Would anyone be up for this
I will wait till tomorrow evening to see who else replies and then print up a roster of who we have and their prefered ATs
Most likely seen playing Abigail in Black or Abigail in White
Sunday @4pm should be good for me... but I'm away for a week (from about 4hrs time) so don't expect any comments from me 'til 9th/10th.
I tend to play a lot of defenders, but have many characters of all ATs (see list linked in my sig) so could probably pick AT/sets to help fill any gaps. Having said that... it's about time I roll another blaster if I'm not doing another TF-slaying kin def (with stealth/tp and leadership)!
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
Yeah Sunday 4 pm is fine... well kinda. As we are in Ramadan i will need a break around 17:30-18:00 for our dinner.
Still can't decide between AR/Fire or Ice/Mental but my hero will be a blaster. Only pool in both builds other than required travel and fitness pools is Leadership.
well unfortunatley my gf is having her b'day party on saturday AND sunday now so might not make the first weekend unless we wanna try do it on this friday then make it every sunday after that?
ill do it
kk ill do the scrapper
I've got an ice/something uhm.. defender? that I made for this.
So far we have
1/ Gona role a Rad rad Defender
2/ Futz - Ill Rad Troller
3/ Calcifer - Ice Storm
4/Oxy - Scrapper.....dunno what sets yet
5/Diddler - Ice / something defender
6/Damz - Fire / SS Tank
7/Knightly - AR / Fire blaster
8/Judgement Dave (when hes back)
Calcifer cant make Sunday - shall we make a start on Friday 5th night, say around 7.30 - we can work our way to 10, then meet again on sunday 14th for Posi?
Most likely seen playing Abigail in Black or Abigail in White
So far we have
1/ Gona role a Rad rad Defender
2/ Futz - Ill Rad Troller
3/ Calcifer - Ice Storm
4/Oxy - Scrapper.....dunno what sets yet
5/Diddler - Ice / something defender
6/Damz - Fire / SS Tank
7/Knightly - AR / Fire blaster
8/Judgement Dave (when hes back)
Calcifer cant make Sunday - shall we make a start on Friday 5th night, say around 7.30 - we can work our way to 10, then meet again on sunday 14th for Posi?
[/ QUOTE ]
I can do both Friday and Sunday.
I'll also fit the leadership pool into my build, can't wait to see these mobs drop with all the debuffs and damage, and later AV's will be no issue.
Gonna be fun.
If there's still room (or even room for a reserve) for a newbie, I'd like to join in if possible. Either with my currently L6 Plan/Storm 'troller or by making a Dark/Dark or kin/? Defender. Or possibly my primary (Paralux) if you need a scout - currently a L13 Ill/Rad who might forego Super Speed at L14 for Recall Friend (Sprint, Swift, and AM make her really fast - and Superior Invis handles the aggro).
friday 7.30 would be great. i can catch up during the week if i miss posi so long as you post what level you get to. gonna look up some builds now see if i can fit leadership into my build too
As judgement dave will be away this week, u r welcome to come along for the ride Paralux. A something / KIN would be a fine addition I'm hoping that everyone starts a new character for this project, coz it would be interesting to see how each char develops and evolves. I have already made mine, ready for Friday - her name is Toxic Angel and she is rad rad. Does anyone think we could forgo travel powers and fully rely on temp travel powers? Im keen on trying to make a purely team based rad defender - with leadership etc......how feasible would it be to leave travel till later?
Most likely seen playing Abigail in Black or Abigail in White
Most likely seen playing Abigail in Black or Abigail in White
As judgement dave will be away this week, u r welcome to come along for the ride Paralux. A something / KIN would be a fine addition
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks. I've just designed a Kin/Rad defender in Mids (it would be Kin/Sonic if sonic wasn't so annoying.) Speed Boost at 12, Tactics by L14, group superjumping by L18 - and needs help with damaging things and people. The other option is Earth/Kinetics for the AoE immobilisation and knockdown.
Does anyone think we could forgo travel powers and fully rely on temp travel powers?
[/ QUOTE ]
If I'm bringing a kinetic/? defender along, certainly. At least as long as we have a ghostie with Teleport Friend anyway (Futz?). Between Speed Boost at L12 (not quite Superspeed but it'll do for everyone except the caster) and Inertial Reduction at L18 (Super Jumping for the team). And then we've got two accelarate metabolisms (Futz and Abigail).
With two Accelarate Metabolisms and a Speed Boost, can we perma the accelerations even before we enter Positron's Task Force by going in at at least L12? (And that also allows Futz to get group invisibility)
Also with this group no one needs Stealth (Group invis from Illusion 'troller), no one needs travel powers (run really fast with two AMs and there's a fake superjump in kinetics)
So far we have
1/ Gona role a Rad rad Defender
2/ Futz - Ill Rad Troller
3/ Calcifer - Ice Storm
4/Oxy - Scrapper.....dunno what sets yet
5/Diddler - Ice / something defender
6/Damz - Fire / SS Tank
7/Knightly - AR / Fire blaster
8/Judgement Dave (when hes back)
Calcifer cant make Sunday - shall we make a start on Friday 5th night, say around 7.30 - we can work our way to 10, then meet again on sunday 14th for Posi?
[/ QUOTE ]
Poor sods got me as a tank hehe, well it'll certainly be interesting thats for sure!
Global is @Damz so just give me a bell on friday, i'll be under atlas 10/15 mins beforehand eitherway. See you there!
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
I hate to be a spoilsport but until i settle things with CoH lag and my other team i must resign from this team.
Will give you an update about outcome of things and i can always join you as a guest hero in your events.
Have fun,
Oh, thats a shame knightly, I was looking forward to teaming with you - I have heard lots of good things about you
I willspeak with some friends tonight to see if I can get one to make a blaster.
only 24 hours to go guys....yay, im all shivery with excitement
Most likely seen playing Abigail in Black or Abigail in White
I'll be around as a back-up
@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"
I'll be at work tomorrow evening, so I'll catch up on sunday!
So, what level we going to have the tfs at btw?
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Its up to everyone else Damz - im easy....
Most likely seen playing Abigail in Black or Abigail in White
Alright guys,
Bad timing ( I know ) but my computer has decided to pack up on me and stop working completely. I'm not a man of technology enough to sort it out myself so therefore I will be unable to play with you on my computer. I do, however, have a laptop than runs CoH; in missions and on maps the Laptop runs perfectly smooth without a single problem, but the loading times for these maps take a good while and I can lose connection unexpectedly during these loading times.
I have tried a couple of different builds to find one suitable for our team and can't manage fit in Recall Friend without gimping my toon. So i'm leaving it out. I will have Group Invis and Assault+Tactics by level 16 though. I'm focusing quite a bit on the deBuff side of things, our team is lacking in damage now that we have no blaster and numerous defenders and controllers so I thought it would be more helpful.
Give me a dingle, @Ripped
your right about the lack of damage futz, i really hate playing blasters but i can make a scrapper for the team if that would be more useful than my controller. i already have loads of controllers so im more than willing to make something that will help the team more.
id happily make a claws regen scrapper, a martial arts invulnerbility scrapper, spines regen, maybe an archery devices blaster? ill check back with the forums before i roll my toon to see if theres anything you guys reckon the team needs more.
I could switch to blaster if that would help.
yeah Sundays at 4 are good by me. think someone should roll a tank, if no one is keen then im more than happy to make an ice tank instead of the controller i suggested before.(only tanker i havent played so maybe would be even better for me as i already have a high level ice/kin and an earth/storm)