Manticores CoH Lore Q+A




Greetings lore-hounds,

Manticore here to provide some definitive answers to your lore questions. The dev team receives PM’s about lore all the time. With Mission Architect coming online there are more and more lore questions popping up on the forums as well. Instead of trying to answer all these questions privately we’ve decided to start this thread. I’m going to be digging through my memory banks as well as picking the brains of Hero 1, Positron, and the rest of the devs for these answers and compiling them here.
Just to be clear, these answers aren’t set in stone. Feel free to point out discrepancies. CoH is a huge game and we’ve had many incredibly talented people contribute to the lore. We’re trying to get the record straight here on some of our trickiest plot and character twists. If I missed something…let me know. I’ll go back to the drawing board and clear it up. So let’s dig for answers, clarify confusion, eliminate contradictions, and have some fun!


Question Galaxy Girl's sidekick, Dauntless - Does he have a given name? Any history defined at all?

Answer: The archvillain Protean had learned the secret identity of Galaxy Girl and took her captive at the charity kitchen where she volunteered. Galaxy Girl lay helpless as Protean prepared to murder the trapped civilians. Protean was planning to destroy everyone that Galaxy Girl's life touched. Dauntless, learned of the crisis and rushed headlong into battle. Although he was completely outclassed, he fought until his last breath. His sacrifice gave Galaxy Girl the time to recover and defeat Protean, ensuring so many more survived.
Robbie Prescott first met Kelly Graham while delivering sandwiches to the office where she worked. After accidentally discovering that she was Galaxy Girl, Robbie was inspired to become Dauntless. He helped Kelly in all aspects of her service to Paragon City, never expressing his love for her.

Question Is there a story reason that the Malta Group chose to name their Titans after Greek Mythos (Hercules, Zeus, Kronos)? or were they named as such just because it sounded good at the time? If they were to unleash some new variation of these Titans, or other similar technology, would they again look towards the Greek Mythos for naming inspiration?

Answer: A lot of us are mythology geeks, if that wasn’t already obvious, but it also felt fitting for a group like Malta to name their machines of destruction after towering figures of legend. It’s very likely that any other Malta Titans would in fact continue that naming scheme.

Question Was the Family world ever given an in game Portal Corp dimensional designation? And if so, what was it?

Answer: As far as I know, there was never a designator given for the Family.

Question I've been questioned for legitimacy for inserting a Longbow ally into a mission for my story arc which takes place in November 2001, 6 months prior to the first Rikti War (#71601). My detractor claims that Longbow was created after the Rikti War, though my own research only says that the group was founded by Ms. Liberty to fight Arachnos (which has been around for a long long time, even before Recluse). I can find no reference to confirm either way. Is there a date or timeframe in continuity when Longbow was founded?

Answer: Longbow is a division of Freedom Corps and was introduced in City of Villains. It was Ms. Liberty’s solution to her disagreement with Statesman’s policies regarding Freedom Corps. Longbow is much more martial and aggressive in its methods. I recommend changing either the time frame of your arc *or* calling the ally a Freedom Corps agent.

Question So, I'm doing a bit of research for a Serafina origin arc (yes, spawned by the fact Posi wants to see it, but actually being implemented because I LOVE the character), and noticed an interesting discrepancy in Scirocco's information.

Here it is stated that Scirocco died early on in the Rikti War, making his last wish to Seraphina that she protect the heroes of Paragon City. Yet Scirocco's own information here states that he (basically) just turned evil and stole something from her.

Answer: The Order of the Four Winds bestows mantles of power upon chosen champions. Scirocco is a title that comes with the package. The original Scirocco was one such champion. The current Scirocco stole the power and Serafina wants it back.

Question Okay, I'm writing a mission chain called "Family Ties" centering around Ms. Liberty, Statesman, and Lord Recluse. According to the canon I have read, Ms. Liberty is related to both by blood; Statesman is her grandfather and Recluse her great-uncle. SO! Here is what I need confirmed...

1) Is Ms. Liberty's real name Megan Duncan, Jessica Cole, Jessica Duncan, or what!?

2) Is she aware of her relation to Recluse?

3) Is Recluse aware of their relation?

Answer: There has been some confusion on this issue due to discrepancies between our website, a web article, the Freedom Phalanx novel, the in-game information, and probably some other places I’m not remembering. Here’s a definitive answer which has all the facts lined up, as well as some additional information.

1) Monica Richter was Maiden Justice and is sister to Lord Recluse (Stefan Richter). She married Statesman (Marcus Cole) and they had a daughter. Their daughter’s name is Alexis Cole and she became Miss Liberty. Alexis married a man by the name of Patrick Duncan and the two had a daughter, Jessica Megan Duncan. Jessie, as her mother liked to call her, was always a strong willed child. Jessica Megan Duncan became Ms. Liberty and took on the name Megan (her middle name) It was suggested by others that Megan take her mother’s maiden name of Cole, for legacy’s sake, but Megan specifically held onto her father’s last name, both for her love and respect of him and her desire to move out of her grandfather’s shadow, and forge her own path of heroism. Other examples of her independence are the formation of the Vindicators and her release of Dominatrix back to Praetoria.

2) She is aware of her relation to Stefan Richter and although she is fiercely dedicated to taking Arachnos down, she also believes that her great-uncle can be redeemed. This core belief in redemption is what drove her to form the Vindicators and coincidentally ties in thematically with our upcoming “Going Rogue” expansion.

3) Lord Recluse is well aware of all the nuances of his relationship with Statesman. He knows that Ms. Liberty is related to him and would happily exploit that relationship if given the chance. The core difference between Statesman and Lord Recluse is their feelings about family and friends. The two men received mind blowing power from the same source and were both in danger of becoming detached from their humanity. The catalyst for their radically differing paths was Monica Richter. Statesman felt loved by the woman who would become his wife and Recluse felt betrayed by his sister. It is safe to say that Ms. Liberty hopes to bring her great-uncle back into the light.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



*dolphin giving birth sound*

stupid...*barely distinguishable mumblings about american meanie heads*

Put a Q&A Lore Thread here as well! NOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!

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Just moving my post to the correct place. Yes, indeed. This is a shame, and badly timed for me to be honest. As I'm not exactly sure what I want be doing for next MA arc at the moment, I have too many ideas and so little time...

Bad Voodoo by @Beyond Reach. Arc ID #373659. Level 20-24. Mr. Bocor has fallen victim to a group of hooded vigilantes who have been plaguing Port Oakes, interfering with illegal operations and pacifying villain's powers. He demands that revenge is taken on these miscreants and his powers are returned! You look like just the villain for the job. Challenging.



Thanks for this, _Damz, loads of questions cleared up
And yes, we are all mythology geeks, I for one know I am Tbh though, it does sound pretty awesome having something called a Kronos Class Titan



She is aware of her relation to Stefan Richter and although she is fiercely dedicated to taking Arachnos down, she also believes that her great-uncle can be redeemed. This core belief in redemption is what drove her to form the Vindicators and coincidentally ties in thematically with our upcoming “Going Rogue” expansion

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This is the part that strikes me as the most potentialy awesome taskforce ever. Joining longbow to try and redeem recluse but having to defeat your own heroes trying to stop you who disagree and believe you have turned!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Who's up for pooling together some thoughts into an awesome MA-generate taskforce?



Greetings lore-hounds,
Question Okay, I'm writing a mission chain called "Family Ties" centering around Ms. Liberty, Statesman, and Lord Recluse. According to the canon I have read, Ms. Liberty is related to both by blood; Statesman is her grandfather and Recluse her great-uncle. SO! Here is what I need confirmed...

1) Is Ms. Liberty's real name Megan Duncan, Jessica Cole, Jessica Duncan, or what!?

Answer: There has been some confusion on this issue due to discrepancies between our website, a web article, the Freedom Phalanx novel, the in-game information, and probably some other places I’m not remembering. Here’s a definitive answer which has all the facts lined up, as well as some additional information.

1) Monica Richter was Maiden Justice and is sister to Lord Recluse (Stefan Richter). She married Statesman (Marcus Cole) and they had a daughter. Their daughter’s name is Alexis Cole and she became Miss Liberty. Alexis married a man by the name of Patrick Duncan and the two had a daughter, Jessica Megan Duncan. Jessie, as her mother liked to call her, was always a strong willed child. Jessica Megan Duncan became Ms. Liberty and took on the name Megan (her middle name) It was suggested by others that Megan take her mother’s maiden name of Cole, for legacy’s sake, but Megan specifically held onto her father’s last name, both for her love and respect of him and her desire to move out of her grandfather’s shadow, and forge her own path of heroism. Other examples of her independence are the formation of the Vindicators and her release of Dominatrix back to Praetoria.

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Anyone else feel this is a way of saying oops we goofed again, nice way of solving the naming issue though.



Oh typical. Yet again the US get something that we could easily have gotten as well.

If all the devs can post over here as well, why couldn't the original post just have been cut and pasted here for us to post a question? I wouldn't have minded the answers being over there, at least we could ask and know it's being read.

Bad form

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



I'm sure there will be a thread here, and the questions will be passed on to Manticore.

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When I ask you! When!?

*dolphin giving birth sound*

Bad Voodoo by @Beyond Reach. Arc ID #373659. Level 20-24. Mr. Bocor has fallen victim to a group of hooded vigilantes who have been plaguing Port Oakes, interfering with illegal operations and pacifying villain's powers. He demands that revenge is taken on these miscreants and his powers are returned! You look like just the villain for the job. Challenging.



As a lore-junkie myself I'd love to see a lore forum and an official post to gather questions for Manticore on these boards.

Anyone else feel this is a way of saying oops we goofed again, nice way of solving the naming issue though.

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Yes, but I applaud their creativity in patching the lore so well.

Writers make continuity errors all the time - some "worlds" just become too unwieldy for 1-2 people to keep track of entirely, especially when others have had a hand in creating that lore and you're also treating other sources of media (like the novels, in CoH's case) as canon too - but it is nice to see Manticore making such an effort to fix this long-standing continuity "glitch" in-canon.