Would anyone be up for this
First of all this an interesting idea but there is a pitfall in it. When you enter a TF at the lowest level you will still face highest level enemies (i.e lvl 10 team vs. lvl 15-16 mobs for Positron TF).
That doesn't mean we won't try it tho.
So you can count me in if we can gather enough people and find a suitable time for me (Friday and Saturday night are filled with other teaming events).
I will probably try an Ice/* blaster or something with kinetics (No, not a fire/kin troller. It's cheesy).
PS:Another problem will team face is on higher levels (after Sister Psyche) you can't reach the upper cap of that TF. If i recall correctly for Citadel you get 2 levels and after Numina a TF run equals one level.
Thanks for that. I know there will be 'logistical' difficulties, but, hey...we are heroes and heroes always win
OK, I have 3 others that want to play, so, potentially there will be 5 so far.....
Most likely seen playing Abigail in Black or Abigail in White
you can always take advantage of things like radio and safegaurd mission to bridge the gaps between tf runs and zones like working thru hallows as well as faultline to help make it interesting along the way but all in all sounds like a good idea just a putty i dont have the time to take part in it myself
There isnt a problem on earth that cant be solved with the proper aplication of hi explosive's
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Scotlands Bru ill/emp troller lvl 50
Monster Bru SS/stone brute lvl 50
Carman thugs/dark mm lvl 50
I've got a few toons on the brink of rolling,
this would help me level them, your choice:
Stone//Ice Tank
Spines//Dark Scrapper
Pure Empath Defender
Tri Form Warshade
Will fit whatever the team lacks
r we doing it starting at lvl 1 or we getting chars that r near lvl 10 getting them to lvl 10 then doing the tfs?
Coz im in
ill make a tank dunno wat sets
8 Toons, facing 8 man spawns of high level enemies.
Will need to be a fairly balanced team when we do this, i was thinking;
1) Stone Tank, undeniably the best Tanker in the game.
2) Empath Defender, for the heals and buffs.
3) ?/Rad Controller, debuffs and holds!
4) ?/Kin Controller, different buffs and holds!
5) Spines/Dark or spines/Fire Scrapper for superior AoE damage.
6) Fire/? Blaster for general obscene damage.
7) Ice/? Blaster for Slows.
8) PB or WS for the ability to adapt to the team's needs.
Everyone should grab the Leadership pool and the brave souls could skip a travel power because the stone tanks should have tp.
Would love for this to work.
Im happy to take on either a blaster or troller - im hopeless when it comes to melee chars
k - lets talk about WHEN we can do this....would everyone be up for Sundays at 6pm?
Most likely seen playing Abigail in Black or Abigail in White
8 Toons, facing 8 man spawns of high level enemies.
Will need to be a fairly balanced team when we do this, i was thinking;
1) Stone Tank, undeniably the best Tanker in the game.
2) Empath Defender, for the heals and buffs.
3) ?/Rad Controller, debuffs and holds!
4) ?/Kin Controller, different buffs and holds!
5) Spines/Dark or spines/Fire Scrapper for superior AoE damage.
6) Fire/? Blaster for general obscene damage.
7) Ice/? Blaster for Slows.
8) PB or WS for the ability to adapt to the team's needs.
Everyone should grab the Leadership pool and the brave souls could skip a travel power because the stone tanks should have tp.
Would love for this to work.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't believe in superior team builds instead i believe in team work and having fun under every circumstance. So dictating people how to build their characters and limiting their choices with your ideal sets a big "NO!" in my book.
So i am out of this event.
Have fun and good luck.
8 Toons, facing 8 man spawns of high level enemies.
Will need to be a fairly balanced team when we do this, i was thinking;
1) Stone Tank, undeniably the best Tanker in the game.
2) Empath Defender, for the heals and buffs.
3) ?/Rad Controller, debuffs and holds!
4) ?/Kin Controller, different buffs and holds!
5) Spines/Dark or spines/Fire Scrapper for superior AoE damage.
6) Fire/? Blaster for general obscene damage.
7) Ice/? Blaster for Slows.
8) PB or WS for the ability to adapt to the team's needs.
Everyone should grab the Leadership pool and the brave souls could skip a travel power because the stone tanks should have tp.
Would love for this to work.
[/ QUOTE ]
You can't tell people what powers they should play. They should be able to play whatever powers they want to.
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Twitter: @TonyParkeze
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Email: anthonyjp91@gmail.com
OK guys, as this is my little project, i think that im inclined to agree with Rapthorn and Knightly. I do think that we should be able to pick our ATs and powers....after all, we want to enjoy playing our characters - id hate to have to play a tank or a scrapper
Most likely seen playing Abigail in Black or Abigail in White
tell what ppl to do outside of Omega Sector is a bit rich and frankly rude.... saying that though to the most part i aggree with the assult and tactics being taken as for the most part u'll be fighting +3s to +6s. and Stone tankers aint the best tank imho i find Fire Tanks a lot better at teh job, a heal that can come up every 18 or so seconds and potentially the best herders around.
WP is also very good at tanking.
until a Stonie gets granite its as vunreble as the rest are, but for a stoney to be really god it'll need a kin whihc means 2 toons are already set (if u apply a kin with a stoney)
so i would say leadership pool will help oout much much more than a spefic team build as long as they have the damage, controll, debuff and buffs covered (2 ppl wanting to play that sorta thing) then there is no problems. 8 fenders would pwn. but its all down to the ppl that want to do this and what they want to bring along.
I wish u all the luck and i hope u pull it off and with knighty around to supprt i sure u guys will (hes one of the best TFers I know)
I would join but i have enough alts to play (last count 17 of them :P)
Is not going to remain VIP after Jan 14th 2012, but may remain an active Premium account holder.
See some of you guys/gals in other/new MMOs Soon(tm)
N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab
Thanks Trademark - Im hoping that Knightly would still be up for it - ive heard a rumour that he is rather good
Most likely seen playing Abigail in Black or Abigail in White
If you can get a day that im free/can dedicate too then i'll be VERY happy to help.
Whatever AT you feel is needed i'll be happy to play, my main strengths are controllers/defenders though if im honest.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
PS:Another problem will team face is on higher levels (after Sister Psyche) you can't reach the upper cap of that TF. If i recall correctly for Citadel you get 2 levels and after Numina a TF run equals one level.
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Don't think that's quite right if you're all lowest level when you start - the signature hero TFs for TFC (Posi, Synapse, Citadel, Sis P, Manti & Numina) all set at max level (with a rep modifier) so you can be pulling in good xp.
Pretty sure that even after Numina you can usually get at least a level and a half from a full-length TF (i.e. maybe not Katie/Hess/Moonfire) if you're a few levels below the mobs you face. If the team is gelling well, then going for a higher rep than heroic can help as well and no-one stated that you can't help out a single hero twice...
And I wouldn't worry too much about too many people needing leadership - get a couple of characters and at least 1 defender and you should be fine... more people with leadership can help but there's no point dictating too much to a team!
BTW - if I'm available I'd love to join you on this... I tried the Omega Sector challenge and have wondered since whether it's worth trying another nearly-pure TF/trial character...
'nearly pure' as obviously you need to get to lvl 10 before posi and a few utility arcs (e.g. the safeguards and the striga wedding band) can be worth taking.
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
OK, can I get a quick show of hands (god, I'm bossy!!!)
Who wants in and what AT would you like to play....
I'll take the lead - Im gonna make a rad sonic defender for this...debuffs all the way.....
1/Abigail - Rad Sonic Defender
Most likely seen playing Abigail in Black or Abigail in White
id be interested definitly, give me more chance to really experiance all of the tfs.
id be interested in making a ice/storm controller.
just decide when and ill do my best to be there.
I don't believe in superior team builds instead i believe in team work and having fun under every circumstance. So dictating people how to build their characters and limiting their choices with your ideal sets a big "NO!" in my book.
So i am out of this event.
Have fun and good luck.
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You can't tell people what powers they should play. They should be able to play whatever powers they want to.
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Jeez, sorry for sounding controlling! I really didn't mean it to come across like that.
I was just adding my two cents for people in case they didn't know what powersets to play. I'm not even in charge of the team in the slightest!
So, my apologies if I've offended or turned anyone off of the idea. Ignore my earlier post.
Back on topic,
I was playing the STF last night and we had an unbeievable amount of struggle on the last mission with the AV's because we lacked damage and debuffs. We managed to get the the last mission without a single problem, but ended up leaving the TF because we'd spent half an hour ranging GW with two blasters and two controllers and she still had full health.
Convinced me to go with a Illusion//Rad for extra debuffs and pets.
If you have a list, definatly put me on it for that AT.
So far
1/ Me - Sonic Rad defender (althought im now considering DPS - I may go for a blaster of some kind - a re role of a sonic mind one perhaps)
2/ Futz - Ill Rad Troller
3/ Calcifer - Ice Storm
Most likely seen playing Abigail in Black or Abigail in White
Oh Knightly, that's just some random guy making suggestions. did you guys gather tonight, or was there too few people signing up?
1) Stone Tank, undeniably the best Tanker in the game.
and the brave souls could skip a travel power because the stone tanks should have tp.
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I need to know the day you would most likely play this for me to 100% commit
If the day is perfect for me then i would like to level a fire/super strength tanker (one of my original toons who i love!! would love to create another version ), however if better for the team i would be willing to make a storm/elec defender too.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Thanks for your kind words mates and sorry if i sounded harsh or rude.
Anyway as everyone thinks similar to me we can give it a chance. I think i will roll an AR/Fire blaster for this team.
Just settle a time and we are good to go.
Would Sundays at around 4pm be a good time to start?
I figure we could all start in the sewers, get to lvl 6ish, go get raptor packs and some decent radio missions - then onto posi at level 10......(which would probably be the following Sunday)
Most likely seen playing Abigail in Black or Abigail in White
Hi All,
I had an idea while doing the Citadel TF last nite....basically, I wondered if anyone would like to make a team of new chars, level them together, with the sole intention of doing as many TFs as possible....literally going from 1 TF at the lowest level...leveling up in the TF and then moving on to the next......
Any takers?
If we can get enough people, I would either go for a blaster of some kind or a rad sonic def.
Most likely seen playing Abigail in Black or Abigail in White