Ok so we know almost every epic is getting a 5th power......



Powers I would give them (bit of wishful thinking):

Blaster Flame Mastery = Forge (base recharge 60s -> 120s, endcost 10.4 -> 13)
Blaster Foce Mastery = Siphon Power (base recharge 20s -> 40s, endcost 10.4 -> 13)
Controller * Mastery = don't care
Defender Dark Mastery = Chill of the Night
Scrapper Body Mastery = Power Boost
Scrapper Darkness Mastery = Darkest Night
Tanker Energy Mastery = Power Boost

Powers I think they're going to get (let's be realistic):

Blaster Flame Mastery = crummy version of Healing Flames (+maxhp, base recharge 20s -> 9m, endcost 10.4 -> 18.2)
Blaster Foce Mastery = Gravity Distortion (base recharge 8s -> 16s, endcost 8.528 -> 10.66)
Controller * Mastery = still don't care
Defender Dark Mastery = some single target dark melee power nobody will take
Scrapper Body Mastery = nothing, better luck next time
Scrapper Darkness Mastery = Shadow Dweller as another Focused Accuracy toggle clone
Tanker Energy Mastery = nothing, better luck next time



Originally Posted by Carnifax_EU View Post
So they'll have 2 bonfires, one at 41 and a new one at 44??
Yes. They've also determined that the other powers are rarely used, so will be replacing them with better powers. The new Flame Mastery will be:

41: Bonfire
41: Conserve Power
44: Bonfire
44: Conserve Power
47: Conserve Power

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
Originally Posted by Obscure_Blade
Spider Swarm : A clone of Gang War for VEATs. When you use it a whole bunch of weak Wolf Spiders show up and mob the target.
I would support this if it was a bunch of Spiderlings, especially since they appear in swarms as enemies.
Since some VEATs already summon them that seems a bit redundant.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Psynder13 View Post
I love blasters way too much to sit idly by while 80% of the secondary powers dont get used because of how crappy they seem in comparison to the freaking awesome newer powers.
My pure ice/nrg blaster only use range, build and powerboost. And the 'you have to take it' thrust power. My AR/nrg likewise, why on earth i would even want the nonstop redraw to toss out a melee punch once in a while?

The goodies of the secondairy are great, there is always a set that suits the needs of a player. Some may be more situational then the other, some great for solo, others great for parties. True, some powers might need a bit of redesign, but overal, its good.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Since the official interview said "most" and not "all," my bet is on VEATs not getting a 5th power this time around. They seem like they'd require more effort and thought than the others, since you have to pick a power that would work for two different classes. Any defensive power given to Banes would make Crabs too good, for instance. My guess for widows is that they'll just give them holds since those choices are pretty generic and wouldn't be overpowering. But that word "most" makes me think VEATs are going to get the pass this time.

I'm hoping the heroes still lacking stuff get some good choices though. I'm wondering what Force Mastery will get for Blasters. I always thought the Gravity hold would work there.
IF VEATS get a 5th power, I'd think an easy (And still useful) power to give them would be an Endurance recovery, such as Dark Consumption for Soul, and Power Sink for Mu.

I know playing my Widow, endurance is my single biggest issue and having a way to fill that hole would be a real boon.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



My Soldier didn't take the Tactical Training powers, so he has Endurance to spare regardless of what he's doing. Frankly, I'll take that over yet another gimmick power any day.



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
IF VEATS get a 5th power, I'd think an easy (And still useful) power to give them would be an Endurance recovery, such as Dark Consumption for Soul, and Power Sink for Mu.

I know playing my Widow, endurance is my single biggest issue and having a way to fill that hole would be a real boon.

Ive seen ALOT of people complain about Widows endurence...... I havent had any issues myself, maybe im missing somthing. I run Idomitable Will, Widow Manuvers, Manuvers, Assualt, and Mask Presence.

I think the trick is that I knew that widows recov bonus work off a higher scale because of having a higher base. So those little Thunderstrike etc recov bonus stack up really fast.

Psynder LVL 51 Fire/Fire/Scorpion Blaster
KnightWidow LVL 51 NightWidow
Shiver LVL 50 Ice X3 Dominator
Knight'Shade LVL 47 DP/Dark/NRG Corrupter
Currently Marking Out For: Chris Sabin, Player Dos, Daniel Bryan, Portia Perez, CM Punk



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Since some VEATs already summon them that seems a bit redundant.
Considering thug MMs already summon a bunch of punks gang war seems kinda redundant....

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
* Controller/Psionic Mastery needs World of Confusion. The power isn't over-used enough yet.
The instant that would happen, I'd roll Ice/(probably Sonic Res)/Psi. Arctic Fog & World of Confusion? Yes please.

Edit: You know what, I'd LOVE to have World of Confusion for controllers. I'd love to Rock an Ice/Sonic/Psi. :-D



Do keep in mind that my list still potentially holds some credibility, although I will not admit to partaking in any questionable activities. Am I just bluffing, or do I require deniability!?



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
My Soldier didn't take the Tactical Training powers, so he has Endurance to spare regardless of what he's doing...
It's people like you what cause unrest.



Originally Posted by SaintTzu View Post
It's people like you what cause unrest.
I also avoid Stamina like the plague on all my characters; I am not part of any Super Group; I do not take the Leadership pool on my Masterminds or the Fighting pool on my Tankers or Brutes; and I've been known to post Luck of the Gambler: +7.5% Recharge on the market for 10 inf just to see what the highest bidder was paying. I also have a petless Mastermind at level 33 and growing. It has the ranged attacks, and a secondary emphasis on melee. It's fun to play.

The unrest is indeed present, but it's not like I'm going around provoking anybody. People just look at me and say "OMG that's now how I would have done it so you suck!!!" and I continue doing what I'm doing. It's a game. Have fun.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
I also avoid Stamina like the plague on all my characters; I am not part of any Super Group; I do not take the Leadership pool on my Masterminds or the Fighting pool on my Tankers or Brutes; and I've been known to post Luck of the Gambler: +7.5% Recharge on the market for 10 inf just to see what the highest bidder was paying. I also have a petless Mastermind at level 33 and growing. It has the ranged attacks, and a secondary emphasis on melee. It's fun to play.

The unrest is indeed present, but it's not like I'm going around provoking anybody. People just look at me and say "OMG that's now how I would have done it so you suck!!!" and I continue doing what I'm doing. It's a game. Have fun.
Dude. You're awesome. Now please send Obsidian_Force2 a tell about someone making the choice to play an all-human-form Kheld. He needs it.


J/K..... But seriously....Do it.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Eh? My Peacebringer's all-human. It has the Leadership and Medicine pools. I wanted to make a team Kheld since the VEATs were all the rage when they came out what with their built-in Tactical Training. (-:



I have heard that scrapper Blaze Mastery is going to be identical to tanker Pyre Mastery, including the presence of Melt Armor.

Body Mastery is apparently getting a power called Physical Perfection. But I have no clue what it actually does. It could be a Shadow Meld clone.

(Note: This is based on what I saw in a post elsewhere, I can't confirm one way or the other)

Edit: Here is the article that mentions it: http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm?g...re=3424&bhcp=1

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post

It's a response like this that makes me glad my earlier post got overlooked. (-:



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
I have heard that scrapper Blaze Mastery is going to be identical to tanker Pyre Mastery, including the presence of Melt Armor.
I keep hearing this, but I don't remember where it originated. Was this confirmed somewhere? It seems like, if true, Blaze Mastery would be vastly superior to all other Scrapper epic options.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I keep hearing this, but I don't remember where it originated. Was this confirmed somewhere? It seems like, if true, Blaze Mastery would be vastly superior to all other Scrapper epic options.
This article lists the Blaze Mastery powers:



I'd like the see the following powers added to the epic pools. I've done an extensive analysis and have determined that none of these powers will result in balance issues.

Blasters - Fulcrum Shift
Corruptors – Gravity distortion field
Tankers – Snipe
Brutes - Stygian Circle
Scrappers – Dual Pistol attack
Stalkers - Nova
Controllers – Energy transfer
Dominators - Elude
Defenders – Buildup