Would anyone be up for this




I'll be under atlas at half 7 then with me tank (seriously me tanking? Can we be called team wipe out then? ), not sure about the name yet but will be summin damz either way.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I think i may have managed to recruit a blaster.....if not, blasters are my favourite AT, do if you all want to stay as your original ones, im more than happy to make another one.....hmmmm ice maybe??

Most likely seen playing Abigail in Black or Abigail in White



Right - I now have rad rad defender (Toxic Angel) and an Ice Ice Blaster - Arctic Abigail ready to go......
kinda tempted with the blaster now
Cya all in a while!!!!!!

Most likely seen playing Abigail in Black or Abigail in White



Patience! hehe
Your the leader so you choose
Almost time to go.hunt.kill.(ummmm)hellions?

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



ok - let me bring the blaster (i do love a nice bit of blasting)

Hellions wont know what hit em heehee

Most likely seen playing Abigail in Black or Abigail in White



Abigail- Ice//Ice Blaster
Futz - Ill//Rad Troller
Damz - Fire//SS Tank
Paralux - Kin//Rad Def

Who else is doing what?
My toon name is Ripple
And ya'll should add me on @Ripped
See you at 7



Calcifer maybe making a scrapp and Jay Leon Heart will be on call....so it looks like we have 6 so far

Most likely seen playing Abigail in Black or Abigail in White



Mines called Debts of damz (just incase!), be on in 5 to make sure im there

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



So I am a bit late.. But I'm in!



Mines called Debts of damz

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh you'll be getting debt alright.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yup and as you probs guessed mate me (the tank) died the most But in my defence now . . . . . . . im only a squishie at that level! Its taking me a while to get used to tanking and not controlling/buffing though.
Good mixture in the team though

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Great night guys. and a sicking team. enjoy every minute and cant wait to get the rest going.



Hi Guys!
I was great fun tonite - looking forward to the next one!

Most likely seen playing Abigail in Black or Abigail in White



Was most fun

Roll on the task force.



great start to a very promising team, cant wait to get it going again hopefully next time we're all here we can get a longer run and many many levels

good luck sunday!



Just a quick note: if we want to do all the Task Forces, some one needs to do The Hollows missions - there's the Heart of the Hollows Task Force (on which Paralux has just gone splat).



hm, how about doing those with Ouroboros, Paralux?



Just so i know, what day/time we meeting up again next? Want team *insert team name here* again!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Just so we know where we are, how about a team roster?

Land of Confusion - Sonic/Mental Blaster

Erm... yeah, I'm not too good at names

@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"



Debts of damz - fire/ss tank. The already confirmed "squishie" of the team

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Im rubbish with names too - i could barely remember my own
Arctic Abigail - Ice Ice Blaster
Are we gonna reconviene tomorrow or 14th?

Most likely seen playing Abigail in Black or Abigail in White



I'm good for tomorrow (so long as we're done before 7) although others may not be.

@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"



well, we were due to start at 4pm on sundays - so posi would be a prob

Most likely seen playing Abigail in Black or Abigail in White



Can we start a bit earlier tomorrow then? I'd like to be done before 7 as well.



InterPal, that ice/something defender

At least I think that's it.
Also, I'm good to go earlier, as it is indeed, later in my timezone.