Sonic/ sucks?
Its the 2nd hardest hitting pvp blaster 1ry, and upps the dps of everyone else on your team, it doesnt suck
So its a primary dependant on the secondary for damage output?
Not by much. The low numbers for blasters are [censored]. /Sonic defenders outblast Sonic/ blasters. I was also talking about PvE.
Only saving grace is Scream which have the -res on the first hit making its dpa higher than shout.
In my opinion they made it too weak and the -res doesnt help when its outperformed by most of the other primaries.
So its a primary dependant on the secondary for damage output?
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It's a primary which sacrifices some of its own damage for extra damage in the secondary.
Combined with Frankenfury I actually think it's quite a neat mechanism, my Sonic/Elec is quite fun to play as a "Charge up and unleash" Blapper.
So its a primary dependant on the secondary for damage output?
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No, i mean it as it enhances blapping. Hit a target with some ranged to apply the -res effect, then because blaster melee attack hit so darn hard, with -res they'll hit even harder.
It's how i started to enjoy my sonic/energy a fair bit more.

I quite like mine, admittedly still low level. It's hits lower resistance as well but it certainly doesn't seem to lack power.
Take a look at the Radio EB/AV over on the red side for a quick lesson on how devastating sonic can be. That damn thing wiped out my MM and all pets without even needing it's volume control turned up...
Cant really compare a mob with a player. I dont hit 700 with spin like bobcat does at 45
Cant really compare a mob with a player
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True. It's just something that sticks in my mind
Been a long time since I created a new blaster so it's a bit difficult to compare with the others but I'm quite impressed with mine so far - only just into double figures though. A little more accuracy wouldn't go amiss...
Wouldn't surprise me if it did have slightly less damage than some other blasters because it has that inbuilt debuff to compensate.
I´m not really saying its a craptacular set. I just feel it underperforms on its own.
My question is why it doesnt have a purpose
It lacks in all departments.
Fire,Ice,Ar,Arch are way ahead of sonic in ST and AoE
I would like a small buff in the single target blasts to bring it in line with the others and give it a purpose other than underperforming to give the team an itsy bit of extra dps.
My suggestion, lower the activation times for sonic blasters.
I'll reply here for the hell of it, against my better judgement. As the owner of a level 50 Sonic/En Blaster, I can say firmly that it really does not suck. The damage output is good, the secondary effect helps out everyone on the team and the soft controls make it one of the easiest Blasters to solo.
However, you seem to have already made your mind up about this one.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

My suggestion, lower the activation times for sonic blasters.
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I'd agree that the 3rd single target blast, Shout, needs a quicker animation time, at the moment it's a bit slow. The others seem fine to me though.
Shouts animation needs to be fixed across the board though, not just for Blasters.
I enjoy mine but i feel like i´m underperforming after going through the numbers. So i feel like i´m just a filler that takes forever to kill a hard target due to low dps.
For being a single target set with -res secondary effect the dps is [censored].
Another suggestion would be removing the damage portion of the sleep so you can stack it.
I very much enjoy my sonic/mental. Decent aoe damage with howl and psychic scream (and PSW yet to come), lovely ST dmg when everything hit, soft controls aplenty in both sets make it versatile both in teams and solo. Loadsa synergy (siren's call, jump in drain psyche, position for cones, finish off with PSW).
@Jaw Dropper - Toons of all levels so drop me a line!
Imaginary Inc.
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Nerf Fire/ says I!
@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant
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What is sonics purpose?
You mean defeating your enemies just by yelling at them isn't enough?
No pleasing some people.
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
I vote it doesn't suck :-D and that's from a /sonic defender, with even lower damage than you blasters..

You say this is based on some US threads that have spawned great discussions, yet seem intent on just disagreeing with anyone who doesn't think that Sonic sucks.
I'll add another voice to the side saying Sonic doesn't suck. I love the secondary effect, and it works nicely with Defiance the way it is now - both encourage you to play in the same way for more damage. It's a great primary for a blapper build, as has been mentioned; fire off the Sonic blasts, get Defiance up and some stacked -res, and then fire off some melee attacks. I always played my Sonic/Elec this way, and never felt like deadweight who couldn't do enough damage. On the contrary, I tended to play as a boss killer and go straight after the toughest targets to help the team out.
As for Sonic Blast's purpose in general... I think it depends how you play it. I've had a couple of very different builds on mine. One was a single-target damage dealer, for teaming. The other was a soloing build - and it did very well at this. The sleep and stun are great for this kind of thing - run into a room, send most of them to sleep, stun a remaining one and then start picking them off in safety (starting with the stunned one of course, as the stun does a heft piece of -res). Other nice plus-side of the sleep is that there's a relatively cheap purple set just waiting to be slotted.
The only real downside I find is that Shout could really do with a shorter animation, but that's an issue for all ATs with the Sonic Blast set. Also, much more of an issue in PvP than PvE - my Sonic/Elec was frustrating in PvP because of Shout, especially as it was clear she'd be quite good except for that.
I've heard some bad things about Howl, also, but never take it because I can't stand the sound effect. Also, it'd wake up your sleeping mobs, which seems counter-productive on a more control-based build - might be OK on a team build for the cone -res though? The cone knockback is just annoying, but a lot of otherwise good sets have one or two poor powers - I wouldn't say Ice sucks for having Bitter Freeze Ray, or that Fire sucked when it had the old-style Flares. Obviously if the devs chose to turn it into something less irritating I'd be very happy, but mostly because there'd be no risk of teaming with Sonics who think it's just great to send everything scattering across the room.
Wheresd the discussion in "i like mine" and "it doesnt suck"?
Ice and Fire are pretty damn good already in aoe and st, bfr and flasres does not hurt them.
I just feel turned off when looking at the numbers and seeing how a single target blaster it gets outperformed by scrappers.
As said its not a really bad set but theres room for improvement.
But then again i´m a end game player that enjoys doing tf´s and high level arcs.
I think i´ll go over it once again since i´m apparently missing something.
like JawDropper i have one sonic/mental blaster (i'm a blaster beginner and i have choose to level up this one and not a elec/nrj blast i have made at the same time) . I'm only at lvl.17 but I really enjoy playing her . The -res is a really nice secondary effect, and with mental secondary you have a good area blaster (2 cone at level 10, with nice secondary effect, -res form howl, -rech for psychic scream) and a good single target blaster too already at low level .
And with this combo i think at higher level we have a SV killer because of drain psyche ==> res debuff (primary 2nd effect) & -regen & -recovery .
Yea, stop looking at numbers and play for fun.
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Quoted for truth.
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
CoH faces
Yea, stop looking at numbers and play for fun.
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Quoted for truth.
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But some of us find numbers fun. As a wise old 80s sitcom once said "The world don't move to the beat of just one drum".
Sonics strength is in making numbers from other sources better. This may play to Defenders better than Blasters but on a Blaster it's still a decent set, especially when you leverage it (by picking a strong blapping set to complement it).
If you've got (apparent) low DPS try looking at your attack chain. Make sure Shout's at the end of your ranged chain so it benefits the most from -Res/Defiance. (Some might say that Shout should be Attack #1 as it provides the biggest damage buff, but I still think (Amplify)Shriek>Scream>Shout or (Amplify)Shriek>Scream>Shriek>Shout provides better net DPS).
The -Res coupled with Screech's handy Control make it a very solo and team friendly Blaster even if the AoE's aren't that great. It works very well for going straight on Bosses/EBs/AVs and has an awesome nuke (near instant damage plus stun yes please).
It does, however, feel like you're wading through treacle which I think is a contributor to a lot of peoples thoughts that it's bad DPS. It feels slow, it's one reason my Sonic/ is near untouched at 50 with a half-hearted build (another reason is I coupled it with /Fire for a laugh - don't do it kids, that's some bad synergy).
Sonic's a great set with lacklustre animation/rooting times, I'd love for them to be trimmed some more but I doubt it'll happen as Castle's such a huge fan of the DPA system for balancing. Infact the reason it doesn't feel bursty in my opinion is precisely the fault of the animation times. You don't get that same big lot of damage in the short time frame as other sets because you're caught up in animation times even if overall DPS is generally comparable over the fight.
You shouldn't be being outperformed by Scrappers unless they are seriously getting A) good strings of crits which is a luck factor or B) it's something like a spines/dark or similar with a specialised AoE build.
(Man I'm glad I checked this post over, I put "RNG" in instead of "luck factor" and that would've confused you lot a bit).
Shriek, scream, shout does with 98.29% damage enhanced
even with blasters -res and defiance the number won't go up much.
Edit:still it's a good contribution on a team
i guess i have gotten spoiled by my other toons.
Inspired byt the us troller forum where a series "does * suck" has spawned some great discussions.
-Even with the -res it has low single target dps. It lacks burst as well
-Lack of Aoe
-Some situational control
Whats the purpose of Sonic on blasters?