Invincible Portal Jockey #2 - Sat Aug 22nd
Sounds like a blast. Seeing as how I got my 50, I've got nothing to do with Sarge anymore except task forces, so Sarge'll be there, volunteering for Team 1.
Please add Yeti Prince (level 48 ice/em blaster) to team 1.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
Put me down for team two; character TBA. I must have SOMEONE 45+ who doesn't have Portal Jockey . . .
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Count me in for Team One! Not sure with who yet though.
Behind The Veiled Mask
Arc# 526759
I'll be there... Not sure which toon I'll bring.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Put down Doctor A Science WS for team two please
Founder of Life and Death Brigade
Infinity and Exalted
"Doc has a sexy voice" - L'amara
Heliotrope Cataclysm (lvl 49 Warshade) for team one, please.
Taxibot Alana, Lvl 48 Claws/Regen Scrapper for team two this time please. Need to finish a little sooner, so going for the easier difficulty this time.
I WILL be there on Saturday! Sign me up for team One please, with either Countess Natasha 45 plant/storm controller (will be 46 by then) or if she's not ready, then Azure Underground lvl 50 ma/shield scrapper.
Looking forward to it! I feel like I've almost lost my Saturday Task Force grooooove.
Please sign up Dead Poet to team 1. lvl 50 bs/wp scrapper
Originally Posted by Eagle_Star
Need to finish a little sooner, so going for the easier difficulty this time.

It would be nice to have a tanker for Team One, though I can serve in the role if necessary. Due to my set bonuses, I have +50% Ranged Defense and am able to take the alphas consistently. A decent strategy is 1) let me aggro the enemy group, 2) let the group come to us. However, don't run to engage the group in melee when there is a second or third group behind; they will aggro on you and slow the team down because we'll lose our focus on the first group.
For the AVs, I have a couple of single-target holds that are effective for caging the AV.
Please sign up Magik Hellstrom, lvl 50 blaster, for team 2. I've missed everyone for the past few weeks, sure hope there's still room on the team
I'd love to join team 2. Demon Slayer Omega lvl 47 dark/regen scrapper.
Hi, Please sign up Pyroclast, level 50 Stone/Radiation controller for team 2.
I'll be bringing Taxibot Icy. She's level 46 ice/ice blaster.
Scheol, do you have a better idea of what toon you'll be bringing?
I'd love to join team 2. Demon Slayer Omega lvl 47 dark/regen scrapper.

Alana runs to go sharpen her claws while being thrilled with the thought of Demon assuming tank position...
Team two has a cold defender and a controller with force fields secondary. Anyone can tank with those stacked.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Maurya is available for standby. I would like to be on Team 1, but I will give up a spot to a Tank of that is what is needed.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
As long as I dont have to tank... its all fine and dandy for me :P although my WS is human/crab >.>
Founder of Life and Death Brigade
Infinity and Exalted
"Doc has a sexy voice" - L'amara
Originally Posted by Scheol
I was hoping to get Aneris to 46 on time but that didn't work out, so I'll be bringing a 50 shield/mace tank
Freedom Phalanx is entrusting us with some of the most serious tasks imaginable. Statesman is busy with ongoing reports on Lord Recluse's web system, so Maria Jenkins is our contact for dealing with a new Praetorian threat. At the conclusion of our adventures last week, Neuron and Anti-Matter escaped from the Zig, and now the early warning system we configured on the Praetorian world has stopped transmitting.
Saturday August 22nd 1:00pm EST (12 noon CST) (10:00am PST)
Meet in Ouroboros by Mender Lazarus (Ouro crystals are nearby)
Will be doing A Hero's Hero flashback story (Maria Jenkins) - level 46-50
Team One (Invincible):
1. Johnny Taxibot (team lead) - lvl 50 Elec/Energy blaster
2. Ticonderoga 6 >> MSGT Morris (lvl 49 blaster)
3. Ullikummis >> Yeti Prince (lvl 48 ice/em blaster)
4. Scheol >> Name? (lvl 50 shield/mace tanker)
5. hilker >> Heliotrope Cataclysm (lvl 49 Warshade)
6. Taxi_Dermy >> Countess Natasha (lvl 46 plant/storm controller) -or- Azure Underground (lvl 50 ma/shield scrapper)
7. Mareal >> Dead Poet (lvl 50 Broadsword/Willpower scrapper)
8. Ad_Astra >> Maurya (lvl 50 eng/elec/elec blaster)
Team Two (Heroic):
1. Gata (team lead) >> Taxibot Chelle (lvl 50 Cold/Ice defender)
2. Ironblade >> Ice Force (lvl 45 ice/force field controller)
3. mscats >> Taxibot Icy (lvl 46 ice/ice blaster)
4. Doctor_A_Science >> Doctor A Science WS (lvl 50 warshade)
5. Eagle_Star >> Taxibot Alana (lvl 48 Claws/Regen Scrapper)
6. Gillian_Boardman >> Magik Hellstrom (lvl 50 blaster)
7. King_Namek >> Demon Slayer Omega (lvl 47 dark/regen scrapper)
8. Mystery_Inc >> Pyroclast (lvl 50 Stone/Radiation controller)