Water as a floor surface
Slow Fields are what are generally used to create a "water" effect in bases. They're a crafted base item, from the Tier 1 workbench as I recall (might be Tier 2, not sure). Once you've got them crafted, you can place them in any "Defensive" room. For pools and such, drop the floor level, change style (can't recall the exact style name, but it has "pebble" in the name), color it a shade of blue, then float the Slow Field above the floor using a desk or floor safe. Remove the desk/safe and voila, you have a pool.
You can't walk on the Slow Fields obviously, but if you want the "walk on water" effect, you could try raising the Slow Field just above the level of the existing floor and styling/coloring it to suit the effect you want.
Hope that helps some.
Hmm, I'm pretty sure what I saw was a texture or other floor option, rather than a slow fields. I have seen slow fields, and they don't look like the "water" I saw in some bases.
In order to get the "water" look from slow fields, you need to float them above the floor. Otherwise they just look like normal slow fields.
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
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Do you mean the water, as in this picture? You use the slow fields as stated above. You can see them pretty clearly. I roleplay them as flushed toilet pucks - we do have a sewer base, after all.
Just float them with desks or whatever...it works, and looks very cool. I kind of overdid it, but this was the only picture I have.
Areyu, did you use the tech version or arcane? I made an arcane slow field in response to having an arcane looking base, but the marker for the center of the slow field is visibly floating in the middle. Any way to avoid that? I noticed in your pic it wasn't visible. Also, to cover such a wide area, did you use many slow fields or is there a type that's just bigger then one base floor square unit?
Areyu, did you use the tech version or arcane? I made an arcane slow field in response to having an arcane looking base, but the marker for the center of the slow field is visibly floating in the middle. Any way to avoid that? I noticed in your pic it wasn't visible.
(And it only cover one 'square' of the base.)
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... there are two more on either side of it, but their centers are far enough off not to be in the pic.

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Areyu, did you use the tech version or arcane? I made an arcane slow field in response to having an arcane looking base, but the marker for the center of the slow field is visibly floating in the middle. Any way to avoid that? I noticed in your pic it wasn't visible.
For the floor that looks like water, I couldn't get it to look good enough to me - until I put some dirt piles on it. Then it looked like water with islands. I suppose the dirt, standing out as it does, draws the eye so you don't see the unnatural regularity of the 'water' as clearly. Other placeable items should have the same effect to one degree or another.
I made a slow field using the mid-level forge. I can't find it to place it, though.
I went into a security corridor I made awhile ago (don't have a proper room which would be "Deathtrap" or "Stronghold"). In that room, it doesn't show up in either arcane or tech defense.
I tried other tabs with functional items, battery, items of power, both tech and arcane. Not there.
I even checked the descriptions of everything under "arcane defense" as I made it with an arcane forge, just in case the name was something different. But none match a "slow" field, though there is a repulsor and force field, neither of which sound like they'd slow based on their descriptions.
So where is it? Or do I need one of the two real defense rooms? Or some other room?
"Hey! You knocked generic cola all over your precious D20 books!"
ED: Now I know how Nancy Kerrigan felt: "Why...?!? Why...?!?"
Like all other crafted items for bases, it is placed as a personal item, not in the actual base editor.
Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank)) Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.> Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds)) |
Oh, like a vet reward decoration!
"Hey! You knocked generic cola all over your precious D20 books!"
ED: Now I know how Nancy Kerrigan felt: "Why...?!? Why...?!?"
Or the telepads in your base, yes.
Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank)) Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.> Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds)) |
One different way to create a very water-like effect that I've found is to apply a slow field over the "Dingy" floor surface. This will create an almost chrome-like surface that you can actually see reflections in.
Using the "Dingy 2" floor surface accomplishes the same effect, but with slight ripples in it... useful for "moving water" surfaces.
None of the other floor surfaces act like this.
Aww.. I thought I was done with our base.. But this I got to try. Also.. Have anyone else found that the distance the slow fields are raised above the floor makes a difference? I think my once 'notch' on the accent lamp doesn't really work.
The Kickers base.
Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
-Groucho Marx
Post some pics of your final results! I'm sure we'd all like to see them!
Its so funny how me, Vivian, and Jack coment in every base thread
I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.
We're base hounds.
I've sometimes seen sections of floors in base pics that look like water. I think I stumbled on how to do it once in my base a few months ago, but I can't seem to find the combination to recreate it. Can anyone tell me how to create a "water" floor in a section of my base?