I need an angel :)




Originally Posted by Techbot_Alpha_EU View Post
'Holy light' blasts. Fly from the get go.
Works fine for me. And the PB sound is a bit like bells, or a somewhat ghostly organ. Quite cool, methinks.
I always thought Peacebringers sounded like elephants...



My obligatory fallen angel toon is Skylite, a Fire/Willpower scrapper. Flaming sword of vengeance and protected by supernatural force of will. Tons of fun to play. He took the Presence pool for putting the fear of god into bad guys.

I also have Cupidia, an Empathy/Archery defender. Virtually impossible to solo with, but a lot of fun on teams.

My name is Random, and I'm an alt-aholic.
Main / Badger: Flamesprite - Fire/Fire Blaster - Triumph
Global: @Dynamite Monkey
Way too many alts on Triumph, Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted.



Mind/TA or Fire/TA troller. Get you some real "Wrath of God" style debuffs. Terrify is also a clutch Angel power and fire assault is very "burn the infidels".



To me an angel is all about a blazing sword and fiery retribution. I'm sure others might fixate on other types of angels, but for me, I'd go either Fire/WP or BS/WP for a scrapper (soon to be fire/WP/Blaze!), or I'd do WP/Fire/Pyre for a tank.

These are all good combos from a game mechanics point of view as well.

Either way, I'd drop the stealth IO into sprint or CJ for a semi-ethereal look, and call it good.

Now, the only actual "Angelic" characters I've made have been fire/EA "fallen angel" Brutes. The combination of the ghosted energy cloak look with the "angelesque" costume parts and with a pitch black skin tone (with or without glowing eyes) under a pale hood makes for a great setup in my opinion, but I'm guessing there's a large conceptual gap between "fallen angel" and what you're probably looking for.

Once they either proliferate EA or they allow porting a character in GR, this might be an option though.

The cake is a lie! The cake is a lie!



My different take was a Sonic/Sonic Defender named Holy Word.
After all, the angels do a lot of work with word and speech. Exorcisms are done with words and will, not fiery swords and shields.
And being able to macro "bless you" as you fire sonic shields on the party is fitting.



Originally Posted by pyrite View Post
And for those that think angels don't use firearms, check out the trailor for the new movie "Legion"
Yep, I'm planning an angel character that will be a Dual Pistols/Sonic Corruptor. Thankfully Dual Pistols will be released with Going Rogue so I'll be able to swap to hero quickly.

I'm thinking the combo of stun protection and -res from /Sonic will go well with DP, or at least I'm hoping they will :P



I went Sonic/Fire blaster with mine. With lots of slots in Howl and Fire Sword of course.



i have an angel toon named zuriel an he is the classic broad sword /sheild scrapper an in my arc " The Watchers " i have a few angel types toons a good angel build would be arrows emp def i have one named Ariel " angel of healing"



My angel is an Archery/EM blaster. Very hard to solo early on, but gets pretty mighty later. With power customization, the energy aura around his fists are going to be gold.

Just make sure you go with a Natural Origin! Nothing is cooler than the RP people asking why you're not Magic, and you getting to reply with "Oh ye of little faith..."



Originally Posted by Ethric View Post
Assault Rifle.

An angel with an Assault Rifle would be badass.
I've had two, actually. The Shotgun Seraph was AR/Mental, absolutely loved her. Just restarted the game after a half year break and created Autofire Angel, AR/EM for more knockback goodness.



I say Necro/TA. An angel with zombies would just be funny.



Angelic sets in General:

Melee: Fire and Broadsword have been recommended repeatedly, and both work pretty well going off strictly biblical imagery. Martial arts works for a kinder, gentler angel, or super strength for ATs without martial arts.

Ranged: Angels and God frequently slay people "with the Word" so Sonic is logical. Archery fits the popculture image. Fire and Dark for angels of justice and death respectively, though this doesn't fit perfectly.

Control: Mind Control and Fire Control are the obvious choices here, but don't overlook Illusion. Walking unseen is an angel type thing, as is attacking with light.

Support: Sonic and thermal for reasons mentioned above. Empathy and Force Fields for happy pop-culture angels. Dark and Trick Arrows also have promise.

Pets: Necromancy is not unreasonable for a judgment-day themed angel, especially with everything re-colored yellow-gold. Soldiers could also work.

Defense: Fire Armor for being, you know, on fire. I also like Regeneration for angels. They're not mortal, so they can't be put down permanently, even if their ethereal bodies aren't as tough as other scrappers'. Since I16 just hit, use a mix of white and gold for the animations and you're good to go.

SO where does that leave us? Lots of possibilites, but a few of my favorite are:

MA/Regen Scrapper
BS/Fire Scrapper
Empathy/Sonic Defender
Archery/Energy Blaster
Illusion/Thermal Controller
Fire/SS Tanker

Or for fallen angels:

NB/Regen Stalker
SS/Fire Brute
Mind/NRG Dominator
Necro/Thermal Mastermind
Archery/Sonic Corruptor



How about a straight-up Energy/Energy Blaster? Recolor (yay I-16!) the blasts a tad for purity and blow stuff away...or hover at extreme altitude with Boost Range and the snipe, and be the Wrath of God from On High.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
I need an angel

Illusion/Trick Arrow controllers and Archery/Fire blasters make good angels.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



I saw a angelic themed Gravity/something that recolored his primary white. Singularity looked very much like a Divine being, and his white powers fit the holy themed well. If heroes could make dominators a Grav/Eng would be sexy stuff.



I suspect psi blasts, suitably recolored, might work as well.



Originally Posted by Tormentoso View Post
I saw a angelic themed Gravity/something that recolored his primary white. Singularity looked very much like a Divine being, and his white powers fit the holy themed well. If heroes could make dominators a Grav/Eng would be sexy stuff.
There's a thought for Going Rogue.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog