mind. Still, I think it's a little silly that any conversation about this has to kowtow to the status quo maniacs. Whether Grav of Mind are ever buffed, I think there're things about Plant that need to be reconsidered-- and you name them; the immobs have too much damage and SoC is (slightly) too powerful.

Likewise, whether Plant ever gets a nerf, I'd like to see Mind (and Grav) get a few small improvements to bring them in line with the overall functionality of other sets. Mind's problems do in some ways trace back to the AoE nerf all controllers suffered. Most sets had one AoE total control go to twice the recharge time and half the duration. Mind had BOTH of its AOE total controls-- which were once useable every fight, and stackable with a ST complement, crash up against the defense nerf. Leftover as its fast recharge control was the sucktastic Terrify. Ouch, you know?

One of the problems with this whole scenario, I have often sensed, is the nonsensical emphasis devs seem to have placed on the importance of confuses drawing aggro or not. I take this to be part of the explanation for both SoC's overpoweredness and MC's underpoweredness.

I disagree that there can be any simple analysis like "A tier 9 power should be better than a tier 5 power." Particularly since many, many sets besides blaster/corruptor primaries live and breathe powers from prior to tier 9, and some tier 9s are frankly mediocre.

Anyway, a solution to the problem probably is no closer than a comprehensive look at Mind, Plant, and Grav.

If I were going to propose a solution, I suppose it would go something like:

1) Cut MC's recharge back to 120 seconds. If there's still whining from mind controller players after that, they need to suck it up.

2) Cut back Plant immob damage by 25% and raise end cost by 15% or something along those lines, and boost seeds' recharge up to 90 seconds so its availability is comparable to Flashfire, Stalagmites, Wormhole.

3) Cut the activation time on Propel, raise the damage on Lift to make it comparable to levitate, and modify Dimension Shift so that it is aggro-free, autohits targets with the translucent cosmetic effect, and makes successfully hit-checked targets fully invisible (so they can't be targeted for ST stuff by teammates).

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



Balance Sets not Powers.

Mind is slightly underpowered, Plant is slightly overpowered.

Also: Agree with Enant. Longer Rech on Seeds, lower on MC. Boom, done.
Of course, I also think that ALL AoE Immobs should do Roots damage.



Originally Posted by Weatherby_Goode View Post
Balance Sets not Powers.

Mind is slightly underpowered, Plant is slightly overpowered.
Brevity is the soul of wit, and tediousness its outer limbs and flourishes. I swear I use no art at all.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



To be fair, i WAS strawmanning a bit with the numbers. However, I DO honestly think SoC SHOULD affect less targets (like 10 or 12) and have it's acc brought down (UNLESS MCs is brought UP). Cut duration to 27-30 seconds, certainly not "half"... Maybe add a bit of danger by reducing the range so that the character has to be within normal agro range to use the power (so not quite half there, either). If a wider cone is needed, or heck, even making it a full, spherical AoE, that'd be okay to compensate for the lack of range. And yeah, recharge increase, but not by much. 90 seconds seems fair.

I don't know enough about grav to make any balance comments there, but I've seen enough people gripe about it.

TBH, I have absolutely NO problem with how Mind plays/functions... except when we start comparing numbers and functionality. Then it's like "hey waitaminute, not only do i not have my own bufable minion(s), I also have no steady AoE containment, little AoE damage, and what's this? A tier 5 is better than my tier 9? wtf!"

And yeah, ok, so there are quite a few T9s that people don't like... but that's because people don't like drawbacks. It's not that the T9s are functionally WORSE (unlike with SoC vs MC), but that there's a cost associated with using them that discourages using that and only that power. Some of the most powerful powers in the game cause you to "crash" and people hate it. Nukes, Unstoppable, just to name a few. However, they're more than willing to have their run speed, recharge, and damage floored to have half the survivability of other a power like Unstoppable, because most of that can be circumvented with a partner (and Granite is more than tough enough to withstand anything the game can throw at it anyway)... And Granite doesn't crash =) They're willing to do LESS damage with their nuke if it doesn't cause a crash (see rain of arrows) and they call it awesome.

But, I digress. Let's see what we have in store in I16 and GR.. I know the Devs like to tweak powers and only tell us the day the patch notes come out, so maybe it's not too much to hope that the Devs are aware of these disparities and are currently taking a look at them?


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Why would you ever balance two powers directly against each other?



Originally Posted by Obscure_Blade View Post
Plant is heavily built around Seeds; nerf it and you cripple the set.
Such a blanket statement!

Fact is, Plant has better control than most (all?) sets and better damage too. Of course Plant is built around SoC, it is so overpowered that it becomes the natural lynchpin of any build. Outside of SoC, Plant does very well with a very damaging AoE immobilize, and good damage from Creepers and thet pet. As such, nerfing SoC will definitely NOT cripple the set.

My fix for SoC: Place it on a 90 sec recharge with a 10 max target cap as is natural for cones. It would be balanced with other sets AoE stuns having the same recharge, lower max targets, but longer duration.

All in all, it would still do better than any other set imo.



Plant was created after all the other sets; I feel that the Devs were over generous in their numbers to make it attract new people. They also didn't repeat any of the mistakes they made before, and make bad powers. So Plant has no Dimension Shift or Telekinesis style power for example.

As for Seeds, I don't like to compare it next to Mass Confusion because they are not the same. Having said that, I think the original devs knew that Area Effect Confuse is one of the most powerful abilities you can have; not only is everything not attacking you, but they are attacking themselves. Hence its position at the top of Mind Control in place of a pet.

Before Seeds, the only AoE confuse power was Mass Confusion: 34s duration and 240s cooldown.

Seeds kept the 34s duration but as they turned it into a cone, they justified it to themselves to lower the recharge to 60s. However, as the cone size on Seeds is so huge it could be argued that this was a mistake; it isn't really the drawback it was intended to be. Almost a back door way of making it overpowered.

They also didn't seem to factor in the sheer power of confuse; leaving it as a 34s duration on such a fast charging power showed poor judgement by the designers in my view. If it was "Seeds of Strangulation" which held enemies, you can bet the numbers would have been more realistic.

Now, I disagree that Mind is anything but very powerful. I also have no issues with Plant Control really; however I do feel the way Seeds of Confusion was designed shows very poor design skills by the CoV team at the time. Unfortunately, Seeds is so powerful that for me it makes the set boring. You don't really get to play with the other powers much unless you really go out of your way.

If I was the designer, I would have given it the same duration and recharge as disorient powers. That is 14.9s duration 90s recharge, which seems more of a reasonable place to start from.



Well, I dunno if they need to nerf SoC, but I wouldn't complain if they changed the numbers on MC to match Seeds.






Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
However, I DO honestly think SoC SHOULD affect less targets (like 10 or 12) and have it's acc brought down (UNLESS MCs is brought UP). Cut duration to 27-30 seconds, certainly not "half"... Maybe add a bit of danger by reducing the range so that the character has to be within normal agro range to use the power (so not quite half there, either). If a wider cone is needed, or heck, even making it a full, spherical AoE, that'd be okay to compensate for the lack of range. And yeah, recharge increase, but not by much. 90 seconds seems fair.
Right then. SoC belongs to a class of powers: area controls that were left (in the defense nerf) with fast recharges-- the most typical examples are Earth & Fire's AoE stun. Consider the comparison:

Set               Accuracy    Recharge    Area           Targts Duration
Stalag,Flashf   0.8 (1.56)  90s (46s)    1963           16      15s (29.3s)
Seeds of Conf  1.0 (1.95)  60s (30.8s) 1309 (3186) 16      37s (73s)
(numbers in parenthesis are practical upper limit enhancement)

I wouldn't want to finagle with the long duration of confusion-- it's a given (for whatever inscrutable reason) that confusions take ridiculously long duration. If we propose to change that here, one wonders whether there shouldn't be an equivalent nerf to Confuse, Decieve, MC, Arctic Air. I say: leave duration alone.

Area coverage's hard to compare, because one's enhanceable and the other isn't (but the unenhanceable starts bigger). Leave it alone, says I.

# targets hit is identical. Leave alone.

So IMO any nerf to SoC should be to bring its accuracy and recharge closer to Stalagmites & Flashfire.

TBH, I have absolutely NO problem with how Mind plays/functions... except when we start comparing numbers and functionality.
Personally "having no problem with" something is all well and good, but I wouldn't want any nerfs or buffs done to suit personal preference.

The thing is, the game presents a situation in which competition between power sets is real and intense-- mainly because the game caters to teaming, and people have a choice of what builds they team with, but also because it is, at least in principle, regularly adjusted to suit how it's actually being played by whichever builds are being played.

In which case, either we're all fine playing the one by-far best performing set of seven available, or there's actually inherent value in controller set diversity. Considering how many people play relatively sucky sets and how much time was sunk into making those sets up, I conclude it's good for the game, and something people want, for set options to be genuinely competitive.

Realistically, Mind and Grav aren't. That doesn't mean nobody ever plays mind or grav. What it probably does mean, however, is that lots of people whos start with those builds get disillusioned with the game a lot faster and leave. Which is bad for the ongoing development of the game, needless to say.

OTOH (and I realize this is an abstruse defense of the concept of balancing sets, but it seems like we're coming up on that question), how different sets really are is also important-- I think people relish that there are real tactical differences and areas of specialty in each set, so obviously balance can't become identical sets that look cosmetically different.

As far as tier 9s and comparing powers by what tier they belong to-- I think I see what you're talking about, but I stand by the view that it's a very narrow sort of comparison.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



Originally Posted by Obscure_Blade View Post
Plant is heavily built around Seeds; nerf it and you cripple the set. Mind is strong even without MC, much less with it.
If Seeds of Confusion was changed so that its recharge time was 61 seconds rather than 60 seconds, that would:

1) Constitute a nerf to SoC and
2) The set would remain the strongest in the game, which is needless to say far from "crippling" it.

It's one of those arguments like "public subsidy of anything will plunge us into radically inefficient and tyrranical communism!" Not really.

Putting forward a "Crippled Plant Control!" as soon as any sort of nerf to SoC is mentioned, is probably viscerally rousing for a lot of folks that're shortsighted enough to dread any minute adjustment to their own toons... or just the status quo in general, regardless of the help or harm it might deal to the game overall.

But getting anybody to realize they play characters in *the game* (and therefore have a stake in the game's optimization) is pretty tricky. One experiment I often conduct re: that is to point out on the forums:

There are no Controllers playing City of Heroes.

The best part is the way general perplexity at this remark proves my point.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
Plant was created after all the other sets; I feel that the Devs were over generous in their numbers to make it attract new people. They also didn't repeat any of the mistakes they made before, and make bad powers. So Plant has no Dimension Shift or Telekinesis style power for example.
How often do you see Spirit Tree? Generally I agree with you; Dimension shift, possibly Bonfire, and a few other powers, were genuine flubs. So were all confuses intially, before they fixed them (once upon a time they really DID steal XPs!). And some flubs were subesequently introduced, e.g., Mind having twice as many AoE controls radically nerfed with really nothing worthwhile replacing them, when the set was at the weak end of the spectrum to begin with.

As for Seeds, I don't like to compare it next to Mass Confusion because they are not the same. Having said that, I think the original devs knew that Area Effect Confuse is one of the most powerful abilities you can have; not only is everything not attacking you, but they are attacking themselves. Hence its position at the top of Mind Control in place of a pet.
I trust most of us can agree that the two powers aren't meaningful to compare to each other in a vacuum-- but that's usually just an excuse to ignore the elephant in the room; a comparison of sets.

Before Seeds, the only AoE confuse power was Mass Confusion: 34s duration and 240s cooldown.
Arctic Air has a warmup period of 4 seconds, is a higher end cost, and is point blank, but it's also (effectively, slotted) a 25' radius toggle 72% chance mag 3 confuse that can be used perpetually and does lots of other nice things. I'm not disagreeing with any broad point you're making, I don't think. But people do tend to ignore AA.

they justified it to themselves to lower the recharge to 60s. However, as the cone size on Seeds is so huge it could be argued that this was a mistake; it isn't really the drawback it was intended to be. Almost a back door way of making it overpowered.
Yes. Also I think the addition of aggro to the power seemed to them like a huge drawback that it wasn't. Not at base 1.0 accuracy and potentially huge area.

Now, I disagree that Mind is anything but very powerful.
I've said all this above, but really, it's nice that you're confortable with it, but (ideally) the question's not personal. Mind moderately underperforms a majority of sets, especially once you talk about the 32+ game. That's a problem. Not for Mind Controllers (but they don't pay subscription fees, so who cares?), and not for you or I. For the game.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters




No target notify, 80ft range, 25ft radius aoe, 240 rech, 26 end
Target notify, 50ft range, 60 degree cone, 60rech, 15.6 end

Seeds certainly looks a lot better, but how much value do the devs put on "no target notify"? I'm guessing heaps when weighed against the "risk vs reward" mantra.

I've seen plenty of plant users run up to a spawn and faceplant using seeds because you have to get REALLY close if you want it to hit the ones toward the back. I've never seen a mind troller die from mass confusion.

I'm not saying that in practice seeds doesn't blow MC out of the water (because it least for me), but I'd guess that through the dev's eyes the zero risk that MC carries comes with a hefty cost.




Plant is fine, Mind is fine. Now let's turn our attention to Gravity in a PvE situation.


@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by Seraphael View Post
Outside of SoC, Plant does very well with a very damaging AoE immobilize, and good damage from Creepers and thet pet.
An immobilize using a highly resisted damage type. And the pet is generally considered substandard.

Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
They also didn't repeat any of the mistakes they made before, and make bad powers. So Plant has no Dimension Shift or Telekinesis style power for example.
It has Spirit Tree and the sleep; both pretty useless. And the pet is so-so.

Originally Posted by macskull View Post

Plant is fine, Mind is fine. Now let's turn our attention to Gravity in a PvE situation.

I agree; Gravity is a set with actual problems. And oddly enough I don't think the solution to Gravity's problems is "Nerf the other sets !"

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Let me preface this by saying my 50 mind/emp controller and 50 plant/fire dom are my favorite characters. I love both sets, possibly my mind controller a little more because that character has better hair.

Originally Posted by Enantiodromos View Post
If I were going to propose a solution, I suppose it would go something like:

1) Cut MC's recharge back to 120 seconds. If there's still whining from mind controller players after that, they need to suck it up.
1) This seems like too much. Three recharges and hasten cut that down to 45 seconds, which is easy to make perma with MC's long duration. Mind does not lean on MC the way plant does. It doesn't need perma confuse, but it does need containment.
I think the main thing mind needs is its "bummer power" TK, to have its end cost reduced (like halved). This would give mind a reliable, if challenging, way to set up containment.

2) Cut back Plant immob damage by 25% and raise end cost by 15% or something along those lines, and boost seeds' recharge up to 90 seconds so its availability is comparable to Flashfire, Stalagmites, Wormhole.
2) The immobs do extra damage because they only work near the ground and are the set's only -fly powers. The only place I've found this to actually matter much is pvp, but that's a different discussion.
A 90 second recharge is still easy to make perma, but at least it would reduce plant's pre-so advantage. Maybe shave a little off the duration too (make it 30).

3) Cut the activation time on Propel, raise the damage on Lift to make it comparable to levitate, and modify Dimension Shift so that it is aggro-free, autohits targets with the translucent cosmetic effect, and makes successfully hit-checked targets fully invisible (so they can't be targeted for ST stuff by teammates).
3) I agree with these except for dimension shift. This wouldn't solve the problem that almost nobody uses foe intangibility (because it usually makes fights last longer, even when your teammates don't waste their attacks). Like (i believe) most people, I have a hard time thinking of a way to make this power appealing without changing its purpose. If it had a short duration (5-10s) and a damage component (make it hit before the intangibility effect), or a debuff that lasts longer than the duration, it may be more popular.

Something you said made me think of this, but I can't remember what it was:
"We can forgive a man for making a useful thing as long as he does not admire it. The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one admires it intensely.
All art is quite useless." -Oscar Wilde



Originally Posted by Vimes_NA View Post
This seems like too much. Three recharges and hasten cut that down to 45 seconds, which is easy to make perma with MC's long duration. Mind does not lean on MC the way plant does. It doesn't need perma confuse, but it does need containment.
You may or may not be right about it being too much (I don't think it would be, considering Mind has no hard control comparable to the 90 (or less)-second recharge hard controls Earth, Fire and Plant weild).

But "perma" is not necessarily a meaningful measure of a power's effectiveness with respect to its recharge. The absolute recharge time is a much better measure.

To illustrate. Suppose I offered you Total Dom with either:

1) 15 second duration, 240 second recharge, or
2) 5.6 second duration, 90 second recharge.

The second power is far superior, even though they both have the same proximity to being "perma."

(If that example doesn't convince because neither power is very good, suppose I offered you:

1) SoC with 18.6 second duration, 30 second recharge
2) SoC with 37 second duration, 60 second recharge
3) SoC with 74 second duration, 120 second recharge.

1 is better than 2, which is better than 3.)

Recharge matters far more than duration. Even at the relatively tiny durations of AoE Holds, a breif pulse of AoE mitigation that's up every fight is VASTLY much more effective than a moderately longer pulse that's available irregularly.

I think the main thing mind needs is its "bummer power" TK, to have its end cost reduced (like halved). This would give mind a reliable, if challenging, way to set up containment.
I agree TK is a clunky individual power because of its end cost, and I don't see why it couldn't (and hasn't) had the end cost reduced.

But I don't see an end redux to TK as (part of) a workable solution to the issues with Mind. TK is tiny (11% the size of the standard AoE containment setter-- Immob), plus it only hits 5 opponents at a time. It might be better to boost size and maxHit, rather than reducing the end cost.

Fiddling with TK but leaving it's radius and maxHit is a lot more like improving Mind's already top-notch ST controlling ability.

A 90 second recharge is still easy to make perma, but at least it would reduce plant's pre-so advantage. Maybe shave a little off the duration too (make it 30).
Again, I'm just vaguely averse to changes that tweak multiple aspects and go contrary to the convention (here with confuses, which have inexplicably long durations.) And again, I don't think duration matters quite that much.

I really do think bumping SoC's recharge to 90s would rein it in meaningfully without crippling it. I mean, as it is, you don't even have to THINK about conserving it. You could practically put it on auto.

The immobs do extra damage because they only work near the ground and are the set's only -fly powers. The only place I've found this to actually matter much is pvp, but that's a different discussion.
I can't at all see all the extra damage justified in the negligable ground-only limitation. And yeah, the broken part of the game (PvP) probably ought not bear on decisions about powersets. I recognize that it probably WOULD, but frankly I can't take recommendations based on tha part of the game seriously.

I agree with these except for dimension shift. This wouldn't solve the problem that almost nobody uses foe intangibility (because it usually makes fights last longer, even when your teammates don't waste their attacks). Like (i believe) most people, I have a hard time thinking of a way to make this power appealing without changing its purpose. If it had a short duration (5-10s) and a damage component (make it hit before the intangibility effect), or a debuff that lasts longer than the duration, it may be more popular.
Yes and no. People still avoid confuses because they "steal XP," in which sense, no matter how good we made dimension shift, so long as it included a foe intang, many people would shun it. I don't think people's superstitions can be used as part of the decision.

And I'm afraid I don't follow the other suggestions that have been made, that have something to do I gather with some redside power that's used in PvP. But a debuff or damage in an aggro control power-- and that's what Dimension Shift clearly is, just like AoE Sleeps & Fire/Smoke-- would completely changes the control set paradigm.

As it stands, Dimension Shift has pretty interesting uses that are foiled mainly by the tendency of players to tab about at random and fire ST attacks &c on intang targets. I've used it myself as a crowd-thinning tool for ST blasters and scrappers-- and after all, isn't that exactly the use the sleeps have? You can set its acc low (start off by STing missed mobs to death for 30 seconds), or you can refrain from enhancing the intang magnitude (start off by fighting unsupported bosses for 30 seconds.)

If the affected mobs were nontargetable, it really would play that role, and also be the best at playing that role closer to the center of a fight. Meaning my suggestion allows it to remain true to its basic purpose, but jump from being the worst of a basically throwaway class of powers, to being the one power in that class that's probably worthwhile. (See also, hotfeet as one of the area slows.)

Interesting quote!

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



Originally Posted by Pans_Folley View Post
This whole thing just started to blur the further I read down it. My only question, if you're going to talk about nurfing seeds, then you need to also take into count that as confused baddies are beating on each other, exp is being lost. I've confused a group and a boss would one shot a minion and I'd be out about 170 - 230 exp. Sometimes, I can pick up a full 1300 exp from one boss, then pick up only 350 - 500 on the next one because of the confused damaged inflected on it. My numbers are not exact, but very close to what I've watched as I've played. Even worse, have a group dump you because you've costs them exp for using confuse even if it saved their back sides.
You're entirely wrong about what confuse does to XP in the sense that anybody who understands how rewards in the game work, cares about XP. I have multiple guides on this, including in my Mind/Emp & Rad guide, in my sig.

In short, what people care about is XP/time, not XP/mob. I grant that XP per mob can seem important, but that's utterly an illusion. There are special rules that tweak XP distrubution heavily in favor of players rather than confused foes, there is no limit on foes available to fight, and the advantages of confuses with respect to XP heavily outweigh the opportunity-lost-per-mob.

Whoever told you confuses lose XP was (understandably but thoroughly) wrong. The fact that Seeds is a confuse is a modest ADVANTAGE in terms of XP-- NEVER a disadvantage.

(And yes, I chose the word "never" carefully, though I grant that some of the cases you have to look at are peculiar.)

Oh, now looking at the immob issue. I have had a number of times where I couldn't cast these powers because I had something sitting on the ground but showing it was in the air.
I realize a lot of people randomly tab to the first MOb in a spawn to fire a power that takes a target, but this is really a nonissue, as you virtually never see whole spawns that are off the ground. All you have to do is target a mob that is, and problem solved. I've played a Plant/Storm to 47, and never had to bother with snowstorm.

Nor are most Plant builds so click-intensive that you can't afford to spend a second finding the right target occasionally; we're not talking about mind/kin here, we're talking about a set whose core functionality rests in basically two fight-opening clicks. (Seeds and Freezing Rain). Plant/Kin, maybe a little more of a nuisance.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



Originally Posted by Enantiodromos View Post
You may or may not be right about it being too much (I don't think it would be, considering Mind has no hard control comparable to the 90 (or less)-second recharge hard controls Earth, Fire and Plant weild).
(talking about MC)
Mind has Terrify (I get the impression you don't like this one?), Mass Hypnosis (useless with plant's aoe damage, but useful to a mind controller), TD, MC, and TK (more so if it gets fixed). While none of these fill the 90 second hard control niche, together they provide more control than the 90 second+aoe hold. In theory.
I kind of think of MC and TD as a pair to alternate off on spawns, whereas on other controllers the aoe hold is for when things get tough. A 120 minute recharge can be brought down to 45 seconds very easily, which makes it more of a staple power that I think MC's supposed to be. What would be the use of all those other control powers if MC keeps all the mobs locked down for the entire fight, and then is up for the next? It would mean extensive change to mind's other powers to keep them useful.
But it would be really cool to have MC that often.

I really do think bumping SoC's recharge to 90s would rein it in meaningfully without crippling it.
90s is easily brought down to 34 seconds, which is fine, except that it's still stackable with the long duration. I agree with increasing the recharge to 90s, I'm just saying the duration should probably be cut back a bit as well. Since plant lacks a single target confuse, the downside of SOC would be that you can't control bosses or confuse resistant enemies (unless you land a crit or have domination).

In both cases, I think the problem actually is duration. With the long duration of confuse it's easy to keep all your enemies under total control indefinitely when these powers are given regular recharges, which nobody is supposed to be able to do (the reason why aoe holds were nerfed so hard way back when). SoC's current implementation is weird because it doesn't suffer from this restriction, which is why it stands out as being so powerful.

It might be better to boost size and maxHit, rather than reducing the end cost.
(talking about TK)
I would be so happy if they did this.

I guess my main point about dimension shift is that the game is so fast paced that most of the time it just slows groups down, which is why people don't usually take it (even with competent groups). Making enemies invisible to counteract teammates who don't get intangibility makes it a "create your own ambush adventure."
Hmm, what if it was a short duration intangibility and medium duration sleep?



Originally Posted by Pans_Folley View Post
My real issue is why are people always screaming "Nerf" ?
No. There was reasoned discussion.

Is it that you just object in principle to any discussion that could conclude something might need nerfed?

The second half of your post-- let me paraphrase: there's been change, and there's been feedback.

So what's your issue? I trust you're aware that nobody's being compelled to discuss this. I trust everybody here's grown up enough to stop reading or posting when they think they've expressed themselves, or when they have better things to do.

Is it that people who want to talk about something need:

1) Your permission?
2) To meet some standard of productivity you've decided on?
3) To be able to prove we can unilaterally make changes to the game ourselves?

Were you aware this game is widely regarded as unusual among MMOs for the degree to which its player base gives feedback to its developers, and is paid attention?

Plant and Mind (as well as Gravity) have serious balance issues at present. I agree with others who pointed out that it's not as simple as a comparison of Mass Confusion and Seeds of Confusion, but I think even the OP understood that. Meanwhile, those two powers are key to their respective sets issues.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



Originally Posted by Vimes_NA View Post
(talking about MC)
Mind has Terrify (I get the impression you don't like this one?), Mass Hypnosis (useless with plant's aoe damage, but useful to a mind controller), TD, MC, and TK (more so if it gets fixed). While none of these fill the 90 second hard control niche, together they provide more control than the 90 second+aoe hold. In theory.
I was talking about hard control. You know, the kind of control that isn't a sleep.

Terrify is a quite feeble soft control-- I'm sure you know that terrified foes are readily able to attack while Terrified. It doesn't even have the to hit debuff typically added to terrify (lower case T) powers. (Not that all powers need to operate identically, but seriously, Terrify is a feeble control.)

Of course, Mass hypnosis is also soft-- simply comparable to other sets sleeps or equivalent aggro management tools.

You saw my objections to TK in its current form. At its size and maxHit mobs, it's an end-intensive addition to Mind's already superlative ST repertoire.

TD and MC are both hard controls, of course. Together, one will be up 3/4s as often as a 90s hard control. So sure, they almost do the job. Two powers-- to do the job of a single AOE Stun.

As wise posters said earlier in the thread, it's not about comparing individual powers-- but sets. But one thing that's conspicuous about Mind is that it's lacking anything comparable to Flashfire, Wormhole, Stalagmites, Seeds. On the face of it, so're Ice and Illusion, except that Arctic Air's a 70% chance mag three confuse plus afraid plus slow plus recharge debuff that's *perpetually* available, and Illusion has (I view this as the most comparable thing) Phantom Army.

Mind isn't especially good at AoE control (as I've been trying to explain ever since I erroneously reported it otherwise in the first iteration of the mind/empathy guide I wrote, and which became even less the case when the global defense nerf was used as an excuse to cripple AoE hard controls-- which obviously hit Mind twice as hard as most sets). A lot goes missing from the set and there's not much that compensates it.

I guess my main point about dimension shift is that the game is so fast paced that most of the time it just slows groups down, which is why people don't usually take it (even with competent groups). Making enemies invisible to counteract teammates who don't get intangibility makes it a "create your own ambush adventure."
Personally I think that's one of the best parts. Particularly with, say, Vazh zombies that wander around while Intang because they resist the immob in it! Bwahah.

I agree needless to say that most groups don't have time for Dim Shift, even the way I would tweak it. Thing is, most groups don't have time for sleeps in just the same sense. It would get taken about as often as sleeps, which is to say, not a lot, but more than Dim Shift in its current state.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



Originally Posted by Enantiodromos View Post

Terrify is a quite feeble soft control-- I'm sure you know that terrified foes are readily able to attack while Terrified. It doesn't even have the to hit debuff typically added to terrify (lower case T) powers. (Not that all powers need to operate identically, but seriously, Terrify is a feeble control.)
As I understand, Fear powers also seem to only allow the target to react once every X seconds. Not sure if it's 5 or 10. So if you hit a spawn with MH, then Terrify, you get Contained damage, and lower the spawn's rate of activity down to one power every X seconds. That's pretty strong control, considering that even such nice powers as Earthquake will allow a mob to take a shot once every 5 seconds, most times. It's not total lockdown, but it's pretty good damage mitigation, also prevents mobs from moving around since that's an "activity", and it's easily made perma while doing damage.

Definitely a good power. Not a total lockdown or a hard lockdown power, but a good control power that reduces return fire (other than the alpha) by a LOT, and prevents mobs from moving around.



Originally Posted by Enantiodromos View Post
Brevity is the soul of wit, and tediousness its outer limbs and flourishes. I swear I use no art at all.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit