Your toon's New Years Resolutions?
Get my lvl 25 Scrapper and my lvl 41 PB to 50 before 1st January 2010.
There. An achievable, easy enough goal.
Get my lvl 25 Scrapper and my lvl 41 PB to 50 before 1st January 2010.
There. An achievable, easy enough goal.
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Missing the point there, IM, it's about what your characters want, not what you want
Coin.....Coin just wants to find his one true love again
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

Coin.....Coin just wants to find his one true love again
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Shen is right behind you
Coin.....Coin just wants to find his one true love again
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Shen is right behind you
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What, like,.......stalking me, to steal my one true love from me???
What kind of hero is that????
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

Dagar wants to be #1 on badge-hunter. They must have teh inwerwebz ingame afteral.
now wheres that game breaking bug gone...
shen's a hero? :P
Get my lvl 25 Scrapper and my lvl 41 PB to 50 before 1st January 2010.
There. An achievable, easy enough goal.
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Missing the point there, IM, it's about what your characters want, not what you want
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Aye like what Coin said it's not your resolution its your OWN character's resolution
juggernaut junior is out it again to get more power and youganite is trying to show the lutters what is more important, old fashion fists or swords and arrows.
Shen is right behind you
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Don't worry Coin, you can borrow my lube if you want.
Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.
Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."
Bluedarky's resolution is to get around to finishing Amanda's training at some point, soon, possibly.
Get my lvl 25 Scrapper and my lvl 41 PB to 50 before 1st January 2010.
There. An achievable, easy enough goal.
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Missing the point there, IM, it's about what your characters want, not what you want
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Aye like what Coin said it's not your resolution its your OWN character's resolution
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OK characters all want people to hold a party for them...ALL of them
By 1st January 2010!!!
Blue Rabbit is going for a "dark and twisty inside" phase as he'll continue to try and come to terms with what he became/is becoming. Still, the rabbit in him continues to be bewildered at the world around him.
Maroon Hare will continue to try and find its way back to its home dimension and seeing as that is impossible, will continue to spread misery, pain and general discomfort wherever it goes.
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
Blue Rabbit is going for a "dark and twisty inside" phase as he'll continue to try and come to terms with what he became/is becoming. Still, the rabbit in him continues to be bewildered at the world around him.
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I thought he would've got used to eating carrots by now
Blue Rabbit is going for a "dark and twisty inside" phase as he'll continue to try and come to terms with what he became/is becoming. Still, the rabbit in him continues to be bewildered at the world around him.
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Who would get all dark and twisted at becoming strokeably cute!?
*stroke* *stroke*
Stop trying to hump my leg....
Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.
Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."
Continue helping new and old players, get enough Prestige to buy the largest base plot size, get more badges, especially the last Inf one, have fun
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
This man is a real hero, more than any of you heroes will ever be because he stands strong in front of abuse and embarrasment!
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As a group we're playing a video game.
That man is dancing on the street to make a pop video, and as far as I can see attracting no abuse at all but the occasional bit of support.
Neither is remotely heroic.
Some of the game's players (not me, mind) may well be heroic in real life, though, as firefighters, paramedics, or similar.
TBH saying that a fat dancer is more heroic than any such people is pretty facile.
MZ is making a resolution to get out of the lab more often!
MZ is making a resolution to get out of the lab more often!
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Wouldn't that kinda reduce the mad science options?
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Neither is remotely heroic.
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Don't feed the trolls.
Come to think of it, I think that's my characters' new years resolution. Considering the Superadine problem the trolls seem to have it might be wise not to feed them any more.
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url=""][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url=""][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
Coin.....Coin just wants to find his one true love again
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Shen is right behind you
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What, like,.......stalking me, to steal my one true love from me???
What kind of hero is that????
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I actually meant that in a more supportive kinda way.
Khorak, you can keep your lube, but thanks anyway <3
My toons new years resolution are to enjoy retirement.
Scarlet Shocker's going to kick-start Shock Tactics and get more badges.
Riffster's thinking of coming out of retirement, tho he is enjoying teaching at the Midnight Club.
Magma Mage wants to get to 50 so he can maybe find Mist Mage and help her to 50 too.
Scarlet Sinner is going to make 50 and become a bigger noise in the Isles than that fake Scarlet Stinger.

Thelonious Monk
I talked to some of my alts. But the heroes think I have spent too much time on the villains and won't talk to me.
Those who would:-
System 11 just want to be know as the girl that gets things done... She will be continuing in 2009 to do the jobs that other won't touch
Evil One is going to be the Queen of Isles she will be obeyed
The only Blue sider who would talk to me Rosie Brown. Is going to find a way of becoming fully human again. She doesn't like being a PB at all
As I said none of the other 20 plus would speak to me
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
CoH faces
To relax more... and with that in mind they're all going on holiday for a few months.... its not like the villains will be going anywhere will they?
Lord Spawnus's is to get the 5th and Maybe the 6th Money Badge, dont ask how but the 5th would be a good one since he is about 20% in
I know how all of you have your own new years resolution so I was curious to know on what your characters resolutions are if they have one!
For example, Firefighter Frank's resolution is to finish anything he starts and Sonikins is to always have a plan of action!