Natural mastermind secondary




something CoV needs, a secondary thats more human based, not devices or powers, say something like "Command" heres what I think it could be like:

COMMAND - you were born a natural leader, through your voice and actions others have followed you to do whatever task you wish without hesitation and will follow you until thier service is done.

1) Group Effort - (AoE +Perception +Res psi +DMG toggle)
You and your team mates put in a group effort to overcome the odds of battle and put an all out assault on your enemies

2) Endurance - (ally +HP regen +END regen +Res all)
you encourage an ally to carry on into battle dispite thier physical or mental status thus making them regenerate faster and resisting a small part of damage

3) Inspiration - (auto Pets +special +DMG)
Your henchmen see you in battle and are inpired by your willpower and strength, for each part of damage you deal your henchmens damage dealing capabilities increase

4) Outnumber - (toggle AoE +DMG +Acc +Perception +special)
depemnding on how many henchmen and allies you have, your capabilities for outnumbering enemies will increase thus boosting yours and others damage, accuracy and perception.

5) Convert - (Enemy Confuse -DMG)
your natural leadership has lead many to be the best, making a single foe seem worthless until you tell him he can fight for a better cause, your cause. you confuse an enemy into attacking his allies for a small duration but he may hesitate so lowering his damage.

6) Favour - (click Pet +DMG +ACC +Def +Res all)
you favour one of your henchmen encouraging him that he is the best making his willpower outstanding for a short while, he will become battle crazed and become better skilled than his otheres until this power has ended.

7) Shout of Command - (ally +Res hold .ect (much like a break free))
You stop an ally from being held or otherwise in a captured status, you lead them out of the status and they will be able to resist it happening again the next time.

8) Intimidation - (AoE enemy fear AoE +special)
the amount of allies and henchmen you have with you scares the opposition, depending on the total number of your allies and henchmen around as a group the fear will rise.

9) Unmatchable Teamwork - (AoE +DMG +res all +speed +jump hight +Perception + accuracy + ToHit toggle)
through your training and command your henchmen and you work as a unity, when in range your henchmen will earn a bonus to thier movement, damage and accuracy.

If you guys can think of anything else interesting to put in be my guest, and I was also thinking this could be modified into a controller secondary through prolification.

A total of 14 of my nerves have been harmed in the making of this post...



Would have be awfully careful with the numbers, Supremecy adds quite a bit of +dam on it's own, coupled with all the +Dam from this set (4 powers, most sets don't have two powers at most which increase damage as a percentage) and then add in the +Dam from Assault and you'd be looking a pets with stupidly high damage and Thugs and Robots already kick out a hell of a lot of damage as is.

Also a lot of the names are a bit too...heroic...for representing a villain but that's just my opinion.

I also don't believe the game engine is capable of doing a "if X amount of Henchmen are alive, power is X effective" type power.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I also don't believe the game engine is capable of doing a "if X amount of Henchmen are alive, power is X effective" type power.

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I'm not sure if they can, i was thinking along the lines of rise to the challange in the willpower set, which has a system for X amount of enemies = X amound of bonus.

I suppose the damage thing could be only a low amount, just to set the power to its "theme" but with the powerset over all it will remove the "squishy" factor

A total of 14 of my nerves have been harmed in the making of this post...



I like this idea and it would go well with the likes of thugs and mercs it would also make a pretty good corrupter, defender and controller set.

I would be tempted tho to limit what each power gives slitly i would also genralise the pet only powers so that they could affect team mates as well as pets as it would open up the set a bit.



I also don't believe the game engine is capable of doing a "if X amount of Henchmen are alive, power is X effective" type power.

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I'm not sure if they can, i was thinking along the lines of rise to the challange in the willpower set, which has a system for X amount of enemies = X amound of bonus.

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Yep, given how Bodyguard mode works in sharing out the damage there must be some mechansim in-game currently which is able to tell how many Henchies you have up and running.

Good idea for a set and I like some of the mechanics described here, Inspiration, where you doing damage increases the damage of your minions, is a nice idea and could be possible by taking the "Frankenfury" of Blasters and applying it (with lower numbers obviosuly) to a PBAOE buff which affects only your Henchmen.

Personally I'd be for keeping it unique to MMs and not having it affect other characters.

However I'd also like to see Inspiration taken and reworked into a Defender inherent in some way, that in Attacking you give yourself and your allies a bit of a buff (doesn't have to be damage) in the same way that Defiance 2.0 currently works for a Blaster.



I also don't believe the game engine is capable of doing a "if X amount of Henchmen are alive, power is X effective" type power.

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I'm not sure if they can, i was thinking along the lines of rise to the challange in the willpower set, which has a system for X amount of enemies = X amound of bonus.

I suppose the damage thing could be only a low amount, just to set the power to its "theme" but with the powerset over all it will remove the "squishy" factor

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Well Phalanx Fighting checks (or is it Grant Cover?) for the number of allies in range (melee).



I’ve added some comments in and reworded some of the powers as they didn’t make sense but In general I really like the idea of this set

1) Group Effort - (PBAoE, +Perception, +to-hit, +def, +DMG toggle)
You and your team mates put in a group effort to overcome the odds of battle and put an all out assault on your enemies
1.0/s end cost
10% Def to all
15% damage buff
10% to-hit buff

Kind of a leader ship pool all squished into one should be nice and usefull in the lower levels and also good in the later lvls when stacked with later powers

2) Motovate - (ally +HP regen +END regen +Res all)
you encourage an ally to carry on into battle dispite thier physical or mental status thus making them regenerate faster and resisting a small part of damage

Just renamed this one as I thought endurance sounded weird not sure on figures setting them to high would make this very powerful

3) Inspiration - (PBAoE +special +DMG)
Your allies see you at the front line and are ispired to greater acts.
For each foe you stand toe to toe with will grant you and your allies a damage boost, the first foe will grant the largest boost with additional foes (max 10 targets) granting a smaller boost

[color=]this should be doable by the engine as its pretty much a combination of aghast all odds and assault [/color]

4) Outnumber - (toggle AoE +Acc +Perception +special)
depemnding on how many henchmen and allies you have, your capabilities for outnumbering enemies will increase thus boosting yours and others damage, accuracy and perception.
[color=]I like this power but more =damage was probably over kill it should still be very usefull with the +acc and preception [/color]

5) Doubt (Enemy Confuse -DMG)
your natural charisma can lead a foe to doubt his convictions making him easy to confuse and turn to your own cause. you confuse an enemy into attacking his allies for a small duration but he may hesitate so lowering his damage.

another great sounding power renamed it and slitly reworded it as it didn’t quite make sence to me reading it I think I’ve manage to keep it as you intended

6) Encourage - (ally +DMG +to-hit +Def all +Res all +regeneration +recovery +special)
you Encourage one of your allies to great heights of power driving them to exead there normal limitations for a short time they will be more accurate cause and take more damage however eventually they will run out of steam and be left exhausted
Duration 60s
+20% to –hit
+40% damage
+175% recovery
+150% regeneration
+15% def all
+30% res all
Mag 2 stun for 10s after 60s duration
No regeneration for 10s after 60s duration
No recovery for 10s after 60s duration
-60% Def for 10s after 60s duration

basically this is a bit like conduit of pain or mutation but without the need for your ally to be defeated

7) Shout of Command - (ally +Res hold .ect (much like a break free))
You stop an ally from being held or otherwise in a captured status, you lead them out of the status and they will be able to resist it happening again the next time.

8) Intimidation - (AoE enemy fear AoE +special)
the amount of allies and henchmen you have with you scares the opposition, depending on the total number of your allies and henchmen around as a group the fear will rise
I like the sound of this it could start out as a mag 2 fear (same as presence pool) then eatch ally with a set radious could add .5mag to the fear so with a full set of pets would increase it to a mag 5 fear which is the same as a stalkers AS can cause the only problem I can see is the power has the danger of becoming to good on a full team it would be mag 9 if that team had had other pet users on it it coud be driven even higher a 8 man team of MM would be looking at mag40 fear more if they were thug MM and gang war was up. So some form of limit would need to be placed on it may be 10 foot radius max of 10 targets which would give you a max mag of 7 which is still pretty good.

9) Unmatchable Teamwork - (AoE +DMG +res all +speed +jump hight +Perception + accuracy + ToHit toggle)
through your training and command your allies and you work in unity, when in range your allies will earn a bonus to their movement, damage and accuracy.




Personally I'd be for keeping it unique to MMs and not having it affect other characters.

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Never seen the point of keeping power unique to a specific AT or faction especially one as generic why should good leadership skills make you evil. Also from a development point of view the more ATs that can use the set the better and each AT thanks to there inherent should function slightly differently when they use the set, tho i wouldn't be agenst tweaking to make the sets slightly different.


However I'd also like to see Inspiration taken and reworked into a Defender inherent in some way, that in Attacking you give yourself and your allies a bit of a buff (doesn't have to be damage) in the same way that Defiance 2.0 currently works for a Blaster.

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agreed the sooner they look at the defenders largely useless inherent the better and something like this would work well.



Meh. That removes all the cool uniqueness of things like Inspiration and just makes them "Another Tanker-esque buff aura".

Doesn't make sense for a MM to even be on the front line a lot of the time. I far prefer the other version where they're being inspired (or encouraged to do their best) by the fact you're using loaded weapons behind them. Feels way more Mastermindy

It also makes the MM ranged attacks more useful in terms of letting them act as buffs.

Never seen the point of keeping power unique to a specific AT or faction

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The main reasons I can think of are to make something less generic and more suited to a specific ATs role or abilities, and to make something which works well for one AT without worrying if it would be overpowered if ported to another (look at how Kinetics for Defenders & Controllers went, or how Dark Miasma or, to a lesser extent, Traps would be if ported to a Controller).




Doubt should be PBAoE Aura like the one is Ice Control (Arctic Air?) but with different visuals.



that could work but i was seeing more as you targeting a individual and kind of talking him around thanks to your natural ability to read people (no using psy powers)

But i suppose you could take it to the view of your so charismatic that your able to persuade loads of people around you that there doing things wrong and that they should help you.



tbh I think it works, buffing pets in lieu of a secondary that helps the whole team, bearing in mind there are no heals or large res/def buffs, only damage. It kind of blasterfies the mastermind's pets, most will probably find themselves respawning more as their pets will find more agro with their increased damage, however team with a good agro grabbing brute and watch the enemies melt.l I like this idea, that you're a mastermind and nothing else, not a trapper not a force field generator, not a netherworld channeler, you're just really really good at getting the best out of your minions without actually having any 'powers' of your own.


"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."




1) Group Effort - (PBAoE, +Perception, +to-hit, +def, +DMG toggle)

2) Motovate - (ally +HP regen +END regen +Res all)

3) Inspiration - (PBAoE +special +DMG)

4) Outnumber - (toggle AoE +Acc +Perception +special)

5) Doubt (Enemy Confuse -DMG)

6) Encourage - (ally +DMG +to-hit +Def all +Res all +regeneration +recovery +special)

7) Shout of Command - (ally +Res hold .ect (much like a break free))

8) Intimidation - (AoE enemy fear AoE +special)

9) Unmatchable Teamwork - (AoE +DMG +res all +speed +jump hight +Perception + accuracy + ToHit toggle)

[/ QUOTE ]

4 +tohit
4 +dmg
3 +Perception
3 +res
2 +def
2 +Acc
1 +HP
1 +Recovery
1 +movment speed
1 -def
1 -dmg
1 -hold (Mag7 and thats average?!)

OK granted the majority have depending values, this is highly overpowered the numbers would have to be minimal to be even considered useful or implimented. I do like the idea of the set however, potentially great. But some major changes or definate small numbers would be required. That or some of the buffs rejumbled to particular powers (one but stronger power)



hey i never said my attempt to make it less powerful would be any good tho that hold is actually a fear and if the power accuracy was relatively low it wouldn't matter so much if it had a high mag.

the +resistance in Motivate could change to +resist status effects

Also remember some powers are single target so recharge times on them are going to effect the boost they give as are the end cost of any toggle powers

also the accuracy in outnumber should probably be changed to to-hit. and the accuracy in in teamwork should probably be dropped.

Playing with some numbers total stat boosts for auras could look something like.

+To-Hit 40%(max) 22%(min)
+def 15%
+dam 40% (max) 22%(min)
+res 20%

for a single target they would be something like note that these assume you apply all the single target buffs on one friend which may not be the case.

+To-Hit 50%
+def 30%
+dam 50%
+res 50%
+HP regen 65%
+end rec 55%

Of course the single target boosts can be further increased with the receiver of them staying within aura range.

Also these numbers are all for the modified version i came up with the OP originally had more variety in its buffs and more damage



I agree with the base +acc it needs removed, but still giving the ability to allow a target potentially
+70-90 TOHIT
+45 DEF
+22-40 DMG
+60 RES
(the recov/regen arnt that high for % values AFAIK they could event be increased and some of the other buffs deminished)

Is still one hell of a buff from one set (not even mentining the debuffs from the set and whatever they may have from other sets for example bots give a +15 DEF (IIRC) shield on top.



Some of the problem comes from the fact that the powers over lap so much make the individual powers weaker and it would harm any one who didn't pick up all the powers. the finale power could be turned into a AoE click similar to mind link with a longish maybe 3 min recharge and a 1 min duration.



so much overpowered from where i look.. liked the idea , but buffs are tooo "good" to have.



Please expand your comment tunch its always helpful to know how you see the set as over power to much defence? to much +dmg? is the spectrum of buffs to much?



This set looks pretty good, it could also be used for 'fenders
I agree that there aren't enough natural MM secondaries.