""A Dynamic City Suggestion: Rivisited!""
Meaning, if it were the simpleton mobs like Skulls, Graffiti will become more apparent, kind of like stages, if each stage stands unabated by the culling of said mobs, more changes will come, even Bosses will start to become more prominent, then the levels of the mob will increase beyond the level of that zone or block, buildings with doors will suddenly become active to house territory bosses. Bosses that must be taken out to cull the decay of that block.
What I disagree with, is forcing people to play a certain way, and demolishing safe zones for each level-group.
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
Agree with above poster. Locking folks out of content in CITY ZONES is a bad idea. I can see something like this for HAZARD ZONES.
Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!

Other than the two parts I've emphasized, I like the concept. You can even add that if a certain group of enemies is completely defeated, other groups may migrate into their territory. What I disagree with, is forcing people to play a certain way, and demolishing safe zones for each level-group. ![]() |
With this, if you want Atlas or Galaxy to be a starting point and alas, a "safe zone" for superhero trainees, then remove all the mobs, and have more AE buildings, to empasize that your in a city where, SuperHeroes are in control, and no mobs are there, which really, no one should be, considering its the gathering place for Super Powered hero types or Villain types.
AE system actually makes a lot of sense more than the mobs that persist in City of X.
Ok, maybe the mob increasing level maybe too much, how about it goes up to a maximum of 3 levels above the actual zone level range as a cap for the possible advancement of these mobs so at least the Superheroes there won't have too much trouble getting rid of them, just a bit of a challenge.
I mean, even these thugs have Hierarchy, which is inferred by their ranks.. i.e. minions, lieuts., Bosses, and on.
These mobs should be allowed to propagate and advance a bit, if left un culled. Also, it will give better XP.
The game is a superhero Game, and it already dictates how it is to be played, and now, it just needs to evolve.
Safety zone? then do AE arcs that have low levels, do the mission for low level contacts.
those are different than the street thugs that inhabit the streets.
The missions you get still makes sense in City of Heroes, they don't have to change.
This notion IMO merely evolves the play more and make it even more interactive.
Cause you actuall see the geography change, and the mobs reinforce themselves left untended, to which what criminal elements do "Do", if Superheroes ignore them.
And with this, it will give more meaning to stopping that skull trying to take that woman's purse, or those Hellions, breaking into a car or warehouse. They become stronger, cause they become braver due to that, the arrogant heroes don't bother them enough to think twice about their activities.
Of course there are thresholds that is relatively concentric to where the Hero Trainer is or any force of good is, since there are more NPC authority automatically culling the area, these areas would be the "safe zones". The further you venture away from the center of that iconic area of good, the mobs are slowly able to advance enough to get more bosses in their mob count and then even take over a building, and leave traces of their organization all around.
So "safe zones" are still existent and far from demolished, just more interesting and it makes more sense, and again, there is the "Danger Room" type training if you really want to be safe and just take on mobs that one thinks they can handle.
If you think about it, really. the whole of City of Heroes should be one hell of a safe zone, and shouldnt have any mobs walking the streets, perhaps, lurking in the buildings because they have to hide from the ever abundant superheroes, but not walking around mugging people as wannabe superheroes pass them by to go to the nex zone.
Anyway mob advancements may not even need to be in there via levels, but what about just hierarchy, minions slowly become LTs, then bosses, as long as there is effectual signs of change that signify that a particular mob is taking over that block of the zone.
Cars set on fire, Grafitti, Marks and Emblems put up. Doors become active to house Elit Bosses, so they don't walk outside the street, and the Elite boss provides a way of knocking down an organization to level 1 mob development, back to thugs.
Take down the leader and the rest scatters.. at least the minions will.
ooh yeah. Fun Fun.
Nothing is really getting locked out., Safe zones still exist via a concentric threshold from a Trainer hero, or City Halls, these areas represents a high authority area, within these vicinity, even AE buildings, mobs will be auto suppressed since it would make sense that such building have security, so mobs around such areas will be scarce.
Even around trainers, of course such hero trainers represent some sort of danger to these thugs, even though they don't go off and fight them, but the npc thugs know to keep clear of such an area well, because theres a bonafied superhero there..
This will give the city zones more depth.
Hmm, in fact, wouldnt it be good idea that these hero trainer if a mob gets pulled at a certain distance to them, will act out and do their hero thing. Pulled like taunted. but pulled with regular aggro like proximity, the mob as they get closer to the Hero's area will lose aggro, only Taunted aggro could pull a mob to a hero.
Buut, if they want to keep the hero trainer static which it is now, then there's just a field that makes mobs lose aggro, specially if their just measley gangs like hellions or skulls.
Well along that line of thought.
So, no, no content is effectively getting locked out.
It's a cool idea, but at its core, this is still a game. Forcing people to do things they find unfun (kill grey-con mobs to keep the villain population down), or making things too difficult (Atlas City Hall surrounded by lv5-7 Hellions, including spawns with Damned), is just going to make people lose interest.
Changing the geography of the zone, great.
More spawns of a certain faction, great.
Even adding a boss here and there where there were none before is good, if done sparingly.
It's a cool idea, but at its core, this is still a game. Forcing people to do things they find unfun (kill grey-con mobs to keep the villain population down), or making things too difficult (Atlas City Hall surrounded by lv5-7 Hellions, including spawns with Damned), is just going to make people lose interest.
Changing the geography of the zone, great. More spawns of a certain faction, great. Even adding a boss here and there where there were none before is good, if done sparingly. |
Your doing it wrong. "Dynamic Content" (tm) was suggested often (by me), where crimes are committed randomly throughout the city by gangs and costumed villains. Missions can radomly spawn from clues left behind after a crime or a random tip from someone on the street. The point would be the gangs would actually be doing somthing worth stopping other than loitering or jaywalking. Areas of the city controlled by certain groups would reflect their influence and there would be constant conflicts between two adjacent gangs vying for more territory. If heroes cleared out one area, it could either become pristine or slowly be taken over by a neighboring gang until the zone reset.
All of the stores, resteurants, hotels, and markets could be sources of new missions and would be fleshed out story-wise. It would not just be street-level crimes, every so often a new Giant monster (not just recycled DA) would tear through the streets causing real damage for as long as he is spawned. Evil Super Villains would unleash terrors of the city that require multiple teams to stop. Heroes wouldn't fight alone, depending on the level of threats, there would be responses from regular street cops to PPD to FC to even the Military!
Remove the trainers and bring them into the fight! I would add new training centers that would free up Statesman and Co. to occationally drop in and fight along side heroes depending on the threat level. With all the new fighting, there will be heroes that stand above the rest, so every week the Hero of the Week will have his characters image on electronic billboards around the city with a list of his/her achivements! All of these ideas could be done with the current game engine with little or no tweeking. Once we can get the outside more interesting, would could see about making the inside more so as well.
"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."
It's a cool idea, but at its core, this is still a game. Forcing people to do things they find unfun (kill grey-con mobs to keep the villain population down), or making things too difficult (Atlas City Hall surrounded by lv5-7 Hellions, including spawns with Damned), is just going to make people lose interest.
Changing the geography of the zone, great. More spawns of a certain faction, great. Even adding a boss here and there where there were none before is good, if done sparingly. |
Mobs are there for new players/characters to get used to their powers and to gain their first bit of XP, why should it get harder for them if other players don't feel like killing a bunch of grey-con mobs? Place would be boring if there were no enemy NPC's (I don't see petty villains stopping with other in other branded superheroes' cities, in fact how many lvl 50 players actually go and routinely stop these criminals? Bet you it's not many, thus allowing them to prosper under the city heroes noses) and funnelling them to AE is just encouraging them to powerlevel instead of exploring the world. Perhaps a little harder with an extra few bosses apparent, but as said above, only if done sparingly.
Evolution of city blocks etc.. is a good idea though and could enable more badge related rewards by returning them to normal.
Your doing it wrong. "Dynamic Content" (tm) was suggested often (by me), where crimes are committed randomly throughout the city by gangs and costumed villains. Missions can radomly spawn from clues left behind after a crime or a random tip from someone on the street. The point would be the gangs would actually be doing somthing worth stopping other than loitering or jaywalking. Areas of the city controlled by certain groups would reflect their influence and there would be constant conflicts between two adjacent gangs vying for more territory. If heroes cleared out one area, it could either become pristine or slowly be taken over by a neighboring gang until the zone reset.
All of the stores, resteurants, hotels, and markets could be sources of new missions and would be fleshed out story-wise. It would not just be street-level crimes, every so often a new Giant monster (not just recycled DA) would tear through the streets causing real damage for as long as he is spawned. Evil Super Villains would unleash terrors of the city that require multiple teams to stop. Heroes wouldn't fight alone, depending on the level of threats, there would be responses from regular street cops to PPD to FC to even the Military! Remove the trainers and bring them into the fight! I would add new training centers that would free up Statesman and Co. to occationally drop in and fight along side heroes depending on the threat level. With all the new fighting, there will be heroes that stand above the rest, so every week the Hero of the Week will have his characters image on electronic billboards around the city with a list of his/her achivements! All of these ideas could be done with the current game engine with little or no tweeking. Once we can get the outside more interesting, would could see about making the inside more so as well. |
Your doing it wrong. "Dynamic Content" (tm) was suggested often (by me), where crimes are committed randomly throughout the city by gangs and costumed villains. Missions can radomly spawn from clues left behind after a crime or a random tip from someone on the street. The point would be the gangs would actually be doing somthing worth stopping other than loitering or jaywalking. Areas of the city controlled by certain groups would reflect their influence and there would be constant conflicts between two adjacent gangs vying for more territory. If heroes cleared out one area, it could either become pristine or slowly be taken over by a neighboring gang until the zone reset.
All of the stores, resteurants, hotels, and markets could be sources of new missions and would be fleshed out story-wise. It would not just be street-level crimes, every so often a new Giant monster (not just recycled DA) would tear through the streets causing real damage for as long as he is spawned. Evil Super Villains would unleash terrors of the city that require multiple teams to stop. Heroes wouldn't fight alone, depending on the level of threats, there would be responses from regular street cops to PPD to FC to even the Military! Remove the trainers and bring them into the fight! I would add new training centers that would free up Statesman and Co. to occationally drop in and fight along side heroes depending on the threat level. With all the new fighting, there will be heroes that stand above the rest, so every week the Hero of the Week will have his characters image on electronic billboards around the city with a list of his/her achivements! All of these ideas could be done with the current game engine with little or no tweeking. Once we can get the outside more interesting, would could see about making the inside more so as well. |
So far as I've read comments, I think the safest compromise to this suggestion if the Devs would, is to merely make cosmetic changes.
But I would still like to see Doors around the mobs become active to house a public mission of sorts, no need for contact.
Lots of players on here bring up the point that they will be forced to fight or play a particular way by introducing a more in depth map IMO.
Personally, I don't mind farming, so I have no issues against it. I'm going with what AE can do to keep the populace of this game busy.
Also, i'm not talking about new mobs or mission that appear like fires or bank robberies, its the common thug mob that one already sees in Cox, nothing new need be introduced from initial view, just to add a few layered consequential states after certain amount of time in a block area of a map at least haven't been touched cause its just out of the way for most people.
But whichever works for anyone, this suggestion is essentially a composite suggestion, the Devs can take a part of it or whole doesn't matter to me, I'd just like to see content along this avenue because I think It would add further depth to the game. The Dev's will simply take what they want from these sorts of suggestion regardless of what others say for or against it IMO.
I'm excited about how Going Rogue is just going to revive this game, theyre simply beginning to just mix everything up for the good of the game.
And Anti Proton, as much as you want to take credit for the notion, and although a lot of either of our suggestion overlap, their still inherently Unique, different situation, and I'm not suggesting a full overhaul of the game, just additions I think that I know the Dev team can pull off after all the new contents they've been dishing out.
Regardless you can take all the credit if you want, I just care about new content. I hope they finally buy your suggestions in the least.
All MMO's, and in fact, most RPG's are based on the concept that when you first start out, your character can't do much. With time, spent in-game defeating enemies and thwarting evil plans, the characters advance in powers, gain levels and are gradually pushed out of their beginner zones into the bigger game-world.
If a character at Lv10 can street-hunt by itself at 5pm, but is repeatedly defeated at 5:30pm because all the enemies in the neighbourhood have all of a sudden become mighty Lv15's, then the game loses an element that most games require to be enjoyable by most people which is: Relative Predictability.
Your suggestion, Hermit, will eventually lead to some people becoming disappointed with the game because they cannot by themselves stop the growth of "crime", and cannot raise enough Heroes to join them in the effort of defeating the crimewave, and since their characters would be low-level Heroes, eventually they will not have any zones to migrate to and continue playing there.
Your suggestion may be suitable and seems to function in games that are designed with the GameWorld concept from square one, but CoX was designed with mission-instances at heart and so street-hunting as a concept is not as integral to the game as you may hope.
I'd also like to add that the concept of Superheroes going out and dishing their own brand of justice in the streets isn't something you see in most comic books or movies apart from sporadic scenes, usually in the beginning of the piece. Superheroes eventually progress beyond the common thieves, bankrobbers and purse-snatchers and move on to global threats the government didn't even know existed.
As you've summed it up quite potently:
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
Well LordXenite, I have already acknowledged that the advancement of mobs are no longer feasable as all others have pointed out already what you pointed out again.
No increase in levels of mobs, although an increase in rank.
I have been on enough sewer Team in Atlas from level 3 to level 10 fighting mobs that are no more than 3 levels above us. And even sometimes ventured down the sewers solo until I hit a mob that my particular AT and Level Power can no longer surmount.
Of course the latter is no longer an issue since I have long acknowledged that most players really need their "safe zone". Where all you fight is "white" colored mobs relative to one's power "level".
If that is the majority of the players, It is then again acknowledged that advancing mobs to even the prior suggestion of max 3 levels higher than the default block level cannot and will not be implemented by the Devs, thats their decision.
I have already pointed out that the whole need not be taken, it can be taken apart, even to the point that the only thing interacting will only be at the cosmetic level of the map.
And as I have said before, I would still like to see a door becoming active to house a boss or elite boss that can be taken down to reduce the mobs to thug(minion) level etc.. now the elite boss need not be any higher than the current level for those panzies that can't even take an orange colored thug or find help to beat the thug.
Now the elite boss, isn't walking around outside the streets or a parking lot like the minions or some boss are, he or she is inside, where no noob can bump into him unless he foolishly went into the active door which should be surrounded by the default leveled mob that inhabits that area.
Not a reply to anyone in particular, but there's one small bit of wisdom you have to remember when suggesting any new type of "event." Never design your events with the notion that people will come to participate in them. People will not. As such, never design your events with penalties for not taking part in them. People won't take part, then suffer the consequeces and become dissatisfied with the game.
No-one likes being forced upkeep and maintenance and no-one likes being punished for not taking part in something he doesn't like. Design your events with consequnces that are either entirely cosmetic or entirely based on rewards If players succeed, reward them. If players fail, do nothing. Under no circumstances should you punish them.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Not a reply to anyone in particular, but there's one small bit of wisdom you have to remember when suggesting any new type of "event." Never design your events with the notion that people will come to participate in them. People will not. As such, never design your events with penalties for not taking part in them. People won't take part, then suffer the consequeces and become dissatisfied with the game.
No-one likes being forced upkeep and maintenance and no-one likes being punished for not taking part in something he doesn't like. Design your events with consequnces that are either entirely cosmetic or entirely based on rewards If players succeed, reward them. If players fail, do nothing. Under no circumstances should you punish them. |
I hear ya, Samuel.
I felt my suggestion wouldnt force anyone, but after the point everyone brought up, the leveling up of the mobs outside the streets and parking lots, I have admitted, will force lowlevs to face a much more difficult path of higher level mobs.
So I guess a compromise to just making mobs get promoted to the next hierarchy, and eventually spawn an Elite Boss door complete with map, that any player need not entertain along with cosmetic changes to the environment.
Only by arresting the Elite boss, returns the environment to its former state.
Skipping killing the Elite Boss in the public instance that is active, will maintain the environmental changes that signify territorial claim of the mobs, and mobs will just respawn normally.
so there is no forcing anyone to fight these mobs as they are the mobs you see regularly, just that there will be more LTs and or Bosses, but they will maintain the level of that areas default mob range and of course lastly, the environmental changes to the vicinity.
The numbers of the mob won't increase merely promotion, and maybe 1 out of 10 mobs become a boss. Again, still the same level, no level increases.
Im going to say now that frankly I didnt read all the posts so if I repeat something already said please inform me. (Please keep in mind that my following ideas are just ideas, so what Im saying is, please someone dont go off on a rant and say how ignorant I am or something like that.)
I love the idea of dynamic content. I've been thinking about it and I would love it if the things you do in the game will actually make a difference. Not just like Recluses Victory, where no matter the outcome, nothing changes. Like(this may sound drastic but its only an example)if there is no one that protects a zone from a rikti raid then that zone will become like faultline, and be damaged. Something like this would just be awesome and make the game feel less like,"Ok the goal was to get to 50 and I got to 50...now what?" It would give the game an overall goal that would be, tohelp things change for the best.
Im going to say now that frankly I didnt read all the posts so if I repeat something already said please inform me. (Please keep in mind that my following ideas are just ideas, so what Im saying is, please someone dont go off on a rant and say how ignorant I am or something like that.)
I love the idea of dynamic content. I've been thinking about it and I would love it if the things you do in the game will actually make a difference. Not just like Recluses Victory, where no matter the outcome, nothing changes. Like(this may sound drastic but its only an example)if there is no one that protects a zone from a rikti raid then that zone will become like faultline, and be damaged. Something like this would just be awesome and make the game feel less like,"Ok the goal was to get to 50 and I got to 50...now what?" It would give the game an overall goal that would be, tohelp things change for the best. |
Yet again, never design events, systems or mechanics based on the belief that people will show up and participate. They won't. Most definitely do not design such with consequences for people not showing up. When people don't show up and then suffer consequences, they will be pissed off for having their game be ruined by circumstances beyond their control. Absolutely, positively never design anything that requires players at large to log in, participate and maintain a status quo or risk massive deterioration of play conditions. Even the people who keep showing up will eventually get bored and things WILL go to hell. No-one likes playing upkeep and maintenance.
Gameplay comes first and foremost in absolutely every aspect of the game, because it it sucks to play, nothing else really matters.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Yea, I agree with your point Samuel. I just want something where the actions we do actually amount to something.
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
I posted a suggestion very similar to this in reply to a question on the EU forums about a sense of achievement in the game:
great minds and fools etc..
anyway, I honestly think it would work, and work quite well. Players could get custom bosses/EBs/AVs and really feel like they've helped out. For those saying that the mobs would be too high a level for lowbies, they wouldnt be if you restricted them to +1 or +2 the Zone max (and having the mission locations make sense would help too!).
anyway, have a read and i hope it helps you level a bump or two in your own thinking and maybe findd a solution to the contra arguments. The basic idea is linked above and it gets fleshed out a bit more as argumetns are made for and against it in the rest of the thread (only 2 pages).
Consequences for actions are cool and all, but consequences for INACTION are a terrible, horrible idea. One of the cool things about this game is that you don't HAVE to do anything. You can streethunt, you can do missions, you can work on costumes or you can just sit under the Atlas Statue and watch who passes by. I have a friend who likes to do a lot of just that. So if I had, say, a hunt in a zone that, via player inaction, had become a Hazard Zone and had spawn sizes far too big for me to handle alone, whereas I could have handled what the zone had otherwise, I'm not going to find myself thinking "Oh, cool, this is so interactive!" but rather "Well this sucks. I guess I'll have to drop that mission."
Yet again, never design events, systems or mechanics based on the belief that people will show up and participate. They won't. Most definitely do not design such with consequences for people not showing up. When people don't show up and then suffer consequences, they will be pissed off for having their game be ruined by circumstances beyond their control. Absolutely, positively never design anything that requires players at large to log in, participate and maintain a status quo or risk massive deterioration of play conditions. Even the people who keep showing up will eventually get bored and things WILL go to hell. No-one likes playing upkeep and maintenance. Gameplay comes first and foremost in absolutely every aspect of the game, because it it sucks to play, nothing else really matters. |
This is why I love RV. After a set amount of time the zone resets. Such would be the case with all zone changes. As long as the players are effecting the number and types of mobs in the open, the zone are in constant flux, if not the zone simply resets.
"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."
Yea, I agree with your point Samuel. I just want something where the actions we do actually amount to something.
Here's an interesting idea, though - why not make these differences personal? For the sake of retaining status quo, let's put in a toggle at the difficulty NPC that says something like "I'm interested in the long term/The here and now matters the most" that switches between these "consequences" appearing or not. Then, if you beat up enough on a gang, say, instances that feature them start having bigger spawns and occasionally people who talk about you. Maybe you occasionally get outdoor ambushes, maybe you even get special missions where you go to the door your waypoint is showing, but it isn't the mission your contact gave you but an ambush. I'm really not putting a lot of effort into coming up with examples because I'm more interested in the general idea of things that matter TO YOU.
I'm not sure if this doesn't defeat the purpose of making things matter if the only way other people can see them is if you invite them specifically, but that's honestly the only kind of "consequences" I'd be willing to accept, anyway. While I must admit it is interesting to play in a living world that is shaped by the actions of others as a general concept, the reality of such a world isn't nearly as glamorous, and by and large results in frustration and anger, because people will never make the world better, only worse. And I don't log into this game looking for a challenge.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I've thought about something similar to this for quite a while. The way to handle it would be to make the changes in city zones transparent to the casual player. Someone up thread made the comparison to RV, and that's a real good one.
What I'd suggest is that hero's efforts to "clean up the streets" simply create a power vacuum, and other groups OF THE SAME DIFFICULTY LEVEL move in to capitalize on the situation. They have the technology already on hand to do some fairly sophisticated things in that regard.
We already know they track total defeats of the various groups. We also know from the invasions that they can switch out what groups appear on the maps, though that of course is considerably different from changing the "default" spawn of a city neighborhood. Still, it shows that the notion is possible.
The notion of tracking the TOTAL defeats by all heroes of a given villain group since, say, the last server reset, and using that to determine how common they are at a given point, would make the city zones a lot more dynamic. If, say, Skulls took over if Hellions became rare, most of the objections I've seen would be somewhat alleviated. You definitely don't want to change the difficulty levels of the zones, but you could do something along those lines without changing the balance much.
If you REALLY wanted to be neat about it, you could have the appropriate contacts able to give you information about who is strong in each neighborhood, or zone. And maybe the police stations could have a situation room similar to the map in RV, as I believe someone has already suggested. Would help give a feel for heroes in touch with the streets. (grin)
It would also be very cool to have red-side missions to affect the strength of the various groups. If you wanted to be really subtle, you could just have existing red-side missions reinforce blue-side villains, and vice versa as appropriate. If you wanted to get really fancy you could have dialog added to the groups to indicate WHICH hero/villain helped them out. Or cut them down to size, for that matter, we already see citizens reacting to mission outcomes, it might be possible to make villains do something similar.
All in all, some sort of system like this would vastly increase immersion. You could have various villain groups bitterly complaining about the inroads made on their turf and business by some hero, or the great help rendered their cause by some villain. (Reverse as appropriate.) The actions of players would noticeably change things, without affecting the overall game world situation that much. You'd have to be careful to make the minimum presence of each group large enough to not make hunts diffcult, but that would not be so tough.
Hunter's Forty-Sixth Rule: If your head explodes, you were thinking too much, otherwise you shouldn't worry about the possibility.

I like the basic idea, it could be a nice change for streetsweeping and such. How about having different tiers for the changes though.
tier 1 - enemies have a 50% chance of spawning 1 level higher
tier 2 - enemies in this area have a 75% chance of spawning one level higher or a 50% chance of spawning one rank higher
tier 3 - enemies in this area always spawn 1 level higher but have a 25% chance of two levels higher or 75% chance of 1 rank increase
(these are just some quickly, and poorly, made examples for tiers just to get the basic idea across)
basically it would take a certain amount of time for each progression, and you could also cap the highest tier based upon the zone. For instance Atlas could only go up to tier 1.
And to give us the rewards that samuel suggested how about a zone security specialist for each zone that would keep track of the enemies you defeat in zone and assign points based on your level, the enemies level, the tier of the area, etc. You could then trade in the points that he has on record for you for enhancements, small amounts of merits, inspirations, etc.
Here's a suggestion cause frankly, City of Heroes doesn't make any sense.
Perplexed by the notion that City of Heroes is filled with Gangs and Crime at every turn when there are tons of heroes afoot, it simply is an absurdity.
So after having a good discussion with my fellow gamers came up with a suggestion that could make City of Heroes really interesting and alive.
Break up each zone into quadrants or blocks. Heroes from Atlas to Peregrine or any other zones must maintain to arrest all criminals, even if theyre' way below theyre level, for if a certain mob count persist for a certain amount of time, depending on the mobs that inhabit, i.e. Hellions, Crey, blah blah blah, these blocks will suddenly evolve to meet and express the character of such particular mobs.
Meaning, if it were the simpleton mobs like Skulls, Grafitti will become more apparent, kind of like stages, if each stage stands unabated by the culling of said mobs, more changes will come, even Bosses will start to become more prominent, then the levels of the mob will increase beyond the level of that zone or block, buildings with doors will suddenly become active to house territory bosses. Bosses that must be taken out to cull the decay of that block.
Likewise for another example, if Crey is left to its own devices due to all the other distraction, Crey starts to post their private militia, and set up in one of the buildings, Crey signs will takeover a mock company building, etc etc,.
This way at least these mobs that all these superheroes that have gone beyond the level of the mobs in a particular zone will have consequences, for these mobs can grow in power to potentially halt the leveling of low levels Noobs..lol
now that would really be something..
Now, talk amongst yourselves. Go on go on, discuss.
TheHermit hath spoken!