Any rumours about new controller primaries?




With that power swaping thingy controllers finally recieved a new primary but that thing come to a death end i think.

So controllers left with limited choices for primaries, lesser than Scrappers whose are getting many ideas from dev team. (In an extent dominators but they are evil and still have illusion for power swap thingy)

Does anyone read or heard some ideas from devs about controller primaries. (To be honest i can't think something controllerish except the ones we have. Ummm maybe something like devices)

Thanks for your replies.



Electricity Manipulation? I think I heard about it somewhere in the US forums, don't know if it was a confirmed one by the devs or just a suggestion though..

But Elec, that would be quite neat wouldn't it ?



That would be shocking

After posting this i remembered somethings about water.. but not sure as usual. Old age = weak memory.



In a word...


Not going to happen but I'd lurve a Dark/?? controller.



If you look at the full range of available powers, i would say dark and elec. But for both i wonder what pet they could use, as dark servant is party of the /dark side already, maybe Elec those monkeys in CoV near the powerplants?

Hench, seen the new VEAT, even a device control set is possible, they have all powers available now also.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Dark/Dark is possible for controllers. However, we are not going to get any of the Dark sets as they are in their current states. A few more powers will be made, and alot of jiggling about. For example, there could be, say, fearsome stare, soul storm and OG in the primary, and Tar Patch, darkest night and twighlight grasp being more secondary style powers.



Iim fairly convinced Elec control would be the next on the cards for a variety of reasons... But most importantly a) Its an obvious candidate due to elec blast/melee/armour (and its the one missing from the current lot) and b) it requires little extra animation...

Animate Hold? Check (Telsa Cage, Villian/Hero Epics)
Animate Immob? Check (Elec blaster secondary, Villain/Hero Epics)
Pets? Check (Cap Gremlins)

Add in things like a thunderclap power (Elec melee / Blaster secondary) for PBAoE and you have at least 3 (if not 5 including AoE immob and hold) powers pretty much rewritten, plus the models for pets.

Dunno how you fill out the last 2-4 powers in the set. I imagine based around end drain, but all sorts is possible.



But thunderclap would be more a /secondairy, matching the /storm version. (forgot the name atm).

Added, afaik non of the current troller primairies have 'trails' to their target. They all 'popup' at the mob. So the ST immobilize would suit (blaster secondairy set) yet the hold would mismatch 'concept based'. I dont know how the AoE version of the Villian epic looks like.

I gues:
1 Hold - either Tesla or Villian epic)
2 Immo - Blaster /secondairy elec (elec fence)
3 AoE Imm - Villian Epic
4 errr minor stun?
5 eerrr Drain power? Short Circuit?
6 Sleep power (cone static discharge?)
7 PBAoE Hold (Blaster Elec epic)
8 Lightning rod? (Bonfire/Earthquake style?)
9 Pet - Gremlin

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



As a modified version:

1. ST Hold
2. ST Sleep
3. ST Immob
4. AoE Immob
5. Lightning Field
6. Thunderclap
7. PBAoE Hold
8. Voltaic Sentinel (probably not, since Doms would need something else instead, but it would be nice)
9. 3 Gremlins

Looks good to me

@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"



Easy, give Doms Electric Secondary Lightning Rod instead, then we're free to have voltaic sentinel in that list.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Take away Voltaic Sentinel from my Dom and I'll do bad things to your naughty parts

@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"



I think that new sets will be built with "new twist" in mind. Whilst an elec troller set will no doubt have some standards (like holds, immobs, and pet which is almost already there), the 3 or 4 remainder will probably give a "Spin" to the set.

Things like a "Charged Atmosphere" aura, causing enemies powers to misfire or drain more end would be a novel "control". Or a "Conduit" toggle stun, which also causes end loss of enemy and your end gain - but which discharges (perhaps painfully for both controller and target) when either enemy reaches zero end or troller gets to full.

Just examples anyway. New things could be thought of.



I am more of a forum reader than a forum poster, if you get my meaning, however i just cant resist this thread

Im pretty sure its been mentioned before, but it has to be said again- Time Control. Just the mere thought of it moistens me *shudders. Im not going to bore you with possible power choices, but i have thought about it and there's plenty of options for both traditional type control powers and also some new unorthodox/unconventional powers to refresh the AT with. I really have no idea how likely something like this will be, but it doesn't stop me from praying to God for this every night before i go to sleep. Join me now controller bretherin! Through the power of prayer we can make this a reality! Can I get an Amen?!

Im also in total agreement with previous posters on the dark power proliferation to the controller AT. Just bieng able to have a modified dark miasma 2ndary would be awesome. An ice/dark troller anyone? Or how bout an ice/db Domi?- A Dark control primary is just too much for my poor overloaded imagination to take in just now, so lets just savour the possibilities in silence... <forum breaking dots removed by moderator> ahhh, *wipes drool from chin.

As for elec primary, it doesn't excite as much as the aforementioned but id be well up for that. Water would be interesting too, im not too sure how it could be achieved though.

Well thats my bit, i hear the games back up again, so im off.




Ok, who broke the forum borders again?

Nuff Said...
Coolio Wolfus leader of Coolio�s Crusaders on Union.
Tekna Logik leader of Tekna�s Tormentors on Defiant.
AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



I blame Xanthus.

"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
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