Removal of mobs that don't make sense
Id like to see the removal of the entire MA, im sick of all the whiners it produces and rubbish storys. The issue is epic fail tbh.
Just because you don't like those mobs is no reason to remove them for everyone else. For all you know there may be people who love those mobs over any other.
Just because you don't like those mobs is no reason to remove them for everyone else. For all you know there may be people who love those mobs over any other.
Just because you don't like those mobs is no reason to remove them for everyone else. For all you know there may be people who love those mobs over any other.
Just because you don't like those mobs is no reason to remove them for everyone else. For all you know there may be people who love those mobs over any other.
Just because you don't like those mobs is no reason to remove them for everyone else. For all you know there may be people who love those mobs over any other.
I think you need to say it front of a mirror to make it work...

Hello, just a quick suggestion based on the 5 farms I've been invited to so far this week (despite saying clearly in search that I didn't want a part of it).
I would like to see the removal of all Hamidon-related mobs (i.e. Mitochondria, etc).
I don't see why they're in there.
They serve no purpose.
Family at 40-54 also make no sense to me. Yes there's one mission later on set in 'Family World' but that's it.
That is all.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ho Ho!!! ~ Did you post that and then bend over waiting for me to read it?!
How about we don't remove the mobs the YOU don't like, because this whole blinking game is about pleasing YOU! isn't it !!
So before you jump up and down in a hissyfit why don't you check your not going to stamp on people's toes before you do so.
How would you like a suggestion that says remove whatever it is that you enjoy in the game...
I have a suggestion for you, but this is a family game and I would probably be banned if I posted it.
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
I would like to see the removal of all Hamidon-related mobs (i.e. Mitochondria, etc).
I don't see why they're in there.
They serve no purpose.
Family at 40-54 also make no sense to me. Yes there's one mission later on set in 'Family World' but that's it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Purpose and need for certain mobs varies from one person to another, even if just for authors writing story arcs as the devs intended.
But the Hamidon related mobs are odd in that they are supposedly oversized organelles of a single-celled organism (Hami). As such I don't think they can survive outside the cell and shouldn't exist as seperate entities that can be placed without a full Hamidon.
But even there, I don't really have a problem with leaving them in - though they really should have seperate rewards table/scale for use in MA so that risk/reward can be balanced for mobs appearing in odd situations (e.g. to drop/remove the Hami organelle rewards in MA whilst leaving them as is in the dev content).
BTW - thinking like the OP that lead to the removal/reintroduction/re-removal of Prisoners that really messed one of my arcs about. I flat out object to the removal of assets once introduced, when they can be left in for story-telling but have the rewards cut/removed. This is a computer game, the rewards are just data. Setting up a seperate reward scale/rate for MA is not an impossible task.
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
I'm with JD on this. Leave the mobs in but give them a reward in the MA which reflects the challenge they pose to the average character at that level
This would have an added bonus, you could therotically allow other enemies to appear above their normal level range since you could balance their rewards accordingly.
So if a story-teller wanted level 45 Hellions in the MA you could permit it since their reward would be basically 0.
I'd also strip the rewards of Mitos, give them their attack from level 1 on and give them a horrible long lasting debuff (like the Vashok Wasting Disease), just to give people a shock post-patch
Hello, just a quick suggestion based on the 5 farms I've been invited to so far this week (despite saying clearly in search that I didn't want a part of it).
I would like to see the removal of all Hamidon-related mobs (i.e. Mitochondria, etc).
I don't see why they're in there.
They serve no purpose.
Family at 40-54 also make no sense to me. Yes there's one mission later on set in 'Family World' but that's it.
That is all.
[/ QUOTE ]
That is not at all accurate. Suppose people want eden based maps with escaped mitos say? How about suggesting they alter the rewards? Not like that wouldn't make sense. Surely you like many were whining when the devs removed something you considered to be fun foes like the vast MAJORITY of those who make AE arcs were. I was very annoyed when they removed certain Mothership Rikti as it ruined flow of one of my mishes, yet when they modified the comms officers everyone hailed it as a good thing - which idea makes more sense and annoys fewer people and screws less up for the playerbase? If the devs keep removing the farm flavour of the week we wont have any [self censored] mobs left!!! Will that make you or anyone else happy?
And your comment about the high range Family is horrendously innacurate. The family show up on a number of high-lvl arcs villain side. The TV arc being a major one, or how about the large number of St Martial arcs with them? Especially as there is additional story there and the untapped potential of teh Family World you mention.
This is epicly /UNSIGNED
They still need to give us back stuff they cut out.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Hello, just a quick suggestion based on the 5 farms I've been invited to so far this week (despite saying clearly in search that I didn't want a part of it).
I would like to see the removal of all Hamidon-related mobs (i.e. Mitochondria, etc).
I don't see why they're in there.
They serve no purpose.
Family at 40-54 also make no sense to me. Yes there's one mission later on set in 'Family World' but that's it.
That is all.