Baracuda SF

Blue Rabbit



What i don't understand is how we took him down so fast, i'd say around 10minutes from full health to dead.

We literally just piled on him, and kicked the living [censored] outt the guy. Some of us didn't have the temp buffs either as they wore off.

We had 3 brutes an 2 rads which i think we're the main advantage, the me on a NW an a dark MM an a dark corr.

He tp'd off twice an went an got his buffs, but other than that it was easy.

Tbh it was the eaiest part. We took ages finding and working out how to get the glowies. In the end we tp'd into the corner at the side of stage, an we pulled him in an ganked.

i enjoyed it, an the constant ambushes we're no issues as they didn't come into the room when we we're killing him.

I enjoyed it, great team, great players, was a pick up team lead by myself, true CoV team spirit, no d/cd no quitters all good

Effy On Hot Sauce Fire/Cold Corr
Effy On Hot Chilli Fire/Dark Corr
Effy On Heat FM/SD Before FoTM
Effy Unleashed DP/EN Blaster 1st 50 @ Union



The prob we had was the ambushes were unrelenting as we couldn't even walk back in the mish after our wipe as they never stopped coming. Ironically when we were fighting Reichs he was actually getting really hurt BAD. But the ambushes overwhelmed us and we never had a chance to recover for about an hour. We spent more time on that than the whole of the rest.

I also noticed no matter what every single time 3 people came out of nowhere and attacked each person - every time. This was ontop of the ambush waves. And there were lots of dubiously dodgy things on it. I noticed the acc and dmg of the 5th was insanely high; I was being mez'd by a single vamp lieut while in domi(!); certain 5th bosses wouldn't mez even with several holds stacked with domi on; and the spawns seemed to far exceed the aggro capping. I counted 10 ambushes just when we were fighting Reich in final room!

And while I like the idea of the TF being made to need ideally 1 of each AT, pigeon-holing the roles is just [insert expletive of choice] idiotic!!! Now more than ever teams are going to be finicky about what they have and all that for 20 merits.

Up until the final cluster-**** by the 5th ambushes this was actually unanimously one of the most fun TFs anyone on my team had ever done and it was tarnished by frankly poor testing and weak mechanics used. When ya factor all the ambushes from the AVs, the continaul running around for them, then fighting Reich and his armada it just felt like an MA mish with just too much going on and too little thought. Especially as there had been some nice unique things in the 4 earlier mishes.

I also wondered why the prior 4 mishes were so ludicrously easy by comparison. Hell we defeated Ms Lib in under 30 secs on 1st mish! Yet 3 normal 5th foes deal more dmg and are a greater threat than one of the games big heroes on the finale!

This was a great TF tarnished by blatantly poor testing - given the lack of info from customer service yesterday, breaking the french and german servers, and frankly lacklustre additions make i15 one of the biggest dissapointments to date.

Such a shame as the 5th TFs would have been ideal as part of a massive content upgrade ala they did with the Rikti. How hard would it have been to add the Axis Earth!?!

That said tonight I intend to rip Reichsman to tiny, tiny pieces for what he did to us last night for no other reason than principle now!



As somebody said before the MM's temp power doesn't do a thing, so if you got MM's ... dooom...

Proud member of Blaze of the Immortals (Heroes) and leader of F.O.E (villains)

Plumber, Ice Desert Girl, Doc Goodheart, Banana Machoman, Pavattone, Penguin Shark, Sting like a Bee

Bricklayer, Savage Dentist, Fruit Cocktail, H. Yashida, Shesinellek



Did the blueside one in 59:16 with a great team last night, and we all had a blast doing it.

Then went to do the redside one. Again it was a good team, proper mix of ATs, all decent good players.

Got to the last mish on about an hour in. Total Strike Force time? 3 hours 7 minutes.

Two hours we spent trying to put Reichsman down, mainly due to that damn MM Debuff that doesn't seem to have any reliable cause/effect on Reichsman. You hit him with it while he's unbreakable/phased? "Unaffected". Hit him with it while he's taking hits normally? He pops Unbreakable a few seconds later and all you get is "unaffected" for a while. If there's a specific time you're meant to hit him, or a specific cue, there's no way of seeing it and I really don't know what it is. (was playing one of the two MMs on team, btw)

We did eventually get him, but I really just don't know what we did differently. Maybe he just got bored too and gave up before we did?

[/ QUOTE ]

That was awesome, thanks again for a great TF'ing team!!

I also enjoyed the chat about Mr Reichs looking like a certain someone.....


I'm not changing this signature until I'm proclaimed 'King of the World'.



All I can say about the redside SF is: bring some lubricant, it's going to hurt.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Some info from HQ:

Hi, I’m Bruce Harlick, aka Horatio, the guy who was in charge of the Reichsman Task Force and Strike Force. Thank you for the comments and feedback on the TF & SF. I’d like to take the opportunity to respond to some of them and let you know our some of our intended responses.

To start, there is a difference in the challenge of the final fight in the SF and TF. The TF fight is much trickier and takes longer. We didn’t address that when assigning the initial merit values for the SF. We will be increasing the merit award for the Strike Force to 30 merits later this week. As time goes by and we collect more data on how long it takes groups to complete these arcs, we’ll likely be adjusting the merit rewards further.

There seems to be some confusion as to the use of the dimensional ground ray in the final fight of the Task Force. Before Reichsman’s hit by the ray, he is in a phased state and is running a rather nasty debuffing aura. When he is hit by the ray, it “grounds out” some of his power and he returns to a normal state and his aura is shut down. This will persist for the duration of the fight. The dimensional grounding ray isn’t intended to be used at specific points in the fight; it should be used early on, and one hit will do.

On the villain side of things, our intent was to try to do something a bit different for the end fight. As has been previously stated, we wanted to do a “gadget” fight; something that was more than just hit the bad guy until he fell over. And we wanted to encourage teams to include different ATs, to help shake up some standard team compositions. Certainly, the end fight is more difficult without having each of the appropriate ATs on the team, but it is still doable. Each of the temp powers is intended to make stages of the fight easier. There is no one “golden solution” to solving the fight; by including some or all of the ATs that can take advantage of the various temp powers, you can approach this battle using different tactics.

The Mastermind temp power is not working at this time; Castle has fixed that, but his fix did not go out with the release due to some build issues. This power should be working in a patch this week.

Switching voices, I am aware of the canon issues with the story. The problems are purely my fault; when I came up with the original flow for the story I was under some mistaken impressions on some events in the game’s history. While I did make some adjustments to the story due to the feedback from the training room, I didn’t get all the details nailed down as best I could. Due to a tight translation deadline, I was unable to get final text passes into the build that was going to the Live servers, but rest assured I’ll be doing my best to address them over the next week or so to bring the story of Reichsman’s return in line with the existing history of the 5th Column.

I’ll certainly be reading this (and the other) threads for any other comments you have on the issue. Please feel free to PM me with your comments and concerns if you’d like. I’ll do my best to respond to them in a timely fashion.

[/ QUOTE ]

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork






Good to hear. Thank you for copy pasting that GG

Proud member of Blaze of the Immortals (Heroes) and leader of F.O.E (villains)

Plumber, Ice Desert Girl, Doc Goodheart, Banana Machoman, Pavattone, Penguin Shark, Sting like a Bee

Bricklayer, Savage Dentist, Fruit Cocktail, H. Yashida, Shesinellek



You're welcome

[/ QUOTE ]


Maybe its all the dreaming of animated hair or anger at the world not being fair to females that clouded your search-fu

Getting slow in your old age

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



succesfully completed the new TF yesterday, in 2:00:10

BUT we just disbanded the SF, cuz we couldn't take down Reichsman
ppl tell me some of the temp powers are bugged?



No, but I expect Reichsman to have his regen tinkered with in the next patch, It does seem a little extreme.

I have beaten him twice on 2 runs of that TF, the first fight took a long looooong time, the second team we had a squishier setup and had 3 defenders, a troller, two scrappys and two Tanks and we tore into the Reichsman, tearing him a new one in record time.
Until it is fixed, De-buffs Shivs and Vanguard Heavys are the friends of any team having a problem with the regen.



Read up fella, if you had a MM on your team then yes, there are a few bugs on this, one being the fact the MM debuff temps powers dont currently work. But I did lol when I saw his health 250k + that guy has more health than jesus.

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



There seems to be some confusion as to the use of the dimensional ground ray in the final fight of the Task Force. Before Reichsman’s hit by the ray, he is in a phased state and is running a rather nasty debuffing aura. When he is hit by the ray, it “grounds out” some of his power and he returns to a normal state and his aura is shut down. This will persist for the duration of the fight. The dimensional grounding ray isn’t intended to be used at specific points in the fight; it should be used early on, and one hit will do.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats all well and good, but the questions on everyones lips over the last two nights have been:

# Is it bad decorum to crack jokes about 'not crossing the streams' mid-fight..

# Why does the sfx for the grounding ray sound like you have a bad case of The Trots.



the TF fight from yesterday was epic, actually a decent slugathon I have to say, but the HP + regen is a tad extreme.

As for the SF, I'm suprised that the MM bug made it this far, but will happily do the SF again when its fixed!!!

Really enjoyed both to be honest, always like having new TF's added!

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide



There seems to be some confusion as to the use of the dimensional ground ray in the final fight of the Task Force. Before Reichsman’s hit by the ray, he is in a phased state and is running a rather nasty debuffing aura. When he is hit by the ray, it “grounds out” some of his power and he returns to a normal state and his aura is shut down. This will persist for the duration of the fight. The dimensional grounding ray isn’t intended to be used at specific points in the fight; it should be used early on, and one hit will do.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats all well and good, but the questions on everyones lips over the last two nights have been:

# Is it bad decorum to crack jokes about 'not crossing the streams' mid-fight..

# Why does the sfx for the grounding ray sound like you have a bad case of The Trots.

[/ QUOTE ]

Bad decorum? hell no, I would say its actually a requirement - even more so, more lines must be quoted such as when entering the room, all rifles unloaded and quoted " Doh - Ray - EGON!" "This b***h is TOAST!" etc etc.

Remember ML its more a sin to *not* quote classic movie references, you of all should know that.

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"




# Is it bad decorum to crack jokes about 'not crossing the streams' mid-fight..

[/ QUOTE ]

Not at all. During the TF the other night, Mrs ? was playing her music selection on W. media player, and up pops Ghostbusters in the middle of the final battle.



They didn't get it out for the 5th ani, and then they still release it with a major bug and story-telling that's off the beaten path so far, and even inform us about it, and bring down the french and german servers.

Someone clearly gave the green light for this too early.

On a side note: Personally I didn't mind the SF being a struggle, but I did however find the endless hordes a tad pointless, sort of like Valkyrie MoGing in RSF. Doesn't really add anything but frustration. Also I do like that the villain version is harder. Oviously the devs are giving us some credit for our über skills!

Also I didn't get a purple drop and haven't for some time, which made me even crankier!



Yeah, been ages since I had a purple drop meself

I kinda like the masses of mobs though; IMO, the only thing better than beating on fascists is bearing on a feck-ton of fascists. I'm also grateful that the big room o' doom aside, the map's all caves, which nicely groups up all those pesky fascists for AoE goodness (and massively reduces the annoyance factor of KB). But I completely understand how peoples' mileage on that issue can vary...

Cancelled in Three - MA ID #34608. Please play and comment! Top 10 placing in Projectionist's MA contest!



Yeah, been ages since I had a purple drop meself

I kinda like the masses of mobs though; IMO, the only thing better than beating on fascists is bearing on a feck-ton of fascists. I'm also grateful that the big room o' doom aside, the map's all caves, which nicely groups up all those pesky fascists for AoE goodness (and massively reduces the annoyance factor of KB). But I completely understand how peoples' mileage on that issue can vary...

[/ QUOTE ]

Please tell me you're Irish, that's the most Irish sounding post I've read around here in yonks. I'm sitting here in an office in Dublin, bored, and the "feck-ton of fascists" really made me grin.



Read up fella, if you had a MM on your team then yes, there are a few bugs on this, one being the fact the MM debuff temps powers dont currently work. But I did lol when I saw his health 250k + that guy has more health than jesus.

[/ QUOTE ]

yeah, we had 2 MM's onboard (i was one of'm)

the TF fight from yesterday was epic, actually a decent slugathon I have to say, but the HP + regen is a tad extreme.

As for the SF, I'm suprised that the MM bug made it this far, but will happily do the SF again when its fixed!!!

Really enjoyed both to be honest, always like having new TF's added!

[/ QUOTE ]

yes, yesterday was epic indeed
too bad we finished just 15 seconds over 2 hours
enjoyed it very much !
and Golden Brown kept my very much amused



Love the new SF, only thing I have to grumble about is only a small thing but i'm not liking the rumble sound effect in the 1st mish inside city hall, not sure if others are experiencing it as well but I have to turn my speakers right down due to the annoying noise.

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt