MA Competition




The competition: To write a poem about MA

The prize: bragging rights?

How to enter: just post your MA poem here.

here is a couple of examples

There once was a guy doing MA
He used it to powerlevel all day
His bars went up so fast
He just went storming past
Until the devs banned him and he had to find a new game to play

When they gave us this Architect
Our gaming was totally wrecked
We farmed all day
Drove players away
and made positron positvely vexed

Now you guys have a go :P

It's now Issue 21 and I am back!
My new Global is @Zyhar
Currently enjoying the Exalted Server!



Would haikus be ok?

[/ QUOTE ]

any poem about MA is great.

I just think it'll be a laugh to raise peoples spirits after MA annoyed soo many people.

It's now Issue 21 and I am back!
My new Global is @Zyhar
Currently enjoying the Exalted Server!



Hi Ho, Hi Ho
Its off to farm we go!
we'll use MA
its the quickest way!
Hi Ho, Hi Ho

Hi Ho, Hi Ho
level 50s with no badges start to show
they never left the starting zone
and they make most of the players moan
Hi Ho, Hi Ho

Hi Ho, Hi Ho
I could have got from 1 to 50 in the time its taken to write this you know
but the last sentence was too long
and it ruined my song
Hi Ho, Hi Ho

It's now Issue 21 and I am back!
My new Global is @Zyhar
Currently enjoying the Exalted Server!



Lol like it Heyman.

I once had a badge called The Chosen one
But the devs removed it along with a few dozen
I can no longer brag or Show Off
But at least I still have Payoff



Another song ftw

If you want a 50 fast
there's only one thing to do
Run an MA Farm team
and burn some holes in your shoe

You'll then need some knew socks
because your feet start to smell
but leveling that quick
you will just think "oh well"

anyway those last lines
really made no sence
but while some 50s run around
i can sit at the mission entrance

So while my xp is coming
i have nothing else to do
apart from sit here on the forums
and write these pointless songs for you

It's now Issue 21 and I am back!
My new Global is @Zyhar
Currently enjoying the Exalted Server!



Hi Ho, Hi Ho
Its off to farm we go!
we'll use MA
its the quickest way!
Hi Ho, Hi Ho

Hi Ho, Hi Ho
level 50s with no badges start to show
they never left the starting zone
and they make most of the players moan
Hi Ho, Hi Ho

Hi Ho, Hi Ho
I could have got from 1 to 50 in the time its taken to write this you know
but the last sentence was too long
and it ruined my song
Hi Ho, Hi Ho

[/ QUOTE ]

Pure poetic brillaince



I just love to farm a lot, do da, do da,

Farm all day it hit's the spot, do da do da daaaaay.



Hi Ho, Hi Ho
Its off to farm we go!
we'll use MA
its the quickest way!
Hi Ho, Hi Ho

Hi Ho, Hi Ho
level 50s with no badges start to show
they never left the starting zone
and they make most of the players moan
Hi Ho, Hi Ho

Hi Ho, Hi Ho
I could have got from 1 to 50 in the time its taken to write this you know
but the last sentence was too long
and it ruined my song
Hi Ho, Hi Ho

[/ QUOTE ]

Pure poetic brillaince

[/ QUOTE ]

lmao thanks

We need more of them though!

It's now Issue 21 and I am back!
My new Global is @Zyhar
Currently enjoying the Exalted Server!



Look at the elitists,
they hate our casual game,
all they do is whine and moan

If they don't like the MA,
they could just not use it
but instead of keepin quiet,
they have to give us ****

So what if we farm or grind
it makes cov fun to play
we spend less time levelling
and more time with our mates.

MA sped the game pace up
so what? it's not that bad
the problem is
that some lvl 50 players are bad.

So what if you're lvl 46
and don't know what 'rep' is?
you could always explain it
instead of takin the p***

So next time you see a naablet
who knows nothing about the game
take the time to teach him
instead of coming here to complain.

Lesson to be learned: Stop crying about noobs farming MA. People like ME, and the other veterans are ALLOWED to farm because we already know everything about the cov universe. (i'm sure the same with all you reading this)

And IF you see a newbie farming, don't cry about it. Just teach them stuff.

I recently had a friend move into my house and he now shares my cov account, i taught him the ropes and now he's got his own, and is gonna start playing with me.

How about instead of lambasting newbs who farm, you try to cooperate with them?



Hi Ho, Hi Ho
Its off to farm we go!
we'll use MA
its the quickest way!
Hi Ho, Hi Ho

Hi Ho, Hi Ho
level 50s with no badges start to show
they never left the starting zone
and they make most of the players moan
Hi Ho, Hi Ho

Hi Ho, Hi Ho
I could have got from 1 to 50 in the time its taken to write this you know
but the last sentence was too long
and it ruined my song
Hi Ho, Hi Ho

[/ QUOTE ]

Pure poetic brillaince

[/ QUOTE ]

lmao thanks

We need more of them though!

[/ QUOTE ]

I would join in but I'm not good at poetry so I'll stick around for the lulz

Razor, as always you're right.. Good poem btw



Look at the elitists,
they hate our casual game,
all they do is whine and moan

If they don't like the MA,
they could just not use it
but instead of keepin quiet,
they have to give us ****

So what if we farm or grind
it makes cov fun to play
we spend less time levelling
and more time with our mates.

MA sped the game pace up
so what? it's not that bad
the problem is
that some lvl 50 players are bad.

So what if you're lvl 46
and don't know what 'rep' is?
you could always explain it
instead of takin the p***

So next time you see a naablet
who knows nothing about the game
take the time to teach him
instead of coming here to complain.

Lesson to be learned: Stop crying about noobs farming MA. People like ME, and the other veterans are ALLOWED to farm because we already know everything about the cov universe. (i'm sure the same with all you reading this)

And IF you see a newbie farming, don't cry about it. Just teach them stuff.

I recently had a friend move into my house and he now shares my cov account, i taught him the ropes and now he's got his own, and is gonna start playing with me.

How about instead of lambasting newbs who farm, you try to cooperate with them?

[/ QUOTE ]

Great poem

All i must say is please don't take this the wrong way.
I farm, i've helped new people farm, doesn't bother me. This is just a bit of fun writing about MA farms, besides, my poems actually were fore it, not agaisnt :P

It's now Issue 21 and I am back!
My new Global is @Zyhar
Currently enjoying the Exalted Server!



[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
Hi Ho, Hi Ho
Its off to farm we go!
we'll use MA
its the quickest way!
Hi Ho, Hi Ho

Hi Ho, Hi Ho
level 50s with no badges start to show
they never left the starting zone
and they make most of the players moan
Hi Ho, Hi Ho

Hi Ho, Hi Ho
I could have got from 1 to 50 in the time its taken to write this you know
but the last sentence was too long
and it ruined my song
Hi Ho, Hi Ho

[/ QUOTE ]

Pure poetic brillaince

[/ QUOTE ]

lmao thanks

We need more of them though!

[/ QUOTE ]

I would join in but I'm not good at poetry so I'll stick around for the lulz

Razor, as always you're right.. Good poem btw

[/ QUOTE ]

Hehe, thanks Phantom. Good to see an English guy and an Irishman can get along! :3

And to Heyman, it seemed to me the whole point of this topic was to degrade farming, mine was really the only poem defending it



While I appreciate the creative talents some are displaying here, I'd also appreciate if you could use different words than the ones requiring you to circumvent the filter!

I use expletives such as "Sugar!" everyday, and while my team hates it, I know I am being courteous and polite (and a good girl, yes I am!).

Support Centre for our English European players
Support Centre for our North American players
Plateforme d'assistance pour les francophones
Support-Center f�r deutschsprachige Spieler



Hi Ho, Hi Ho
Its off to farm we go!
we'll use MA
its the quickest way!
Hi Ho, Hi Ho

Hi Ho, Hi Ho
level 50s with no badges start to show
they never left the starting zone
and they make most of the players moan
Hi Ho, Hi Ho

Hi Ho, Hi Ho
I could have got from 1 to 50 in the time its taken to write this you know
but the last sentence was too long
and it ruined my song
Hi Ho, Hi Ho

[/ QUOTE ]

Pure poetic brillaince

[/ QUOTE ]

lmao thanks

We need more of them though!

[/ QUOTE ]

I would join in but I'm not good at poetry so I'll stick around for the lulz

Razor, as always you're right.. Good poem btw

[/ QUOTE ]

Hehe, thanks Phantom. Good to see an English guy and an Irishman can get along! :3

And to Heyman, it seemed to me the whole point of this topic was to degrade farming, mine was really the only poem defending it

[/ QUOTE ]

Hehe, I disproved that they couldn't a long time ago



While I appreciate the creative talents some are displaying here, I'd also appreciate if you could use different words than the ones requiring you to circumvent the filter!

I use expletives such as "Sugar!" everyday, and while my team hates it, I know I am being courteous and polite (and a good girl, yes I am!).

[/ QUOTE ]

its weird but the only word I can think of to rhyme with Sugar is a (mild) curse word.....



[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
While I appreciate the creative talents some are displaying here, I'd also appreciate if you could use different words than the ones requiring you to circumvent the filter!

I use expletives such as "Sugar!" everyday, and while my team hates it, I know I am being courteous and polite (and a good girl, yes I am!).

[/ QUOTE ]

Although you might think that i circumvented the swear filter, i was being polite in the sense i hid the profanities with asterisks. This game is 16+ as i understand it, and no one goes without hearing curses.

I don't even see why there IS swear filters to be honest avatea :\

I'm a firm believer in the idea free speech is a no holds barred arena, and i don't even see why we're moderated this heavily as it is -.-

On that note i think i'll politely apologise.

Last time i got into an argument with a moderator he started losing and had to lock the topic (*cough* ghostraptor *cough*)

This is the kind of stuff that got me banned when some kids petitioned me ingame. I wish the staff would look at things in terms of their context rather than just OMG YOU BROKE THE RULES BAN HAMMER TIME.




[/ QUOTE ]

hehe i smiled

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



as a moderator on another forum I have to say I completely agree with language filters. We tried turning it off for a while and the quality of discussion took a nosedive. every second word was a swear word, personal insults were much more frequent and lets face it, not everyoen likes to read expletives.

A swear word on a forum doesnt just slip out. it has to be typed, that means it has to be pre-meditated. If you cant censor your own posts then the filter will do it for you. It would be nice if internet and forum users in general were mature enough to onyl swear when absolutely justified but unfortunately that isnt the case and a forum has to be accessible and confortable for as many people as possible. this means catering for the most innocent of dispositions.

same as in-game. I do think that the in game filter is a tad too stringent but then again, if it werent, kiddies would be swearing all over the place "cos it teh kewl".

its simple: dont swear. Use your words instead to express your dis-satisfaction or amazement. if you cant, well then write it in such a way that the asterisks will be self explanatory to those that are already familiar with the masked swear word.



I've been a moderator on about 4 websites i've managed, maintained and paid for myself, as well as a ton of free communities, but that doesn't change a damn thing.

Yes swear words are pre-meditated, and i use them to effectively express my point. They add impact to a statement. They get your point across.

Yes they can be abused and used to swear at people, i know this all too well because my swear filter is off ingame.

And you can't claim kiddies will be swearing alot on account of the fact you don't know how many players are kids, or their maturity level.

And i don't mean to be offensive (if I am I don't care) but this isn't your forum, and these aren't your members. Just because your forum went to hell after you took the swear filter off doesn't mean it will here.



Yes swear words are pre-meditated, and i use them to effectively express my point. They add impact to a statement. They get your point across.

[/ QUOTE ]

All they do is negate a discussion into a sense of frustration/anger instead of something constructive. Especially when its used in a format on a MMO forum.

Yes they can be abused and used to swear at people, i know this all too well because my swear filter is off ingame.

[/ QUOTE ]

Which nobody would want to translate over onto the forums too. Lucky enough we have the profanity filter option ingame if users tend to think they want to see all dialog between players.

And you can't claim kiddies will be swearing alot on account of the fact you don't know how many players are kids, or their maturity level.

[/ QUOTE ]

A % value doesnt make a difference. Whether its one minor or a thousand the point still stands. If minors are allowed access to the forums then it should have some form of language moderation. Its just the right thing to do end of the day, we dont want to promote swearing do we?

And i don't mean to be offensive (if I am I don't care) but this isn't your forum, and these aren't your members. Just because your forum went to hell after you took the swear filter off doesn't mean it will here.

[/ QUOTE ]

Did you see the forums at christmas? Now imagine that but with no filter.
Edit to add: Its also not your forum, its the companies and its their policy to have this system in place to try and keep the social aspect of the community peacefull at least.

Edit2: Ok just realised i became a ego maniac I'll live this thread now hehe

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



The 'right thing to do' is a meaningless statement. 'the right thing' is a completely subjective concept. Maybe a dose of reality will be helpful?

I've already proven to you that i can use swear words in a way that does not negate or degrade disscussion, i only swear to add emphasis to a point, in that context they're really not that bad.

You can't argue what is the right course of action based on subjective concepts such as the right thing.

And as for 'the forums at christmas' who says there will be a repeat of that? I see no evidence of it.

Next time you should try arguing from logic and reason, not 'the right thing to do' and using the past as evidence to predict the future.

If you want to be an egomaniac, I can play that game.

Try again



using the past as evidence to predict the future.

[/ QUOTE ]

We learn from our mistakes. Ever heard of that saying?

Anyway now im off!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



So people flaming the forums at christmas was a mistake?

Funnily enough i think that kind of disscussion, especially when multiple people are involved, is entirely on purpose. Just because it's bad doesn't mean it's a mistake.

And even if people learn from possible mistakes, nothing says they're going to act on it.

And finally, yes i have heard of that saying, despiteit being entirely irrelevant.

Also, there's no need to alert me to the fact you won't be able to make replies to me, i'm not arguing egotistically to win, so there's no need to think i'm going to think myself the winner.



While I appreciate the creative talents some are displaying here, I'd also appreciate if you could use different words than the ones requiring you to circumvent the filter!

I use expletives such as "Sugar!" everyday, and while my team hates it, I know I am being courteous and polite (and a good girl, yes I am!).

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its weird but the only word I can think of to rhyme with Sugar is a (mild) curse word.....

[/ QUOTE ]
Immediately springing to my mind are:

rugger (rugby)
lugger (type of boat/ship, though you could possibly get away with someone who lugs loads about)
jugger (a bird)

And possibly:
drugger (one who administers a drug?)
tugger (one who tugs?)

Or if you need a continental location try Zeebrugge.

I guess if some like a woman in the past you might even be able to get away with saying that they 'dug her'...

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)