Portal to PvP zones.
why a vet reward?, devs want more peepes to pvp, so maybe give portal with your kill 20 badge ??
Could be made also a base teleport beacon.
Could be an accolade power, like the Ouroboros portal. Collect PvP badges to get it.
Could also send out PvP zone alerts, so player know when to use it. E.g. send out an alert when a base is captured (RV), a launch code obtained (WB), a bounty reaches 1000 inf (SC) or a meteor fragment obtained (BB).
I really should do something about this signature.
Could also send out PvP zone alerts, so player know when to use it. E.g. send out an alert when a base is captured (RV), a launch code obtained (WB), a bounty reaches 1000 inf (SC) or a meteor fragment obtained (BB).
[/ QUOTE ]
This would be an excellent idea.
DCUO and CO will never see my money. The Citygame will keep seeing my money for as long as I keep enjoying it

Bases need PVP zone teleport beacons
[B][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]@Winter Flare[/COLOR] - [url="http://sites.google.com/site/thenewguardians"] The New Guardians[/url] - [url="http://www.badge-hunter.com/index.php?/page/view_player.php?id=339"] 1211 Badges [/url][/B]
Could be made also a base teleport beacon.
[/ QUOTE ]I suggest making the Advanced Telepad able to port into PvP zones, marked by having a more secure look to it
Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Collect all the badges inside a zone. Get the beacons and use your basic telepad or if you prefer an advanced telepad that has to be unlocked doing PvP stuff, to make an easy access into the zone.
It would benefit the SG's to have a handy item to go places you can't reach using vanguard/ourobouros/pocket D shortcuts. It would perhaps also stimulate people to do some PvP things.
People are getting so lazy in this game. What's the matter? Can't spend 2 minutes travelling to the PvP zone? You'd HATE WoW!
/unsigned. Get off your lazy bums and walk!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
People are getting so lazy in this game. What's the matter? Can't spend 2 minutes travelling to the PvP zone? You'd HATE WoW!
/unsigned. Get off your lazy bums and walk!
[/ QUOTE ]
WoW lets you join PvP zones by talking to some dude, he's all "yeah that's chill wait here I'll teleport you" and then BAM, soon as there's an opening, you're in.
People are getting so lazy in this game. What's the matter? Can't spend 2 minutes travelling to the PvP zone? You'd HATE WoW!
/unsigned. Get off your lazy bums and walk!
[/ QUOTE ]
WoW lets you join PvP zones by talking to some dude, he's all "yeah that's chill wait here I'll teleport you" and then BAM, soon as there's an opening, you're in.
[/ QUOTE ]
And how do you GET to that dude, hmmm?
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
People are getting so lazy in this game. What's the matter? Can't spend 2 minutes travelling to the PvP zone? You'd HATE WoW!
/unsigned. Get off your lazy bums and walk!
[/ QUOTE ]so you prefer to let you friends die while you take the timbuktu route instead of taking short cuts
People are getting so lazy in this game. What's the matter? Can't spend 2 minutes travelling to the PvP zone? You'd HATE WoW!
/unsigned. Get off your lazy bums and walk!
[/ QUOTE ]
so you prefer to let you friends die while you take the timbuktu route instead of taking short cuts
[/ QUOTE ]
If you weren't already in the PvP zone, then you weren't already helping your friends, so what difference does it make? If they need your presence so badly that they'll get smeared without you, then they can wait in a safe area for you.
But of course, since the PvP changes in i13 came about, you're not GOING to get smeared in the time it takes someone to get to a PvP zone, as it's just not that fast paced anymore.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
People are getting so lazy in this game. What's the matter? Can't spend 2 minutes travelling to the PvP zone? You'd HATE WoW!
/unsigned. Get off your lazy bums and walk!
[/ QUOTE ]
WoW lets you join PvP zones by talking to some dude, he's all "yeah that's chill wait here I'll teleport you" and then BAM, soon as there's an opening, you're in.
[/ QUOTE ]
And how do you GET to that dude, hmmm?
[/ QUOTE ]
There is one in every major city, plus the ones actually at the entrance to the various BGs. And arena dudes in the various neutral cities. With a HS set to a nearby Inn you can get to a PvP bloke in virtually no time at all (needs a bit of forethought), and if the city if ina zone where you're levelling or grinding you can continue on doing your thing. (I used to play the markets while waiting for a BG place.)
IMO An item that can TP you to each zone based on a PvP accolade either near base portals or near the trainers (fixed location in each city zone). Plus a SG Base item which can be earned through a different method whilst in SG mode, to allow TP from the base. Means even those who don't belong to a SG, or a SG that doesn't provide PvP stuff in base (like mine) or just a poor SG who can't afford the right items yet. Can also access quick teleport items.
There is one in every major city, plus the ones actually at the entrance to the various BGs. And arena dudes in the various neutral cities. With a HS set to a nearby Inn you can get to a PvP bloke in virtually no time at all (needs a bit of forethought), and if the city if ina zone where you're levelling or grinding you can continue on doing your thing. (I used to play the markets while waiting for a BG place.)
[/ QUOTE ]
I bet you I can get from any PvE zone to any PvP zone in CoH faster than you can in WoW.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Following the logic off 'just travel there normally - it's not that far'... why were / are the teleport beacons expanded? There only used to be, what - just over 10? Then the collection doubled (hero-side). Even now, we can see a Pocket D teleport - why? A lot of people have the TP power, or can get it, and there are FOUR entrances. So why not find your own way to Pocket D? To be honest, it makes more sense to me to have teleporters to PVP zones which are based in *this* dimension, and require (to quote a day job badge) 'Rapid Response' to tackle villains (if your teammates or SG need support) than to have a teleport that leads to a inter-dimensional sanctuary based in the middle of nowhere, which is regularly frequented by elves, men in togas and old father time.
[B][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]@Winter Flare[/COLOR] - [url="http://sites.google.com/site/thenewguardians"] The New Guardians[/url] - [url="http://www.badge-hunter.com/index.php?/page/view_player.php?id=339"] 1211 Badges [/url][/B]
WAR teleports you instantly into PvP scenarios, and you don't have to walk anywhere or talk to anyone.
The trouble with CoX PvP is often there isn't anyone to pvP against in the zones, so you aren't going to take the trouble to go there if there is a good chance there is nothing going on when you get there.
And there are no game lore reasons why you shouldn't have it, teleportation is already established as quite common.
I really should do something about this signature.
Well they could easily link bloody bay and sirens call by turning the archnos flyer's / longbow choppers into i kind of PVP ferry/train system allowing you to travel from pvp zone to pvp zone without the need to enter another zone (in fact they could [censored] it to the black helicopter line as it seems some what underused.
RV is marginally more difficult to justify using game lore as its reached by a special portal either in Atlas Park or Grandsvill but the chopper lines could be expanded to these to zones pretty easily.
RV should only be accessible through Atlas Park. It's nice to confused new heroes when level 50's are running around the lower level of town hall for 'special reasons', lol.
[B][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]@Winter Flare[/COLOR] - [url="http://sites.google.com/site/thenewguardians"] The New Guardians[/url] - [url="http://www.badge-hunter.com/index.php?/page/view_player.php?id=339"] 1211 Badges [/url][/B]
People are getting so lazy in this game. What's the matter? Can't spend 2 minutes travelling to the PvP zone? You'd HATE WoW!
/unsigned. Get off your lazy bums and walk!
[/ QUOTE ]
WoW lets you join PvP zones by talking to some dude, he's all "yeah that's chill wait here I'll teleport you" and then BAM, soon as there's an opening, you're in.
[/ QUOTE ]
And how do you GET to that dude, hmmm?
[/ QUOTE ]
Put MaX on follow and go AFK......... that's how I travelled when I played WoW, was the only chance in hell I'd be willing to log in
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
I agree with Hammerfall that it is best done with base teleport beacons.

Story arcs: �Viva la Represi�n! (#2327) | Mysterious Virus (#11762) | Four Horsemen of the 2012 Apocalypse (#531874) | Deadly Dragon | White Slime
My story on union.virtueverse.com
There is one in every major city, plus the ones actually at the entrance to the various BGs. And arena dudes in the various neutral cities. With a HS set to a nearby Inn you can get to a PvP bloke in virtually no time at all (needs a bit of forethought), and if the city if ina zone where you're levelling or grinding you can continue on doing your thing. (I used to play the markets while waiting for a BG place.)
[/ QUOTE ]
I bet you I can get from any PvE zone to any PvP zone in CoH faster than you can in WoW.
[/ QUOTE ]
Depends where you start from.
Back side of Scarlet Monastry I'd agree, bank in IF no way. But then without any temps or awarded bonus powers (so just basic travel powers) from the far side of Shadow Shards to RV? Even falling down to get back to area start, and then running to ferry (no base TP for you), to Skyway station and thus to Atlas and RV would take you a fair amount of time I think...
I suggest you get off you floaty behind and live like the rest of us plebs without all your funky travel powers Mr FatMan...
Having quick acess to PvP zones as suggested above wouldn't in anyway make the game less easy and might encourage people who want to PvP (the fools) to actually head to a zone.
Depends where you start from.
Back side of Scarlet Monastry I'd agree, bank in IF no way. But then without any temps or awarded bonus powers (so just basic travel powers) from the far side of Shadow Shards to RV? Even falling down to get back to area start, and then running to ferry (no base TP for you), to Skyway station and thus to Atlas and RV would take you a fair amount of time I think...
[/ QUOTE ]
Hey, if I can't use base TP, then you can't use your Hearthstone, so I'd still win!
Besides... I'd either use the Ourob portal, or if that's banned, just go via Pocket D to get to Kings then Atlas. No need to go to Skyway at all.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
and might encourage people who want to PvP (the fools) to actually head to a zone.
[/ QUOTE ]
No LN, it won't.
Also, why are you replying to Floaty's pretty obvious trolling attempt on the first page? His argument is utterly dumb, but you've given it credence by responding to it. Shame on you, LN. Ignore the big floating troll.
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
and might encourage people who want to PvP (the fools) to actually head to a zone.
[/ QUOTE ]
No LN, it won't.
Also, why are you replying to Floaty's pretty obvious trolling attempt on the first page? His argument is utterly dumb, but you've given it credence by responding to it. Shame on you, LN. Ignore the big floating troll.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not trolling, and it's not a dumb argument... It IS way too easy to get around in the game, why make it even easier? People in here are spoiled, and wouldn't last 5 minutes trying to get around in games like WoW or EVE. Especially EVE...
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Not into PvP zones but to the entrance point of them. To the helicopters, sirens gate in steel or that room in the Atlas City Hall with the portal. People could get into them quicker. I thought about it as a 45 month Vet idea but its rather biased and so it may make a good PvP reward idea, in some shape or form, I dunno. but lets say I am somewhere, anywhere, in Peregrine and need to get to RV, rather than ouroboros, then atlas then RV I am in that room that leads to RV.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.