The Happy Birthday thread




Thanks very much all

Getting very auld indeed. Half my 30s are gone! I had them a minute ago and as soon as I turn my back whoosh, half of them disappear!

Stupid chronoton particles. Give me back my yoof!



A happy birthday to you, Carni, and many happy returns.



No the 30s last for ever, or they better do

Happy ageing day old man

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



I'm planning not to age a second over 35. Not that that age is going to happen any time soon, I mean, what with me being only 3... I mean, 24. Yes, 24, that's what I meant.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Happy Big Day Carnifax!

So in 15 years you'd be 50? 15 years ago was when Forrest Gump came out! Not long till 50 then.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



please tell me, you were cultivating a nice hangover.

Happy Birthday - irrespective.



Many Happy Returns to an X4 Cruiserweight Champion...

Happy Birthday Spag_Bol !



Happy birthday to everyone thusfar mentioned whose birthday it's been but I didn't give good wishes to due to having no excuses!



Happy Birthday Tsumiju Zero! - hope you've had a great time Tsu.



Happy Birthday Spag Bol

[/ QUOTE ]

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



cheers Mumsy and GG

had a great day, especially having spent some of it sticking sharp objects into various 5th column troops ;D

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide



Happy birthday all fellow crabs!

(the star sign, not the AT).



Happy Birthday to me

Just posting to see if get a cake by my name, i will be eating it myself, so nobody ask for any

Ha I got cake, it's mine all mine

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



Happy Birthday Slaz! Can I have some crumbs then?



Sorry using cellotape on myself as we speak to gather all the crumbs and make a little cake to eat again

Cheers for the Happy Birthday though Thorny

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



Sorry using cellotape on myself as we speak to gather all the crumbs and make a little cake to eat again

Cheers for the Happy Birthday though Thorny

[/ QUOTE ]

Ooo neat idea, mind if I use it in the future? And your welcome matey.



You get a cake at the side? Woa Happy birthday :P



Happy b-day Slaz!

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit