Ellie & The Ziggurat - The Story




(( The following is based (pretty hevaily) on the events of Wednesday night's roleplay over IRC. The dialogue is almost exactly as logged, I tweaked the order a little bit, and added a lot of adjectices, of course. ))

(( Since my presence there was Seven, it's sort of told from her perspective and annotations. I hope no ones minds. ))

Wednesday 17th September, 08:18, Ziggursky Penitentiary.

Seven's sensor arrays were already examining the scene as her trajectory carried her toward a landing near the main entrance to the imposing lump of concrete known as 'The Zig' to most of the residents of Brickstown. There were far more than the usual supply of guards standing outside the doors, which was to say that there were guards there. Generally they kept themselves to the interior and poked their noses out through armoured panels in the doors.

Facing them were five figures dressed in Unity Vigil colours and carrying some form of high-tech assault rifle each. The guards appeared to have come out in response to the mass arrival of several armed constructs. One of the constructs was speaking as Seven landed softly behind the group, her camouflage system hiding her from the guards, though she was unsure about the optical capabilities of the Vigilants.

“We have been informed that Prisoner Ellie Stoneberg has been moved from the Hero section of the Prison to the general population. This is unacceptable and dangerous, and the Unity Vigil's lawyers have already been contacted. We wish to be let in to provide her protection, or at least escort her to somewhere safe." The lead Vigilant had a pleasant, mid-western accent, but its words were effectively demands and the guards were having none of it.

"I'm sorry, but unless you've got authorisation, I can't permit you access to the building, especially armed. You're going to have to leave the premises, immediately." The guard who spoke appeared to have no higher rank than the others, but Seven pulled his employment records and determined that his pay scale corresponded to that of a shift squad leader. He would be the one to talk to initially. The man's face flickered through a state of mild shock as a mid-height woman in a grey jumpsuit appeared to materialise before him holding up a PPD ID badge. A second guard, equally surprised, put his hand on the butt of his revolver and reached out the other hand to stop Seven. She looked down at the hand, resting between her breasts and then turned her attention back to the shift leader. The hand retracted as suddenly as it had been thrust forward. Seven had occasionally wondered why her designers had given her the structure she had, times like this reminded her that a meek, attractive female form had a tendency to put men (in particular) off balance.

"Hold it there please. May I see your ID?" the supervisor said, recovering from his initial surprise.

“Operative Seven, PPD Section Nineteen. I wish to interview the prisoner designated Tiger White.” Seven's voice was in 'business' mode: clipped, precise. Behind her, the Vigilants had clearly decided to wait and see what Seven was up to. They simply watched the guards, weapons held somewhere between 'at ease' and 'I'm shooting now.' Seven ran some projections regarding her plans for the day and came to a decision.

The guard had wandered off with Seven's ID, scanned it through some station near the door and was now returning. "You're cleared for access, officer. Please enter through the main doors and follow the white arrows to the central guardroom."

Seven spoke immediately, “I will be taking two of these constructs with me. Under my authority.” She needed to talk to Zorielle Rolando later and assisting her agents in handling this situation would be politically advantageous. Besides which, these were autonomous AIs like herself. They could be trusted to act in a logical manner.

The guard looked surprised, but then she had expected that. He also recognised that she had the authority to do this and, more importantly, if she was taking this on her head, it was not going to be his neck on the block if everything went pear shaped. "Very well officer, but we can't permit them to enter armed. They'll have to either leave their weapons here, or check them in."

Seven turned to the lead Vigilant. "Will that be acceptable?"

The construct nodded, beginning to shift it's weapon in its hands. “We find the Officer's request acceptable. We will leave our weapons with our fellow units.” As Seven nodded in reply, the leading two constructs disarmed themselves, handing their weapons to two of the three remaining, and followed the police android into the prison.

High above them, on the horizon, but closing fast on the Brickstown War Wall, a Cessna 140 single-prop aircraft could be seen by someone looking in just the right direction who happened to have telescopic vision or a pair on binoculars. It's engine sputtering and coughing as it flew, it barely managed to scrape over the high, green force field. As it was, the undercarriage was torn away and the aircraft jerked alarmingly. Inside, Doctor Edward Johnson patted the steering column and prayed to the gods of technology. “Come on baby... hold together... not far now...” He turned his head and looked back at Wild Red, who had just turned up at the airfield dressed in some kind of body armour, and said she would come along. Perhaps it had been the large amount of explosives she had seen his robots loading onto the plane. “For all that's Holy start bailing out the seats!” he yelled at her and his family of robots, who occupied several of the places the seats should have been in anyway.

"I didn't think I'd have to bail out this heap of junk," Red complained as she opened the door and pushed out a loose seat.

Ed said nothing in reply, turning his attention back to trying to keep the dying aircraft airborne long enough to reach its target.

Seven and the two Vigilants were stopped by another guard almost as soon as they arrived in the area of the main guard station. "I require the current location of hero designation Tiger White," Seven stated.

“ID please,” the guard replied. The inefficiency of using human guards annoyed her. Robots would have had her cleared through to Stoneberg's location by now. Becoming more and more irritated, Seven accessed the prison's security camera network and began a facial scan for Ellie. It took her a brief second to identify the location. Prison canteen, eating something that looked like gruel. “She is in the canteen. This way...” She stepped forward toward one of the inner doors and the guard's hand landed on her chest. What was it with humans and their desire to grab at her chest to stop her moving?

"Hey, you can't enter any further without authorisation. I want your ID. Now." Seven looked down at the hand, and then at her badge, which was attached to her jacket. The hand was removed, and the guard accepted the ID as she handed it over.

Outside, one of the Vigilants spoke to the guards. "We've been alerted to inform you that should any harm come to Ellie Stoneberg as a result of her transfer, the Unity Vigil and Ellie's family will be filing lawsuits."

"Pal, I just work the gate. Don't look at me for anything going on inside..."

"As we cannot get inside, then we cannot deliver our message, can we, thus we relay it to you." The Vigilant stated in reply.

The guard opened his mouth to say something else and then stopped, frowning up at the sky. “What the Hell?”

Inside the plane, Red held on to the back of the pilot's seat, which was all that remained. “This is your party, any one apart from your friends that's off limits?"

Ed shook his head. “Nope, apart from Ellie and those of my friends you've already met...nobody is off limits...I wouldn't be flying this death trap if they were." He had to yell over the sounds coming from the straining engine. He made a final check of the flight line and, satisfied, tied the column off with a length of blue nylon rope.

Red cracked her knuckles and grinned widely, “ready when you are.”

Ed nodded and climbed from his seat. “Okay. Everyone bail out... Now!”

Seven and the two Vigilants were shown into an interview room by the guard who had stopped them. His tune had changed somewhat after he had checked her ID and she had threatened him with what was likely to happen if Ellie came to any harm while they were waiting. Liability was a useful word to bandy about when dealing with bureaucracy, Seven had discovered. The room had two sections to it, divided by a low counter over which hovered a glowing, blueish force field.

Beyond the field, Ellie Stoneberg, aka Tiger White, sat on the chair she had been deposited in. Her left eye was blackened and slightly swollen, and she looked tired, but otherwise she appeared healthy. Around her neck, a suppressor collar flickered its lights in a somehow defiant manner.

“Ms Stoneberg, I am Operative Seven, PPD Section Nineteen. I am here to ask you some questions regarding your case, and possibly to have you transferred out of the general population here." Seven remained standing, despite the availability of a chair.

Ellie nodded wearily in reply, but her gaze fixed on the two Vigilants and their recognisable uniforms. "Okay... I guess. Zori sent you?"

Seven glanced at the constructs and then back to Ellie. “She sent them. I arranged for them to enter.”

Guards slowly came to the realisation that something very strange was happening as they spotted bodies falling from the stricken aircraft and then taking various forms of flight. One guard, perhaps a little brighter than the others, ran to one of the security panels and banged the palm of his hand down on a large, red button.

"Mrs Rolando was worried after learning you were transferred to the general pop-”, the Vigilant paused in mid word without warning just as Seven received the same message as it did through a different source. “Warning, an alarm has been raised in the prison." Still maintaining her connection to the security cameras, Seven scanned through them rapidly, attempting to discover the source of the problem. She flicked to an outside shot just in time to see Ed's plan begin in earnest.

The entire building seemed to shake as the poor Cessna hit the prison's outer shell and the explosives detonated. Red got the feeling her ears would be ringing for a month as she flew after Ed toward the huge cloud of smoke where the plane had hit.

“Alright kids...and Red, let's do this! Expect heavy resistance, and we need to make this quick and smooth. Everyone, through the hole!” Ed powered through the gap in the wall and landed, his robots taking flanking positions. Red followed immediately, focussing her will to boost her team mates' speed. There was an alarming grin on her face, she was enjoying this far too much.

Seven activated her full array of defensive systems and put her offensive systems on stand by. “I suggest forming a security perimeter here. Our first duty at this point is to maintain security on Tiger White,” she said to the Vigilants. The room had switched over to emergency lighting and, somewhat to Seven's chagrin, the force field apparently did likewise. She began hacking the control system in case she needed to down it.

The Vigilants apparently agreed with her, one moving to a defensive position near the door, popping several taser spines from its hand, the other reading itself to open and rush through the door should offensive action be required. One of the guards behind the screen was yelling into his radio, trying to determine what was happening. The explosion had disrupted some of the camera network, but Seven was able to isolate two humanoids and several robots.

“The prison is under attack. A male identified as a former Vigilant member, and a female, several robots,” Seven announced.

"Scanning... designation: Doctor Edward Johnson. The other units are in pursuit."

“Alright Gizelda, remote access to those security cameras... Everyone else, suppressing fire.” Ed began searching the area for any access port he could use to get Gizelda into the system. It was not easy. Rubble covered the space they had entered, and the bodies of a couple of guards and several inmates.

Red moved cautiously into the prison, grinning as she spotted a guard who looked confused, but ready to start shooting. She lined up, built up a charge, and fired. A bolt of radioactive particles bridged the gap between herself and the guard who was blasted backwards, screaming, his body armour reduced to a smoking ruin. He bounced off a wall and lay still.

“Female identified,” Seven stated. “Wild Red. Known fugitive.”

"We would like direct access to Ellie Stoneberg to ensure her protection and containment in this situation," the lead Vigilant said to the guard behind the barrier.

The guard frowned, distracted from working his radio by the Vigilant's request. "We can take care of that. You'd be better taking care of the intruders. We're not equipped to handle an attack."

"Three of our number are in pursuit. We would feel better dividing ourselves between this room and that one, but as you wish."

Three Vigilants, two of them carrying a rifle in each hand, dropped through the hole in the wall behind Ed and Red, pausing to assess the situation. Things were getting a little hot in here. Prisoners were scrambling to get clear as the robots laid down rocket and laser suppression fire. Ed cursed under his breath and wrapped the near area in a force bubble. "Come on... some kind of connection point... any kind of... Ah there we go." The main control point for the section was unmanned and still functioning. "Gizelda, get hacking. Everyone else attack..."

The Vigilants began firing non-lethal rounds at any prisoners attempting escape and further attempts were forestalled. Now they just wanted to get out of the line of fire, running for any cover they could find.

Seven, a small, female statue in the centre of the room assessed her own situation. “Is Johnson likely to be attempting the extraction of Ms Stoneberg?”

"Consulting... we believe so. They were on friendly terms." The lead Vigilant paused with its hand on the door handle.

“Then he will attempt to gain entry to this room. Officer, I would suggest that these units are best deployed here, where they can pincer the targets between two forces.”

The lead Vigilant backed away from the door, apparently agreeing with Seven. "Units 3 and 4 diverting to this location. Five is securing the entry point."

Ellie leant forward, her arms on the table. "Look, If it's Ed, I can talk to him. Persuade him to give up. I'm not gonna go with him, okay?"

Seven nodded. "If he will stand still long enough to be talked to."

"Drone Control Off, Switching to Remote Mode." The lead Vigilant's voice changed suddenly to a female one, that of BODICIA, the overmind of the Vigilants' base. "Good morning Ellie, Seems like someone's tried to get you into a bit of a catfight. And now we've got Doctor Johnson on his way here with a psychopath. I hope you had breakfast." Seven turned her head to look at the construct, mildly surprised.

Ellie sighed, "Hi Bodi. I did... porridge. Well, tried anyway... too many cold stares putting me off. Any idea why Ed's doing this?"

"Disdain for the legal system and its flaws. Admirable, but not tolerable. That's why we're here to stop him. Well, we were here to ensure that you weren't served for breakfast actually, but objectives change." Seven had the feeling that she might like BODICIA, she seemed to have a slightly inappropriate sense of humour.

Ellie sighed and fingered her collar, muttering. "Why is it always me?"

Seven turned her head toward Ellie. “That was one of the things I wanted to ask?”

Ellie looked up at Seven, and shrugged. "Popularity?"

Red looked agitated as she kept an eye out for more guards. "Any idea how long it's going to take? I don't like being a sitting duck!" For some reason two of the constructs that had been behind them had vanished, leaving only one which seemed more concerned with keeping prisoners inside than it was with the invading force. Red could hear police sirens outside and was quite sure that Longbow were responding, as they did on every prison break.

Gizelda looked up on queue and Ed nodded emphatically. "Location locked down, she's in the interview room, it's not far from here." He looked to Red, "Ok Red, move it out. We got places to see, people to rescue from the cold hard grasp of injustice." He began to march in the direction of the interview room where Seven and the Vigilants were waiting. “We go in, grab her then get the hell out. I know there's an Arachnos sub in Independence port, well it better be, I paid it to be there.”

Seven's attention, or at least her gaze, remained on Ellie. “Since we are waiting. Would you mind explaining the stress which caused you to be removed from active duty with the Vigilants?”

Ellie looked at her. "I'd rather not..."

“I am concerned that you were destabilised on purpose in order to reduce your judgement and precipitate these events. It would be helpful if you could give me some idea.”

Ellie looked at her, then towards the Vigilant BODICIA was controlling. "Bodi, should I tell her?"

“I should point out that I was going to ask Ms Rolando, but then my flag on your prison file was triggered.” Seven's socialisation modules suggested that this might be a useful way to get what she wanted. It made it sound as though she were concerned with Ellie's condition, which was not far from the truth, though it was more that she was concerned over a possible miscarriage of justice and the loss of a witness.

"It may help, so yes," BODICIA replied. "Oh, the Vigilants are entering the room... now." On cue, two Vigilant constructs entered the room, immediately handing their compatriots rifles.

Ellie sighed and nodded. "Alright... I'm... suffering a... stability problem... with my powers.” She paused, apparently having trouble finding the words. “An overload of sorts... Affects my temper too..." That much was obvious.

“Is it possible that this was induced in some way?” Seven asked.

Ellie shook her head. "No, we know the cause, but several people have seen it... An incident in Galaxy with some Freakshow rioting."

Seven considered this. So she had not been forced into the condition. It was unlikely that someone would cause a Freakshow riot in order to precipitate these events, if only because the cyborgs were unpredictable. They could have used it, however. “How widely known was your condition?”

Ellie shrugged. "There was some TV camera footage. We thought we got the tape but-"

Seven cut her off, her camera feeds showing Ed and Red arriving as guards tried to erect emergency force fields in the corridor outside. “They are here. One hundred metres and closing.” Gunfire could be heard, rapidly diminishing as the guards were overwhelmed by the robots and Red's radiation blasts.

"Units 3 and 4, switch to live rounds, go for the robots. I'll relinquish control of this one for now. 1 and 2 will move to close combat," BODICIA said. "Chat later."

Ellie sniffed the air. "He's close, I can smell his cologne... Take this damn collar off me, I can help!"

The head guard shook his head. "No way Stoneberg. You ain't getting any chance to escape."

Two of the Vigilant constructs stepped smoothly through the door, took position, and opened fire on the robots coming down the corridor. Behind the droids, Red raised her arms, a ball of writhing energy forming above her head. She tossed it ahead of her, into the mass of guards where it detonated, blasting the men down the corridor like skittles.

One of the Vigilants in the corridor spoke, “Doctor Johnson, Wild Red. We are members of the Unity Vigil, stand down. You will not be releasing any prisoners.”

“Can't do that Vigiliants, she's coming with us whether she likes it or not. Who knows how injustice and prison life has warped her mind! Family forward!” He began to march toward the constructs, providing covering fire along with his robots.

The two Vigilants moved in perfect synchronisation, positioning themselves to block the corridor, raising their rifles and opening up with twin streams of automatic fire. "This is live ammunition," one said pleasantly. "For your safety, please cease resistance and surrender."

Ed raised a forcefield which seemed to have little effect on the streams of jacketed lead and looked at his companion. "Red... EMP pulse. I've shielded my robots from your affects but they aren't..."

Inside the interview room, Ellie was starting to look agitated, wringing her hands. "All this trouble... Because of me..."

Seven had positioned herself between the force field and the door. Mentally, her finger rested on the cut off switch for the barrier. This was going badly. “Please remain calm, Ms Stoneberg. It is unlikely that you are the root cause of this commotion.”

With their clips emptied, the Vigilants determined that it was time for heavier ordinance. M30 grenades flew down the corridor, and then they took aim for short ranged missile blasts. The grenades detonated behind Red as she walked toward the constructs, a smile on her face and a hummed rendition of Golden Brown coming from her mouth. She tensed and then exploded in what appeared to be a greenish mushroom cloud before collapsing, spent, onto the floor. The Vigilants in the corridor and the interview room stiffened as their circuits were fried, and then collapsed to the floor. Seven folded like a rag doll.

In a computer room on Peregrine Island Eric Needlebaum roared a string of expletives at the assembled technicians. “What happened?! I thought we had shielded her against energy bursts.”

“Power spike in the main processor,” one of the men replied. “It was a pretty significant blast. I estimate reboot in around forty-five seconds.”

“If she doesn't you'll all be washing out toilets,” Needlebaum commented, looking at his watch.

Behind the barrier, sparks danced across the surface of Ellie's collar. The impervium shell protected the electronics, but the device interpreted the surge as an attempt to tamper with the device. There was a flare of reddish energy and Ellie arched up from her seat in pain, before collapsing, unconscious. Unsure of what to do, the guards were caught entirely by surprise as several rockets blew a gaping hole in the interview room wall. They fell under the blast and brick fragments, and Ed stepped through entirely unhindered. “Alright Ellie,” he said to her unresponsive body, “lets get you out of here.” As if on queue, the force field flickered and died.

The dark shape of the Unity Wing made a sharp turn over a fleet of police cruisers and three Longbow helicopters, and dropped to the ground inside the prison perimeter fences. The rear hatch opened and several members of the Unity Vigil, lead by both Zortel and Xortel, disembarked. They were followed by a wave of Vigilant constructs, and then a third wave consisting of New Vigilants members. One of their own was in trouble, the 'unity' aspect of their collective name was showing.

Within seconds the force was deploying, securing the area. Zortel herself took to the air, heading for the breach, her full defensive array swinging into operation.

“Seriously...lets get you the hell out of here,” Ed said, lifting the unresisting Ellie out of her chair and tossing her over his shoulder. "Gizmatron, go grab one of the card keys for this thing and be sharpish. It's in the central office. Just teleport back to me when you get it." He turned, heading for the wall breach.

Behind him, Seven's systems came back online. She had a brief after-image of a dream about running through a field of tall grass before her main synchronisation systems came up. She turned her head to scan the room as her boot routines cycled through a system check. No non-functional systems, imminent mission failure. She brought her short range defensive systems online, plotted her trajectory, and rolled to her feet. One hand landed on the table in front of her and she vaulted it in a fluid movement. Both feet smacked into Ed's skull, knocking him over. Ellie's body crumpled to the floor where he sprawled and Seven completed her move, landing in a crouch in the corridor just as Red began to regain her senses.

"Nice try. Shame it wont work twice." A bubble of force formed around Ed. Seven began kicking at the field, but her blows were blocked and her frustration was obvious, her attention entirely focussed on Ed as he turned to leave. The blast that hit her in the side came as quite a surprise and sent her tumbling across the floor into a crouch. She engaged her long range defensive systems and eyed Red warily. Ed smirked, "silly gynoid..." (Seven had always disliked the word; what did her apparent sex have to do with anything?) There was a bleep as a small robot appeared beside him. "Red, ignore it. Keep going," he said as he began to sprint.

As she passed, Red smirked at the fallen Seven. "Aww, not ready to play with the big villains yet?" She picked up the pace, sprinting after Ed and the robots, and Seven waited a count of three before following, her sensors looking for an opening, any opening. The arrogant criminal was right, her systems were not up to taking on targets of this power yet. Still, she had re-established her link to the security camera network and knew that someone more than capable was waiting outside.

Ed closed on the wall breach to see Zortel hovering over it, her arms folded. "Ah hell,” he muttered, “I really hope this forcefield holds against her. Haven't got time for a fight."

“Let's talk a moment, Edward,” Zortel called out, her voice calm.

Ed kept sprinting for the gap under Zortel. “Can't talk... running...”

Zortel's gloves glowed with a bright red light as she charged them with power, lenses rotating and fans spinning before firing out a blast of energy at the running Doctor. Behind him, Red lifted off the ground into flight, waving at Zorielle with a smile on her face even as she pushed a speed boost onto Ed. The concentrated energy bolt pierced Ed's force field and smacked into his upper body, bowling him over and winding him. He clambered to his feet, gasping for breath and lifting Ellie once again. "Damn woman...you pack a punch..." He began running once again, his accelerated speed pushing toward the opening despite his weakened state. "Still... can't... chat..."

Ed's robots opened up in the general direction of Zortel and she was forced to evade, though the fire was inaccurate in a way that suggested that the robots were trying not to actually do damage. “Do this and you'll ruin her life, Edward! She won't be able to go to her home, her loved ones, her job, her friends. You'll take all that away for her because you feel the law slighted both of you, and I won't let you hurt my daughter by doing that!” She launched an energy blast toward the robots and then moved in to melee range, her gloves glowing with energy.

"She has a choice. I'm setting her down somewhere in Paragon, not taking her with me. A sub will wait for her to recover, she can either escape to the Isles... or remain here and serve out her time. I'm just giving her the option she doesn't have.” Seven's voice analysis indicated that he was telling what he believed to be the truth, however misguided.

The robots fell before Zortel's enraged energy punches one by one, all but a single one which was keeping pace with Ed as he sprinted toward the breach. Seven held back behind Red, both of them watching the exchange between the two old compatriots. "Did she choose this? No, you forced it upon her. Subjected her to this, and she'll be the one to deal with the repercussions!"

By now they were outside, Zortel following Ed in the air, but it was Red who acted, speeding past Edward and dropping to the ground in front of him. “Wait!” she yelled, holding up her arms.

Edward screeched to a halt. "Erm... Red my dear... open... exposed... Longbow choppers very very close... Not the best time to stop."

Seven took off from her crouch, bridging the distance to the wall breach in one leap and dropping back into a crouch on the shattered wall. Her head tilted as she calculated attack vectors. It was possible that Wild Red might fall to a close range attack, but right now Seven was hoping that it would not come to that. Zortel dropped to the ground between the two villains and the approaching Longbow forces. "Let's talk. And make it quick."

"Put her down. She has people here that will look after her!" Red attempted to put a hand on Ed's arm forgetting about the shields and just slipping off. "Leave her and come back to the Isles."

Ed looked toward Zorielle. "Look I'm giving her this choice, let her make it on her own. If she hands herself in then so be it, you can testify to whatever jury that the breakout was all my idea. If she chooses otherwise... Well that is her choice..."

“We're not going to let her rot in jail,” Zorielle replied. “Just like we wouldn't have let you done if you hadn't have broken out... I'm disgusted by the verdict in this case as well as yours, but we can't be above the law, Lord knows how much of a difference it could make at times.” Seven noted the statement and filed it away for future reference.

Edward smiled, "just let her make the choice, alright?"

“The device on her neck,” Zorielle said, pointing vaguely at Ellie's collar. “Probably keyed to the prison's perimeter, you know. Readings indicate that the little EMP pulse that took out my Vigilants set off a Quantum blast in it.”

Edward grinned, "ah that thing. Yes, well..." The single remaining robot handed him a small card and he swiped it over a sensor on the collar.

Red frowned as she watched the process. "Do you know what you are doing, Ed?”

The collar bleeped and a green light lit up on it. With a click, it unlocked and fell from around Ellie's neck, but she remained unresponsive. Seven uncoiled in one fluid motion and leapt the distance to Zortel. Her stance was passive, casual, non-aggressive. The criminals did not have to know that she could switch into combat mode without a second's thought. She reached into her jacket and removed a small bottle. “Would smelling salts help?” she asked, tossing the bottle toward the unscreened Red.

Edward let out a soft sigh, "letting her choose... that's what I'm doing. I'm going to set her down somewhere in Paragon City, Zortel., give her... an hour or two tops. She hands herself in... I'll make sure nobody in the prison bothers her. If she decides to go to the Isles... so be it."

Seven could not help but wonder who the Doctor was trying to convince. "Let us ask her right now then," she said, nodding toward Red, who had caught the bottle.

Ed looked at Seven and nodded. "Right now. But can we please hurry? Longbow and the cops are closing in kinda fast..."

"Shields please Ed," Red said, and Edward wrapped them in a force field as she uncorked the bottle and waved it under Ellie's nose.

The effect was more or less immediate. Ellie groaned and then jerked her head back. "Uuurrrggh... What hit me...? What's that stink?" She began coughing as Red withdrew the bottle and replaced the stopper. Seven recalled that Ellie had very sensitive olfactory receptors and wondered whether that had been a very nice thing to do. Humans actually interpreted bad smells as pain... Ellie tried to get to her feet, failed, and tried again. As her powers reasserted themselves a pulse of greenish energy burst out from her centre of mass and the bruised eye faded to a normal flesh tone. “Oh!” she said.

Zorielle smiled slightly. “Hello there Ellie. Time for me to talk later, there's some questions for you right now though.”

Ellie stretched and her eyes began to glow with the characteristic energy signature of the kheldian hybrids. She lifted off her feet, hovering perhaps a foot from the ground and turned slowly on the spot. "Ooooh, that feels good..." She stopped turning, facing Zortel. "Questions?" she asked.

Edward nodded, "you're being given a choice... Escape from Paragon and live in the Isles, free from the constraints of these people... or hand yourself over to Zortel here. It's your choice."

Red seemed to sense that this might not be an entirely good thing and backed away from Ellie, only to be stopped by Ed's force field. Ellie appeared to be thinking, but as she did so her glow began growing brighter. Energy arced from her to the ground, earthing itself with soft pops and louder crackles. "A choice? I don't have a bloody choice Ed, even less now thanks to you!"

Zorielle saw the warning signs and tried to calm Ellie down. “Calm yourself Ellie. We still have lots of options open, and we're going to insure that you're moved back to a more fitting part of the prison while we arrange the re-trial.”

Edward shrugged, "no you have more of a choice, you could have rotted in that prison with that collar on, being passed around a multi-sex prison like currency or you could be free..."

“Calm? Calm? Dammit Zori! How many are dead in there thanks to all this? And you want me to be calm?!” She turned in the air, directing her gaze, which was now developing a baleful, dark tint, upon Edward. "I hate it in that place Ed, but the law is the bloody law! You don't just ignore it because you don't like it! You think I like it in there? I'm bloody terrified! Powerless! I don't know what's gonna happen to me! But I haven't got any choice, Ed. If I go with you, my life is over.” She brought her hand across her body in an angry slash on finality. Sparks arced over her fingers. “I'll never be able to come home, never see my family again, never ever be free... All because of you!" She stabbed a glowing finger in Ed's direction, threateningly.

Red dropped into a crouch, shrouding herself in some form of dark energy. Seven pushed her defensive sensors into overload. Zortel raised her arm, fans whirring, and aimed it at Ellie. “That's enough, Ellie,” the head of the Unity Vigil ordered.

Edward shrugged again, "then stay here. Go back to that hell hole..." Energy flared around Ellie and she lashed out, slapping Edward across the face with all the force she could muster. He spun on the spot and then fell, dazed. Ellie loomed over his fallen form, energy arcing around her, darker than usual, and more menacing.

Red yelled, “stop!” Ellie showed no sign of having heard.

“Ellie, calm down now, or I'll put you down,” Zorielle snapped, bending her neck to sight along her arm.

Ed climbed to his feet, slowly, very slowly. Blood poured from his nose and one eye was already swelling shut. "Foolish girl... such a foolish girl indeed..." He smiled weakly. "You don't scare me, Ellie." He bent forward suddenly, snatching a quick kiss from her as his fingers activated something on his wrist. There was a flare of golden light and something shaped like a pair of open diamonds appeared at his feet. “Red, time to leave.” He grabbed his compatriot by her collar and she yelped as they folded into the portal, which vanished.

Ellie was floating again, turning slowly to face Zorielle, a pained look on her face. “I... I can't...”

“We're going to get you out of the general population Ellie, and we're going to get that retrial. You have to calm down and get a grip on yourself if you want a chance at that.” Zorielle's voice was imploring.

“Ms Stoneberg, I have already filed a request to have you moved into maximum security isolation,” Seven chimed in. “For your protection.”

Ellie's face was determined, but strained. She tilted, dropping her lower body and reached down into the rubble at her feet. Her hand came back up holding the collar. "I... can't... control... it..." The energy from her body was now leaving visible scorch marks on the concrete beneath her. Ellie jerked the collar around her neck and snapped it shut. A red light flicked on and, instantly, Ellie fell out of the air. Seven crossed the space between them in a blink, going from stock still to supporting Ellie in one movement. Without apparent effort, Seven lifted the catgirl off her feet.

"I told you I had a little... problem," Ellie muttered.

“Indeed. I have had ample example of the condition,” Seven responded just before Ellie passed out entirely.

Zorielle closed her eyes, thankful that her mask hid her sad expression. "I'll contact some contractors to begin work on repairing the facility,” she said absently.

"With you permission, I will see her placed in a suitable location prior to our meeting later," Seven said, quietly analysing stress patterns in Zorielle's voice.

“Thank you, Seven. I'll see you then. Take care of her, please. She means a lot to my family.”

Seven nodded politely and started walking toward the prison's main entrance, Ellie cradled in her arms. Zorielle watched them go for a long second before shaking herself and activating her flight systems. “All Vigilants return to the Wing,” she said into her comm, “we'll let Longbow handle the containment now. Bodi, please arrange for the usual contractors to come sort out this mess.” She cut off the comm and, with a sigh, surged across the prison forecourt toward the waiting aircraft.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



(( Indeed, a highly enjoyable read even for those of us not directly involved with the events ))



(( Indeed, a highly enjoyable read even for those of us not directly involved with the events ))

[/ QUOTE ]

((Indeed, great little story. Very enjoyable to read.))



((Well done Ravenswing. You captured the rp really well ))

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



(( Nicely transcribed Birdy! The whole thing was a hell of a load of fun, and it has to be said, I didn't have a CLUE how it was gonna end! ))


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



(( Nicely transcribed Birdy! The whole thing was a hell of a load of fun, and it has to be said, I didn't have a CLUE how it was gonna end! ))


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



((made of pure awesome...well done Ravenswing ))

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



((An excellent read!))



(( quite the enjoyable read, Birdy. Much more vivid then the logs make it out to be ))

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



(( Indeed, a highly enjoyable read even for those of us not directly involved with the events ))

[/ QUOTE ]




((Very nice, would all RP be this good))