Valentines 2010 - Heroes
In my tiredness this got posted to general!
Could a lovely redname please moce this to Suggestions?
Heh, I actually really like that! Trust the Family to use something like that as ammo. And some mini-arc enemies too.
/Signed from me =]
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Only thing I'm worried about? The Cupid minions will look like Spud-U-Like New Year.
As long as that doesn't happen, this gets a definitive /SIGNED from me.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

Only thing I'm worried about? The Cupid minions will look like Spud-U-Like New Year.
As long as that doesn't happen, this gets a definitive /SIGNED from me.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, but if their NPC enemies, would you rather they were cute or, yes, Spud U Like? I like that phrase, does some up the little...person, rather well. Creepy little kid...
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Not a bad scenario but
What about some villain loving? The best thing about the Valentines mission is that it is a coop one. That heroes and villains need each other to get the objective.
And no, this isn't a mission for a villain. Imo this needs a bit more tinkering.
Mmm. Maybe next year there will be no villains anymore. Just Heroes. That would be a lovely present for everyone.
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url=""][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url=""][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
You officially need to work for NC. I like this idea a lot.
You know what they're gonna say "You can do this in Architect".
Yes, we know that - but we want it to be 'official'.
A fantastic suggestion, A_P
[B][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]@Winter Flare[/COLOR] - [url=""] The New Guardians[/url] - [url=""] 1211 Badges [/url][/B]
Sorry, but I think this is pretty lame*, there is enough surreal nonsense in the game already. making it official would make it lamer. If it was in the MA at least I could more easily give it a miss.
*I realse this is enterly a matter of taste.
I really should do something about this signature.
Bad idea, if they are going to make a new villain group make a decent one for all round use, not just for an event.
I like the idea of something new for the valentines event. The current one is a bit awkward with the cross faction requirements and it hasn't changed since Pocket D was first introduced.
So far this is the best suggestion for it. I'm curious to know if the '/unsigned' have something better to offer as a valentines event?
I like the idea of something new for the valentines event. The current one is a bit awkward with the cross faction requirements and it hasn't changed since Pocket D was first introduced.
So far this is the best suggestion for it. I'm curious to know if the '/unsigned' have something better to offer as a valentines event?
[/ QUOTE ]
Yea nothing at all, dont waste resources on something that lasts 2 weeks.
Have an event that have nothing whatsoever to do with St. Valantine.
It's old. However you dress up hearts and flowers, it's still hearts and flowers.
Lots of good event suggestions around the forums.
Like this.
More here.
I really should do something about this signature.
I really like it. Great detail, and good story
I liked it - I would rather do anything than re-run the age-old valentines event
Golden-Phoenix - Lvl 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Oodja Nikabolokov - Lvl 50 SS/WP Brute
Baby-Phoenix - Lvl 50 Peacebringer
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris?
I liked it - I would rather do anything than re-run the age-old valentines event
[/ QUOTE ]
The trade off isn't beween the old valantine event and a new valantine event though.
The current valantine event is made, it requires no resources to activate.
The trade off is beween a new valantine event and a new other event (such as the time capsule opening) or new missions/TFs.
I really should do something about this signature.
I think I agree with PRAF and Londoner. Trying to constantly renew an old event just doesn't work. Because? Everyone will be logging on the first day, doing it on all their toons and guess what? The event has nothing more for them. And this year, nothing new is added, so now for a few people it will not be anymore new. In fact, when I logged onto Pocket D on Monday on Defiant on 11am GMT there was only 5 there, myself included!
Some good suggestions as mentioned earlier by PRAF, also a Summer Event, Villian Group Events, and other things.
And if they are going to expand on the Valentine's Day event, at least make it so they can do some sort of love story with our characters. Now, that would be quite nice, actually.
In fact, when I logged onto Pocket D on Monday on Defiant on 11am GMT there was only 5 there, myself included!
[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe your problem right there.
In fact, when I logged onto Pocket D on Monday on Defiant on 11am GMT there was only 5 there, myself included!
[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe your problem right there.
[/ QUOTE ]
It's also the case that the servers hadn't started the VAlentines event that long before 11:00 Monday and at least some people appeared to only be getting the message when they zoned - so it's possible that many people who were in the game hadn't actually seen the message about the event yet.
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
In fact, when I logged onto Pocket D on Monday on Defiant on 11am GMT there was only 5 there, myself included!
[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe your problem right there.
[/ QUOTE ]
That would be a good point, except there was a lot more people actually ON the server. So most must have been disintrested, is what I'm trying to say.
I do take on board the notion that time spent doing the work (including a new faction and some creation of scaled mobs, pssibly a new map) is not preferable to the continuation of the CoX Story.
I am a fan of new content in terms of 'The Big Picture' but in this case I was also responding to a bit of a 'meh' feeling that I read and interpreted as 'Are we going to get any more special, calendar-related events or just a rehash/re-run of the same old event at Valentines?' etc.
I do feel though that trying to compare this suggestion with others that relate to a bigger picture is unbalanced.
I'm also well aware that one person's 'ZOMG! This idea is teh sex!' can be another person's 'Fail!' so no hard feelings from me on that one.
I said I would be posting my Villain version the day after but RL gets in the way an awful lot. I'm drafting it when I can and then posting in a separate thread.
To address the issue of Hero/Villain co-op - I don't like the current version of the Valentines event! So I'm not going to be making any suggestions for making it co-op. That can be for someone else to suggest in their own time.
Don't get me wrong, the Lady Grey Task Force and the RWZ in general is great fun with mixed teams. As is the Imperious Task Force and Cimerora (pre non-co-oppage (is that a word? Probably not ).
Thank you for all comments. Keep 'em coming,
Inspired by suggestions that were inspired by the disappointment of some forum posters, here is a little (!) idea I came up with just now.
[u]Mass Cupidity[u]
[u]Hero Contact[u] (Galaxy City Medical Centre): Doctor Love
Heroes: A shipment of a new heart drug, Euphoria, was seized by a group of Family members posing as security guards. Luckily the PPD were able to intercept one faction of the cartel but half the delivery has been taken. Its imperative that this drug is not allowed onto the streets it was only in the second stage of testing before coming here to be perfected by the Citys ace medical teams. Who knows what effects the drug will have on the unsuspecting public? And just think of the people who might miss out on a revolutionary heart treatment because of the selfishness and greed of those thugs!
Mission One: Bust the Family Hideout Instanced Warehouse with [u]scaled Family mobs[u]
Objectives: Find clues
Rescue 2 PPD hostages (hostages, not NPCs)
Mission Complete: You have rescued the disarmed PPD officers and discovered the Familys intentions concerning Euphoria.
[/ QUOTE ]
Clue 1: You found a note to Big Baloney stating that a manufacturing plant is available to try out the funky ammo
Clue 2: You found a childish diagram of a pill being poured into a bullet casing and being fired. The stick man target has love hearts all around its head.
[/ QUOTE ]
Mission Two: Stop the Ammo Production! Instanced Sewer leading to Instanced Warehouse possible new map.
Objectives: Destroy 5 Euphoria barrels (they are all found in the final room)
Defeat Gang Leaders, their members
Mission Complete: You have prevented the Family from seizing control over a dangerous form of ammunition and discovered a new enemy in the process The Lovebugs!
[/ QUOTE ]
Notable Foes: Big Baloney Family Consigliore
Usual Consigliore attacks
Funky Shot ranged, lethal damage, causes confusion
Funky Aphro Lovebug Queen
Uses several Plant Control powers (Entangle, Fly Trap, Seeds of Confusion)
Uses the Trick Arrow power, Disruption Arrow
[/ QUOTE ]
Mission Three: Stop the Lovebugs! Instanced Shadowhunter Outdoor map
Objectives: Defeat all enemies
Destroy the portal
Mission Complete: Congratulations! Who would have thought a drugs heist would have turned into an interdimensional battle against a race of evil bugs?! Lets hope we never hear from Herbie and his insidious insects ever again!
[/ QUOTE ]
Arc completion Bug Squasher Accolade badge
Defeat 50 Lovebugs - Unlock Love Hearts Aura
Defeat Herbie 5 times - Love Bug badge
Unlock Cupid Gladiator
New Villain Group: Lovebugs
[u]Minion[u] Cupid (uses the Flying Prototype Oscillator model, but looks like a cherub!)
Attacks: Hover
Snap Shot
Love Shot (same as Snap Shot but with chance to confuse)
Love Tap (brawl with minor chance to disorient)
[u]Lieutenant[u] Pest (uses the Red Cap minion model has bug eyes, antennae and insect wings)
Attacks: Hover
Ranged Shot
Stunning Shot
Barb Swipe
Acid Arrow
[u]Boss (type 1)[u] Queen (uses the female model)
Fly Trap
Seeds of Confusion
Disruption Arrow
[u]Boss (type 2)[u] Warrior (uses the huge model)
Throw Spines
[u]Elite Boss[u] Herbie (uses the huge model)
Spore Burst
Spirit Tree
Flash Arrow
Temporary Invulnerability[/i]
So there you have it. I was going to add images and explain a bit more but I need bed!
The villain version will be posted tomorrow.